Wednesday, 2024-06-26

opendevreviewMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Provide an ability to disable serial console injection
opendevreviewMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: remove console entries when console is disabled
opendevreviewMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Support .python-version files in ensure-python
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opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed opendev/system-config master: [DNM] Run ansible-devel under python-3.11
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Clark[m]fungi: there have been a few openstack-discuss emails since we updated server configs. I wonder if logs show the services were happier?14:19
Clark[m]Specifically I wonder if the blog message indicating a possible off by one queue size problem went away. And I guess maybe we have timestamps that might indicate how quickly things got out 14:19
Clark[m]Heh log messages not blog messages14:20
fungii was looking at them14:30
fungimessage 1sMSii-00ACu0-Fa was accepted from mailman by exim at 13:29:56 and then queued for delivery to my address as 1sMSok-0007pr-Gj arriving at my mailserver at 13:36:11 (6m15s delay)14:32
funginow to compare to exim's logs14:32
fungilooks like the exim config tuning didn't take: "2024-06-26 13:29:56 1sMSii-00ACu0-Fa no immediate delivery: more than 10 messages received in one connection"14:33
Clark[m]Maybe we don't properly reload exim when those files update?14:34
Clark[m]Or the var doesn't make it into a template ?14:34
fungiyeah, checking into those14:36
fungi/etc/exim4/exim4.conf:smtp_accept_max_per_host = 5014:37
fungi/etc/exim4/exim4.conf was updated at 20:54 and /var/run/exim4/ at 20:5514:39
fungiso maybe it's not the right config option?14:39
fungiin good news, mailman did what we wanted and batched them up 45 addresses to a message14:45
Clark[m]Could mailman be using something other than SMTP? Or ya just need a different var set14:45
fungiseems to not be smtp_accept_max at least because that's 100 already14:45
fungiokay, looks like we should have used smtp_accept_queue_per_connection for that, not smtp_accept_max_per_host14:53
fungi"This option limits the number of delivery processes that Exim starts automatically when receiving messages via SMTP..."14:53
fungii'll get that patch going in a sec14:53
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/system-config master: Correct the Exim queue threshold for Mailman
fungiclarkb: ^15:04
fungioh, need to fix a comment i copied15:08
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/system-config master: Correct the Exim queue threshold for Mailman
clarkbfungi: that looks good to me. I did have one minor thing if there is reason to spin a new patchset15:30
fungii guess i'm unclear on what the default specification is for. the default value in exim if unset is 1015:31
fungias indicated in the config documentation15:31
fungisetting it to 0 is not the same as not setting it15:32
clarkbfungi: the default at line 57 here: ?15:32
clarkbI would probably say null to match the entries above15:32
fungi"smtp_accept_queue_per_connection Use: main Type: integer Default: 10" is what says though15:36
clarkbright, but the readme in our role is for the ansible stuff. I think I would say default is null on line 57 then where I've commented about the grammar thing rewrite it to say "If unset the default used by exim is 10"15:36
clarkbthen we've captured the default for the ansible role and the default exim will use in that situation15:37
fungii figured indicating ":default: 10" in the role was less confusing than claiming the default is null and then writing an additional sentence saying that if it's unset exim will enforce a limit of 1015:37
clarkbwell the default for the role is null15:37
fungibut i can do it that way instead15:37
fungiwell, the default value passed by the role is null, but the default value used by the software it's configuring is 1015:37
clarkbright I think we can capture both things with the suggestion above.15:38
fungimakes more sense to me to document the end result of setting or not setting the option15:38
clarkbthe options documented above do the opposite thing though15:38
clarkbso we'd be more consistent with the rest of the role doing it that way15:38
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/system-config master: Correct the Exim queue threshold for Mailman
clarkbbut I don't feel too strongly about it. I just wanted to fix the minor grammar thing to make it more readable15:40
fungilike that^ ?15:40
clarkbya that seems to match what we've done with the options above. Document the default ansible role values and then specify how that impacts exim behavior15:40
opendevreviewTatiana Ovchinnikova proposed opendev/irc-meetings master: Update horizon meeting info
opendevreviewMerged opendev/irc-meetings master: Update horizon meeting info
mordreddoes mailman use lmtp?16:22
mordred(I can't remember what uses that - maybe that was exim->cyrus- still early morning brain)16:22
fungimordred: mailman can be configured to do lmtp:
fungiand is how we configure ours16:27
mordredneat! I'm not yet hallucinating 16:27
fungimordred: for reference
fungiso basically we do lmtp incoming from exim to mailman, but then smtp outgoing from mailman to exim16:29
fungiif you look at the headers on a message you received from one of our mailing lists, you'll notice there's a received header for when exim accepted the incoming post from the internet, and then another for when exim received the outbound copy from localhost, but no intermediate received hop for mailman itself16:32
fungipopping out to a dental checkup, but should be back online in an hour or so16:36
clarkbI'm around though sitting no hold seems likely in my near future so not sure how useful I'll be. However if 922836 goes in I can keep an eye on it16:38
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Correct the Exim queue threshold for Mailman
clarkblenovo wants me to boot their original image to confirm the problem. I erasonable request I guess. However, I cannot download the image directly from them I have to download an exe that does it for me... this is a problem since I don't have a windows machine to run the exe. The solution? They'll mail an image to me17:37
clarkbsomething something web browsers have existed for decades...17:37
clarkbthis is how laptops become home servers17:38
fricklerexe via mail, not spooky at all ;)17:42
clarkbheh yes but no different than getting other install media delivered17:47
clarkb(including when the device was originally shipped)17:47
clarkbthere is unforunately a relatively high level of trust involved here, but somewhat unavoidable as someone has to build hte hardware, not possible to 3d print a computer yet17:48
clarkbor maybe it is but it would be a very slow computer17:48
corvusis it a cd; do you have a cd reader? :)17:51
JayFclarkb: or you could ask one of a myriad of your OSS buddies who has a windows install lying around to proxy it for you :D 17:53
clarkbyou may be surprised to learn I own a usb dvd drive and a usb 3.5" floppy drive17:53
JayFclarkb: if it gets you online faster, I can run the exe, even if it needs to go directly on usb media, then take the image17:53
* JayF owns a USB -> 3.5" floppy ribbon cable board17:53
clarkbJayF: nah I have my desktop running fine so I can be patient17:53
JayFthose usb floppies are low quality stuff, being able to put a vintage 3.5" floppy on a USB bus means I can read a LOT of disks that the usb readers can't17:54
clarkbsays something about zip disks that no one has usb zip drives17:54
JayFall useful data that was stored on zip drives were clicked away17:54
JayFand there is one industry that used them until the very last possible second: journalists17:54
clarkband the only reason I don't have bluray drives is that all the bluray media is encrypted and its annoying to deal with so I never bothered17:55
clarkband the laptop actually works using the fallback vesa driver but only at 1920x1080 on the 2560x1440 display and without brightness control. Its also completely unaccelerated that way so streaming video might suffer (I haven't tried) and gaming is probably also out of the question (but I don't bother)17:56
clarkbits only when booted with amdgpu that things go weird. Stuff skews and I get tearing and black triangles17:57
clarkbmemtest checked out ok whcih is honestly disappointing because that is a much easier issue to proove17:57
clarkbanyway not I get ot decide if anything on that machine is worth backing up (probably not) before reinstalling it in a couple days and trying to reproduce the problems under windows17:58
fungii had a usb zip drive, not sure if i still do17:59
fungialso remember jazz drives17:59
JayFI *have* seen that kinda issue be caused by bugs in amdgpu driver17:59
fungibut yes i definitely still have a usb 3.5" diskette drive17:59
JayFso if you haven't tried on a different kernel (I assume you have), you might wanna give it a go17:59
fungialso usb dvd-rw burner18:00
clarkbJayF: yes it has occurred over about 8 months of tumbleweed kernels (6.1 to 6.9 now I think?) as well as ubuntu jammy and noble. And I used the same live ubuntu jammy disk on my brothers laptop which is almost identical (I think only memory differs?) and cannot reproduce on his18:01
clarkboh and I reproduced with wayland and X18:01
JayFtroubleshooting-wise, you went above and beyond and kept going LOL18:01
fungii also have several drive docks that i can plug esata, mmc and a few other common storage interfaces (including a couple of the ones that were ~unique to macbooks). they come in handy for systems recovery18:02
clarkbif I had to guess what the problem is my hunch is something like firmware corruption since the gpu is embedded on the cpu and things generally work otherwise18:02
clarkbbut I've also had several firmware updates so not sure if its something stickier than a normal firmware update18:02
JayFthe thing that's weird is that failure mode implies video memory issues18:04
JayFbut there is no video memory that memtest can't touch18:04
clarkbthere are registers though18:05
clarkband probably caches18:05
clarkband memtest would go through the cpu versions of those not the gpu versiosn so wouldn't see problems if the problems where there18:05
JayFI'll also note there's a version of memtest floating around that doesn't do a great job18:06
JayFand they are all called variations of 'memtest' iirc18:06
clarkbyou just install via your package manager these days18:06
JayF is what I use18:06
fungideploy for the mailman config change failed infra-prod-base, i'll check the logs on bridge18:07
JayFmy package manager has both `memtest86+` and `memtest86-bin`; and the `memtest86+` version I've personally seen miss memory issues on my machine (which is sad since it's the oss one)18:07
JayFmemtest86+ is the one that is on many installers iirc18:08
JayFbut this is old anecdata and memtest86+ seems to have been improved since then18:08
clarkbya I've never had problems with it. I had an older desktop with memory that was unstable at stock clocks and underclocking made it stable and memtest was able to sort through all that18:09
clarkbmemtest86+ I mean18:09
clarkbfungi: if its ansible rc -13 its the low chance of the race between ansible task starting and control persistence process stopping18:09
clarkbfungi: the other issue we sometimes get in base is apt-get afiling for network issues iirc18:10 Failed to update apt cache: E:Failed to fetch  File has unexpected size (282980 != 282708). Mirror sync in progress? [IP: 80]18:11
fungiclarkb wins18:11
fungii'll try a manual apt update and make sure it's not persistent18:11
fungiReading package lists... Done18:12
fungiseems fine now18:12
clarkbyou may have gotten a different mirror behind too and or they were finishing up a sync18:13
fungiyeah, good point18:13
fungianyway, seems transient, nothing for us to fix18:13
clarkbagreed, it happens periodically and the only "fix" is probably to choose an explicit mirror that updates more safely but that presents other potential issues18:14
fungiguess we'll just wait for the next successful infra-prod-service-lists3 run18:14
clarkbJayF: also I think the last time I had memory issues it surfaced as corrupt git repos18:14
clarkbJayF: I haven't run into problems like that yet on this machine. Though its possible the problem is only in the regions used by the gpu and I wouldn't get fs/repo corruption as a result18:15
clarkbfungi: depending on what the merge of that change enqueued you may be able to just reenqueue the buildset?18:15
fungiinto deploy?18:16
clarkbya. Looking at the list of jobs I think this is safe as long as we don't merge any new project additions (manage-projects is in the job set)18:16
JayFclarkb: My memory issues surface when doing updates (compiling) ... I also have had 2 sticks fail outta the 4 in my desktop over the last 2 years (I'm fairly certain at this point there's a design flaw in this model of ram, but they're honoring the warranty)... I'm just getting too good at finding memory issues and resolving them from too much practice :D 18:16
fungii unfondly remember the days of maintaining badram skiplists in my kernel command-line18:18
fungibut i used to have a lot of antique and/or dumpster-dived systems18:18
JayFthese are some g-skill gaming desktop sticks with leds (which were hand-me-downed, with the system, into my dev hypervisor) and I suspect something about the LEDs is causing heat issues18:19
clarkbback in my Intel days we would make periodic dumpster diving trips around the labs and fabs to supplement our cube hardware18:19
clarkbyou could find some good stuff doing that and as long as it stayed in the office and didn't go home I was told it was probably fine :)18:19
fungioh, yeah at my first hosting company job, the new employee hazing was that the owner was too cheap to buy new computers and we had piles of old hardware in the back storeroom, so you were told to go put together a working system of the spares/scraps and that would be your desktop18:22
clarkbfungi: just double checking nothing has merged in system-config or project-config since the exim queue fixup change so ya reenqueing that should be fine18:22
fungii scored a dual-head sun u2 workstation because nobody else knew how to get a working linux install on ultrasparc18:23
clarkband looks like it did get reenqueued18:23
clarkbfungi: you didn't want to run CDE as your desktop?18:23
fungiclarkb: yep, i too checked that we hadn't merged anything else first18:23
clarkbwe actually ran fluxbox on a lot of those old sun boxes18:23
fungioh no, i was plenty experienced managing solaris already, and despised cde18:24
fungianyway, there were so many scrapped sun systems nobody wanted, i was able to max out the memory, drive capacity, add extra processors... it was, from a contemporary perspective, probably the most powerful work computer i've ever had18:25
clarkbthen eventually I raelized that I could xforward firefox and thunderbird off of a linux machine and avoid 90% of the slowness that way18:25
fungialso it was awesome having a 64-bit system when most of my colleagues were still on pentiums18:26
clarkbfungi: those machines were good at running make -jBIGNUMBER and not much else. Also it was annoying when you'd run into weird gcc toolchain behavior differences between linux and solaris18:26
fungithinking back, it was an untra60 creator3d, not u2e18:28
clarkbI seem to recall c++ iostream had some not well documented platform differences around (re)setting the seek pointer18:28
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/project-config master: Ironic no longer uses storyboard
clarkbfungi: the deploy should be done now18:42
mordredclarkb: there were 2 useful things about having the -j128 jobs on the crazy sun box in the drizzle build farm: a) find ALL of the places where makefile deps weren't fully expressed properly b) find the places accidentally assuming an x86-ism18:43
fungideploy of the mailman config update succeeded the second time around18:57
fungihowever, it looks like exim didn't actually get restarted18:57
fungilast modified time on /var/run/exim4/ is 17:3018:58
fricklerclarkb: oh, that was mail as in physically send it. I was assuming e-mail18:58
fungi/etc/exim4/exim4.conf is updated though as of 17:2918:59
fungiweird. i guess an hourly run took care of it?18:59
fungialso seems to probably be working based on a cursory glance at recent post headers for openstack-discuss19:03
fungione message took 18 seconds to get from mailman to my mailserver19:03
fungianother took 14 seconds19:04
fungiso this seems to have done the trick19:04
* fungi calls it done19:04
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/project-config master: Ironic no longer uses storyboard
Clark[m]Sorry eating lunch now.19:23
Clark[m]frickler: ya physical media. Crazy19:23
Clark[m]fungi: woot19:23
fungias things seem to be at a lull for the moment, i'm going to pop out and grab early dinner shortly, but don't expect to be gone long (should be under an hour)19:26
Clark[m]fungi: when you get back maybe you can look at topic:drop-centos-8-stream? It's got a good number of changes that should be safe to land19:28
fungisure thing19:29
fungiClark[m]: i left questions on a couple of them, approved the others19:36
fungiheading out now, will be back in an hour-ish19:36
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Drop CentOS 8 Stream jobs
clarkbfungi: re the zuul-jobs change I can try a patchset that just flips the nodeset and see what happens19:50
clarkbif that doesn't work I'm inlcined to remove the old job and let someone else fix the fips testing on enwer platforms though19:50
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Switch fips fole testing to CentOS 9 Stream
clarkbfungi: JayF in 922864 we keep the groups specification for projects when they use an lp project that is different than the repo name? Is that correct?19:58
clarkband if so projects like sushy-oem-idrac don't have lp entries. Maybe we need to update groups for more projects?19:59
clarkbI left some comments about the two things I found based on that assumption20:06
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Delete centos 8-stream mirror content
opendevreviewMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: minor ci: quick cleanup and remove centos8
opendevreviewMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Fix setting apt mirror for noble
opendevreviewMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Fix uninstall gentoo packages
fungiclarkb: JayF: yeah, my unchecked assumption was that any project not specifying a groups entry either exists on lp or someone is going to make it in short order20:53
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tonybinfra-root: Can I get some reviews on: 21:57
opendevreviewMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: growvols, enforce pvcreate and overwrite old VG signature
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Remove centos rsync mirroring tooling
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Switch fips fole testing to CentOS 9 Stream
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Be more cautious initing mimetypes
tonybAlso thoughts on: 918482: Build a stow of python 3.13. | are appreciated. 22:08
tonybGiven the challenges with 3.12 and the noted issues with eventlet and 3.13, It'd be good to have some kind of python-3.13 available soon(ish)22:09
fungibeta3 was supposed to be tagged yesterday, but ended up delayed22:10
clarkbtonyb: fwiw building a non optimized python3.12 only took a few minutes. That said the stowed version may perform better depending on how it gets compiled22:10
fungioptimized takes 10-15 minutes for me on good hardware22:12
fungimost of the time is spent on make test and recompiling22:12
tonybI suspect that the default stow/pyenv isn't optimized22:13
fungibasically optimized builds compile once, run an abbreviated `make test` with the initial build and profiling enabled, then compile again optimized for the profiling results22:13
clarkbtonyb: I noticed that one of the role test jobs is missing from that stack so I -1'd the ppa change to add it. I didn't -1 the very first change since that one doesn't seem to run those test jobs (but the ppa change did run those test jobs so we should ensure we've got a noble one)22:13
clarkbtonyb: ya pyenv only enables some minor optimizations22:14
tonybclarkb: Good point.22:16
tonybI'll let the first two merge and then rebase and fix the 3rd and 4th22:17
clarkbsounds good22:17
tonybTaking a Tangent on python 3.13 .... Does Ubuntu have a published policy about which python versions get packaged for releases?22:20
clarkbtonyb: I think they just grab whatever is current when they freeze the distro22:20
clarkband then sometimes they will backport a newer version like they did with 3.11 on jammy22:20
tonybbut then they add the next one?22:20
fungifor most things that they take directly from debian, they basically just pick a date and snapshot the state of sid/unstable, then start backporting fixes22:21
tonyband similar with focal22:21
clarkbthey have added the next one to jammy and focal. I don't think they did so with bionic or xenial22:21
fungithough they may handle python specially22:21
clarkbthe next lts is likely to be 3.14 based on current ubuntu and python release cadences I think22:22
clarkbsince they did 3.8 then 3.10 then 3.1222:22
tonybOkay so we're looking at past releases and trying to guess what current/future releases will do22:22
fungiyes, these days python releases yearly and ubuntu lts every 2 years22:22
fungiso would skip a python minor release for each lts22:22
tonybas the default but with possible backports of the odd/missing releases22:23
clarkbsimiarly debian is offset by a year and has done 3.9 and then 3.11 and presumably 3.13 will be next22:23
fungithough "minor" is a bit of a misnomer. there's a pre-pep discussion underway to switch python to date-based versioning, which seems to have increasing support22:23
fungithe suggestion being to skip from 3.13.x to 3.25.x22:24
fungifor the 2025 release22:24
tonybI see22:25
fungiapparently there's a lot of angst among the python maintainers that a lot of people these days assume 3-segment version numbers mean the project follows semver conventions, which the python community is decidedly hostile toward the idea of, considering concepts like "backward compatibility" to be a folly or utter fallacy22:26
fungiso the thinking is that by making the middle segment of the version equivalent to the last two digits of the release year, people will no longer assume such nonsense22:26
fungibecause semver is clearly of the debbil22:28
clarkbexcept if you release annually you haven't changed the way the numbers increment so its all the same to end users22:28
tonybI'm not sure I agree with that conclusion.  It'd still look like a semver22:28
clarkb3.13 -> 3.14 is no different than 3.25 -> 3.2622:28
fungiyes, precisely22:28
fungithis has been repeatedly pointed out to them. seems to be one of those inconvenient facts best ignored22:28
tonybThe best kind of facts22:29
fungifor the brave, it's
fungibut i don't recommend following that link without a full bottle of something in hand22:30
* tonyb is not brave this morning22:31
tonyb... and it's too early for booze22:31
fungiat first i thought someone had misread the calendar and posted it a couple of months late for april 122:31
JayFclarkb: fungi: I removed the groups parameter only from the repos that I verified were listed as having an LP in the ironic bug dashboard configuration. I'll double check my change to make sure that none of the ones I just removed storyboard from would be in a weird spot22:32
JayFFwiw, sushy-oem-drac is likely going away soon so it wouldn't surprise me if it's in a weird spot22:32
JayFI think we're just going to integrate those quarks directly into sushy22:32
fungiall 6 quarks?22:33
JayFI'd like to buy an "i"22:33
fungistrange but charming22:34
JayFI almost accidentally let the secret slip about the CERN research to speed up ironic /s22:34
clarkbtonyb: I'm looking at this dib element for python stow and it might be the most obtuse bash due to it being 90% arrays22:35
tonybclarkb: Yes.  It takes some time to digest22:36
clarkbtonyb: my main concern right now is it isn't claer to me if we'll install every minor version of python 3.1322:37
clarkbthe way the element loops over arrays and does string matching I think that if python-build lists 3.13.0 and 3.13.1 and so on we'll get a separate build for each in a seprate dir and we don't want that. We just want 3.13.latest in one dir22:37
clarkband I'm trying to decipther that and having a hard time22:37
clarkbI think maybe DIB_PYTHON_VERSIONS_ARRAY[${version%.*}]+="${version##*.}  is trying to avoid this problem22:38
tonybclarkb: I'm 99% it's the last release for any tuple22:38
clarkbtonyb: ya I think the code is trying to accomplish that but the python-build readme shows three tuples not two tuples22:40
tonybso we tell DIB we want 3.1322:41
tonybDIB grabs pyenv and builds an array for all the python versions supported by python-build and adds then to a has based on the tuple22:42
clarkbya but we actually build based on what python-build --definitions outputs22:43
clarkbnot what we put in then match against it here:
clarkbbasically I'm just finding this code impossible to undersatnd and there are zero comments to help so I'm somewhat inclined to either add comments or rewrite it to be a bit more decipherable so that later if the builds break we have a chance of debugging22:43
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Add noble repo files
clarkbactually there is one comment but it comments the one thing in the whole script that is deipherable on its own :)22:44
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Remove *zuul-role-integration-centos-8-stream* jobs
clarkbalso this will silenty fail successfully if it cannot build a python version you ahve requested22:45
clarkbat the very least I think we should fix ^22:46
clarkbbecause it is better for the image builds to fail than to have jobs fail beacuse the python they need randomly disappears22:46
clarkb(that case can happen if python-build --definitions doesn't include the requested version, we'll just loop over the list and never build it)22:46
tonybYes, if we asked for 3.99 which clearly doesn't exist it'd silently do nothing22:46
clarkbtonyb: I'm more concerned about asking it for 3.13 today which works but then after 3.13 is EOL'd python-build might drop it and then we'd mysteriously stop including it but yes22:47
tonybAh true22:47
tonybpython-build doesn't seem to drop releases and I was assuming that we'd update the build to more or less always be $next release 22:48
tonybso once 3.13 is in a distro we'd use that and stow build 3.1422:49
tonybIf python-build only takes a few mins then I may just drop the idea for stow and use pyenv in each job22:50
clarkbya but we'd still keep building the now older version of that distro and we can't drop the stowed python without going through and updating all the jobs (which is a huge pain just to delete a broken distro release even)22:50
clarkbbasically we should plan on keeping these python installs for the entire time we build the image otherwise its a lot of cleanup22:50
clarkbtonyb: ya zuul and some others just did pyenv in the jobs and it was like 3 minutes total I thinK?22:50
clarkbit was very fast22:50
tonybThat's probably a better approach as it's per job rather than per image and is more "dynamic"22:52
opendevreviewMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Be more cautious initing mimetypes
opendevreviewMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Switch fips fole testing to CentOS 9 Stream
clarkbin any case if we do go the route of using stow on the images I think we should ensure the element fails if a requested version isn't buildable and also add comments to the script indicating what is going on so that if the element itself breaks in the future after we're depending on it we can debug it more easily23:01
clarkbbecause building a version of python that people rely on then then mysteriously not building it later is going to create a painful debugging experience with the current code23:01
opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed opendev/system-config master: Don't use the openstack-ci-core/openafs PPA on noble and later
opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed opendev/system-config master: Test mirror services on noble
tonybWith respect to ^^ would anyone object to me upgrading *all* the cloud.region mirror nodes to noble (even the ones I just upgraded to jammy), what way that whole "subsystem" would be on noble23:18
* tonyb is full of questions this morning (sorry)23:18
fungitonyb: it's slow, boring work, but i don't object. maybe start with the ones on the oldest ubuntu versions first though in case you don't have time to do the newer ones after all23:31
Clark[m]Ya no objections from me.23:32
tonybYup that's fair, do the 5-6 on focal first and then the 5-6 on jammy23:32
tonybthen we'll have 10-12 on noble23:33
opendevreviewAurelio Jargas proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add ensure-poetry role
fungitonyb: mainly, pay attention to local filesystem/volume partitioning choices and cinder attachments, since it varies by provider capabilities and flavors23:45
fungithat's a lot of the tedium which prevents them from being totally cookie-cutter23:45

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