Monday, 2024-07-01

tonybThat'd be good, all round00:05
opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed opendev/system-config master: DNM: Initial dump or mediawiki role and config
*** Guest22 is now known as diablo_rojo00:56
*** liuxie is now known as liushy05:43
yoctozeptoinfra-root: a kind reminder to consider dropping nebulous' zuul tenant: 10:44
fungipreliminary testing indicates openaf-modules-dkms 1.8.12~pre1-1 on sid has fixed the lkm build failure for me finally10:53
fungier, openafs-modules-dkms10:53
fricklerinfra-root: seems our debian (bookworm) mirrors are outdated, although I cannot find any obvious error in the update logs. see this error from kolla on a docker image
fricklerchecking on a held node, we indeed only seem to have the old version available
fungilast updated 3 hours ago11:06
fricklerah, no, the issue is with the base repo, not security11:09
fricklerseems related to the point releases that were made on friday or so11:09
frickler"The lock file '/afs/' already exists."11:10
fricklerlooks like one update took too long and now it is stuck?11:10
fungiaha, yes we run it under a timeout in case it gets hung, but prematurely terminating it can be worse sometimes11:10
fungiguess there were too many packages to update within the timeout11:11
fricklersee the end of "reprepro/debian.log.1"11:11
fricklersince there is no reprepro process currently running, it should be safe to just remove the lock and let it retry? or do you want to run is manually?11:13
fungiwe should probably clear and then manually re-hold the lock and run the script in a screen session with the timeout disabled11:20
fungii can do it but am on a conference call for the next 40 minutes11:20
opendevreviewMartin Kopec proposed opendev/bindep master: Drop centos 8 stream jobs
fungiokay, i've cleared and manually held our script lockfile, then cleared reprepro's lockfile, and now it's trying to update again12:18
fungiin a root screen session on mirror-update.o.o12:18
NeilHanloninfra-root: icymi:
fungiNeilHanlon: yep, woke up to it. thankfully debian/bookworm already has fixed packages so ubuntu's probably aren't far behind12:54
fungiand all our servers are 64-bit, so it sounds like if it is still exploitable (inconclusive) it probably takes considerably longer than the 6-8 hours cited for 32-bit systems12:55
fungibut if there are delays in getting fixes packages we'll probably roll out the suggested mitigation temporarily12:56
NeilHanlonfungi: ack - figured Debian was on top of it. Fedora world still working on drinking coffee :D Rocky Linux have a fix in their SIG/Security for it, which I get to shepherd out to all our fleet.13:04
Clark[m]fungi: packages appear to be available. We may want to check if daily updates pulled them already and if not invoke some Ansible to run unattended upgrades sooner than the next daily run14:00
fungilooks like focal and earlier aren't affected14:05
fricklerClark[m]: the updates weren't there earlier this morning, so not pulled yet14:05
fungitook some trial and error to find a new enough server to be affected14:06
fungion ze01:14:06
fungi  Installed: 1:8.9p1-3ubuntu0.714:06
fungi  Candidate: 1:8.9p1-3ubuntu0.1014:07
fungiso yeah, updates pending but not installed yet14:07
fungiand i don't think we have any servers running on noble yet? unless tonyb booted a new mirror server already14:08
fungiso it'll just be anything running jammy we need to `apt update&&apt install openssh-server` on14:08
fricklerinteresting that they even pushed updates to noble, when the report said it was not exploitable. but yes, it should be only jammy for us afaict14:11
fungisomebody happen to have the syntax handy for filtering the inventory by distro version?14:11
Clark[m]fungi: you can also just invoke unattended upgrades I think then you don't need all the -y flags.14:12
Clark[m]I don't think we get auto grouping by release so we have to do it manually or just do it for everything14:13
Clark[m]Manually means when: ansible_distro_release == jammy or whatever the var and value are14:14
fungiunrelated, in debian package mirroring news the manual reprepro run completed successfully, i'm rerunning it now just to make sure it's a no-op before i release the script flock14:17
Clark[m]I think the simplest approach is likely to invoke updates for all systems (using unattended upgrades). It will take a bit of extra time but probably still faster than doing the more precise thing14:21
fungilike this?14:30
fungiansible all -m shell 'apt update && apt install openssh-server'14:30
Clark[m]fungi: yes or I think `unattended-upgrades` is a command that updates and installs available packages and we're doing it once a day so doing it sooner should be safe14:42
Clark[m]You might need extra flags to directly install a specific package with apt-get14:44
Clark[m]You can limit to a single host and see that it works before applying it globally too14:46
fungiaha, yep, good call14:48
fungii'll test it on ze01 to confirm14:48
fungidebian mirror update is confirmed complete, i've cleaned up the screen session on mirror-update now14:51
fungi#status log Manually completed Debian mirror updates, which had been hung due to timeouts from the latest stable point release over the weekend14:52
opendevstatusfungi: finished logging14:52
fungiafter `ansible -m shell -va 'unattended-upgrades'` the server seems to be running the latest openssh-server package14:54
fungii'll swap to all and run again14:54
*** darmach7 is now known as darmach15:04
fricklerfungi: did you verify that it also restarts the service? that happening may depend on some apt settings15:08
fungia handful reported nonzero return codes, but i checked those after and all have the new openssh-server version installed15:08
fungifrickler: i spot checked a few of the ones that got upgrades and the process start time for sshd is approximately the time upgrades were performed15:10
fungie.g. on zm01:15:10
fungiroot      121643  0.0  0.4  15432  9388 ?        Ss   15:00   0:00 sshd: /usr/sbin/sshd -D [listener] 0 of 10-100 startups15:10
fricklerok, that's a better check, thx15:11
fungii also checked that on all of the jammy servers where ansible reported a nonzero exit too, just to be sure15:14
clarkbas a heads up I did get the laptop debugging media that I needed so I'm hoping to work on that today whcih will probably mean a fair bit of time away from irc15:21
opendevreviewMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Hook poetry into ensure-python and build-python-release
clarkbreminder that now is a good time to put things on the meeting agends or let me know what should be edited there17:34
fungitaking advantage of the brief break between storms and suddenly cooler temperatures to get some outdoor exercise, will be back in an hour-ish18:26
clarkbok laptop stuff is done for now. Time to put a meeting agenda together20:15
clarkbI'm going to drop the mailman 3 throughput item since that seems well solved now (thanks again!)20:21
fungiyep, sounds good20:29
loackerHi, I'm having issue downloading tarball from opendev gitea for any projects, I tried so far python-ironicclient, python-barbican and tempest just to name a few, I can wait and try the download next day, is there something going on or a status page?21:34
clarkbloacker: I don't think we're aware of anything going on. That said we generally recommend against using those tarballs as they don't include necessary version info to properly build pacakges21:36
clarkbloacker: instead you should clone the repo or fetch sdists from pypi etc21:36
loackerGood point, thank you! I can clone it but I wanted to inform that for some reason the download feature isn't working.21:38
clarkbya its weird the server logs indicate an http 200 response21:38
clarkbbut with almost no data transfered and my browser doesn't start a download for that amount either21:39
loackerclarkb: exactly, looks like also the searching functionality isn't working21:41
clarkbloacker: can you be more specific about that? I've just tested a random string search and it seems to work21:42
clarkb is my naive check21:42
clarkbmy hunch is that the archive thing is a proper bug in gitea since I know in the past it was functional21:43
loackerclarkb: I apologise, that isn't true! I made a mistake and I was searching under the opendev repository21:43
loackerclarkb: yes I can confirm that it worked21:46
clarkbthanks. Looking at the tarball thing more closely it appears that the 19 byte response is {"complete": false}21:46
clarkband it does that in a loop. I suspect that it is asnychronously trying to put the artifact together for you in the background and that eventually maybe a download will start? However, the lack of any signal to the user seems buggy at the very least21:47
clarkband not sure if it will ever respond back again. This is interesting new behavior21:47
clarkbbut ya the repos you referenced should all use PBR for packaging and they all rely on git history to properly set up version info when building packages. Pulling the raw tarball is almost certainly not the correct thing for those21:48
loackerI certanly agree with you, and I'll switch to use PBR asap.21:51
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: DNM intentional gitea failure to hold a node
clarkbI've put a new hold in place for ^ so that we can test tarball stuff on the 1.22.0 version we haven't updated to yet21:55
loackerI see, thank you for your prompt response on this!21:56
fungii take it we didn't get around to disabling the tarballs feature in gitea? i know the caching of them was consuming all disk space any time a crawler decided to hit all their urls22:10
fungimaybe some mitigation we added for that broke them more generally?22:10
clarkbfungi: there waasn't any way to disable them iirc22:10
clarkbwhcih is why our mitigation was the clear the cache daily instaed of whatever the default schedule was (I forget now)22:11
clarkband ya maybe clearing the cache often results in this poor performance22:11
fungiaha, right. i couldn't recall how we had addressed that22:11
clarkbits been 26 minutes since I've had the developer tools open in ff for a tarball download request and the state hasn't changed I am still getting the same json complete false blob back22:11
clarkbbut also ti could just be a gitea bug22:11
clarkbwe updated to 1.21.11 after we changed the cache cleanup cron to run daily22:12
clarkblast call for meeting stuff. I'll get that sent out around 2300 UTC22:42
tonybI was hoping to have some updates before you sent it out but they won't be ready in 15mins so I'll just share during the meeting 22:45
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/bindep master: Drop centos 8 stream jobs
clarkbtonyb: will they be ready by 00:00? I can wait until then but will have to switch to dinner mode at that point22:54
opendevreviewMerged opendev/bindep master: Drop centos 8 stream jobs
clarkbI eventually closed the browser tab that was trying to fetch the tarball...23:54
clarkbit never did anything more than what I had described previously23:54
tonybclarkb: Sorry I missed your reply.  Go ahead and send when you're ready to switch to dinner mode23:57
clarkbok I was just about to send it :)23:57
clarkband sent23:59

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