Monday, 2024-07-08

opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Update Gitea to version 1.22
clarkbdtantsur: fungi: I think that is a warning because it isn't a fatal handling of the situation within zuul. For example a lot of things are a hard stop and are fatal like not being abel to find a nodeset or a secret. But in this case if you recheck after the parent lands it will run hence the warning02:32
clarkbas a heads up I'm likely going to get a late start tomorrow. It has been really hot here lately so if I want to do anything outside I need to do it first thing in the morning which I'll likely end up doing tomorrow02:36
fricklerinfra-root: seems openmetal people updated the glance config as discussed, so I'm bumping the max-servers setting for the cloud now again and will watch the results05:04
mattoliverhey all, meetpad seems to be down. I've been using it mentor some students in qatar about openstack developement as summer project for them. Is it a service that is only available around PTG times (And that's why it's down) or is it having issues? No stress either way, it was just super convenient to talk to the students. I can always use some other service but meetpad's etherpad connection was/is pretty sweet :) 06:16
tonybhey mattoliver let me look06:17
mattoliverthanks tonyb06:17
tonybIt's totally having issues06:23
tonybmattoliver: try now?06:25
tonybmattoliver: 06:25
tonybmattoliver: Looks like it's working for me.  No errors in the logs etc.06:56
mattoliverlooks like it's working now! Thanks tonyb !! 07:15
mattoliverSorry it took so long to check, was in the meeting. 07:16
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tonybmattoliver: all good.  hopefully it's working?10:48
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opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/project-config master: Add Python 3.8 requirements job
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/project-config master: Add Python 3.12 (and 3.11) requirements job
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/project-config master: Add Python 3.8 requirements job
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/project-config master: Add Python 3.12 (and 3.11) requirements job
fungitonyb: any indication what happened to meetpad earlier? or any guess as to how long it was offline?12:55
fricklerthe job has been failing for 5 days, I assume this to be related, but didn't check logs yet
fungioh, probably so13:00
fricklerthe job was failing in TASK [jitsi-meet : Run docker-compose up] **************************************13:01
fricklerlooks like upstream released new docker images around that time, but let's wait for tonyb to confirm what he did
frickleropenmetal cloud seems to be doing fine so far, reaching the full 50 nodes being in use at times. I'll wait until tomorrow and then remove nl02 from emergency
fungithanks for keeping up with that!13:28
clarkb++ thank you for keeping that moving forward15:30
clarkbI'll get a node hold up for the gitea 1.22.1 upgrade. Then after that is done we can start planning for the db doctoring. Also there is an etherpad update that I'll push change(s) for shortly15:31
clarkbheh etherpad added back apikey support....15:36
clarkbthe default is oauth 2.0 which we already converted to so I think we acn stick with that15:36
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: DNM intentional Gitea failure to hold a node
clarkbok a hold has been requested for ^15:46
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Upgrade to etherpad 2.1.1
clarkbif ^ passes testing I'll put a hold in place for it as well16:04
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: DNM force etherpad failure to hold node
clarkbautohold is in place for ^ now too16:39
clarkbheld etherpad 2.1.1 is at and held gitea is at You will need to edit /etc/hosts for etherpad17:43
clarkbI'm using the clarkb-test pad on the held etherpad17:44
clarkbetherpad is looking good to me. I suspect we can probably go ahead and land that one once people have done reviews17:46
clarkbthe gitea upgrade will require more careful review. Even the chagne log admits it is a very big update :) that asid we have decent testing so probably not much to worry about17:48
fricklerfyi several gate failures indicate pypi is having some issues, these jobs passed just hours ago
clarkbI'm going to take the openmetal stuff off the meeting agenda since that is back to working again20:06
fungisounds good, thanks!20:07
clarkbhrm no corvus here20:09
clarkbcorvus if you see this my some magic in the matrix bridge do you want to keep the nodepool in zuul stuff on the agenda?20:09
corvusclarkb: i can see you!  you can strike it from the agenda20:16
clarkboh cool so thats a bridge optimization to contineu to show you content without having you actually be in the room20:17
clarkbthanks, I figured we could add it back once we start having changes and decisions to make in opendev20:17
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clarkbany other updates I should make to the meeting agenda? I'll try and hold off sending it until the very end of my day as that seems to work better for tonyb's schedule20:24
tonybclarkb: I dropped the collecting backlog point from the agenda as there isn't anything to talk about there.21:59
tonybclarkb: I don't have any other updates/edits21:59
tonybclarkb: so send it whenever you get a chance22:00
clarkbtonyb: thanks!22:08
clarkband sent22:13
clarkbinterestingly I dont' see it in my inbox yet. Maybe we do still have some mail delivery delays?22:16
tonybfungi, frickler: The web and parapsody services had both exited with SIGTERM, but the containers were still present which was stopping them from coming back with a `docker-compose up`.22:17
tonybThe timing is suspicious, WRT to the new container release22:18
tonybclarkb: I have it in mine22:18
clarkbtonyb: ack maybe something with my mail service then22:18
clarkbtonyb: re meetpad that almost sounds like sigterms were issued by docker compose to replace the conatiners but then docker never recognized the containers as shutdown?22:19
clarkbit delivered for me 6 minutes after I sent it. Could be nothing to worry about if it was something on my mailserver end22:20
tonybclarkb: Yeah given the timing that's my thinking22:21
tonybclarkb: we don't have great logs to confirm that though22:21
tonybOh interesting there was a container tag 6 days ago and another 5 days ago22:22
clarkbmaybe the older one was broken causing this issue then they pushed an update a day later?22:27
tonybPerhaps.  I'll keep looking22:27
tonybSomewhat related, we don't seem to have anything like:
clarkbI think the jitsi meet docker compose file was heavily adapted from upstram so ya may be missing stuff that is more opendev psecific likethat22:29
tonybfor the meetpad containers which I think is part of the magic to get the container logs into /var/log/conatiners/*22:29
clarkbyes that is one half of the magic for the /var/log/conatiners stuff ( I thin kthe other half lives in syslog config so that it knows what to do with docker logs sent to it)22:30
tonybclarkb: Okay I'll add the logging stuff22:30
tonybclarkb: Yeah we have the rsyslog part in place22:31
clarkbya I think we just set that globally to make it easy22:31
opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed opendev/system-config master: Add logging tags to various jitsi_meet containers
fungifor the jitsi docker configs, i tried to be very explicit about recording in comments what commits they originated in and what edits we made to them, in order to make future updating/resyncing easier22:42
opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed opendev/system-config master: Add logging tags to various jitsi_meet containers
tonyb^^ should add something along those lines.22:45

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