Wednesday, 2024-07-10

fricklerinfra-root: as announced I removed nb02 from the emergency file now. seems there are some other entries there that should be checked, like old bridge, keycloak and meetpad servers?06:20
tonybI can for sure deal with the meetpad servers tomorrow 06:30
tonybI think keycloak01 needs to stay for now 06:31
opendevreviewGregory Thiemonge proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add podman to bindep
opendevreviewLajos Katona proposed openstack/project-config master: taas: Stop gating for tap-as-a-service-dashboard
fricklermnaser: are you still interested in the x/ospurge project? cf.
fricklerrpittau: JayF: is the x/ironic-staging-drivers repo still relevant? cf.
opendevreviewJens Harbott proposed openstack/project-config master: Drop repos with config errors from x/ namespace
rpittaufrickler: we're not actively working on it, at least not on new features, I guess we'll keep it up just for bug fixes until we decide to close it, probably not before the next cycle though08:29
rpittaufrickler: what's the config issue there? If it's simple we may think about fixing it and leave it be until we retire the repo, but we didn't have any contact about that repo since 6 months so we're probably ok removing it from zuul config anyway08:33
fricklerrpittau: looks like devstack-gate cleanup on old stable branches note that removing from zuul config will imply not being able to merge further changes, if that's ok for you, please comment on the review08:37
rpittauvery old stable branches :D08:39
rpittauwould be possible to just exclude the check there?08:39
fricklerrpittau: no, afaict one cannot exclude branches from getting their zuul config imported, so you'd have to drop the config from those08:42
rpittaufrickler: what if we delete the branches entirely from the repo?08:47
rpittauI'm trying to find an alternative that makes sense, considering that all the branches where the issue is present are not there anymore for the other projects it has not sense to keep them for ironic-staging-drivers08:47
fricklerrpittau: deleting the affected branches would work, I'm not sure about what ACLs are in place for those, but I could do that for you if needed. would you want to add some -eol tags first?08:49
rpittaufrickler: yes, thanks, that would be great08:50
fricklerrpittau: that answer is incomplete. adding tags should be done by people in this group,members 08:54
rpittaufrickler: sorry, the "yes" was referring to adding the eol tags before deleting the branches09:55
rpittauI'll try to get that done today09:56
rpittaufrickler: I was added to the group but I'm still getting a Forbidden error message when trying to create tags10:50
fricklerdid you do a signed tag?10:53
rpittaufrickler: no, I was simply adding the tag from the web interface10:55
fricklerthat doesn't work, you must create a tag signed with your GPG key locally and push that to gerrit, let me see where we have some doc for it11:02
rpittauthanks frickler 12:01
rpittaufrickler: I've created all eol tags up to ussuri so I think we're good to remove the branches12:29
fricklerrpittau: ack, so let mo go through the deletions12:31
rpittauack, thanks12:34
fricklerand done12:47
rpittaugreat, thank you frickler :)13:11
opendevreviewJens Harbott proposed openstack/project-config master: Drop repos with config errors from x/ namespace
mnaserfrickler: we do use x/ospurge but as you see can't really get reviews, im happy to bring CI back to shape if I get added to the repo13:50
mnasergerrit is being slow-ish with operations :X13:58
mnaserleaving commits, cherry-picks, it taking 3-5s or so13:58
fungi,members are the core reviewers and,members have tagging rights, but it seems to be the same set of 4 people who i haven't seen around for ages13:59
fungilooks like that project was never officially part of openstack to begin with either14:00
fungias for slowness, load on gerrit is pretty low but looks like it was a bit higher a few minutes ago14:01
fricklerI was seeing some temporary slowness a couple of times today, but never for long14:37
fricklerclarkb: fungi: I don't think we have an actual policy for overriding non-openstack reviewer groups, but seeing I'd be willing to just add mnaser there14:38
Guest1016I don't have a vote - but if I did, I'd second doing that. I think the repo clearly qualifies as abandoned14:51
fungiyeah, it's a bigger question of what sort of policy/policies do we want to have about abandoned repositories rather than telling people to just fork them. we could for example adopt something similar to
johnsomHi neighbors, I haven't used the OpenSearch in a while and I am struggling to make the right query. I am trying to get an idea if other projects are having failures due to an oslo log change.  The string I would like to search the logs for is "Second simultaneous read".  Any pointers would be appreciated.15:17
Clark[m]Off the top of my head sending notice to the existing cores with intent to add someone else if they don't respond within a week or two seems reasonable15:18
johnsomUnder elastic it was the "msg" field, but I don't see that here.15:18
johnsomAh, nevermind, I think I figured it out.15:20
fungijohnsom: dpawlik is maintaining it, he might have an answer15:20
Clark[m]fungi frickler for Gerrit slowness of we still have gc logging enabled we can check to see if the jvm was doing garbage collection.15:21
Clark[m]That is one source/side effect of load that can be problematic 15:21
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Pin the Jaeger container to 1.58.1
clarkbinfra-root ^ fyi that just came up in zuul land again. Seems the old pin was insufficient18:45
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Pin the Jaeger container to 1.58.1
opendevreviewJens Harbott proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add tox-py312 job for testing
opendevreviewJens Harbott proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Update functests
corvusi'm restarting zuul20:05
corvus#status log restarted zuul to pick up 92387420:11
opendevstatuscorvus: finished logging20:11
corvus#status log restarted zuul to pick up 92390323:04
opendevstatuscorvus: finished logging23:04
clarkbcorvus: was zuul web restarted non gracefully? It isn't loaded for me so wondering if I just need to be paitent23:05
corvusyes, i sent the status a little early this time, still in progress23:05
clarkbin that case I shall be patient and not dive into debugging23:06
clarkbstatus loads again now23:10
fungilooking back to normal for me23:28
clarkbthere are a number of arm job failures related to pip package installs finding unexpected shas23:34
clarkbshouldn't be related to zuul updates, but thought I'd mention it since the issue seems somewhat widespread23:34
clarkbthere is also a good chance we're just the victim of upstream pypi cdn caching issues and the solution is to wait23:34
fungithat seems fairly likely given past experiences23:35
mnaserfrickler: I wouldn't mind being added if possible and I can clear up the jobs at least23:39
clarkbmnaser: I think the best thing would be to let the existing cores know that we are going to add you at $date in the future if they don't object (if they do objcet then I think forking is the next step). I've been busy today with out stuff but can track people down for that tomorrow or you could send the email and cc infra root folks23:40
clarkba week is probably plenty given the lack of activity.23:40
clarkbI'll also intend on force merging that ozj centos 8 stream change tomorrow23:49
clarkbbut it is just about dinner time here so not a good time to do that23:49
fungisounds good. other than some conference calls and brief outing for grocery pickup i should be around all day23:51

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