Sunday, 2024-07-14

corvusthere is a problem with the sql optimization; i have a fix in 924116 which i have self-approved; when it merges we should restart all zuul-schedulers and web00:05
fungilgtm, thanks!00:10
fungii guess doing both makes the query far slower?00:11
corvusyeah; the straight join only works as long as we don't join to provides; but the good news is that for queries where we specify provides, there's a lot of columns we filter on so the query planner makes good decisions in that case00:16
fungioh awesome00:16
corvusi would describe the runtime of the straight join with provides as "indefinite"; it's caused the zuul tenant to stop processing for a few hours00:16
corvus(i've dequeued everything there and killed the sql queries manually to get the change through)00:17
corvus(you need stacked changes with provides/requires to see the problem, which is what i've been doing today, so that's how i noticed)00:17
corvus(and why only the zuul tenant is currently affected)00:18
fungioh wow, okay so definitely non-performant ;)00:18
corvus#status log restarted zuul-scheduler and -web to pick up 92411601:42
opendevstatuscorvus: finished logging01:42
corvusmuch better now01:43
fricklercorvus: it seems like the restart may have left a large number of stuck buildsets in the periodic{,-weekly} pipelines. if I try to look at the console log of some of the jobs that are meant to be in progress, it shows "build xyz not found"09:32
fricklerI'll leave this in place for you to have a look at, but possible some manual cleanup might be needed09:33
fricklersorry, not --weekly, but periodic-stable. the jobs in periodic actually seem to be progressing. for later comparison, there are 83 buildsets in that pipeline currently09:36
frickleroh, maybe the event queue processing is failing. "Events: 0 trigger events, 0 management events, 498 results."09:36
frickleractually it looks like the events are getting processed, just slowly. down to 470 now. guess I'll just check back later09:57
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: [gentoo] Fix+Update CI for 23.0 profile
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: [gentoo] Fix+Update CI for 23.0 profile
opendevreviewHarry Kominos proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: feat: Add new autoupdates element

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