Wednesday, 2024-07-31

tonybFWIW I have a "Ubuntu Noble OpenDev 20240724" on all clouds+regions now.  I'm going to run launch-node (again for all clouds+regions) to verify it works.  Once that's done I'll add some docs for next time.00:25
tonybI ended up using the cloud ansible module to do the uploads as I figured it'd know the ins-and-outs of glance etc to d the right thing00:26
fungithanks tonyb!!!00:41
fungifwiw, there's not that many options you need to worry about with `openstack image create ...` either, but whatever's easiest00:42
tonybfungi: I/clarkb were concerned that `openstack image create` didn't know how to handle the swift upload and import task needed by some clouds.  So I looked for other options (hence the ansible)00:48
fungii've used it for uploading into rackspace, ovh and vexxhost (i have personal accounts on all 3 and prefer to upload my own debian/testing images)00:57
tonybOh cool.  Good to know.00:57
Clark[m]fungi: oh neat so it does know how to do the multi step process through swift?01:14
fungiseems to just do it magically01:19
opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed opendev/system-config master: [base/unbound] Setup the initial trust anchor
gtemaI was yesterday caught by one unpleasant situation where my job in codegenerator started to fail in gate. Analysis pointed me to the glance and here is the issue: according to latest change in glance is 5 days ago, but according to gerrit change that affected me was merged exactly between my check-gate ( Is this desired that we do09:32
gtemanot see when the commit landed in the master and instead when it was created?09:32
fricklerI'm not sure git even supports tracking that data unless we would change the merge-strategy to always create a merge commit? but iiuc it was decided not to do the latter in order to keep the git history simple if possible09:52
gtemait's interesting that sometimes I see explicit merge commit, but sometimes it is not10:10
gtemaif you look at the glance commits history you will see merge commits (i.e. Merge "Revert "Fix import job to provide valid disk-formats list to tempest"")10:12
tonybgtema: Yeah.  I think it's if the parent of a chnage is the curret HEAD you don't need a merge commit10:12
gtemabut those "add location api" commits are not having that10:12
tonybCorrect that's why they have the date of the original commit10:12
gtemathat's all pretty confusing - you see the commit but you do cannot reliably say when it landed in the master10:13
tonybgtema: I expect it's in the blob somewhere10:13
gtemawhich blob?10:14
tonybTry: `git show --format=fuller HEAD`10:16
tonyb(in openstack/glance)10:16
gtemawell, according to it commit date is Fri Jul 26 06:34:52 2024 +0000 while according to gerrit it was merged today at 9:2910:18
tonybSure, that's the best git can do, as frickler said, without a merge commit10:20
gtemayou also will unlikely want to checkout multiple repositories locally to figure out where things got changed while investigating gate failures10:20
gtemathat's sad10:21
tonybSure, but gitea shows the commit date as 5 days ago which matches the date from the fuller output10:21
gtemaright - there is no difference between gitea and git locally10:22
gtemaactually this way we are not even sure about order of commits10:23
tonybOf course we are.  If it isn't linear there has to be a merge commit10:27
tonybYou can get the merge date from gerrit: tony@thor:~/src/$ curl -skL '' | cut -zb6- | jq .submitted10:30
tonybinfra-root: I spent this afternoon testing the noble images uploaded to all clouds/regions.  I can't test OSUOSL as we seem to be out of quota,  for RAX (all regions) the image booted but wasn't functional (no ssh).  I'll do more debugging tomorrow :/10:41
gtematonyb: thanks but that is not usable. As I described the use case I had is that all of a sudden gate fails and you want to quickly check whether in a certain project there are changes merged recently 10:41
gtemaBut yes, gerrit is the only source of info10:43
tonybgtema: Sure, if you don't know what (repo) broke it's hard to know where to look.10:44
gtemaExactly 10:44
tonybgtema: I'd expect the check logs vs the gate logs to show different SHAs for any require-repos10:45
gtemaOh, that's hardcore10:46
tonybAs a place to look10:48
tonybshows all commits on master branches for all repos that have merged after 2024/07/30 00:00:00 (UTC10:52
gtemaUff, but yes, something I was thinking about10:52
tonybso for your case you could use the timestamp from where zuul voted V+1 (converted to UTC) to give you a list10:53
gtemaThanks. I guess I would need to bookmark that for future 10:54
tonybgtema: there is also mergedbefore10:54
tonybI was hoping they'd support relative timestamps  'mergedafter:now-24h' but they don't seem to10:55
fungigtema: gerrit stores its data in git. if you add a notes source for your gerrit remote you can fetch the git notes containing that additional metadata whenever you fetch normal refs, and git subcommands like log can be configured to display related notes. that's what i do12:14
fungikeep in mind that even without gerrit, you can't say when a was added to a branch of a git repository, that's simply not part of git's data model12:15
fungier, can't say when a commit was added to a branch12:16
gtemathanks fungi12:16
fungiactually, we replicate the notes into gitea as well, now that i look closer at my ~/.gitconfig that's where i fetch them from12:18
fungithese are the relevant options i set:
fungiwe filed a wishlist bug for gitea to be able to automatically display any related notes refs, but they weren't interested in that being a feature12:20
fungihere's what a current glance master branch log looks like with that enabled:
frickleroh, nice, that includes "Submitted-at: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 07:29:40 +0000" then12:24
fungiyeah, i make extensive use of that as well as the Reviewed-on change urls12:25
fungiit's not especially useful for querying, but good when you have a commit locally and you want to know when it merged12:26
fungiwithout having to load it up in gertty or pull up a browser12:26
fricklerI used to just search for the commit-id on gerrit, but having the direct URL is one less indirection12:26
fungiright, that's why i use it12:27
fricklerthis should really be part of our developer 101 somewhere12:27
fungiit does cause git to do an extra fetch any time you're updating a repository, so it's not without some performance impact12:29
fungibut yeah, this has been in gerrit for many years, at least since the introduction of the notesdb backend, possibly longer12:30
ThibaultHello! Thanks for the group! I have some questions regarding the utilisation of Mistral locally13:49
corvusgtema (Artem Goncharov): tonyb is a lock-step chronological history of all openstack project merges, and the full repo state of all projects at each merge.13:57
gtemacorvus: ok, it's not so easy in interpretation in the UI, but it does the job, thanks13:59
corvusyeah, a little easier to work with locally where you can see the full commit messages (notice they have the originating commit msgs, project names, and change ids  too)14:00
gtemacool, thks14:03
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/project-config master: Add promote-test-images job for os-test-images
fungilooks like Thibault disconnected before i could ask for clarification14:28
clarkbcorvus: gtema note that the openstack/openstack repo hasn't been properly maintained over time so it may lack projects that are relevant. but for the long lived projects that have been around a long time that shouldn't be a problem15:53
gtemathks for the hint 15:53
fungiin the past there were changes like to update the repository list, but it may make more sense to have an automated proposal job for that15:59
fungilooks like the release management team are the core reviewers for it at the moment, but if they don't want that responsibility maybe the tc could take it over or something:
clarkbI don't see any feedback from frickler or tonyb overnight on the service coordinator election plan. I'm going to take that as a good sign and send out email today. We can always provide feedback on the mailing list too16:43
clarkbcorvus: did you want to weigh in on ? that sets th ezuul tenant to ansible 9 by default. You probably understand the impliciations of that bette rthan anyone else17:11
fricklerclarkb: +1 for the election17:19
clarkbcool I'm like 80% done with my draft email. Hope to have it out shortly17:20
corvusclarkb: lgtm; though i'm a bit scattered today so not going to +w it myself17:26
clarkbcorvus: sound sgood just wanted to make sure there werren't any specific concerns with doing that17:27
corvusnope sounds great to me17:27
clarkbemail should be in your inboxes momentarily17:32
clarkbwe've got a bunch of +2s on the tenant config update to change the default ansible version. I guess I'll go ahead and approve that now21:18
clarkbtonyb: re images not booting in rax rackspace has very specific networking requirements like static configuration of interfaces. Seems like there was something else that cloud init couldn't do for the longest time but can now21:20
tonybclarkb: thanks. I'll see what I can find.  it definitely looks like networking is failing to come up21:25
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Set OpenDev and Zuul Zuul tenants to use ansible 9 by default
fungiclarkb: yeah, i didn't want to just approve in case you had an announcement in mind for that, but impact should be fairly contained21:38
clarkbya I don't think we need it for opendev and zuul.21:39
clarkbonc eit deploys we can recheck a bindep change or something to see if things generally work21:39
fungitonyb: you should be able to use `openstack console url show ...` to get the oob console (novnc?) url for an instance in rackspace21:40
fungimay or may not be helpful in this case21:41
tonybyeah I tried that.  it's less helpful than I'd like.  I get a few boot messages, and then a long pause and the getty21:42
tonybno accounts work and without ssh/networking ....21:43
clarkbyou might need to edit an image to add a user and password and then boot that and debug from there21:45
clarkbwouldn't be the first time we've had to do similra to debug glean or dib things21:45
fungiyeah, that would be my next step. or supply userdata to add a login or set the root password21:46
tonybgood idea.  I forgot about adding a user data fragment21:48
fungithough that assumes cloud-init probably21:58
tonybyeah true  the same base image is working as expected on other clouds so I expect it is generally fine22:02
fungii think in rackspace we rely on metadata (service or configdrive)22:37
clarkbI approved to see if ansible 9 is happy ness22:49
clarkbAnsible Version: 2.16.9 I think that looks right22:51
clarkb this job passed so it isn't broken broken22:52
opendevreviewMerged opendev/bindep master: Add classifiers for py310, py311
clarkball the jobs were successful22:59
clarkbhonestly if we can flip the switch on that for openstack in the next week - two weeks we could sneak it in early enough to avoid release impacts? It seems like something that would probably work 95% of the time and not be a huge issue and we could revert if necessary23:04
clarkbI'll have to think about that a bit more23:04
clarkbOtherwise we're lookingat aerly october to avoid all the release stuff23:04
fungiyeah, i think so23:09
tonybCan I get some reviews on: [base/unbound] Setup the initial trust anchor |  That's preventing Noble from being usable on non-rax clouds.23:36
fungitonyb: for our test nodes i also added the dns-root-data package:
fungido we need that as well?23:44
fungier, actually i think it might have been addressing the same problem, just in a different way?23:46
fungiso maybe we need to figure out whether we want to be consistent or see long-lived servers as a different situation where unbound's trust anchor data is concerned23:48
clarkbseems like the dns root key package is simpler if the package installation does what we need it to reather than needing a separate step? But I don't know what the difference is between the two23:50
fungii think unbound-anchor is a separate job/service that periodically updates the root data and trust anchor?23:50
fungivs dns-root-data which is just a packaged copy of the files23:51
clarkbtheoretically the ubuntu package would update periodically as needed too23:51
clarkbthe way tonyb's change is written it wouldn't update I think?23:52
clarkbit could be modified to update but probably just installing the dns-root-data package is simpler and solves the problem23:52
clarkband ya looking at the package changelog it does appear to be synced occasionally (once or twice a year)23:53
johnsomCorrect, the unbound-anchor package is just the binary23:53
tonybThe docs indicated that the update/sync is still done by unbound via the config setting but it refuses to generate the initial file.  and that unbound-anchor will basically just do that part23:53
clarkbhuh that is an interesting behavior choice23:53
tonybbecause if the inital setup is "bogus" unbound can trust the wrong DNS?23:54
clarkbfwiw it sounds like unbound also respects what dns-root-data installs (and that aligns with fungi's change fixing tyhings)23:55
tonybI can verify that dns-root-data does the right thing23:56
clarkbI think my preference is to go that route since we're already doing it and it appears to be simpler23:56
tonybassuming it does I'll use that to be consistent23:57
fungiright, to be clear, before noble we were installing dns-root-data implicitly but they moved it to a recommends in noble and so it fell out of our default package list. all my change did was explicitly add it back23:58
clarkbya just discovered it is a recommends now23:59
fungiit was a quick change to write, a rather lengthy one to research and figure out what exactly had happened which led to the (marginally misleading) error that also caused me to initially think we wanted unbound-anchor installed23:59
tonybOh okay.23:59
clarkband ya this appears to be what ubuntu packaging expects you to do. not sure why it is just a recommends though23:59
funginormally recommends are installed by default23:59

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