Friday, 2024-08-02

opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Update test-prepare-workspace-git to use a module
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opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Update test-prepare-workspace-git to use a module
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Synchronize test-prepare-workspace-git to prepare-workspace-git
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clarkb I think this shows the new wheel keytab is working15:18
fungioh, yep i meant to point tat out earlier but got sidetracked by e-mail15:23
clarkbapparently you can't use failed when on a block level in ansible16:02
* clarkb will fix that change up shortly16:02
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/base-jobs master: More improvement to base-test cleanup and post playbooks
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Update cleanups for base and base-minimal
clarkbinfra-prod-letsencrypt appears to have last run on july 28, this is why the gitea certs haven't renewed yet16:11
clarkbinfra-prod-base has been failing16:12
clarkboh its because the linaro mirror is unreachable16:13
* clarkb writes a change16:13
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Remove most linaro cloud resources
clarkbthat ended up being a fair bit more involved than I expected. Please review carefully16:24
clarkbI can also push up a change that just modifies the inventory list for now if we prefer then do broader claenup as a followup, but I think this is relatively safe just need to make sure we didn't miss anything important whcih will result in more failures16:24
fungioh, hah16:25
clarkb this is maybe the most interesting bit of the change16:26
fungiyeah, i think that should be fine16:28
clarkbI don't know if we've tested empty lists in groups with teh yamlgroup thing, I suspect it will work fine though16:28
clarkbactually we have a test that should cover functionality of that its why I have to change
clarkbso if that test passes I think we're good16:28
clarkb passes testing. I think the jobs that ran are robust enough to cover any major issues so this should be fine17:26
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Synchronize test-prepare-workspace-git to prepare-workspace-git
clarkbchanges like ^ reall make me want gerrit to allow pulling up arbitrary files side by side. ThoughI guess in this case diffing them is less useful /me will just do it locally17:32
fungiwent ahead and approved 925611 so our certs will get updating again17:43
clarkblooks like one of the gate jobs failed on the ansible rc -13 issue so that will need to be rechecked18:31
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Update test-prepare-workspace-git to use a module
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Synchronize test-prepare-workspace-git to prepare-workspace-git
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Update test-prepare-workspace-git to use a module
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Synchronize test-prepare-workspace-git to prepare-workspace-git
clarkbfungi: I have rechecked that change. But I'm about to pop out for lunch now. Feel free to -W if that is prudent18:56
fungithanks, i was waiting for the failure notification, you beat me to it18:56
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Change centos DIB_RELEASE default to 9-stream
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Remove most linaro cloud resources
*** clarkb is now known as Guest197421:33
Clark[m]Jobs for ^ are running and will also renew certs since that job got enqueued due to the vars updates21:51
Clark[m]Hrm the let's encrypt job is failing22:16
Clark[m]Progress that it is running I guess. But not sure why it is sad22:17
Guest1974the job failed because nb04 filled /opt and the job couldn't manage the script there22:37
Guest1974I'll stop the service there then clear out /opt/dib_tmp and hopefully the daily LE run will be happy again22:38
Guest1974also I'm a guest now apparently. Will fix that too I guess22:38
fungiyeah, seems there was a netsplit or ircd restart. i also got disconnected briefly22:40
Guest1974ok I've got deletion srunning in a screen because I'm mobile and iirc that can be slow on these arm nodes22:41
Guest1974as far as I can tell that was the only node that was sad with the LE run22:42
*** Guest1974 is now known as clarkb22:44
clarkbmuch better22:44
clarkbrelated to being mobile and having a freshly installed laptop it is slightly annoying that sshfp records are hex and the fingerprint ssh spits out when you try to connect the first time is in base64 (without proper padding even). Anyway a short script later and some brute forced padding appending and now I have a script to make this easier23:10
clarkbfungi: one thing I've noticed looking at the repo is that way we checkout the working release then cherry pick commits results in a very busy reflog (we're basically always making edits every day to the same state we were in before)23:29
clarkbI think you wrote the change to patch that stuff. Anyway its got me wondering if we should use another approach (just apply patches in a working dir or maybe check if the state is good first or fork and the ncheckout a branch/tag that we control?)23:29
clarkbI don't think its a huge impact the repo is only 24M but something to consider I guess23:30
clarkbor maybe upstream finally fixed things and we can go back to using latest23:30
fungii'll try to remember to take another look at it next week23:38
clarkbya I don't think it is urgent its been working this way for a while23:38
clarkbbut I think that is one reason the acme stuff is so sensitive to the disk filling23:39
fungimaybe they've fixed whatever we were patching it for23:39
clarkbya that would be the best outcome23:39
fungii don' remember at the moment why we did it, but expect it was meant to be temporary23:41
clarkbgood news is the deletins are outpacing new image builds so we should be good, and as suspected this is not fast so I'm glad I put it in screen23:46

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