Wednesday, 2024-08-07

*** tkajinam is now known as Guest241512:52
*** tkajinam is now known as Guest241613:00
fungiyet another jenkins vulnerability today where remote workers can read arbitrary files from and run executable payloads on the controller. makes me glad we're no longer dealing with that13:59
fungipython 3.12.5 was tagged today14:04
TheJuliais review working for folks?14:17
TheJuliaerr, might just be v614:18
fungii'm reaching it over v6 right now14:18
TheJuliaseems to be fine from one of my test vms14:19
fungi64 bytes from (2604:e100:1:0:f816:3eff:fe52:22de): icmp_seq=10 ttl=46 time=54.0 ms14:19
TheJuliaapparently v6 is just not available on this machine14:19
* TheJulia tries another browser14:20
TheJuliatime to restart firefox14:20
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: ensure-podman: add tasks to configure socket group
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: ensure-podman: add tasks to configure socket group

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