Monday, 2024-08-19

opendevreviewMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Not duplicate grub defaults
opendevreviewBenjamin Schanzel proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add ensure-dib role
opendevreviewBenjamin Schanzel proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add build-diskimage role
opendevreviewBenjamin Schanzel proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add build_diskimage_environment role variable
opendevreviewBenjamin Schanzel proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add a diskimage-builder job
opendevreviewBenjamin Schanzel proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add ensure-dib role
opendevreviewBenjamin Schanzel proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add build-diskimage role
opendevreviewBenjamin Schanzel proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add build_diskimage_environment role variable
opendevreviewBenjamin Schanzel proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add a diskimage-builder job
opendevreviewJens Harbott proposed openstack/project-config master: gerritbot: Add missing docs repos to tc channel
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: gerritbot: Add missing docs repos to tc channel
*** elodilles is now known as elodilles_ooo12:31
clarkbFriendly reminder to add your meeting agenda items today. I'll get that sent out towards the end of my day so that tonyb and everyone else have a change to edit it. Or also let me know what should be added.18:01
clarkbI will be adding a note about etherpad upgrades myself.18:01
clarkboh and the default nodeset update I announced18:02
clarkband the service coordinate election18:02
funginot sure if it needs a dedicated topic on the agenda, but looks like the domain hosting switch from rackspace dns to cloudflare dns is occurring in the next hour or so18:13
fungii've gone through the zone import and switched anything we're hosting from the default "proxied" setting to "dns only"18:14
clarkbprobably worth following up tomorrow just in case there is anything that happens as well as ensuring we all know how to pester you for domain updates (I don't have access but suspect I can get it too)18:14
fungiso it should only be openinfra foundation/tipit managed systems that get cdn proxies served up18:14
fungialso worth noting, "we" (opendev collaboratory and openstack tact sig) account for 70% (104 out of 149) a/aaaa/cname rrs in that domain at the moment18:16
fungithat's after i cleaned up everything that's not still valid, but is almost entirely backward-compat subdomains we're managing for redirects18:16
fungiwell, a majority of it is at least18:17
fungiand the next biggest chunk is openstack sites on, followed by afs/kerberos servers18:18
clarkbI know familiarity has more to do with this than anything else, that said I'm impressed that firewalld seems somehow much harder to use than iptables20:03
JayFJust wait until you try to learn `nft`, it's close enough to iptables to fool you into thinking you know it, but it's not quite there (yes, I know you can still use iptables-nft)20:05
clarkbfiguring out if port 22 is open for ssh is turning out to be an educational task. Like some zones have it listed and others don't. But what is a zone?20:06
clarkbok `firewall-cmd --get-active-zones` tells you which zones are in use. Then you can use firewall-cmd --list-all-zones to see what services are enabled for the active zones. I have no confirmed that ssh port 22 is not open20:09
clarkbnow to figure out the proper way to open that20:09
clarkband the config files are xml20:11
clarkb`firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=ssh` is the incantation I think20:15
clarkbif the ssh service isn't defined then you can --add-port=22/tcp or something like that20:16
clarkbI've discovered firewalld has a "panic mode" which when enabled drops all network communication in and out20:18
JayFthat's what `service iptables panic` did on RHELs for a long time (maybe still?)20:19
clarkbI think if I was trying to achive that I would've disabled the network interfaces instead as a more logical (to my mind anyway) method of achieving that20:20
fungiwhen debian switched from iptables to nft, i basically just sat down and read through the documentation and reconstructed my configs from scratch20:20
clarkbok my first pass of meeting agenda edits are in20:36

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