Wednesday, 2024-08-21

opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed opendev/system-config master: Add inventory entries for new Vexxhost mirrors
opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed opendev/ master: Remove stray whitespace
tonybI've taken the WiP flag off of:
tonybthey're still very much in progress but I've asked a bunch of questions around how we bring them up a mergeable state. 02:23
tonybAFAICT the testing on the held node shows the only thing that doesn't work is the skin02:23
tonybswitching to the OpenDev logo looks a little silly as it's cropped (the .svg is 170(ish)px and the vector skin expects 155px  I can fix that with some custom CSS but I think that will need to be a "when we're live" task02:25
*** jroll05 is now known as jroll006:04
*** elodilles_ooo is now known as elodilles06:44
fricklersadly openmetal had the same LE error tonight. responded to the mail thread06:55
opendevreviewTyler proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Fall back to extract-image on ubuntu build
opendevreviewyatin proposed opendev/irc-meetings master: Update Neutron CI Weekly meeting time
opendevreviewMerged opendev/irc-meetings master: Update Neutron CI Weekly meeting time
opendevreviewJames Page proposed openstack/project-config master: Retire the mistral charm repository
clarkbany reason to not approve the default nodeset update now? /me is catching up to make sure nothing is more important today15:11
fricklerclarkb: I'm not aware of any blockers15:17
tonybnope I think it should be fine15:17
clarkbcool I was just finishing up a scan of email and irc looks good. I'll approve it now15:18
fricklerclarkb: fungi: can you please have a look at ? I have a bunch of release patches to approve that would make for good testing of this now15:20
* frickler forget to mention that in the meeting yesterday15:20
fungion it15:20
clarkbI had a couple of super minor suggestions but +2'd as I think getting some test feedback sooner is probably more important here. I didn't approve to give fungi a chance ot look too15:24
fungii left some comments at ~ the same time, but also approved it15:25
opendevreviewMerged opendev/base-jobs master: Change the default nodest to ubuntu-noble
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Update update-constraints job and script
clarkbspot checking openstack jobs they do appaer to be explicit using jammy as expected15:49
fricklerthx, commented even though it is already merged now15:52
fungiheading out to grab a quick lunch now, but will bbiab15:59
fricklerthis looks like the first noble related gate failure, if someone has a time to look deeper that would be nice
clarkbfrickler: looking16:27
fricklerah, that's Pillow not having a wheel for py3.12 it seems16:28
fricklerand we pin pillow to some old version because of other issues16:28
clarkbfrickler: yup looks like pillow 9.5.0 only has wheels up to 3.1116:28
clarkbso either the job gets pinned to jammy or we bump pillow or we include pillow build reqs in bindep.txt?16:28
clarkblatest pillow has wheels for 3.13 even16:29
fricklerbumping pillow will also fail doc builds due to some sphinx stuff iirc, so 1 or 3 more likely16:29
fricklertag-releases has also failed
fricklersadly I need to do some downstream maintenance now16:30
clarkbfrickler: for that second one you need to use yaml.safe_load() or yaml.load(safe=true) or whatever it is now16:30
clarkbI can push up a patch for the second thing16:30
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/project-config master: Use yaml.safe_load in release jobs
clarkbthis change should fix the second issue16:37
clarkbthinking about the first one I guess technically on openstack master projects don't need to support python3.12 yet so maybe we should pin that to jammy?16:38
clarkbI think as a general rule working with newer stuff is a good thing though if the project is open to having a bindep rule they may need to clear out one day16:38
fricklerclarkb: fyi is the bug related to the stuck pillow version, see also
fricklerpinning the doc job to jammy for now sounds reasonable I'd say16:51
clarkb is another failure (that was triggered by the fix I just pushed). I think what is happening there is that python3.12 setuptools/importlib entrypoints support must be weird16:53
frickleralso worth pinning to jammy I'd say. but maybe also a good idea to collect these issues in an etherpad as a todo list?16:56
clarkbya I'm having a hard tiem understanding how that .get() ever worked in flake8 skimming through older versions of the code. Seems like __getitem__ is implemented for usind foo[bar] but not foo.get()16:59
clarkboh maybe we need to unpin hacking17:00
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/project-config master: Bump the version of hacking to latest
clarkbI'll rebase the other change on ^ if that works17:02
fungioh, is that the cause of the linters failure on the yaml.safe_load() change?17:04
clarkbwe're using really old flake8 via old hacking17:04
clarkbI don't know yet that latest hacking fixes things, but I'm hoping it does :)17:04
fungifingers crossed17:05
clarkbhaha and now the irc access job has failed17:06
clarkbno ssl wrap socket...17:06
clarkbthat might be a harder one to fix properly17:06
fungipew pew lasers17:06
clarkbah looks like we can use SSLContext.wrap_socket17:07
clarkbI've got a patch now but will wait for results from linting as I may have to fix errors from that too17:11
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/project-config master: Omnibus fixes for running jobs on Noble with Python3.12
clarkbsurprisingly only one rule violation. That change fixes the hacking version, the new hacking rule violation, and the ssl.wrap_context issue17:18
clarkbor it should, zuul will confirm17:18
fungiclarkb: close but no cigar17:31
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/project-config master: Omnibus fixes for running jobs on Noble with Python3.12
clarkbfungi: yup PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT implies some extra checking that I'm just goign to disable per the comment in there17:31
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/project-config master: Omnibus fixes for running jobs on Noble with Python3.12
gtemaSo what is the solution for the pillow failures? Pin own jobs to jammy?17:43
tonybgtema: I'm not sure we have a solution yet.  but a temporary pin would be a quick bandaid 17:44
gtemaOk, thks for info17:45
fungigtema: or unpin pillow may work17:45
gtemaFungi, will not work for me since I install openstack services in my jobs17:46
fungiyeah, in that case using the nodeset corresponding to a valid openstack pti target for that release is your best bet17:47
clarkbyou can also theopretically add libjpeg-dev to your bindep file17:48
clarkbthen pip can build a wheel for you17:48
gtemaWill try17:48
fungiah, yeah if the only problem with pillow is lack of py312 wheels, that probably will get around it17:48
clarkb926825 passed the linter job multiple times and now fails on some random ansible thing with the fourth patchset and that patchset didn't even touch anything ansible realted...17:49
clarkbERROR! Unexpected Exception, this is probably a bug: '_AnsiblePathHookFinder' object has no attribute 'find_spec'17:49
clarkbI guess recheck to see if it is consistent17:49
clarkbthe irc access job passed though so this is in theory very close17:51
clarkb this may be an ansible compatibility issue17:54
clarkbodd that it worked other times17:54
clarkbI'm working to bump up ansible and ansible-lint now17:55
clarkbif anyone is wondering the version matrix between ansible, ansible core, ansible-lint, and ansible-compat is incredibly confusing and not really documented at all18:02
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/project-config master: Omnibus fixes for running jobs on Noble with Python3.12
clarkbthat is a minimal bump to just ansible. We'll see if ansible-lint and ansible-compat explode with those versions18:04
clarkb does anyone else see the error in there? I cannot see it18:15
fungi"an AnsibleCollectionFinder has not been installed in this process"18:16
fungicould it be that?18:16
fungibut regardless, the "error" seems to be the nonzero exit of the command tox called18:17
clarkbright xargs returned 123 bceause one of the ansible-lint commands returned non zero18:17
clarkbbut none of the output indicates a failure/error from ansible-lint18:17
fungistderr was also empty18:18
clarkbthe ansible collection finder issue is due to older lint and newer ansible and apparently the compat library has a fix in it. So maybe I unpin the compat lib?18:19
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/project-config master: Omnibus fixes for running jobs on Noble with Python3.12
fungiyeah, i was just looking at and see that was from 1.5 years ago18:19
fungilooks like the fix was included as far back as v618:21
clarkbin ansible-compat v6 you mean/18:21
fungioh, i was looking at the "add support for ansible 2.15" commit in ansible-lint18:21
clarkbI'm about to pin that job back to jammy and leave the hacking bump in place. Then honestly maybe we should stop running ansible-lint because its getting a bit ridiculous that the version matrix involves like 5 different things that aren't documented18:23
fungii have to agree, ansible-lint doesn't generally catch errors beyond what basic yaml parsing would18:23
clarkbnot sure if yall saw my email to openmetal but I have confirmed that a new cert appears to have been issued18:25
fungibut yeah, the fix seems to be in ansible-compat v3.0.0 which is pulled in by ansible-lint v618:25
clarkbfungi: possible that this is a similar but different issue related to even enwer ansible? because we should already be using those particular versions18:26
fungibased on the tags indicated for anyway18:26
clarkbmaybe the failure is related to all the warnings if we are treating warnings as errors?18:26
clarkbI don't see evidence of that in our .ansible-lint config file though18:27
clarkbmaybe I need to unpin ansible-lint and just fix all the resulting errors18:27
fungii guess newer ansible-lint wants you to tell it whether to treat specific yaml files as playbooks or as roles?18:28
clarkbfungi: well I didn't change the ansible-lint version18:28
fungimmm, right18:28
clarkbAttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'resolve' is the latest error18:29
clarkbI'm going to try unpinning ansible-lint and if that doesn't work I don't know what else to do18:29
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/project-config master: Omnibus fixes for running jobs on Noble with Python3.12
clarkblike at the very least I would expect a tool like that to either explode at install saying "this combo isn't compatibile and pip can't resolve the requirements" or actually execute when run and provide an error for what broke18:33
clarkbok that managed to get it to run and report errors but there are a lot of errors. I'm going to pin the job to jammy to get this landed and fix the release job then followup with an unpin on jammy that fixes the lint issues18:40
fungisounds good. i'd also be fine with just skipping the new error classes while we discuss whether to keep the job at all18:41
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/project-config master: Omnibus fixes for running jobs on Noble with Python3.12
clarkbfungi: most of them are straighforward name your tasks/plays errors which I'm fine with. Then maybe a few cases will be ignored. We'll see18:42
clarkbin theory that latest patchset should work since it pins the ansible stuff back to jammy and the hacking stuff should work there too18:43
clarkbthe last patchset ran on noble even though I told it to use jammy because project-config is not speculatively tested18:50
clarkbso I dunno fi we want to force merge that or what18:50
clarkbmaybe force merge a change that only pins to jammy then have this change run on top of it?18:50
fungithat sounds safest18:51
clarkbok I'll split it up now18:51
fungii'm set up to do the zuul bypassing18:52
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/project-config master: Omnibus fixes for running jobs on Noble with Python3.12
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/project-config master: Run openstack-zuul-jobs-linters on Jammy
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Run openstack-zuul-jobs-linters on Jammy
fungii think we'll need to recheck 926825 since it probably got enqueued without the parent applied?18:56
clarkbfungi: I rechecked and it is going to pass this time if you want to rereview and approve19:23
clarkbI'll rebase the fix for release jobs on it now19:23
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/project-config master: Use yaml.safe_load in release jobs
clarkbthat should pass now.19:24
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/project-config master: Run ansible-lint on Ubuntu Noble
clarkband this change is about half complete but I want to see it run and double check I'm on the right path now19:26
clarkboh ha now the unpin of ansible-lint is running on jammy again beacuse of the lack of speculative execution. That said I think if we get that working on jammy it should run on noble19:28
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Omnibus fixes for running jobs on Noble with Python3.12
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Use yaml.safe_load in release jobs
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/project-config master: Run ansible-lint on Ubuntu Noble
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/project-config master: Run ansible-lint on Ubuntu Noble
clarkbwe should probably push changes to system-config and ozj and similar to see if noble blow them up for any reason. Actually reviewing tonyb's wiki changes is on my todo list maybe that will generate new patchsets for system-config20:52
clarkbtonyb: ok reviews posted.21:35
clarkblet me know if you have any questions about what I wrote21:35
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Add Noble packages to Docker mirror
clarkbinfra-root ^ fyi I've just discovered that we'll need that to more fully enable noble nodes22:42
clarkbfungi: thank you for offering to check on the deployment of that22:50
fungino problem, i'll be up for a while still22:50
fungiwaiting for the production db import to finish on the held etherpad node, it's taking... a while22:51
fungibut less labor intensive than trying creating a bespoke test payload on a separate held node with the earlier version or something22:51
clarkbI've got a family dinner I have to pop out for soonish. Fwiw I'm totally not offended if people pin the nodeset on jobs that are struggling. It would be helpful if a small amount of debugging is done first though to catch issues like the docker deb mirror problem that need to be fixed more centrally22:52
fungilooks like it's about 2/3 done loading the dump into mariadb now22:52
fungii've loaded yesterday's database backup from production into the held node at and see that looks broken23:27
clarkbfungi: yes that pad has been broken for years on production. Not sure why23:28
fungioh! good ;)23:28
clarkbI would try something lese like gerrit-upgrade-3.7 etc23:28
clarkber I meant to say 3.8, 3.9 etc23:28
fungiokay, looks like it works23:29
clarkbwe should probably delete clarkb-test on prod and start over with a new one I guess23:29
fungiincluding its headings23:29
clarkboh neat23:29
clarkbso maybe this will mostly just work. We probably need to find a pad with headings that ep_headings2 doesn't support23:30
clarkband check if that explodes things or not and if not we're good to proceed?23:30
fungi used several levels of headings too23:30
fungibut yeah, i think the old ep_headings supported 6 levels and ep_headings2 only has 423:31
clarkbfungi: does the monospace for code format work in the new one23:31
clarkbthere should be monospaced content in the gerrit upgrade pads23:31
fungithe mm3migration pad has lots too23:32
fungiin all honesty, level 5 and 6 headings were kinda useless because they were smaller than normal text, so odds that we'll find pads using them at random are small (though maybe a db query could)23:33
clarkbya and probably worst case we export the raw pad data and just reenter it23:33
fungiin less fun news, has multiple failures i haven't looked into yet. tox-linters failed but also opendev-buildset-registry hit a retry_limit23:34
clarkbif it generally works we're also probably generally good to proceed :)23:34
clarkboh shoot probably more noble things23:34
clarkbthe buildset registry problem is a chicken and egg issue. so we can pin the nodeset on that job23:34
clarkbthe flake8 issue is the same one project-config hit.23:35
clarkbI'll write a couple of changes23:35
fungiFailed to update apt cache: W:The repository ' noble Release' does not have a Release file., W:Data from such a repository can't be authenticated and is therefore potentially dangerous to use., W:See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details., E:Failed to fetch23:35
fungi  404  Not Found [IP: 80], E:Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.23:35
fungilooks like we may have a chicken-n-egg problem there?23:35
clarkbya that is the chicken and egg issue23:36
clarkbhrm we don't pin flake8 in system-config so why is that failing23:36
clarkboh nevermind we do pin it somewhere23:37
clarkbvia hacking23:37
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Add Noble packages to Docker mirror
clarkbfungi: corvus ^ that pins things as the first step23:41
fungiand then we'll need to bypass gating and merge it, i suppose23:41
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Run tox-linters on Noble
clarkbfungi: no we shouldn't need to because system-config can run speculatively23:42
fungiyeah, but it can't speculatively add the package mirror it's trying to access, can it?23:43
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Run opendev-buildset-regitry on Noble
clarkbfungi: right that is why I pinned it to jammy since jammy has the packages23:44
fungiah, got it23:44
corvus(in theory.....;)23:44
clarkbfungi: 925864 unpins and we'll need to recheck that when the mirror content is available23:44
fungiyep, makes sense now23:44
fungii should have looked at the revision23:44
clarkblanding the base change in that stack should get most things ahppy again. Then I can followup with the unpins (hacking in particular because I'm sure there are a bunch of rules to fix or ignore)23:45
clarkbthe linters job and the buildset registry job both passed with the pin in place23:49
clarkbI expect the change to be mergeable now but I need to pop out for dinner. Feel free to upadte if necessary23:49
fungiwill do, thanks!!!23:50

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