Sunday, 2024-09-01

*** elodilles is now known as elodilles_pto15:34
fungiinfra-root: in preparing for making a new gerritlib release i'm noticing that since the most recent tag (0.10.0 from 2020), we've dropped support for python 2.7 and stopped testing with python<3.10, but we still don't set python_requires metadata... should i make that >= 3.10 or is there reason to believe it will work with some older pythons still?16:28
fungii think we may still be pip installing jeepyb on systems older than jammy (e.g. focal where default python3 is 3.9)16:34
fungijammy servers and bookworm containers are fine at least, so i think gerrit is fine (the server is still focal but jeepyb is installed into the gerrit container not the base os)16:40
fungisame with gerritbot being in a bookworm container16:46
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/gerritlib master: Only installable on Python 3.10 and later
fungii guess let me know what you think by commenting on that ^16:57
fungiNeilHanlon: once this is addressed, i think we can proceed with tagging gerritlib 0.11.016:57

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