Friday, 2024-09-13

opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/zuul-jobs master: Add debian-bullseye image
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/zuul-jobs master: Add debian-bullseye image
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/zuul-jobs master: Add debian-bullseye image
corvusokay, this failure doesn't seem to have anything to do with the actual disk space available (since it started with 80G available):
corvusi'm going to stop here, and if anyone more familiar with dib wants to take a look at it, that would be great01:18
corvusthat failure is on a held node, so feel free to log in and play around (should be able to re-run the dib command)01:19
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/zuul-jobs master: Add debian-bullseye image
corvusafter writing that, it dawned on me: we need to set the no_tmpfs option01:24
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/zuul-jobs master: Add debian-bullseye image
*** ralonsoh_ is now known as ralonsoh06:55
fricklerI repeated the tests from on the held node and now it seems to work just fine on all three ports. so I wonder whether there was some change or if it just magically fixed itself? local iptables rules seem to treat all three ports equally06:58
*** ralonsoh_ is now known as ralonsoh08:59
corvusfrickler: when i was considering updating the rules in the job, i tested adding iptables rules for those ports on the node, so that confirms that the cause was traffic going off-host and then back and being stopped by iptables.  in the end, we updated the job to use the private ip in all cases and that seems to work universally for this test.13:39
fricklercorvus: iiuc the iptables rules should affect both private IP and FIP, but if it works now then all seems well13:57
clarkbcorvus: does the +1 on the job mean we built an image?15:17
corvusclarkb: yep!15:20
corvusi think that opens two parallel workstreams: 1) add more images; 2) upload them somewhere and return an artifact15:20
corvusi need to switch to some other stuff for a bit, so those are open for anyone who wants to poke at them15:21
clarkbI know tonyb was interested but I also think it is both very early in the morning and the weekend there15:27
clarkbI'm personally needing to catch up on real world stuff a bit today after travelling over the holiady weekend and the week after15:28
corvusi probably won't get back to this until next week, so that may work out.  :)15:29
clarkbno message from the etherpad maintainer on whether or not hte identified fix commit is the only needed change. I think I'll go ahead and push a change that builds the develop branch's latest commit for now15:29
corvuswe could probably merge those changes now.15:29
clarkbthen we're at least ready if that is our next step15:29
clarkbah ya I guess I should review teh image build debian bullseye change too15:30
opendevreviewMerged opendev/zuul-jobs master: Add initial Zuul project config
clarkbcorvus: I've reviewed all of the related changes I think. Couple of thoughts/questions on the final build a bullseye change too15:45
opendevreviewMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Allow dib_elements key to be a nested list
clarkbside note: I wish that github (and other things) would stop giving relative timestamps for everything15:48
opendevreviewMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Fix build-diskimage playbook paths
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Update etherpad to current develop branch state
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: DNM force etherpad failure to hold node
clarkbI put a hold in place for ^ so we can at least test that eterhpad works at all. Testing the integration with meetpad is triciker since we actually proxy at the meetpad server level and not in the client15:59
clarkbbut if it works generally its probably worth deploying then seeing if meetpad is happier16:00
corvusclarkb: replied17:13

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