Friday, 2024-09-20

tonybkevko: I've created a hold on 929771 for kolla-ansible-ubuntu-multinode-ipv608:45
tonybplease recehck the job and I can ass your SSH key (same as yesterday) to the nodes08:46
tonyb*add not ass #sorry all08:46
*** jroll01 is now known as jroll009:00
kevkotonyb: you can unhold it ..done looks like i've fixed it already yesterday ..but forgot to change one line in review09:42
tonybOkay hold removed.09:43
tonybHopefully any recheck will just work now09:44
kevkotonyb: I am live watching the online job status ...and from experience, I know that it is already working (that kolla multijnode ipv6 job). If it weren't working, it would have crashed a long time ago - but it's running thanks ! 10:33
*** ykarel__ is now known as ykarel10:33
kevkobtw, it was also a lesson for me to always remember that  IPv6URLs are written with [] brackets and IPs without10:37
fungiyeah, well really [] quoted addresses are to deal with the fact that : is a url separator in addition to being an address segment separator, e.g. for specify an explicit port number after a literal ip address12:32
kevkoI know, we in Kolla have the put_address_in_context('url') filter ... the problem was that it wasn't used :)12:35
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opendevreviewAmit Uniyal proposed openstack/project-config master: Add official OpenStack jobs for whitebox-tempest-plugin
opendevreviewAmit Uniyal proposed openstack/project-config master: Add official OpenStack jobs for whitebox-tempest-plugin
opendevreviewBrian Rosmaita proposed opendev/irc-meetings master: Update agenda URL for cinder festival of reviews
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Add official OpenStack jobs for whitebox-tempest-plugin
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Convert python2 dib element scripts to python3
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Add 'Review-Priority' for tap-as-a-service
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: charms: add official repo jobs
opendevreviewMerged opendev/irc-meetings master: Update agenda URL for cinder festival of reviews
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Run ansible-lint on Ubuntu Noble
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Retire kuryr-kubernetes and tempest plugin: end gate and update acl
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Add missing DEPRECATED marker to networking-odl
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: kolla: Rework Grafana dashboards
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Remove driverfixes branch acls from manila
*** dhill is now known as Guest404516:51
clarkbI found as a sphinx extension that supports blockdiag too. Problem is it seems to farm out the rendering to an external service rather than doing it locally18:17
clarkbwe could run that external service ourselves locally and point the builds to that but that seems overly complicated18:18
clarkbreally does feel like maybe we should put a blockdiag file in the repo then find something that can render it and copy the resulting image over 18:19
clarkbfor example blockdiag itself?18:19
clarkboh though maybe it too is no longer maintained?18:20
clarkbya it seems like blockdiag itself is the issue not the sphinxcontrib lib18:20
clarkbmaybe we should switch to graphviz which is a built in extension to sphinx18:22
clarkbya I'm going to try that18:23
JayFfor Ironic, we basically just committed the results18:32
JayFand have a not-using-global-requirements tox environment to generate them manually18:32
JayFit's ... not ideal18:32
clarkbJayF: graphviz + sphinx.ext.graphviz seems to be working well for this particular use case but it is very simple18:40
clarkbI'm about to push up the change for it if you'd like to see it18:40
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Replace blockdiag with graphviz in doc image rendering
clarkbJayF: ^18:44
JayFcid was going to look into sphinx stuff for Ironic, ^^^18:44
JayFmight be a good thing to look at if you're around too18:44
JayFclarkb: have you met cid? He's been working with me now for several months :D 18:44
JayFaccording to bitergio for this release he's #3 most prolific Ironic committer :D18:44
clarkbI've seen cid hanging around ironic18:45
JayFit's awesome to get new folks working in/around the ecosystem18:45
JayFand good to have a completely external perspective too18:45
JayFhe might be a good resource for opendev generally about feedback for dev processes and onboarding if you ever wanted one18:45
clarkbthe one thing with graphviz is that you have to install the graphviz package with bindep since it isn't a python native tool. But it is maintained both itself and in sphinx so probably the best option over time18:47
clarkbhrm local build works without a warning but job in zuul produces a warning which is treated as an error18:49
clarkboh wait that is from the seqdiag which I guess was depending on pillow too?18:50
JayFas someone who <3 seqdiag style graphs that was a killer too18:51
clarkbJayF: the good news is the warning emits dot code so I think maybe I can just copy the dot code into a graphviz entry18:51
clarkbbut more testing necessary18:51
clarkbok definitely not a straight port seems blockdiag and Pillow are using some dialect of dot that graphviz doesn't immediately grok19:01
clarkbanyway I'm disappointed that seqdiag and blockdiag are basically the same thing and I missed that thinking I could solve these independently. But Still seems doable I may just need to write some dot from scratch19:02

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