Monday, 2024-09-30

corvusbringing up scheduler 0100:24
corvusthat seems fine.  i'll restart 02 now00:34
tkajinamcorvus, fungi thank you !00:56
fungithanks again corvus!01:12
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SvenKieskeClark[m]: while relying solely on C.UTF-8 is certainly not good, I can assure you that many software _will_ brake if it isn't available at all. (re: locale issues on EL builds). I'm really baffled this is/was an issue on centos7 and would expect way more stuff to be broken then.08:12
SvenKieskethe major reason stuff will break is, that many stuff defaults to C.UTF-8 if you unset/don't set a locale manually. I'm surprised you can even install a system without c.utf8 locale.08:14
SvenKieskemhm googling around seems to suggest there are a good deal of distros without c.utf8, interesting. but arch is broken for everything requiring glibc anyway I guess (ok that's slightly hyperbole).08:17
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fungiSvenKieske: c.utf8 is a relatively recent addition, debian had it custom patched into glibc for a while before it got accepted upstream and started to appear in other distros. i expect the glibc in centos 7 is simply too old to have it11:49
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SvenKieskeright, I mixed that up with "c" without the UTF-8 :D12:47
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clarkbya I've pointed to the line of code that I think needs to chagne but I don't understand rhel distros well enough to know if that is sufficient. More than happy for someone else to poke at it14:48
clarkband yes C is present because ti is widely used. C.utf8 is relatievly new which is why I believe it isn't already installed14:48
clarkbwe don't explicitly set the locale when running ansible and it doesn't seem to be an issue. That said I could see it being a problem for specific commands whose output you are parsing which is why I suggested you set it on a command by command basis instead14:49
clarkbthen you'd get better error messages around what is breaking too I Hope (since the scope is smaller than ansible failed to start)14:49
clarkbdigging around internet seems toconfigure centos 7 lacked a new enough glibc for c.utf8 but centos 8 stream and centos 9 stream were new enough. DIB dropped centos 7 support recently so I think adding c.utf8 to that list by default should be safe15:26
clarkband apparently that rpm config macro instructs packages on install to install the listed locales. By default you install all of them which I think we were trying to avoid to keep things minimalish15:27
opendevreviewMohammed Naser proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Append other builds from nodeset
opendevreviewIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/project-config master: Update ironic ACL for editHashtags
fungi^ that mirrors what we've been talking about doing system-wide15:50
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Setup C.UTF-8 as a RPM install lang in yum-minimal
clarkbthat isn't locally tested or anything but I figured I should push something as a starting point based on my quick investigation results above16:07
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Update ironic ACL for editHashtags
*** dhill is now known as Guest501816:23
clarkbJust rebooted for my monday morning kernel update and having weird usb issues. I hope it isn't a hardware issue (basically one of my hubs dropped off and another usb device flapped...)16:27
clarkbseems to be working now after unplugging and plugging stuff in and applying a bit of patience16:27
clarkbat first I was worried my mouse had died (its like 16 years old) but now I'm worried I have a worse problem (bad usb hardware)16:29
clarkbfungi: I'm starting to write some notes for the meeting agenda and the openstack rlease is item #1. Anything need review or help for that?16:33
fungiclarkb: we need to un-wip and approve 930709 some time tomorrow. i have set myself a reminder to do it right after the opendev meeting16:34
fungiother than that, not really aside from trying to make sure zuul is in good shape and we don't destabilize or overload it on wednesday16:35
clarkbsounds good and I'ev already reviewed that change yay16:36
fungialso we have a tendency to uncover performance-related edge cases in systems (gerrit and zuul in particular) with the scale of the openstack release process, so keeping a bit of available bandwidth for rapid troubleshooting and a closer eye on things early wednesday could help16:37
fungirelease activity is planned to occur between 10:00 and 15:00 utc on wednesday16:38
fungii plan to be around for that entire time and will try to keep myself free to focus solely on it16:39
clarkbI probably won't be around at 1000 UTC but I can proably get an earlier than usual start16:55
fungi10z seems like painfully early in your locale16:56
fungiit's a stretch for me, 3 timezones east of you16:56
fungibut the last couple hours of the release window are the more exciting anyway16:58
clarkbI've gotten up earlier to go fishing, but ya I prefer to avoid doing so17:03
fungithis is nowhere near as fun as fishing, and you don't get to eat the result17:04
clarkbfungi: I know there have been many distractions but I'm wondering if you have had a chance to look at my mm3 upgrade change review comments17:39
fungii think i did, and then got distracted and forgot what i needed to do, i'll look again thanks!17:40
fungioh, also openstack release-related, i set myself a reminder to un-wip and approve next monday17:43
fungiit doesn't have any reviews yet17:43
fungi(signing key rotation)17:43
opendevreviewMohammed Naser proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Append other builds from nodeset
opendevreviewMohammed Naser proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Only update qemu-static container settings on x86_64
fungiah, yeah wrt the mm3 upgrades i remember now, several of those were questions i wanted to dig into in the upstream repos and get definitive answers for17:51
fungii'm popping out for a quick lunch but will try to go deeper on those items when i get back in an hour17:52
clarkbno rush just wanted to make sure there weren't any hold ups on my end17:53
fungiyeah you made a number of excellent points, and there's no urgency to upgrade so i do want to make sure it's sensible19:03
opendevreviewMohammed Naser proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Append other builds from nodeset
opendevreviewMohammed Naser proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Append other builds from nodeset
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opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Reduce LVM extent usage
opendevreviewMohammed Naser proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Append other builds from nodeset
opendevreviewMohammed Naser proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Append other builds from nodeset
opendevreviewMohammed Naser proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Append other builds from nodeset
opendevreviewMohammed Naser proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Append other builds from nodeset
opendevreviewMohammed Naser proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Append other builds from nodeset
opendevreviewMohammed Naser proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add other nodes to buildx builder
clarkbI've done my edits to the meeting agenda and will get them sent out soonish. Let me know if anything needs updating/changing23:16
clarkband sent23:44

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