Saturday, 2024-10-05

corvusokay, i tweaked the usage of sdk; using SLO with 1G segment size, it uploaded all the segments and then got "Bad request" when it tried to set the manifest:
corvuscardoe: i'm wondering if there's an issue with swift SLO in rax-flex14:40
corvushrm, no -- i just tried a quick test with the swift client, and it works...14:43
corvusi will retry uploading the image with the swift client and slo14:44
corvusokay that worked -- so i guess we tickled a bug in sdk, or some random error happened.  i will re-run the sdk upload15:03
corvus(also, the upload from swiftclient took 18m -- that seems workable to me)15:04
corvusoh, one difference: we set the x-delete-after header in the sdk test; if it fails again, i'll remove that.15:07
corvusyep, failed again; retrying without x-delete-after15:45
corvusstill failed even after removing that header16:32
corvus is a thing i found while working on this; we can work around that in the mean time though17:00
corvusi've got debugging output, and the reason the slo put fails is "Etag Mismatch" for each of the objects17:00
corvuson this ovh test node, our throughput scales with the number of parallel uploads; about 10mbps for each.17:03
opendevreviewMohammed Naser proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add a method to disable multiarch image

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