Monday, 2024-10-28

opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed opendev/irc-meetings master: Revert "Update kolla meeting time"
fricklerfyi, creating ^^ to about 20 seconds in the gerrit UI (just another datapoint regarding possible slowishness)10:06
ykarelHi is the issue with propose-translation-update known one triggered with
fungiykarel: i'm travelling most of today and not where i can dig into it, but the failures seem to be limited to master branch runs, stable branches look unimpacted, so this is likely a recent constraints change in requirements, probably one that merged around thursday given the retries seem to pick up on friday11:33
ykarelfungi, yes i linked that change which triggered it11:33
ykarelpy3.8 constraint drop and that job running on bioni11:33
fungioh, got it. i misread and thought you meant that change is an example of where you observed the failure rather than one that introduced it11:34
fungiseems like you've already found the culprit in that case, the job should probably run on the same target platform as the branch's other jobs11:35
fungieither it got missed when other jobs got their nodesets updated, which is probably easy to solve, or some of the tools it requires are unavailable/uninstallable on newer platforms11:36
fungi(in which case it might be more work to solve)11:37
ykareli recall there were some constraints to move this job to jammy and was stuck on bionic11:38
fricklerI think we can try to run on focal first and if that doesn't help, we could try to pin to stable reqs for now. iiuc that whole legagy translation setup is still to be replaced "really soon now"?11:48
ykarelfrom job comment:-11:51
ykarel    # Zanata-cli needs Java 8 and will fail with newer Java, Bionic has Java 8.11:51
ykarel    # This was tested with Zanata up to version 4.6.2 (current release in March 2019).11:51
fricklerhmm, ok, seems that that won't work, then. but also translations for horizon have been failing for longer already, since they dropped py3.8 support some months ago, according to the comments in
fricklernot sure if there is anything we can do about this, then, other than help with the weblate migration11:56
ykarelalso it broke stable/2023.1 and before for tempest as those using master constraints12:39
fungiykarel: if tempest has dropped support for stable/2023.1 branch test runtimes, then i think the jobs are supposed to get switched to using a tagged version of tempest14:28
fungiso maybe that got missed or is still in progress14:29
ykarelfungi, for that following it on #openstack-qa, here just raised as the switch was the triggering point14:32
ykareland if we consider to revert that until all issues are resolved14:32
frickler2023.1 is eom next week, I wouldn't invest too much effort into it. also I really do not want the hassle of keeping py3.8 reqs working any longer and there is nobody else doing this14:35
fungiyeah, consensus in the qa channel on friday was that python 3.8 jobs should pin tempest 41.0.014:35
fricklerI'm not sure that that is enough, they'd likely also need to use stable u-c for the tempest venv14:36
fungipresumably other old branches do something similar14:37
ykarelyes something similar to what's done for wallaby
clarkbinfra-root if you have time to weigh in on thats the documented process for what I tested with ethercalc on the vexxhost backup server. If that process looks good we can apply it to more servers and free up more space (ethercalc was actually relatively small)15:04
clarkbfollowing up on meetpad I confirm that there are new containers running there and the images they are on appear to be the new ones we expected15:53
clarkbok at the bottom of I've got a rough outline for what I'm thinking for the first video. Basically do a demo of encrypting a secret a couple different ways then switch over to a slide deck showing examples of use in a project going over limitations (post review only, required to be in the same project as the job/playbook using16:41
clarkbthem, etc as well as things to be careful of) then finish off with some tips16:41
clarkbI suspect that even that might be close to 12ish minutes? I guess it depends on how fast I talk16:42
fungii'm still a few hours from home, but will try to look this evening or first thing tomorrow18:39
clarkbthanks! also a reminder to let me know about any meeting agenda items you want to see added/removed/edited18:41
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Update etherpad to v2.2.6
clarkbif that passes I'll rebase the change to hold an etherpad and put an autohold in place22:01
clarkbI've just made a few updated to the meeting agenda. I'll get that sent out in an hour or so22:09
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Update etherpad to v2.2.6
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: DNM force etherpad failure to hold node

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