Saturday, 2024-11-16

clarkbcorvus: it has merged if we want to pull, restart, then exec00:00
corvusokay! done and logging to log -600:02
corvuslooks like we're pruning more swift saio manifests, i think that's expected.00:03
clarkbyup since we would have only looked at the first 10k previously00:03
clarkbunfortunately I don't think that really exercises pagination yet since in theory we're under 10k now after the first prune run but the zuul repo manifests will00:04
clarkboh actually no we still have 17k saio manifests so we will \o/00:04
corvusi'm going to drift away for a bit, maybe check in later tonight, certainly tomorrow.00:14
clarkbsounds good, this seems to be working as expected00:14
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/zuul-jobs master: Switch to using openstacksdk for image uploads
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Switch to using openstacksdk for image uploads
corvusstill deleting blobs; hard to estimate time since we don't have a complete dry-run.15:33
corvushowever, it looks like it's in asciibetical order, and we're at 0b3...15:34
corvusso maybe 6 days remaining15:38
cardoeSo I see vexxhost has a tenant, still zero knowledge on Zuul TBH, but could I end up adding a Rackspace one so that maybe I can add some jobs that would trigger to test different flex things? e.g. that swift issue that James was dealing with. Add a test that uploads.15:57
cardoeI also want to run ironic internally with some of our hardware so that the ironic project can get tested against some of our metal and with the APIs we use. Today the Dell’s have to go down an OEM path inside of Ironic that there’s no emulation of it in Sushy. So I was thinking maybe I dedicate some actual metal. Cause figuring out all of Dell’s quirks and trying to emulate them doesn’t seem like fun.16:00
fungicardoe: that sounds more along the lines of what the sdk team started setting up to perform remote tests against available public cloud apis, you wouldn't necessarily need a separate zuul tenant for that. vexxhost uses their tenant for testing software they're developing in opendev16:01
cardoeYeah. Just thinking aloud and taking into mind what clarkb has been talking about with regards to third party CI. I don’t want to put blockers to the projects themselves but just want to help out.16:26
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Switch to using openstacksdk for image uploads
fungicardoe: well, the sdk team literally wanted to block changes that regress client interactions with public clouds (e.g. it's hard to mock software as old as what's in rackspace classic)17:09
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Switch to using openstacksdk for image uploads
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Switch to using openstacksdk for image uploads
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/system-config master: Add vexxhost connection to zuul-launcher
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/zuul-jobs master: Switch to using openstacksdk for image uploads
corvusfungi: ^ found the problem with that.  was missing openstack and oslo packages.  compare ps10 to ps4.19:23
fungioh! checking21:11
fungiwow, that simple?21:12
fungiand yeah, i want to say this has come up before, that openstacksdk needs oslo.utils for some thing but doesn't declare a dependency on it for reasons21:13
opendevreviewMerged opendev/zuul-jobs master: Switch to using openstacksdk for image uploads
corvusblob prune is at 0x1822:49
Clark[m]Wow that is not fast but in theory this is the slowest one we'll ever do if we run regularly 22:53
fungifingers crossed23:19

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