Friday, 2025-02-07

opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/project-config master: Add separate ACL for openstackdocstheme
fricklerjrosser: are you still using the held node? it's fine if you do, I just want to avoid it idling without being needed09:06
jrosserfrickler: i think i can release that now - i understand enough to reproduce it locally now09:07
fricklerjrosser: ok, removed it now, feel free to ping if you need a new one09:13
*** dhill is now known as Guest835312:15
clarkbif anyone has time to review the gitea upgrade change its a smallish bugfix update: I can monitor it if approved15:33
clarkbthere is also to update the source of mariadb on the standalone mariadb we run for zuul.15:34
clarkbThats the last mariadb source location update too I think15:35
corvuslgtm; do you want to do the zuul db upgrade now too?15:39
corvuss/upgrade/change/ :)15:40
clarkbI think so? the db location change hasn't been an issue yet if you accept the service restarts15:41
clarkbthe mailman db connection reset emails are a good indicator for whether or not we've pulled new mariadb images15:57
clarkbcorvus: re ^ annoyingly quay shows the last modified timestamp as updating even when we don't change the image16:02
clarkbthat seems like a quay db bug where they update a timestamp even if nothing else in the db is changing on push. But I wonder if we should try to detect that and noop in our jobs16:03
clarkbdoing so might also potentially minimize the total number of docker hub requests improving our likelihood of success for images?16:03
clarkbthe problem is I'm not sure what the best way to compare is as there are many different hashes and digests and they don't always align like I would expect them to16:04
clarkbI guess we would have to check per architecture digest as those should align?16:04
corvusi think there's a manifest that has all the arches in it... so even then there should be a single hash16:29
clarkbI think when we push the manfiest into quay we're pushing a revised manifest that only includes the arches we push16:31
clarkbso the manifest shas don't match, but we should be able to fetc hteh manifests themselves and see if there is overlap within them16:32
clarkbI think the gitea change will land after hourly jobs start so we're probably at least half an hour from that deploying even if it merges sooner16:50
clarkbwe must've gotten a slow node I expected it to have merged by now17:18
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/project-config master: Add separate ACL for openstackdocstheme
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/project-config master: Add separate ACL for openstackdocstheme
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Update to gitea 1.23.3
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Switch standalone mariadb to opendevmirror hosted mariadb image
clarkbgitea deployment is starting. Also on reinspection I don't think we'll automatically update and restart mariadb on zuul-db01. I'll wait for the deployment to complete and confirm and if that is the case I can manually pull, down and up the container17:31
clarkbcorvus: ^ fyi17:31
corvusclarkb: ack; if you don't feel like it or get around to it, i can do that later this evening.17:32
clarkbthanks I may wait a bit for a quieter zuul time at least (the check queue is a bit busy today for openstack)17:34
clarkbgitea09 has updated and looks good at
clarkbI'll start a git clone against that server too17:34
clarkbgit clone seems to work17:35
fungispot checking here, gitea09 is working for me17:37
clarkbupgrade is through 11 so far17:38
clarkband now all 6 are done17:43
clarkband the job reported success
clarkbthe zuul db deploy job is complete and docker image list and docker ps -a indicate that we didn't pull the new image and we did not restart the container17:46
clarkbthis confirms we will need to manually update things there. As mentioned zuul is busyish now so I'll wait and look later. corvus I guess let me know if you're ready to do it and it hasn't been done yet that way we don't step on each other's toes17:47
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Add separate ACL for openstackdocstheme
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Update to grafana 11.5.1
clarkbI fully expect that to fail but I figure its a quick way to start getting feedback from grafyaml against the new version18:59
clarkbbut also this reminded me that I need to clean up grafana01. I haven't heard any objections to doing that so I'll proceed in the next 5 minute or so if no one speaks up with a concern18:59
fungisgtm, thanks!19:00
clarkb#status log Deleted grafana01 (5ecfe52f-c2c3-44c8-b732-c4795f3b9ee6) as it has been replaced by grafana0219:06
opendevstatusclarkb: finished logging19:06
clarkbneat grafana 11 succeeded in its deployment19:18
clarkbI guess the next step is to fetch the dashboard definitiosn and compare them to the 10.4.15 deployment and see how they differ19:18
clarkbI suspect that we're taking advantage of the automatic rewriting of angular stuff into not angular but having grafyaml write the correct data in the first place would be nice19:19
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Update to grafana 11.5.1
clarkbIf I haven't written bugs (I probably did) ^ should capture the json definitions for each dashboard19:36
clarkbthen we can compare them to what we have in 10.419:36
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Update to grafana 11.5.1
clarkbsurprisingly the graph definitions don't seem to chagne at all?20:37
clarkbI've pulled the json definitions for afs and zuul-status form current server in prod and what the ci job against 11 gathered and some top level dashboard metadata changes like timestamps and versions and ids. But the graphs themselves are all still type: graph and the definitions don't differ20:37
clarkbthe automatic conversion must be behind the scenes and not require updating of the graphs themselves20:38
clarkbits possible this would just work to upgrade to. Probably still worth holding a node and interacting with it more directly to try and figure this out more concretely though20:38
clarkbthis genuinely surprised me beacuse I was expecting an annoying s///g type replacement but upstraem seems to be makign it easy for us20:39
clarkb"A dashboard must still be saved with the new plugin ID to persist the change." ya this statement has me thinking we need to hold a node and figure out how to force it to save in the new format20:59
clarkbbut still maybe that isn't necessary. There aren't any warnings aynmore in the screenshots20:59
clarkbzuul never really got quiet like I expected it to. Anyway there are a couple of changes in the openstack gate queue that should finish up in the next 5-10 minutes then I'll start working on the database image update22:20
clarkbone change cleared out. Still waiting on the other. I'ev run docker-compose pull to stage the image then I'll do `docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d`22:29
clarkbonce this other change clears out22:29
clarkbheh I forgot that merging things kicks off even mroe jobs... lets see what the estimates are on those22:44
clarkbI think these may be done pretty quickly then I'll proceed22:44
clarkboh for some reason translation updates for ironic take 18 minutes?22:46
clarkbthat seems odd22:46
clarkbok all the post jobs but translation updates have finisehd. I'm proceeding22:52
clarkbits done. I am able to query for builds and open them22:54
clarkbthe publish-openstack-python-branch-tarball job that finished at 22:49:58 February 7 was the last job to get recorded pre restart22:55
clarkbstill waiting for something to finish after (like the translation job) and get recorded22:55
clarkbinfra-prod-bootstrap-bridge that completed at 23:01:29 on February 7 is the first to get recorded as finishing after the db restart23:03
clarkbit shows up in the list and is then browseable (logs etc)23:03
clarkboh sorry those are start times not end times23:04
clarkbcorvus: just a thought I often thing end time is useful too? Not sure if we want to add that to the build listing23:04
clarkbin any case the restart doesn't appear to have been impactful from what I can see23:04

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