Tuesday, 2025-02-18

clarkbcorvus: do we have zuul launcher managed ubuntu images now?00:09
clarkbI just added 942018 to the meeting agenda though I think it can land sooner than that. last call for other agenda items I'll send it out shortly00:10
clarkband sent00:18
clarkblooks like the zuul dogfooding of the new nodes is hitting node failures00:21
corvusclarkb: jammy and noble https://zuul.opendev.org/t/zuul/images00:23
corvusand yeah, the node failures are due to missing images due to the space issue00:23
corvusso -- dogfooding having the intended effect :)00:24
corvusit looks like it's recovered now though, so i'm going to put in another recheck00:24
clarkbfingers are crossed here00:24
corvusmeh, now it's quota issues.  that's a known problem.  we'll try again later :)00:26
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add a role to set ulimits  https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul-jobs/+/93049300:27
clarkblooking at syslog on grafana to see if anything looks broken when corvus said it wasn't reachable I'm not seeing anything either. I do notice that we seem to be hitting https://github.com/net-snmp/net-snmp/pull/785 which implies that at least some of the snmpd stuff isn't working on noble?00:32
clarkbI think that will affect all of the content consumed from /proc/net/snmp for noble until patched00:33
clarkbhrm apparently we should expect things to work otherwise. Maybe it simply ignores the extra field00:39
clarkbhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/net-snmp/+bug/2056257 is the preexisting ubuntu issue00:39
clarkband net-snmp hasn't made a new release with the fix?00:40
clarkbI'll just live with the logspam I guess00:40
clarkboh shoot I just remember a new agenda item: using the additional rax flex region00:45
* clarkb makes a note locally to bring that up00:45
*** tkajinam is now known as Guest944913:10
fungiheads up to keep openssh's VerifyHostKeyDNS option set to "no" (normally the default) until you have a client patched for CVE-2025-26465: https://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2025/02/18/113:38
fungilooks like distros are patching quickly, the debian advisory for it was the next thing in my inbox after that oss-security ml post13:39
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Use a dedicated zuul launcher temp dir on /opt  https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/94201814:15
clarkbthis is how I discover my local machine ahs a complicated ssh config that is basically a noop (so uses defaults)15:46
clarkbI don't see any objections to deleting zuul-lb01 and codesearch01 this morning. At this point they should both be out of the inventory files and have their DNS records cleaned up. I'll proceed with taht in a couple hours after my first block of meetings15:48
fungialso didn't see any concerns raised about the bindep changes so i guess i'll self approve them now15:53
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: nominations for the OpenStack PTL and TC positions are closing soon, for details see https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/message/7DKEV7IEHOTHED7RVEFG7WIDVUC4MY3Z/15:57
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Use mirrored qemu-user-static image  https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul-jobs/+/94212716:58
clarkbI'm deleting zuul-lb01 and codesearch01 now18:19
clarkb#status log Deleted zuul-lb01 (35a9ef8b-1a23-4bf0-848b-d10cb8826bd4) as it has been replaced by zuul-lb0218:20
opendevstatusclarkb: finished logging18:20
clarkb#status log Deleted codesearch01 (5e9f1186-b9dc-4738-9fa5-ed71938be0c1) as it has been replaced by codesearch0218:21
opendevstatusclarkb: finished logging18:22
clarkbboth services still respond to me as expected18:22
clarkbjust sanity checking things18:22
NeilHanlonfyi https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/grub-devel/2025-02/msg00024.html19:36
fungiyeah, i skimmed those, most of the risk seems to be regarding secure boot bypass19:36
NeilHanlonmostly, yeah19:36
NeilHanlonthere will be a new shim soon probably to revoke older grubs via sbat19:37
fungiand pretty much all require someone having access to supply a malicious filesystem or file for grub to read19:37
clarkbcardoe: we're having login issues with raxflex sjc3. Is it possible there is an account mapping heuristic problem again?20:00
clarkbdan_with: ^ you may know too?20:01
fungiyeah, our credentials, which haven't changed, started resulting in errors like "The request you have made requires authentication. (HTTP 401)"20:04
clarkbI'm going to pop out for lunch now then maybe a bike ride. I should be back well before 00:00 UTC to make the service coordinator thing official20:04
cardoeI think they were doing something with fernet token syncing21:01
cardoeI pinged21:07
fungithanks. it's apparently only impacting one of our two accounts/tenants/projects21:15
opendevreviewMerged opendev/bindep master: Use PBR's pyproject.toml build-backend support  https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/bindep/+/81674121:48
opendevreviewMerged opendev/bindep master: Evacuate most metadata out of setup.cfg  https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/bindep/+/93852021:48
opendevreviewMerged opendev/bindep master: Drop support for Python 3.6  https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/bindep/+/93856821:54
cloudnullcorvus clarkb - Doug mentioned that there were some auth issues with Flex, is this still something that is happening? 22:12
fungi"The request you have made requires authentication. (HTTP 401)"22:15
fungicloudnull: it's happening for one of our tenant accounts but not the other22:15
cloudnullfungi does that tenant account have the project-id set? 22:16
cloudnullif so, there was a bug that got fixed today that had us rehash projects in SJC to match the global scheme. So you may need to define a new value 22:17
fungicloudnull: both do, and both are using the local project ids rather than the federated ones22:17
fungibecause earlier during setup we observed that the federated ids didn't seem to work unless someone logged into skyline with them first (to get them cached i guess?)22:18
opendevreviewMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Role ensure-tox: Remove obsoleted comment about tox v3 pin  https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul-jobs/+/94106322:21
cloudnullfungi let me know if you continue to have issus. dm me the project name if needed, happy to help troubleshoot  22:38
clarkbfungi: any chnce the info was passed along to cloudnull ^22:45
fungiyes, we're talking over privmsg22:45
fungilooks like some local project ids changed22:45
clarkbinfra-root I forget to mention in the meeting today but https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/941997 is an attempt at optimizing our jobs that run when we edit LE things22:49
clarkbsince adding new servers tends to edit LE things it is helpful to not run gitea and gerrit jobs there (they are long and can hit docker rate limits)22:49
clarkbcloudnull: fungi: one thing I awnted to ask is if we have to use a region specific keystone for dfw3 or if we can just add it as a new region to our existing clouds.yaml (though figuring out the auth problem seems like the priority there)22:53
fungiclarkb: i've updated the project ids in our private hostvars... i guess we need to manually adjust clouds.yaml on nodepool servers in the meantime until the daily deploy?22:55
clarkbfungi: nodepool gets deployed hourly22:56
clarkbthe bridge side may be hourly too22:56
fungiah, okay, top of the hour is almost upon us, so i'll just wait for it22:57
cloudnullright now you'd have to use region specific keystone 22:57
cloudnullover the next couple weeks it'll just be a region from any keystones region 22:58
cloudnull** keystone endpoint 22:58
fungii don't suppose there are updates on ipv6 availability?22:58
clarkback. I wonder if we can use a single cloud profile with different auth urls per region or if we need a different profile per region22:58
cloudnullipv6 - no updates, other than its something we want to do  but haven't yet :'( 22:59
fungino worries, just making sure i hadn't missed it. thanks!23:00
funginew project ids are working on bridge23:05
fungiclouds.yaml on nl01 has updated now too23:06
fungihopefully we'll see the deleting count fall shortly on https://grafana.opendev.org/d/6d29645669/nodepool3a-rackspace-flex23:06
fungithough the nodepool-launcher process may need restarting?23:07
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Add DFW3 to raxflex cloud profiles on bridge  https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/94215523:10
clarkbfungi: I thought nodepool was supposed to detect updates to clouds.yaml but I'm not 100% certain of that23:10
clarkbI think 942155 has the hack that mordred added to do keystone per region in a single profile in it23:10
clarkbbut I haven't tested that that works23:10
fungilooks like nodepool-launcher is still logging the 401 error exception23:19
fungishould i restart its container?23:19
clarkbthat should be fine. We auto reload those containers when new images show up anyway so it is used ot it23:20
fungior sighup?23:20
clarkbI don't think sighup helps but that might be a good feature to add to zuul launcher if it still needs to reread config/23:20
clarkbhttps://lists.opendev.org/archives/list/service-discuss@lists.opendev.org/thread/AMASOEXESXFINAX5KU4FFV7IMWVBELUS/ made my self nomination official with 40 minutes to spare23:20
fungithe nodepool-launcher container down/up worked, looking at the graph23:35
fungiso it definitely didn't notice the clouds.yaml change on its own23:35
clarkbre 942155 it just occured to me that {region_name} might be interpretted by the jinja template engine or does it ignore single {}s?23:35
corvusi think that's right.  testing should presumably confirm or fail23:39
corvusi'm planning on seeing luca tomorrow for https://www.meetup.com/gerritmeets/events/305718795/23:48
clarkbya I was going to try and catc hthe live stream if thre is one23:58
clarkbanyone have time for https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/941997 it should be a quick review that I'd liek to get in before launching more noble servers23:59
clarkbshould speed up the process of landing config updates for new servers23:59
clarkbbut I need a sanity check that there isn't a good reason to have gitea and gerrit run those tests when adding say codesearch23:59

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