Monday, 2021-06-07

fungiis this week irc or meetpad?16:59
spotzIRC, we havven't done meetpad in ages too be hoonest17:02
fungiwfm, just making sure17:02
spotzLisa won't make it so it's just us, meg hasn't made it over yet17:02
fungiaww, too bad17:03
spotzYou have anything? I think we're still waiting on Jimmy to make progrress on getting the language stuff on the website17:03
funginot that i mind talking to you17:03
spotzWe can always chat vs starting the meeting though:)17:04
fungithe openinfra live crew were talking about doing an episode on interns and mentors, so i was going to try to round up some ideas/brainstorming/interested guests17:04
fungiit started as maybe interviews/panel of the current outreachy interns, but depending on availability there's also interns at ndsu, maybe also osu, and a gsoc intern working in starlingx at the moment, or we can pull folks who have organized past mentorship efforts into the mix17:05
fungior things like talking about experiences mentoring at grace hopper, et cetera17:06
spotzWe have GHC opensource day coming up in 6 weeks, I'll be at a horse show but originally diablo_rojo_phone and vkmc were willing too run it. No replies from vkmc lately so if it gets much clooser I might pull us from July to focus on September. I'll be in MO for the July one with the pony so can't be around all day17:06
fungiooh, thanks for the idea, yeah vkmc might be good to try to get involved in talking about experience both as an intern and as a mentor17:07
spotzI would say try to find Outreachy or GSOC interns vs OSU only because that's centered around a single school17:07
spotzShe did the ketnote last summit17:07
spotzAs far as GHC I can trtack down the mentoors from last year for you. Except for the 2019 one wherre it was a cooioncidence Julia, Rain, and Jill were there for RH I've been the only stacker in person most years. Kendall did go help in 201717:09
fungiright, osu and ndsu would be potential fallback sources of current interns to interview or otherwise have on the show17:09
spotzI know one or two GHC Mentees have been Outreachy interns but I can't remember who:) One I think from 201917:10
fungineat, yeah the transition from ghc attendee to longer-term outreachy internship would be cool to highlight17:11
spotzIt was Cinder I think, maybe Sofia would remember as I think she was the mentoor17:11
fungiis ghc still virtual this year, i guess?17:12
spotzAnd their doing the standalone Open Source Day in July on a bad week forr me. And then the rergular week is during Open Source Summit17:13
spotzI was going to see if LF might put aside a room for mentors17:13
spotzInteresting openstavk-unregisterrred on freenoode is spamming we move to Libera and some not nice otherr things17:14
fungioh, it's specifically ghc opensource day in 6 weeks, not the full ghc conference17:14
spotzThe whole one + anotherr OSD is end of Sept17:14
fungii'm not sure why anyone's in openstack-unregistered on oftc, it's not a channel we're using17:15
spotzNo on frreenode, I'm still on my bouncer for freenode. Haven't removed it and set up the otherrs yet17:15
fungioh, on freenode17:16
fungiyeah, i have a feeling all the unregistered spambots are landing there when trying to spam our old freenode channels17:16
spotzAnd libera centos bot is sayig I'm not registered, I'll fix that later:)17:17
spotzI just need too identify17:17
fungiyeah, i have sasl auth going on libera (like i've done on freenode), and certfp auth configured here on oftc17:18
fungiso no need to send identify messages to nickserv on any of those networks17:18
spotzI just need to either fix the bouncerr or move to irc cloud17:18
fungiyou could try out element/matrix's oftc and libera bridges17:18
fungibasically like using irccloud, also gets you access to any matrix-only channels17:19
fungispotz: corvus provided a nice writeup of using it to join channels on freenode a few weeks ago, but the same (or simpler) applies to oftc and more recently libera as well:
spotzLittle changes to the routine at a time:)17:22
fungiif you're looking for a webui with offline history like an irc bouncer would maintain, and access to oftc+libera+freenode, it's there (and also free i believe)17:24
fungianyway, worth exploring in all that free time you have ;)17:24
spotzNot sure much the web, but I don't have history on my phone app when I login there17:25
fungioh, yeah there's the element client app on ios/android as well17:26
fungiand command-line clients or plugins to connect irc clients like weechat17:26
fungisince the matrix state is kept server-side, they'd all share the same history/session17:27
spotzMine just connects to the bouncer but doesn't show what's missed. Mind you we could be talking months between uses but it's annoying if I get dropped17:29
diablo_rojo_phonespotz: ildikov said she could help with GHC so even if vkmc can't help, we can probably still run it.17:29
diablo_rojo_phoneAssuming its mostly just OUI17:29
fungispotz: yeah, if you're going through matrix bridges to get to irc, it should hold history for as long as anyone's requested the bridge handle a given channel17:30
spotzdiablo_rojo_phone: Ok good to know, it's weird vkmc not answering but covid:( I was assuming similar to last year so a mix of OUI and some hands on. Nut at the least I need too run back and forth to feed the pony and ride her to be ready for Friday's show17:31
fungicustom bridges are also possible, for example corvus runs his own matrix bridge for the gerrit slack, so you can interact with people on gerrit slack via matrix17:31
diablo_rojo_phonespotz: Yeah that's no problem if you can't actually help day of. I can probably cat herd enough to get the attendees a good experience. I was thinking about doing a call for mentors here shortly.17:32
spotzfungi: I've goot an account I'll check it out17:33
spotzdiablo_rojo_phone: Perfect cause no offense and y'all know my love for OpenStack but National Dressage Pony Cup gets priority:)17:33
fungiso is it a dog and pony show, or pure pony? ;)17:34
spotzJust pony. I don't know afterr those 2 concussions whether I'll trust a strange horse enough to ride and have the dogs. It was my own pony (now sold) but therre's a level of trust17:35
spotzAnd hopoefully I'll get too meet up with Meg for dinner one night17:36
fungisure, sounds dangerous!17:36
fungiworking with large animals i mean, not so much dinner with meg17:36
fungithough i guess it could be if you order the fugu17:37
spotzBefore the ER trips I was ok with it. The first fall I know was dog related as they were coming under the fence beforre I don't remember anything else17:50

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