Tuesday, 2022-11-08

spotzfungi: I've got this down for our new meeting time14:01
fungispotz: oh, i had it down for next week, but i guess we said second tuesday? sorry!14:45
spotzYeah, it's ok. I was goig to suggest we skip Decemeber and try to get the community managers or a project representative attend atleast in January to discuss the survey and possible questions14:46
fungispotz: i did have one thing to try covering... before the end of the year i wanted to have our summit diversity feedback passed along to the event organizers14:48
fungiin the past we've not gotten it too them far enough in advance to be entirely actionable14:48
spotzOk can we do that async? Or do we need to meet? I'm ok with meeting if we have something. I just figured most folks would be thinking about holidays in December and we wouldn't get folks to show14:49
fungiyeah, no need for a meeting on that14:51
fungii can bring it up on the ml even14:51
spotzok sounds good14:57
fungii expect it's going to be the usual stuff like preferred pronoun stickers, proximity/engagement comfort level indicators, designated safe spaces, clear references to the event coc in opening keynotes and attendee communications... probably more15:00
spotzYeah and applying for the CHAOSS badge even if we ony qualify for Silver due to no child care15:26
fungioh, righty-o15:26

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