Tuesday, 2023-03-14

*** elvira1 is now known as elvira13:00
spotzMeeting here in 2513:36
TheJuliaI guess Amy's computer said "more coffee please"14:00
fungii have my laptop in the kitchen while putting the kettle on14:00
TheJuliaI just messaged Amy on gchat14:01
spotzSorry had to run Hippie out14:02
spotz#startmeeting diversity-wg14:03
opendevmeetMeeting started Tue Mar 14 14:03:04 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is spotz. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.14:03
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:03
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'diversity_wg'14:03
spotz#topic Roll Call14:03
spotz#chair fungi TheJulia aprice[m]14:03
opendevmeetCurrent chairs: TheJulia aprice[m] fungi spotz14:03
* TheJulia blinks14:03
spotz#link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/diversity-wg-agenda14:04
spotzAgenda for anyone who needs it.14:04
spotz#topic Summit14:04
spotzI figured Summit would be relatively fast so thought we'd start with that14:04
spotzCongrats for summit being the first certified Public health badge recipient14:05
* fungi cheers14:05
spotzaprice[m]: you mentioned the CHAOSS badge has been applied for? I know they won't assign it to me:)14:05
aprice[m]it has! I saw a few comments on GitHub last week but hadnt had a chance to answer them because i was at SCaLE. i will get to those today14:06
spotzNo worries:)14:06
spotzWe have the Diversity Lunch sponsored by Bloomberg and the Speed Mentoring breakfast will be sponsored by Red Hat. I normally do the Speed Mentoring and we'll need to get the RSVPs attached once it goes on the schedule. Does Bloomberg need anything from this group that we know of?14:08
fungimany thanks to bloomberg and red hat for their support!14:08
aprice[m]spotz: not that i know of re: bloomberg support, but we have a meeting set up with them next week14:08
spotzOk let them know we're available to help with anything14:09
spotzIs there anything else Summit wise we need to discuss at this point? We're closer then we think but it's still a few months off14:10
TheJuliaone question14:11
spotzGo for it14:11
TheJuliaThe agenda notes a proximity indicator, Are many conferences doing that these days?14:12
*** elvira1 is now known as elvira14:13
TheJuliafrom a comfort level standpoint, I think it makes sense, but being at SCaLE this past weekend, I didn't see many yellow or red wrist bands, and even green ones disappeared and didn't seem that visible. Maybe it is just the nature of wrist bands? dunno.14:13
aprice[m]yeah, i was forced to wear a yellow one due to lack of green :) 14:14
spotzLinux Foundation events have them I know for sure. They're the only ones besides us and FOSDEM that I've been to. I normally put mine on my lanyard so it's pretty visible. FOSDEM had nothing14:14
spotzIf we don't date them my suggestion would be to get 75 or 100% of attendees in each color14:16
TheJuliaI guess cost per unit will be the driving factor in which path we go then14:16
spotzThat way we could use them in the future if needed. 14:16
spotzLike show ribbons, if they're not dated clubs use them up over time14:16
TheJuliaIt might be okay to run out, I think the inherent nature of a conference means people will be more willing to be in the yellow to green spectrum14:17
TheJuliaI'm just thinking outloud, we can move on from my point of view14:17
fungiif cost is a concern, it could be as inexpensive as a few spools of colored 1/4" or 10mm ribbon cut into long enough pieces to tie to something and remain visible14:18
spotzCustom wrist bands are a penny in a quick google search 14:20
spotzTHere may be limits but that's not even $100 probably14:20
TheJuliaEven non-custom then, the is likely a ton of inventory out there14:21
aprice[m]i have looked at some initial pricing and I think it's something we can do14:22
spotzAnything else on Summit?14:23
aprice[m]pronoun stickers are also in the works. can this group provide the full list of pronouns?14:23
aprice[m]we will also have blanks for folks to write their own pronouns in14:24
spotzYeah we can get those for you14:24
aprice[m]thank you!14:24
spotzI thin we've in the past had the he/she/they combos so blanks would fill in anything we might miss14:24
aprice[m]ok that works14:25
aprice[m]it's another thing that i basically have in my cart online14:25
spotzWe'll see if there's any we missed from the combos though14:25
spotzOk anything else for Summit before we move to the CoC?14:25
aprice[m]that was it from me14:26
spotzWe'll probably have to punt the Survey to vPTG and I'll get us maybe 2 sessions, one for CoC and one for Survey14:26
spotz#topic Code of Conduct14:27
spotz#link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jhORItpdLXbciCXTyZPRiqM44NDtw5fe4l17io7XXq4/edit?usp=sharing14:27
spotzThat is the link to the working doc which we can track changes14:27
TheJuliaI've made a couple direct suggestions, and I've started leaving a few comments14:28
spotz#link https://openinfra.dev/legal/code-of-conduct14:28
spotzOur current CoC14:28
spotzJulia reading through your comments it seems like you're in favor of keeping a more prose type of CoC? Does anyone feel like we need a more bullet list one similar to Fedora and CentOS - https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/project/code-of-conduct/14:30
TheJuliaI think any dramatic change might raise a ton of eyebrows14:30
TheJuliamaybe that is a good thing, dunno14:31
spotzOne thing about the bullet list is the points are more visible, I think we cover a lot of the same things though14:31
TheJuliaI do like their direct and to the point nature, I could mentally go either way14:31
spotzAnd we do have the bullet list under be careful with your words and actions14:31
TheJuliaYeah, even just sifting through the existing text, it is a lot. Maybe a "summary", dunno14:31
TheJuliamaybe the negative first, and then the positive of our existing text?14:33
TheJulia"Don't do this, here is what we strive for"14:33
spotzI would flip it, this is what we strive for so don't do this14:34
aprice[m]yeah, id start with the positive to reinforce what our expectations are 14:34
TheJuliaso existing form of the text?14:34
fungimain concern with a list of things not to do is that some bad actors will take it as an exhaustive list so they can argue that their actions aren't forbidden by the coc, but i suppose that's possible no matter how we word it14:34
aprice[m]sorry - splitting between two meetings so catching up14:34
TheJuliafungi: that is a thought which is rolling around in my mind as well14:35
spotzI think we address tht currently with - This includes but is not limited to:14:35
TheJuliaI think the prose *does* help with that since there is much more of an expression of intent and our values14:35
* TheJulia sees the highlighted text14:36
spotzWe can't possibly come up with everything and I think any attempt to do it would be very depressing14:37
TheJuliaI think, to the core point, it makes sense to explicitly add to the negative behaviors14:37
aprice[m]one thing that I also wonder and that I dont think is explicitly called out. 14:37
aprice[m]I think most folks think of CoC as event policies, not ongoing policies around online behavior as well. 14:37
aprice[m]is that worth calling out more directly?14:38
TheJuliaaprice[m]: I was looking through and I think the 4th paragraph causes things to get framed into event policy fairly quickly14:38
TheJuliaaprice[m]: so some wording updates to that paragraph and I think that might help?14:39
spotzWe do have a separate CoC for events or did that get folded in?14:40
fungiwell, also we have separate community and event coc documents, maybe we need to make their purpose clearer14:40
TheJuliaIf your skimming it in a heat of the moment, the third paragraph just doesn't feel like it really sinks in applicablity wise14:40
fungiyeah, it does make reference to the separate event-specific coc in that parahraph14:41
aprice[m]spotz: we do have a separate one, but i think it's just a general perception around CoC in general 14:41
fungihopefully that perception is changing, since lots of online communities who don't put on events have a coc14:41
spotzShouldn't all sponsored events fall under the events CoC? If so moving that mention in the first line there might help?14:42
TheJuliaMaybe the issue is we're just overloading people with information?14:43
spotzI think it's a lot there to read through vs being able to just skim14:44
fungiwell, the old-old original coc definitely didn't overload people with information, the additional text was added because "be excellent to each other" was insufficient guidance14:44
fungii agree there's ptobably a careful balance to strike between too much and too little14:45
TheJuliaI concur14:46
* TheJulia adds a comment to the doc14:46
spotzSo maybe start with more bulletted summary and then have the wordier one under?14:46
TheJuliaa tl;dr and then a full body?14:47
aprice[m]yeah i like that 14:48
TheJuliaMaybe something like what I've suggested?14:49
spotzMy one concern would be we'd have 1, 1a, b, 1c, etc so it'd still be a bit long but I can't think of. way around that14:50
spotzI can't type today but y'all are used to reading my typos:)14:50
TheJuliaMaybe the tl;dr is as simple as kind of going back to the "be execellent to each other" "listen, collaborate, and treat everyone the same" and 14:52
* TheJulia is still trying to work on a condensed bullet14:52
TheJulia"Inappropriate or toxic behavior is not permitted, see below for examples."14:53
spotzSee below for a more complete but not exhaustive list?14:54
TheJuliathat works14:54
aprice[m]and i wonder if we should say in the reporting part "if there is something concerning that is not included in this CoC, please reach out anyways"14:54
aprice[m]so it reinforces that things can be reported and investigated if someone is uncomfortable14:55
TheJuliaperhaps "Do read onward to learn more about the values we strive for. If you have something concerning which is not explicitly covered, reach out." ?14:55
spotz+1 was for Allison. Reading Julia now14:55
* TheJulia groked it that way :)14:55
spotzAhh a wording option:) Yey14:56
TheJulia4 minutes14:56
TheJuliashould we just draw up some suggestions in the current doc?14:57
spotzYeah and does anyone have a preference for a day and time for the vPTG to continue? Maybe we should try for either 2 hours together or 2 sessions for this14:58
TheJuliaI think Wednesday is going to be very busy for me and I don't have awareness yet of any cross-community items14:59
spotzI usually gor for Monday or Tuesday morning14:59
spotzCoC has taken presidence over the survey right now but I'll make one session for that and hope the other projects show15:00
fungimainly i'll want it to not overlap with tc sessions. also i'll make sure to not schedule the security sig time when d&i is going15:00
spotzYeah that's my main conflict fungi so I schedule around them15:00
TheJuliaI think the survey is important too though15:00
TheJuliaWhen are we meeting next?15:00
spotzIt is, but without the other projects it's just an OpenStack oriented one15:01
fungisecond tuesday of april will be the 11th15:01
spotzWe've been meeting monthly15:01
fungiday after easter monday15:01
fungii'll be on vacation that week, but don't let that stop anyone from meeting15:01
spotzvPTG would be the next time we meet before our normal meeting15:02
TheJuliaI'd like to try and get a revised CoC in front of the board by May, if at all possible15:02
TheJuliaWhich I think means we will need to collaborate async, but it sounds like we've kind of got a good consensus already15:02
spotzI'll grab 2 hours for this at vPTG, then we'd have the regular meeting if needed15:02
TheJuliaaside from maybe some more minor wording items15:02
spotzYeah and then I think it needs to go to legal?15:03
TheJulialegal and then board approval15:03
TheJuliawe would likely sync with legal while maybe floating to the board15:04
spotzAnd we're past time so keep working async, we'll hopefully finish it a vPTG so it can go to legal before the board meeting15:04
TheJuliaThanks everyone!15:04
spotzThanks all! Great work on this!15:04
opendevmeetMeeting ended Tue Mar 14 15:04:53 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)15:04
opendevmeetMinutes:        https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/diversity_wg/2023/diversity_wg.2023-03-14-14.03.html15:04
opendevmeetMinutes (text): https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/diversity_wg/2023/diversity_wg.2023-03-14-14.03.txt15:04
opendevmeetLog:            https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/diversity_wg/2023/diversity_wg.2023-03-14-14.03.log.html15:04

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