Tuesday, 2023-11-07

spotz[m]Ok let's move it to the 21st, would 11 your time work for the one off?01:59
spotz[m]* Ok let's move it to the 21st at 9, I’ll email after you confirm02:47
fungispotz[m]: 14:00 or 15:00 utc (8am or 9am cst) would work fine for me on the 21st. i have a conflict at 16:00 utc13:46
spotz[m]15:00 UTC it is I have something 13:30-14:30 on Tuesdays17:35
fungisounds good to me. if you want to permanently change the meeting time, propose something to opendev/irc-meetings17:37
spotz[m]Yeah if you're good with it, then we'll flop back next time change:)17:41
fungii don't (currently) have anything conflicting with 15z but will when dst starts again17:42
spotz[m]And we can flop back then:)20:55
fungisorry, if i'd known executive would have wanted background on when the original charter was ratified, i'd have brought it up sooner with staff (and also dug up links to the historic board resolutions)21:23
fungii really thought we were ready to bring it to the board members for a straightforward vote so we could get the content moved before the end of the year21:24
spotz[m]Yeah I had never heard back if it needed legal or not21:33

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