Monday, 2021-10-18

*** bhagyashris__ is now known as bhagyashris04:11
vishalmanchanda#horizon etherpad
vishalmanchanda#horizon unbook Cactus-MonB306:30
openinfraptgvishalmanchanda: Room Cactus (previously booked for horizon) is now free on MonB306:30
vishalmanchanda#horizon unbook Cactus-MonB406:30
openinfraptgvishalmanchanda: Room Cactus (previously booked for horizon) is now free on MonB406:30
abhishekk#glance url
noonedeadpunk#os-ansible etherpad
lajoskatona1#neutron url
*** mnasiadka_ is now known as mnasiadka10:10
icey#charms etherpad
sshnaidm#os-ansible-modules etherpad
slagle#tripleo next at 1300UTC welcome/intro/admin12:43
kopecmartin#qa next at 1300UTC welcome/introduction12:54
lbragstadrosmaita i'll be in the qa room for RBAC discussions, but i'll try and swing by cinder in a hour for the secure RBAC topic12:55
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o ttx12:56
ttx#motd info Welcome to the PTG!12:56
openinfraptgttx: Unknown track 'motd'12:56
ttx~motd info Welcome to the PTG!12:56
openinfraptgttx: Unknown motd subcommand info12:56
ttxlooks like I need to read the doc again12:57
ttx~motd add info Welcome to the PTG!12:57
fungiyeah, who wrote that doc anyway12:58
ttx~motd add info Questions? Join #openinfra-events channel on OFTC IRC!12:58
ttxEnjoying my multi-message MOTD features12:59
slagle#tripleo now welcome/intro/admin13:01
*** blarnath is now known as d34dh0r5313:02
kopecmartin#qa now at 1300UTC welcome/introduction13:02
kopecmartin#qa next at 1310UTC Xena retrospective13:03
mnasiadka#kolla now welcome/intro13:03
kopecmartin#qa now Migration of devstack and Tempest tests to new secure RBAC13:04
kopecmartin#qa next 1340 UTC Xena retrospective13:05
slagle#tripleo now Directord/task-core introduction and overview
slaweq#neutron now Xena retrospective13:12
slaweq#neutron next Discussion about moving some parts of the neutron devstack plugin to the Devstack repo13:13
ashferg#interop-wg book Austin-MonB413:15
openinfraptgashferg: Room Austin is now booked on MonB4 for interop-wg13:15
ricolin#heat next at 1400 UTC: 1 hour heat team meetup13:15
mnasiadka#kolla now Xena cycle retrospective13:19
rosmaitalbragstad: cinder isn't meeting today, did you mean the keystone room?13:37
ildikov#edge next Introductions13:48
lajoskatona1#neutron next ML2/OVS -> ML2/OVN migration13:48
slagle#tripleo next at 1405UTC  task-core task graphs and execution concepts concepts13:54
slagle#tripleo now break13:55
slagle#tripleo next at 1405UTC  task-core task graphs and execution concepts concepts13:55
fungi#diversity etherpad
gouthamr#manila next Kick-off and Xena cycle retrospective13:57
rafaelweingartner#cloudkitty next Meeting open13:57
rafaelweingartner#cloudkitty next Review of past release14:03
lbragstadrosmaita oh - i was looking at
rosmaitalbragstad: ok, that's tomorrow14:04
rosmaitalbragstad: is there a time yet for the secure rbac session on ?14:05
slagle#tripleo now task-core task graphs and execution concepts concepts14:05
gouthamr#manila now Kick-off and Xena cycle retrospective14:06
kopecmartin#qa now Xena retrospective14:07
lbragstad#keystone now OAuth2.0 client credentials grant support14:08
lbragstad#keystone next Secure RBAC community goal 14:08
rafaelweingartner#cloudkitty next New features14:08
kopecmartin#qa next #1420 UTC Scenario manager14:08
ildikov#edge now Portable automation14:13
ildikov#edge next Trust and verification14:13
slaweq#neutron now OVS->OVN migration14:14
slaweq#neutron next Done for today14:14
lbragstad#keystone now Secure RBAC community goal 14:18
kopecmartin#qa now 5 minute break14:19
kopecmartin#qa next 1425 UTC Scenario manager14:20
gmann#tc next at 15:00 UTC "TC + Community leaders interaction"14:23
priteau#cloudkitty etherpad
kopecmartin#qa now 1425 UTC Scenario manager14:27
kopecmartin#qa next 1440 UTC Test inheritance conventions, are there any?14:27
kopecmartin#qa now Test inheritance conventions, are there any?14:38
rafaelweingartner#cloudkitty next Reviewing process14:46
kopecmartin#qa now See you tomorrow, thanks for joining14:57
rafaelweingartner#cloudkitty next Discussion CloudKitty vs (commercial) billing solutions14:59
TheJulia#ironic now getting started15:00
slagle#tripleo now (CI) Tripleo Health
gmann#tc  now TC + Community leaders interaction15:01
slagle#tripleo next at 1540UTC OS Migrate update/feedback session
TheJulia#ironic next Support for OpenBMC15:02
slaweq#neutron now Done for today15:02
lbragstad#keystone now break - starting again at 10 after15:03
lbragstad#keystone next bug triage15:03
ildikov#edge now Trust and Verification for the edge15:05
lbragstad#keystone now bug triage15:12
rafaelweingartner#cloudkitty next How to attract (and retain) developers/reviewers?15:15
rafaelweingartner#cloudkitty next Close meeting15:32
gouthamr#manila clean15:33
slagle#tripleo now Done for Monday15:45
*** marios is now known as marios|out15:48
lbragstad#keystone clean15:55
gmann#tc  now 10 min break15:55
gmann#tc  next continue "TC + Community leaders interaction"15:55
*** frenzy_friday is now known as frenzyfriday|pto15:55
gagehugo#security-sig url
gagehugo#security-sig now Starting16:07
gagehugo#security-sig next FIPS16:12
gagehugo#security-sig now break til 20 after16:15
redrobot#security url
openinfraptgredrobot: Unknown track 'security'16:15
redrobot#security-sig url
ildikov#edge now Done for the day, will continue with networking at the edge tomorrow16:25
gagehugo#security-sig now FIPS16:55
gagehugo#security-sig next clear16:55
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o diablo_rojo17:02
diablo_rojo~motd We are on break until 21 UTC! 17:03
openinfraptgdiablo_rojo: Unknown motd subcommand We17:03
diablo_rojo~motd add info We are on break until 21 UTC! 17:04
diablo_rojo~motd del 117:04
diablo_rojo~motd reorder 2 117:04
gagehugo#security-sig now done17:06
gagehugo#security-sig clean17:06
gmann#tc  clean17:08
*** diablo_rojo is now known as Guest330617:32
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o diablo_rojo21:02
diablo_rojo~motd del 121:03
diablo_rojo~motd add info And we're back! Meetings ongoing from 21-01 UTC!21:03
diablo_rojo~edge clean21:17
openinfraptgdiablo_rojo: Unknown command 'edge'21:17
diablo_rojo#edge clean21:18
diablo_rojo#tripleo clean21:18
diablo_rojo#neutron clean21:18
diablo_rojo#qa clean21:18
diablo_rojo#kolla clean21:18
diablo_rojo#ironic clean21:18
diablo_rojo#cloudkitty clean21:18
acolesdiablo_rojo: ashferg : could you help us out in the havana room? - we're struggling to screen share21:18
diablo_rojoacoles, sure! Will be right there. 21:19
acolesdiablo_rojo: thanks21:21
diablo_rojo#heat clean21:21
johnsom#designate url

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