Tuesday, 2022-08-23

*** ysandeep|out is now known as ysandeep05:04
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|afk07:34
*** ysandeep|afk is now known as ysandeep10:46
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|dinner14:36
funginot sure if this has come up before, but it's an interesting sponsorship idea: https://2022.allthingsopen.org/sponsors/google/15:24
fungier, this link i meant: https://2022.allthingsopen.org/underrepresented-scholarships-courtesy-of-google/15:25
fungialso ato is planning to have rapid antigen tests on-site for people who want to attend but don't have proof of vaccination nor negative test results handy15:27
fungithough as of their last update, "there will not be a mask mandate in place at the conference. Masks will be encouraged, and they will be available onsite and free of charge"15:28
fungibut they'll also be doing wrist-based temperature checks of all attendees at the door15:28
fungiand colored wristbands "for the immuno-compromised, or anyone with a heightened concern"15:30
diablo_rojoOh I really like that last idea15:34
*** ysandeep|dinner is now known as ysandeep|out16:27
*** mrunge_ is now known as mrunge18:37

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