Friday, 2022-11-25

*** akekane is now known as abhishekk04:02
*** frenzy_friday is now known as frenzy_friday|rover07:46
bauzashey fungi, clarkb, ttx, once one of you get this message, could you please create a Launchpad project named 'placement' ? We need it since we decided last PTG to move to LP for tracking bugs and features. thanks a lot 08:19
fricklerbauzas: while they all lurk around here, I think you want either #opendev or #openstack-infra for better visibility09:24
bauzasfrickler: shit, wrong chan09:24
bauzasfrickler: I wrote too fast without checking the chan name :)09:24
fricklerbauzas: np, happens to me, too09:25
*** frenzy_friday is now known as frenzy_friday|rover11:10

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