Monday, 2024-04-08

seongsoocho#i18n book folsom-FriB201:24
openinfraptgseongsoocho: Room folsom is now booked on FriB2 for i18n01:24
seongsoocho#i18n book folsom-FriB101:24
openinfraptgseongsoocho: Room folsom is now booked on FriB1 for i18n01:24
seongsoocho#i18n book folsom-FriB301:25
openinfraptgseongsoocho: Room folsom is now booked on FriB3 for i18n01:25
rafaelweingartnerHello guys, 11:22
rafaelweingartnerI am trying to test access to the vPTG Zoom meeting room, but I am getting invalid meeting ID. Do you know if there is something wrong with the rooms?11:22
*** gthiemon1e is now known as gthiemonge12:08
mnasiadkarafaelweingartner: default meeting rooms are no longer zoom rooms (
rafaelweingartnerAh, I see12:14
rafaelweingartnerthanks for the heads up12:14
rafaelweingartnerSo, we should use those rooms then?12:15
rafaelweingartnerI tested, and it is working!12:16
fungirafaelweingartner: yes, whatever is linked for each track. by default it's track-specific meetpad rooms corresponding to each track's etherpad, but can be overriden to something else if desired. if a particular track needs zoom specifically for some reason, reach out to the ptg organizers and i think they can get one temporarily allocated12:30
rafaelweingartner#cloudkitty now starting the vPTG meeting13:02
bauzasfungi: btw. we no longer need moderator codes if we use meetpad, right ?.13:03
fungibauzas: correct, the first person to join is automatically moderator and can share moderator access to other attendees13:04
rafaelweingartner#cloudkitty now Introductions13:09
mnasiadka#kolla url
rafaelweingartner#cloudkitty now Review of past release13:13
rafaelweingartner#cloudkitty now Reviewing process13:22
rafaelweingartner#cloudkitty now New features13:39
d34dh0r53#keystone etherpad
rpittau#ironic book mitaka-ThuB413:47
openinfraptgrpittau: Room mitaka is now booked on ThuB4 for ironic13:47
rafaelweingartner#cloudkitty now Deprecations13:48
bauzasgmann: I'm tempted to attend the QA meetup in 9 mins, but I'll just stay at the back of the room close to the heater and the window :D13:52
* bauzas is a nasty kid13:52
fungisee you there, coffee dispenser is at the back too13:52
bauzasgood reminder for me, my coffee machine will shortly run out of coffee beans and I need to go to the shop hopefully tomorrow morning to get new beans :)13:53
gmannbauzas: :)13:56
rafaelweingartner#cloudkitty now InfluxDB Fields vs. tags14:02
rafaelweingartner#cloudkitty now  extra topics14:13
carloss#manila etherpad
carloss#manila next Cycle Retrospective starting at 15 UTC14:13
gmann@qa now Caracal Retrospective14:16
gmann#qa Caracal Retrospective14:17
openinfraptggmann: Unknown command 'caracal'. Did you mean: qa now caracal... ?14:17
gmann#qa next Simlify grenade skip level testing jobs14:17
gmann#qa now Caracal Retrospective14:17
gmann#qa next Simlify grenade skip level testing jobs14:17
rafaelweingartner#cloudkitty now closing section14:24
gmann#qa now Simlify grenade skip level testing jobs14:28
SvenKieskealready asked on openstack-cinder but the link to the agend ( seems to be wrong on has someone the correct link?14:28
SvenKieskeat least the agenda is empty14:29
rosmaita#cinder etherpad
SvenKieskecould you fix the link then please? thanks!14:36
fungiSvenKieske: he just did (that #cinder comment was a command to ptgbot)14:48
SvenKieskeah yeah right, sorry. too many multitasking tasks..back to PTG :D14:49
diablo_rojo~motd add success Welcome to day 1 of the OpenInfra PTG! If you have any questions, please reach out to diablo_rojo on IRC in the #openinfra-events channel or via email to ptg@openinfra.dev14:51
carloss#manila now Caracal Cycle Retrospective15:04
rosmaita#seen amotoki15:19
openinfraptgrosmaita: amotoki never checked in anywhere15:19
jbernard#seen rosmaita 15:19
openinfraptgjbernard: rosmaita never checked in anywhere15:19
rosmaitain #cinder15:20
jbernard#seen rosmaita 15:20
openinfraptgjbernard: rosmaita never checked in anywhere15:20
rosmaita#in #cinder15:20
openinfraptgrosmaita: OK, checked into #cinder - thanks for the update!15:20
jbernard#seen rosmaita 15:20
openinfraptgjbernard: rosmaita was last seen in #cinder at 2024-04-08 15:20:2815:20
openinfraptgrosmaita: OK, checked out of #cinder - thanks for the update!15:20
jbernard#seen rosmaita 15:20
openinfraptgjbernard: rosmaita checked out of #cinder at 2024-04-08 15:20:4015:20
funginote that you can also check in/out and look for participants via /msg openinfraptg if you prefer to keep it off-channel15:25
fungiin/out/seen/subscribe are all enabled for private messaging to the bot15:26
jbernardfungi: good to know, thanks15:28
rosmaitafungi: we have nothing to hide!15:29
fungiyou're so transparent ;)15:29
jbernard#cinder url
jbernard#cinder unbook newton-TueB515:41
openinfraptgjbernard: Room newton (previously booked for cinder) is now free on TueB515:41
jbernard#cinder unbook newton-WedB515:41
openinfraptgjbernard: Room newton (previously booked for cinder) is now free on WedB515:41
jbernard#cinder unbook newton-ThuB515:41
openinfraptgjbernard: Room newton (previously booked for cinder) is now free on ThuB515:41
jbernard#cinder unbook newton-FriB515:41
openinfraptgjbernard: Room newton (previously booked for cinder) is now free on FriB515:41
SvenKieskenot sure I can command the bot, but the kolla meeting has closed for today, just in case someone is late to the party :)15:44
fungiSvenKieske: anyone can15:46
fungi#kolla now Done for the day!15:46
fungi#qa clean15:50
SvenKieskeah ty :) wasn't sure if only special registered users or someone like that can do that16:01
fungiSvenKieske: normal (identified maybe?) users can use the user and moderator commands, only chanops can use the admin commands16:06
fungii'd have to check the code to see whether it requires a nick to be identified with nickserv for user and moderator commands, but there's no special track moderator list in the bot at least16:08
kozhukalov#os-helm book cactus-WedB116:33
openinfraptgkozhukalov: Room cactus is now booked on WedB1 for os-helm16:33
kozhukalov#os-helm book cactus-WedB216:33
openinfraptgkozhukalov: Room cactus is now booked on WedB2 for os-helm16:33
*** mmalchuk_ is now known as mmalchuk16:48
JayF#os-tc now TC <-> Community Interaction session17:00
*** mmalchuk_ is now known as mmalchuk17:47
JayF#os-tc clean18:37
carloss#manila clean20:03
ildikov#edge url

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