Thursday, 2020-04-02

openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: Add properties for os_project
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: Add properties for os_project
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trembledtantsur mordred : Are the Ansible sanity tests being run against the OpenStack collection at the minute?09:12
trembledtantsur mordred : shouldn't be passing the sanity tests.09:13
tremble( sshnaidm|afk  ^ )09:14
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sshnaidmtremble, looking..09:26
dtantsurI'm not sure09:26
trembleAlthough it's possible I'm used to the Ansible 2.10 sanity tests rather than the 2.9 tests09:28
tremblebut the missing "type: dict" in the docs should be picked up by the ansible-test sanity tests.09:28
sshnaidmWARNING: All targets skipped09:30
trembleThat would be why...09:37
tremblesshnaidm, Which test are they under?09:37
sshnaidmtremble, it should run in linters..09:38
tremblesshnaidm, I can have a poke at that if you'd like.  I'm a big fan of catching as much of the 'dumb' stuff as possible in automated tests09:39
trembleYou'll even find my name in the commits for some of them :)09:40
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sshnaidmtremble, sure, won't take this joy from you :)09:42
sshnaidmtremble, I think I know..09:49
sshnaidmtremble, installing collection into repo directory was a bad idea09:49
sshnaidmtremble, so you want to fix it?09:52
sshnaidmtremble, most likely we'll need to fix linter issues as well.. :(09:53
trembleHopefully not, I did a big batch of them09:53
trembleI'm poking it locally to see if I can reproduce the "skipping"09:53
trembleunfortunately the nexus instance I'm using has apparently fallen over so it's slowing things down.09:54
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: Fix ansible sanity linter tests
sshnaidmtremble, let's see how it goes ^09:58
tremblesshnaidm, It would be good to use the 2.10 tests too, but I'm not sure how doable that would be.10:04
sshnaidmtremble, yeah, tbh I'd prefer to use latest ansible-test there as well10:05
sshnaidmok, now it's running10:07
trembleWell there's a good sign, it failed :)10:07
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trembleYeah, it should be '- "Mark Chappell (@tremble) <>"'10:11
trembleAlthough it's also not picking up on the ignores file by the looks of it.10:13
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sshnaidmtremble, it should pick 2.9 ignore file10:15
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openstackgerritMark Chappell proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: Fix ansible sanity linter tests
tremblesshnaidm, Sanity tests fixed up ^11:26
sshnaidmtremble, thanks!11:32
openstackgerritMark Chappell proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: New module: os_keystone_mapping_info
openstackgerritMark Chappell proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: New Module: os_keystone_identity_provider
openstackgerritMark Chappell proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: New Module: os_keystone_identity_provider_info
openstackgerritMark Chappell proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: New Module: os_keystone_federation_protocol
openstackgerritMark Chappell proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: New Module: os_keystone_federation_protocol_info
openstackgerritMark Chappell proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: os_keystone_mapping: fixup some minor nits found in followup reviews
openstackgerritMark Chappell proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: New Module: os_keystone_identity_provider
openstackgerritMark Chappell proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: New Module: os_keystone_identity_provider_info
openstackgerritMark Chappell proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: New Module: os_keystone_federation_protocol
openstackgerritMark Chappell proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: New Module: os_keystone_federation_protocol_info
openstackgerritMark Chappell proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: os_keystone_mapping: fixup some minor nits found in followup reviews
* tremble sniggers at some bad copy&paste comments in .zuul.yaml12:16
trembleMorning mordred12:22
mordredmorning tremble12:26
gtemaok then, it's far away from morning, but still - morning to everyone :D12:27
tremblegtema, You're also in Germany, it's not *that* far away...12:31
gtemawell, when your morning starts at 7 - it is12:31
gtemaI'm close to EOD already ;)12:31
trembleUnfortunately I work too much with Americans if I started at 7 I'd have pretty much 0 overlap with their 9-512:32
gtemaI'm "lucky" to work in the opposite direction12:33
gtema"go east"12:33
gtemawhere my 9 is 17 for some12:34
trembleI have a 4 year old who's an early riser, a 7am start wouldn't be too much of a change for me :)12:38
mordreda few years ago I had a team with folks in New York, Seattle, Spain, UK, Australia and New Zealand - team overlap time was hard ;)12:39
gtemaso yeah, let mordred wake up earlier :D12:39
mordredgtema: :)12:39
gtemaunrelated: I face lots of timeou failures from in my zuul. Anybody else seeing that?12:39
dtantsurtremble: where exactly are you based btw?12:40
mordrednot I - but I'm still on first coffee12:40
trembledtantsur, Munich12:44
dtantsuroh lovely! I had plans to pass by in May, not going to happen probably :)12:45
dtantsurmaybe one day..12:47
trembleYeah, who knows when it'll be 'normal' to travel again.12:47
dtantsuryeah, I'm not even sure when I get to gtema's town which is what, 1.5 hours by an RE?12:48
* mordred wonders how long after it's "ok" will he feel ok about it himself12:49
dtantsurlet's live to see it, I guess?12:50
mordredyes- I look forward to learning the answer to this question12:50
tremblemordred, I chose 'normal' deliberately ;)12:54
trembleI kinda expect we're going to see some form of disruption off and on for the rest of the year at least12:55
dtantsurtremble: how is Munich looking nowadays? I've heard you have a serious lock-down, unlike in NRW?12:59
trembledtantsur, 'serious'.  We're still allowed outside, we can still go shopping, it's mostly just "don't socialise"13:01
dtantsurah, so more similar to here13:01
gtemaI do not think very like here, we still allowed to socialize at max 2, BY not at all13:02
trembleFrom what I gather we're in a more relaxed state than northern Italy, but they're able to talk about crazy fines/prison time because of the law they've based the lockdown on.13:02
gtemaAnd I know police was really harsh on any groups of people >213:02
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sshnaidmmordred, any ideas how I can run tox linters job, but with different ansible version?14:22
sshnaidmmordred, like running 2 jobs actually, each one has its own ansible ver14:22
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mordredsshnaidm|afk: yeah - make two jobs14:26
mordredjobs are cheap :)14:26
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: Fix ansible sanity linter tests
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: New module: os_keystone_mapping_info
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: New Module: os_keystone_identity_provider
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: New Module: os_keystone_identity_provider_info
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tremblemordred, Are you likely to have time to get to the last two new modules or should I rebase and break the dependency on the Federation Protocol patches?15:18
tremble(I made the mistake of being lazy and dropping the patch at the tail of my chain of new modules15:19
mordredtremble: typo in
mordredtremble: same in the next one15:22
mordredotherwise they look good15:22
openstackgerritMark Chappell proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: os_keystone_mapping: fixup some minor nits found in followup reviews
openstackgerritMark Chappell proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: New Module: os_keystone_federation_protocol
openstackgerritMark Chappell proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: New Module: os_keystone_federation_protocol_info
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* tremble thanks mordred 15:29
mordredthank you - and that's for being patient as we sort through all these new things :)15:29
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tremblesshnaidm, Hopefully if you get the 2.10 sanity tests up and running you *shouldn't* see any additional failures, locally I ran against devel...15:31
sshnaidmtremble, great15:32
sshnaidmmordred, seems like need to play with arguments passed to tox-linter job..15:33
openstackgerritMark Chappell proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: Attempt to run Ansible-test from the devel ansible branch
tremblesshnaidm, /me wonders if it's as simple as ^15:34
sshnaidmtremble, that may work! If it installs "siblings"15:35
sshnaidmlet's see, thanks for the patch15:36
trembleAt the least it should get ansible somewhere we could then pull it from...15:38
trembleNot sure if it likes me messing with .zuul.yaml15:40
tremblemordred, Oh nice, it noticed 716537 was just a rebase and didn't require a full re-review15:42
mordredtremble: that _should_ work15:44
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sshnaidmdtantsur, so you're leaving the openstack nest? :)16:49
dtantsurwait, am I?16:50
sshnaidmdtantsur, going to independent journey16:50
sshnaidmIronic I mean16:50
dtantsurwell, that's a discussion rather then a plan at this point16:50
mordredI thought dtantsur and ironic were the same thing16:50
dtantsurthere is also my cat, but she pretends to be Julia16:50
sshnaidmbut the modules stay here for a while, right?16:51
dtantsursshnaidm: let's not talk as if the decision has been made16:55
sshnaidmsure, np16:56
dtantsuruntil we get a good-to-go from both the ironic team and the TC this is just my speculations16:56
dtantsureven if the PTL warmly supports them16:56
mordreddtantsur: of course you're going to make my brain hurt about what that means for openstacksdk ;)16:56
dtantsursshnaidm: but feel free to voice the question of modules and SDK as a concern on the ML, if it bothers you16:56
dtantsurmordred: ^^^ :)16:57
dtantsurit hurts my brain already, yes16:57
mordreddtantsur: well - my first thought it "screw it, we'll make an exception"16:57
dtantsur*shrug* it may be the way to go16:57
sshnaidmI'll do whatever mordred does with sdk :D16:57
dtantsurso far the idea hasn't been well received by the TC, so we'll see how it progresses16:58
dtantsurit definitely is not going to happen over weekend16:58
dtantsureven if we get a good-to-go right now (which is not going to happen), it will probably take most of Victoria to do the actual "iron-out" how one person already called it16:58
dtantsuron this positive note I'll call it a day, talk to you tomorrow16:59
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sshnaidmactually modules are not openstack official as well, so I don't think it may be a concern17:02
mordredwell - they're sort of official - the SIG is an openstack sig and we've got delegated authority over the galaxy namespace. that said - I think the bigger can of worms is related to the goal stated by the ironic team balanced against what makes things work better or worse for users17:04
mordredlike - if the goal is to create some marketing separation to make it clear to people that the standalone use case is a solidone, then needing to install the collection and openstacksdk to get the ansible modules might be weird17:04
mordredotoh - ceasing to use those makes the experience harder for the instances where the two are used together still17:05
mordredthere isn't an easy answer I don't think17:05
mordredbut - fwiw - I would not be personally opposed to continuing to support ironic if it were to move out - if for no other reason than that we would still need to support it for historical reasons until the end of time anyway17:06
mordredso since we _will_ be supporting using ironic from sdk, there's no reason to not just use that still from my pov17:06
sshnaidmI just realized how Ansible went far from "ssh tool", you can actually provision real baremetal with ironic modules17:20
mordredmuch to the chagrin of the original ansible author who worked on cobbler and thought the idea of ironic was crazy17:28
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: Add properties for os_project
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tremblesshnaidm|afk mordred, Looks like My change checked out the relevant Ansible branches but didn't install / 'enable' them something to poke at tomorrow19:11
sshnaidm|afkSibling ansible-base at src/
sshnaidm|afkmaybe because of "ansible-base"19:17
sshnaidm|afkit doesn't recognize it as sibling to "ansible"19:18
sshnaidm|afkdamn.. this broke everything in ansible-devel jobs, they run with 2.9 now19:20
sshnaidm|afkmordred, ^^19:21
mordredoh right19:28
mordredwe actually just had to do something with this in infra production test jobs too19:28
mordredwe might have to use more of a hammer here19:29
* tremble just causes trouble. Or spots trouble...19:30
mordredsshnaidm|afk, tremble : ansible-base does exist19:30
mordredin pypi19:30
mordredit doesn't do anything19:30
mordredBUT - if we have the -devel job pip install ansible-devel instead of ansible19:31
mordredBUT - if we have the -devel job pip install ansible-base instead of ansible19:31
mordredthen siblings will install the git repo19:31
tremblemordred, Feel free to hijack the change I started19:33
sshnaidm|afkso this will require conditional in test-requirements..?19:33
sshnaidm|afkor.. ansible-base provides ansible-2.9 as well19:34
sshnaidm|afkwell, it just does nothing..19:36
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: Deal with ansible-base
mordredsshnaidm|afk: I think that should do it19:37
mordredsshnaidm|afk: yeah - it's just an empty package - but it can be used to trigger the logic in tox-siblings that we want to replace something installed in the venv with something from git19:38
mordredthis is ... a bit of a mess ;)19:38
sshnaidm|afkoh, yeah..19:43
sshnaidm|afkso ansible-base of ansible-devel?
trembleAre vars "merged" between parent and child jobs?19:44
sshnaidm|afktremble, yes19:53
sshnaidm|afkand override previous with same name19:53
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: os_keystone_mapping: fixup some minor nits found in followup reviews
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: Fix ansible-base case for Ansible devel branches
sshnaidm|afkmy try ^^20:07
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: Deal with ansible-base
mordredsshnaidm|afk: yours is definitely worth a try :)20:10
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sshnaidm|afkand seems like it's working:
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