Monday, 2020-12-21

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JqckBsshnaidm|afk: hi, is it possible for you to review this ?
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frenzy_fridayHey, does anyone know why this is failing ? What am I missing here?10:33
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sshnaidmfrenzy_friday, it's a glance failure in devstack install, not related to the patch11:20
sshnaidmfrenzy_friday, you can run "recheck" and see if it happens again11:20
sshnaidmfrenzy_friday, just post "recheck" comment and jobs will run again11:21
sshnaidmit happens sometimes :)11:21
sshnaidmJqckB, yeah, I looked at it now11:22
sshnaidmJqckB, and it's tricky11:22
sshnaidmJqckB, running ansible task you expect to get desired state11:22
sshnaidmJqckB, so if you configured in task flavor A it's what you should get in the end. If you don't want it to be recreated/updated - just don't configure it. We can't configure the flavor and then to get flavor B instead.11:24
sshnaidmThen when you configure flavor A, don't set "update..." option, running task, it finishes ok, and you're totally sure you've got your flavor A in place. And with this patch it won't happen.11:25
sshnaidmJqckB, maybe you need dry-run instead?11:27
frenzy_fridaysshnaidm, like replying to the commit?11:36
sshnaidmfrenzy_friday, yes11:36
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: ports: add tags support
JqckBsshnaidm : thanks for the review, my take on this is that ok you should get the desired state, but only if it is possible. The API doesn't allow update, and I would be OK for this comportement if the API allowed update, but that is not the case, and delete/create is not something we should do in production.15:17
JqckBsshnaidm: for you, it is normal that the Ansible module do an "update", by deleting a ressource without telling the user that it will be an delete/create ?15:18
JqckBI can propose that the parameter I proposed should not be default, and keep the current behavior but with a possibility to fail if wanted by the user (that everyone with a production should have actually, this action shouldn't be made).15:20
sshnaidmJqckB, well, ansible doesn't care much *how* the state should be achieved, but it should be. You can't finish with "ok" when configured state if different from the real one. If flavor can't be updated - this should be solved in SDK, not here. If you suspect it may be deleted - you can run with --dry-run and to check this.15:24
sshnaidmJqckB, I'd suggest to try to solve it in SDK anyway and enable flavor to be updated if it's possible15:25
JqckBthe API (the Nova API) doesn't handle it:
JqckBthat is why I'm quite suprised that a module should not allow this15:27
sshnaidmJqckB, ansible module is not the place to solve it, but...15:29
sshnaidmJqckB, I can think about a different "solution"15:29
sshnaidmIt's not so good though and I'm not sure need to go with it15:29
sshnaidmBut you can fail the module if update_flavor is false and need actually to remove the flavor15:30
sshnaidmif flavor update requires removing flavor and update_flavor=false - fail, tell something "Task requires flavor deletion, and recreate_flavor is false"15:30
sshnaidmmaybe worth to fail only if there are resources with this flavor15:31
sshnaidmit's kind of hackish and maybe requires a discussion15:31
JqckBYou propose to reverse my proposal, keep the current behavior and propose the "recreate_flavor" param that if false, will fail ?15:34
JqckBAm I understood right ?15:34
sshnaidmmaybe other option is to have "recreate_flavor" as true, when you can set it as "false" in your task, but then task will fail in case it need to recreate flavor15:40
JqckBIf I'm taking the os_server module for example, and I'm looking the code right : If the server already exist, state is present, and image is changed on the image module parameter, you don't recreate the instance :)15:41
JqckBsshnaidm: yes, perfect I understand your proposition. I will propose a change and submit it.15:41
sshnaidmJqckB, good point about server, need to change it..15:44
sshnaidmI'm going to prepare a release of openstack modules before a new year, please be aware16:18
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openstackgerritPolina Gubina proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: Enable update for recordset and add tests for dns and recordset module
openstackgerritPolina Gubina proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: Enable update for recordset and add tests for dns and recordset module
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