Monday, 2022-01-31

sshnaidm|afkgtema, do you know why object test fail with "msg": "Could not determine container access for ACL: None." ?
gtemasshnaidm|afk, will have a look today05:36
gtemasshnaidm: as I see it should have been always like that. test is not setting any ACL and the code is explicitly not handling this as "public" container - even before08:05
gtemaof course I might oversee something, but I do not see currently why it should be different08:06
sshnaidmhmm, that's weird it fails now then08:07
gtemaah wait, I might have looked to wrong test case (just greped first read_acl)08:08
gtemamaybe the issue is None vs ''08:10
gtema - you might try using that08:14
opendevreviewShnaidman Sagi (Sergey) proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: WIP fix collection for new SDK
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: Add zuul artifact
opendevreviewShnaidman Sagi (Sergey) proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: Add CentOS 9 tripleo job
sshnaidmgtema, that worked -
gtemathen let's merge it12:55
sshnaidmgtema, seems like "properties" for projects stopped to work, is it expected?
gtemanope, it's not that expected, but not that I would immediately say I need to turn back12:57
gtemanowadays all additional stuff in project comes under "options"13:01
gtemamaybe in identity v2 it was not like that and I pretty much dropped v2 support in the cloud layer (still work through proxy)13:01
gtemaso I would say here we might consider changing properties to options13:02
gtemaor I can also add synonym for options to be properties for backward compat13:02
sshnaidmgtema, ack, let me try13:02
sshnaidmgtema, if it's just alias, I can do it in module itself13:02
gtemayeah, I would really try it this way13:03
sshnaidmgtema, fyi16:23
sshnaidmno "properties" in new sdk afaiu16:23
gtemayupp, it was done as a "fake" composition attribute16:24
sshnaidmgtema, call in 3 mins16:27

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