Friday, 2015-07-31

openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Keystone Federation Service Provider Configuration
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openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Fix the Juno -> Kilo upgrade script
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openstackgerritMajor Hayden proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Small readme fix
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: remove conntrackd package
openstackgerritNolan Brubaker proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment-specs: Add spec for the Liberty cycle upgrade path
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odyssey4memorning all07:50
odyssey4memeteorfox The definitions of the roles are up to you as the spec creator - you may wish to define them in your spec to be clear if you see them as different roles, although I think Dployer typically would speak to the deployment experience whereas Operator would typically speak to the experience of keeping it running and operating it after the deployment is done.07:53
odyssey4memattt would you mind quickly reviewing some backports?07:54
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Add sample Keystone Federation SP configuration for ADFS
matttodyssey4me: yeah sure, got a list ?07:58
mattt(or urgent ones)07:58
matttor n/m, let me just scan gerrit :)07:58
matttodyssey4me: what's going on w/ ?08:06
matttneeds a tickle?  (recheck)08:07
odyssey4memattt we have an issue with document change gate check at the moment - they never end up in the check queue08:07
odyssey4meso don't worry about those - if you've voted then I'll figure out the gate issue later08:07
mattti haven't a clue what's going on in, i'm just going to have to assume this is all good to go08:09
odyssey4memattt yep, it's a backport - don't +w it, but add your vote08:10
matttk done08:10
odyssey4methx mattt08:10
evrardjpgood morning everyone08:21
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Enable Horizon to consume a Keystone v3 API endpoint
mattthowdy evrardjp08:25
svgmorning al08:27
matttmroning svg08:27
svglatest update a couple of days ago from cloudnull for ceph patch release was milestone: 11.1.0 → 11.1.108:28
svgNot sure why that is, given the semantaic versioning, I'd expect 11.1.0?08:29
openstackLaunchpad bug 1455238 in openstack-ansible trunk "Ceph Support" [Wishlist,In progress] - Assigned to Serge van Ginderachter (svg)08:29
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svggit-harry: you here?08:36
matttsvg: i think ceph will be going into 11.208:36
mattt(the ceph client stuff that is)08:36
svgHow exactly does this gets decided?08:37
svgmattt: do you perhaps understand git-harry 's latest comment (on line 52) in ?08:39
matttsvg: the if statement one?08:39
mattthis comment makes sense, but i had to look at it 2x also :P08:40
svgI see how given that show_image_direct_url has beome a var, the if is not needed any more, but I don't understand what he meant by 'The var is false if glance_default_store != 'rbd' and true if it is.'08:40
odyssey4mesvg we don't yet have the 11.2.0 milestone setup and 11.1.0 releases today and the patch isn't ready yet so it'll have to move to the next release08:40
matttsvg: well glance_show_image_direct_url: "{{ glance_default_store == 'rbd' }}" in defaults/main.yml08:40
matttsvg: so glance_show_image_direct_url will always be true/false, meaning you can always set show_image_direct_url and therefore the condition around it is not needed08:41
matttsvg: i don't handle release management but as i understand it stuff that has been backported will be queued up for the next release08:41
svgok, my coin fell, to translate a ducth saying :)08:42
matttcould be me but i think that is lost in translation :)08:43
odyssey4meyeah, it needs to get into master before we can consider the milestone to attach it to08:43
git-harrysvg: hello08:43
git-harrymattt: the penny dropped08:43
svghi harry, problem solved now08:43
matttgit-harry: WHY YOU SO SMART08:43
openstackgerritSerge van Ginderachter proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Add Ceph/RBD support to playbooks
matttif this gates i'm smashing the merge button08:46
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Remove {{ from "with_items" and "when" statements
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Increase ssh delay after flush net cache tasks
matttgit-harry svg: found one more small issue preventing the handler from working09:49
git-harrymattt: I may be looking at the same thing09:50
svgsorry for that09:50
git-harrymattt: is that where the host is in multiple groups?09:50
matttgit-harry: just updated w/ my comments, should explain it09:51
matttsvg: no worries, we're 99% there :)09:51
matttgit-harry: the issue was largely that we define service to be an array, and point it to an array09:52
matttso service ends up being service: [[service1,2,3]]09:52
matttso we loop over service and hand off an array to the handler, which pukes09:52
matttbut actually i'm just testing this, and it's still broken :P09:53
matttso svg perhaps hold off before you make any changes :P09:53
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svgI should ask the guy that wrote the subelement plugin09:56
matttsvg: is that yours?09:56
odyssey4meas I recall, yes :p09:57
svgmattt: so it seems lists dont get flattened here (they do in the base with_items)10:02
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matttsvg: still looking, but i made the change i suggested in a dummy playbook which works, but not when i run os-glance-install.yml10:09
matttsvg: fatal: [infra1-578153_glance_container-28178217] => the key service should point to a list, got '{{ cinder_service_names }}'10:09
git-harrymattt: that var isn't defined10:12
git-harrybecause you're running it on the glance hosts and the var is coming from the openstack role10:12
matttthat makes sense10:13
git-harryThat's causing me an issue because cinder-volume and nova-compute are on the same host10:13
matttservice: '{{ nova_service_names|default() }}' ?10:19
matttprobably not the right approach either tbh10:20
git-harryyou could probably use 'is defined'10:20
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gparaskevashello everyone10:27
matttgparaskevas: hey there10:28
matttgparaskevas: sorry we missed your swift question yesterday10:28
gparaskevashello mat no problem at all :)10:29
gparaskevasi am still facing the swift issue10:30
gparaskevasand i dont get it really10:30
odyssey4megparaskevas are you wanting to deploy swift?10:30
odyssey4meand do you have swift hosts defined in your openstack_user_config10:31
gparaskevasi only deploy it for cinder backend and evaluating purpose overall10:31
gparaskevaslet me check user_config once again10:31
gparaskevasas far as i can understand i ony define storag hosts in openstack_user_config right?10:33
gparaskevasthen i have a swift.yml in conf.d folder10:33
matttgparaskevas: what's your swift.yml look like and can you remind us what the error is you're hitting ?10:35
gparaskevassure give me a sec10:35
gparaskevas  ->error10:37
gparaskevas ->swift.yml10:38
gparaskevasthe weird thing is that the config is the same i have already used and successfully deployed the stack in the past10:38
matttgparaskevas: hmm, wonder if something on our end has changed10:39
gparaskevasi dont really knnow10:39
gparaskevasbut i did clone the latest OSAD10:39
matttyou probably need to set something similar10:40
gparaskevaslooks like!10:40
gparaskevaslet me check10:40
matttgparaskevas: what version of os-ansible-deployment are you using btw?10:44
matttswift_vars according to the docs is optional10:44
gparaskevasi have cloned master and also openstack release is set to master10:46
matttgparaskevas: sounds like a bug, but i'm not well versed w/ swift so i could be wrong10:47
mattttry setting it in your conf.d file and see if that helps10:47
gparaskevasok so it worked now10:48
gparaskevasi did define container vars: and swift_vars and i worked10:48
gparaskevas -> this is what i did10:49
gparaskevasso maybe it optinal and just needs to be empty but defined10:49
matttgparaskevas: smells like a bug to me :)10:50
matttgparaskevas: we can ping odyssey4me when he gets back, he's more familiar w/ swift than i am10:51
mattti don't want to feed you the wrong information, so perhaps it's best to actually set zone, region, etc. under swift_vars10:51
gparaskevasyes i dont know eiither and i am not ver familiar with sswift10:52
gparaskevasso as you propose!10:52
matttgparaskevas: can you stick around or swing by in an hour or two so we can ask him?10:52
gparaskevasyeah sure10:52
matttgreat, talk to you in a bit!10:53
odyssey4megparaskevas so I guess you mean glance backend, not cinder backend?11:08
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gparaskevasyes glance i am sorry11:18
gparaskevasand the problem was resolved by adding swift_vars and container_vars in swift.yml11:19
gparaskevaslet me paste11:19
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gparaskevasi happened to keep my swift.yml from a past installation which did not contain the swift_vars definition and that seems to be the problem11:20
gparaskevasso i added swift_vars and then it worked11:20
gparaskevasis swift_vars optional or should i always include it?11:21
matttgparaskevas: it sounds like a bug to me, setting it to an empty value is pointless from a deployer's perspective11:27
matttin another part of the code we actually force-set it incase it doesn't exist11:29
matttso it sounds like a bug, i'll create an issue for this11:29
gparaskevasis there anything i can do?11:29
matttgparaskevas: continue to be awesome11:30
matttgparaskevas: but seriously once i create it you can have a poke around11:31
matttgparaskevas: otherwise we'll have one of our swift guys see if it's a valid issue or not11:31
odyssey4methat swift_vars error has popped up once in a while but been resolved, or so I thought11:32
matttodyssey4me: we had a similar issue with one of the swift proxy vars, i know andymccr fixed that11:33
odyssey4meah, that's what I'm thinking of11:34
odyssey4mewell, you do need to designate a zone for each storage host - so I think you actually need some vars otherwise it won't work11:35
odyssey4meoh, odd - you're designating swift_vars for your compute host?11:35
odyssey4megparaskevas what does your openstack_user_config look like?11:36
javeriakhey guys, is there a haproxy-install.yml equivalent playbook in the kilo branch? like we use in juno11:38
javeriaknevermind, i see it :)11:38
odyssey4mejaveriak noddy badge to you :p11:39
odyssey4megparaskevas are you intentionally putting your compute host as a swift object storage host? is it just for testing because you only have one host?11:40
odyssey4meif so, model your config on this: and make sure that you have nothing conflicting in openstack_user_config11:40
evrardjpI can't force me to NOT see there is a space missing on the last 2 lines of your paste gparaskevas11:43
odyssey4melol evrardjp11:47
gparaskevaslaughed really hard let me check and add it11:53
odyssey4megparaskevas that's unlikely to be the issue though - you should not have to add swift_vars to your compute node11:54
odyssey4meassuming that you have storage hosts specified somewhere?11:54
gparaskevasits compute and swift11:54
openstackgerritSerge van Ginderachter proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Add Ceph/RBD support to playbooks
gparaskevasthe name is compute111:55
odyssey4meok, then check the AIO examples for reference - that's how we do gate testing so that defines a fairly minimal set of vars which need to be set11:55
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Documentation of the ChangeID Id5a74db2399166af2d6ac289b71ebb0de04f5679 about static routes
gparaskevasits all for evaluation this is no prodaction and its not AIO11:55
gparaskevasits actually 4 vms11:56
gparaskevasthanks again very much!11:56
odyssey4megparaskevas sure, but use it as a reference for a very minimal setup - that is a base set of required variables11:57
odyssey4mecheck the structure carefully too11:57
evrardjpso, I have a few hours to test federation support12:04
odyssey4meevrardjp haha12:04
odyssey4meinstalling it is simple enough, understanding how it works and consuming it is another matter12:05
evrardjpI don't start from 0, I already have a test federation not linked to openstack :p12:05
odyssey4mewe've made the install dead simple12:05
odyssey4meok, do you have an existing IDP then?12:05
evrardjplots of them :D12:05
evrardjpI don't know anything about the federation IN openstack though12:06
evrardjplike, where are the metadata file, the generation timers, how to switch from standard keystone to a federated SP in keystone...12:07
evrardjpI'll check the commit12:07
evrardjpand the blueprints12:07
odyssey4meevrardjp that's no issue - with federation in keystone the built-in keystone is still an option for auth12:07
odyssey4meall we do is add another optional auth layer on top of keystone12:08
evrardjpwith shibd?12:08
odyssey4meif you want to setup a Keystone SP for an IDP, all we support right now is the use of saml2 tokens12:08
evrardjpseems fair12:08
odyssey4meall we've instrumented so far is the Shibboleth2 SP configuration, ie mod_shibd12:09
odyssey4mealso key to note is that if you want WebSSO, Horizon/Keystone currently only support one IDP for WebSSO12:09
odyssey4meyou can have as many IDP's as you like for CLI auth though12:09
odyssey4meand another thing - most of the CLI tooling is not yet in kilo, but is being prepped up and should be available around liberty12:10
odyssey4mewe've provided a convenience script that uses curl to do the missing pieces12:10
evrardjpI'm not sure to understand what you meant by "only support one IdP for websso" "you can have as many IDP's as your like for CLI auth"12:12
evrardjpIf I have a DS, can't I bring my IdP to auth on the openstack keystone SP?12:12
evrardjpIdPs (plural form)12:12
evrardjpon horizon12:12
odyssey4meevrardjp ah, if you have a DS then yes you can handle multiple IDP's for SSO12:13
evrardjpif it's only for CLI, that's gonna cause me a pain, as I have multiple IdPs that should be able to auth on horizon using SAML212:13
odyssey4methat's not something we baked into the testing, so we may need a patch set to enable that nicely :) that'll be an opportunity for you to add another patch!12:13
evrardjpgood to know what has been done and what hasn't12:14
odyssey4meour docs team is busy taking our raw notes and compiling decent docs - we haven't added any to the repo just yet12:14
evrardjpbut it changes my priorities12:14
odyssey4mebut yeah, if you want to configure keystone as an SP then both myself and miguelgrinberg know the drill well12:15
odyssey4meevrardjp I take it that this is yours?
odyssey4meI've added a note around the commit message - I can tweak it for you to show you unless you want to take a stab yourself quickly?12:15
evrardjpyeah, my first one... I've seen the warning about size12:16
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evrardjpWill correct it12:16
odyssey4meevrardjp thank you for adding! I take it that your legal dept approved contributing?12:18
evrardjpmore or less12:18
evrardjpWe went to an agreement12:18
evrardjpthat's all you have to know12:18
odyssey4meexcellent :)12:18
evrardjpfor docimpact, what should I mention? Kinda noob on this12:19
evrardjpDocImpact: ??12:19
odyssey4mejust have a line above the change id that has the word 'DocImpact'12:19
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Documentation of the static-route feature
odyssey4meit will generate a bug for the project which we assign to the docs team and they will review the change and perhaps tweak stuff or whatever12:20
odyssey4meevrardjp perfect :)12:20
evrardjpnp It's now part of my job too to have a good doc ;)12:21
odyssey4meevrardjp so now whenever you have some time to kill you can look at the patch submissions and comment/vote on them:,n,z12:27
matttsvg: you there12:27
evrardjpyou know time is the most valuable resource in the world right? ;D12:27
odyssey4meevrardjp time spent reviewing now is less time spent finding bugs later12:28
matttsvg: going to make a small change, to add cinder_ceph_client to inventory/group_vars/hosts.yml12:28
matttit looks like it's not able to pick this var up ceph_client role in os-cinder-install.yml in the pre_tasks12:29
matttso defaulting it in group_vars also will be ok, like we do w/ nova_ceph_client12:29
matttsvg: also think the logic in,cm isn't right12:30
matttsvg: wait, n/m ....12:30
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* svg waits12:31
matttsvg: why would any of those vars be iterable?12:31
svgb/c they are lists of services12:31
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matttsvg: wrong variable name?12:32
matttsvg: glance_ceph_client: glance12:32
matttis the default12:32
* svg slaps himself with a fail whale12:32
matttsvg: WAIT12:33
matttsvg: i was actually on your wave length there, until i realised the variable was wrong12:33
matttsvg: what we could do in ceph_components is set service to  service: '{{ glance_service_names|default([]) }}'12:34
matttsvg: or we were thinking of redefining the service list for nova/glance/cinder in ceph_common, so we can limit what actually gets restarted12:35
svgthere's a bigger risk actually here12:36
svgI tried re-using those service lists from other roles12:36
svgand those vars are known b/c those other roles where run and parsed earlier12:36
svgbut *if* those roles are not ran (like in running onlky ceph tags), I'm actually not sure the vars will still be known12:37
svgso that empty default might kick in at bad times12:37
svgI think it might be better to redefine a list of services hardcoded in the ceph role, and then we can limit it to only the needed services12:38
svgso +1 to your last thought12:38
matttgit-harry: get to it12:41
svg"Make it so" ;)12:42
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openstackgerritMatt Thompson proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Add Ceph/RBD support to playbooks
gparaskevasmattt can you help me with this
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matttgparaskevas: oh dear12:56
matttgparaskevas: give me a sec, i've seen this before12:57
openstackgerritSerge van Ginderachter proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Add Ceph/RBD support to playbooks
svgmattt git-harry pushed my fix on top of mattt's ^^12:59
odyssey4megparaskevas ah, one of the neutron wheels is between things again13:01
odyssey4mewhich branch/tag are you using?13:01
odyssey4meok, so gparaskevas master is tracking liberty so this sort of thing will happen often because the openstack code is constantly changing13:02
odyssey4meit'd be better to build your test environment from the kilo branch as the upstream kilo has less changes.13:03
gparaskevasodyssey4me: ok seems fair13:03
odyssey4meessentially someone's submitted a patch upstream while your repo was figuring out dependencies... the upstream patch merged and changed the db migration steps for neutron, effectively making your set of wheels pretty useless13:04
odyssey4meyou can try and run repo-build again and see if the upstream things is solved, but if you want a smoother ride then rather stick with a more stable branch :)13:04
gparaskevasodyssey4me: ok then, i will give a try to kil branch (i guess by changing /inventory/group_vars/all.yml ?)13:05
gparaskevasodyssey4me: kilo*13:06
odyssey4megparaskevas nope, switch to the kilo branch of os-ansible-deployment13:06
odyssey4methere are loads of upstream dependencies which we set per branch13:07
odyssey4mekilo and master are relatively close in ansible code, so it's not likely that your openstack_deploy config settings should need a change13:07
matttodyssey4me: yeah that all sounds familiar, i know we've hit this in the past13:08
gparaskevasodyssey4me: sounds logical. rebuilding my repo and giving a last try. i will thne go on with kilo branch of osad.13:10
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matttsvg git-harry so agreed that we'll just redefine the service lists in ceph_client ?13:27
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matttsvg git-harry : i'll give it a new variable name to not conflict with what already exists13:27
git-harrymattt: yeah, I was just doing it13:27
git-harrybut if you're doing it I'll stop13:28
matttgit-harry: haven't started so i'll let you continue on13:28
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openstackgerritgit-harry proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Add Ceph/RBD support to playbooks
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matttgit-harry: not sure i'd have taken that approach13:37
matttgit-harry: if you have that var in ceph_client and os_glance (for example), which wins?13:37
matttmaybe ceph_cinder_service_names instead?13:38
matttgit-harry: i guess what i'm trying to say is you don't want your var in ceph_client to mess with stuff happening in os_glance13:38
matttbut that's because i dont' know how ansible actually works13:38
Sam-I-Amodyssey4me: is there an rpc equivalent of 207849?13:41
jwitkoHey All,  When I want to add something to a deployments nova.conf  (force_config_drive=true for example), Which nova container do I add it to?  I must add it on all 3 correct?13:46
alextricityjwitko: It would be better to add it to the ansible template and run the nova playbooks, no?13:47
jwitkoalextricity, I am trying to keep the osad repo and my changes separate.  I have my own ansible repo for applying my customizations13:48
alextricityjwitko: You would have to add it to all nova containers then13:48
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Properly parse and quote arguments in upgrade script
odyssey4mejwitko force_config_drive is already set13:48
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git-harrymattt: I don't think they will affect each other but I don't know for sure13:49
jwitkohah, so it is13:49
odyssey4meand if a setting is not available already in the project, then it's best to register a bug to request that it be added, so that it becomes part of the project instead of a customisation that will hurt you when you try to upgrade13:49
git-harrymattt: I'll change it to be safe13:50
odyssey4methen you can work out how to add it through ansible and submit a patch for it :)13:50
openstackgerritMatthew Kassawara proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Documentation of the static-route feature
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openstackgerritgit-harry proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Add Ceph/RBD support to playbooks
odyssey4meheh, Sam-I-Am it might have been more polite to ask evrardjp if you could take over his patch before you did it13:54
odyssey4megood edit though :p13:54
jwitkoodyssey4me, alrighty.  so I also had to set ‘force_gateway_on_subnet=false’,  is that one accurate for a bug report?13:54
evrardjpodyssey4me: politeness... so overrated ;)13:55
odyssey4mejwitko yep, for sure13:55
jwitkocool, I’ll submit one.13:55
odyssey4mejwitko cool :)13:55
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matttgit-harry svg : you guys happy?  :)14:03
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* svg does his happy dance14:04
* mattt tosses svg a non alcoholic beverage14:05
* svg looks a bit sad to mattt14:05
git-harrymattt: I'll let you know once I've retested everything from scratch14:07
mattti probably ought to do the same :-/14:12
gparaskevasstupid question :is there a specific reason that HAproxy stats arent included?14:14
palendaegparaskevas: Depends on which haproxy you're talking about, but haproxy as an LB for the whole stack isn't really considered production in OSAD14:16
palendaeThere's also HAproxy solely for keystone with federation, but I'm less familiar with that14:16
gparaskevasi know but even for the testing is quit handy to see the stats :) i told it was stupid14:17
palendaeThat's probably true14:19
palendaeWhat stats aren't included where?14:19
gparaskevashaproxy can listen o specific port and present stats about backends and frontends14:20
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odyssey4megparaskevas palendae haproxy is haproxy - nothing seperate for keystone/federation14:24
odyssey4meall we did was add haproxy ssl offloading support to haproxy14:24
palendaeodyssey4me: So it uses the same AIO haproxy?14:24
palendaeFor some reason I thought there was independent haproxy load balancing just for keystone now14:24
odyssey4megparaskevas and no, no reason other than what palendae said - we do already have a wish list bug to add that capability I think14:25
odyssey4mebut I might be mixing it up with rabbitmq14:25
odyssey4mepalendae haha, no way - there's enough complexity as it is14:25
gparaskevasif there is a bug about it i can fix that14:25
odyssey4megparaskevas if you can't find a bug, register one - and if you can submit a patch for it, go for it!14:26
gparaskevasok thanks14:26
palendae ?14:26
openstackLaunchpad bug 1446432 in openstack-ansible "Enable HAProxy stats Web UI" [Wishlist,Confirmed]14:26
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odyssey4methere we go :)14:26
odyssey4methe patch should be pretty straightforward, so if you work on it then assign the bug to yourself and go ahead14:27
gparaskevashahah boy that escalated quicly14:27
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palendaeopen source: "Why isn't this a thing?" "Cause nobody wrote it, here's the bug" :)14:29
odyssey4megparaskevas you're welcome :)14:30
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sigmavirus24palendae: sometimes14:45
sigmavirus24palendae: other times open source is like "Why isn't this a thing? WHY DIDN'T YOU WRITE THIS YET? I CAN'T WRITE THAT! THAT'S NOT MY JOB" (all in the issue report)14:45
palendaeYeah, there's that too14:46
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matttgit-harrys svg : that job hasn't even started gating yet :(14:50
palendaeBetting zuul is still backed way up14:50
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Use playbook status to report upgrade failure
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Add galera_address to all playbooks installing galera_client
sigmavirus24palendae: last night it was down to 600 items in the gate from 6k14:53
sigmavirus24so I started approving things14:53
sigmavirus24because yolo14:53
palendaeDown an order of magnitude, sounds good to me14:54
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sigmavirus24It's better14:54
sigmavirus24but still not good probably14:54
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/os-ansible-deployment-specs: Limit the distribution of .my.cnf
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gparaskevasodyssey4me: i have created a patch based on master branch15:00
gparaskevasodyssey4me: this is rgaridng haproxy stats. how can i submit this for review?15:00
odyssey4megparaskevas great! have you ever submitted any patches using gerrit before?15:01
gparaskevasodyssey4me: firsttimer here15:01
odyssey4megparaskevas so it's a bit complicated, but described here:
odyssey4meand in links from there as we use the same approach as openstack15:02
odyssey4mesee how far you get and we can assist you when you're stuck15:02
gparaskevasodyssey4me: thats ok ! thanks againn very much i will come back for either help or with a submited patch!15:03
odyssey4megparaskevas :) we look forward to it15:03
gparaskevasodyssey4me: thanks again bye! :)15:03
matttgparaskevas: i'm heading out shortly, but i can also help you through this next week if you need15:04
gparaskevasmattt: ok i will ping you then if i need any help thnka you! :)15:05
matttgparaskevas: no worries, have a good weekend15:05
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openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Keystone Federation Service Provider Configuration
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Add sample Keystone Federation SP configuration for ADFS
sigmavirus24Also zuul is <200 jobs right now15:38
openstackgerritTom Cameron proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Add new roles to create a router container and custom routes
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palendaeodyssey4me, sigmavirus24: Yeah, my mariadb restart is taking ~10 minutes to happen15:48
sigmavirus24we're not upgrading mariadb as part of this are we?15:48
palendaeodyssey4me: fwiw, when I tried last night, I also tried a manual restart of it from within the container, and it took as long15:48
sigmavirus24that didn't merge into kilo iirc15:48
palendaeNot that I know of15:48
palendaeThe spec is only for liberty anyway15:48
palendaeAlso the ordering should no longer affect this15:48
sigmavirus24I think ordering was a red herring of sorts15:49
palendaeThough I'm still curious why we're not matching the order of greenfield15:49
sigmavirus24Yeah that's a very valid question IMO15:49
palendaeThere may be a good reason for it, but I wasn't able to glean it from what I saw there15:50
odyssey4mepalendae sigmavirus24 because cloudnull_afk ?15:53
palendaeodyssey4me: More curious if there was a concious reason or if it was an oversight15:53
palendaeEither way, if it's not material to how upgrades work now, I'm fine with not touching it15:54
odyssey4mepalendae no idea - it probably has reasons which are in Kevin's head :p15:54
odyssey4meI could try and reverse engineer the reasoning, but I think we're beyond that right now.15:54
palendaeAnd now we're learning what we need to do without his head here :)15:54
palendaeYeah, sadly I don't think now's the time15:54
palendaeFor liberty's upgrades, definitely15:54
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palendaeThere we go, mariadb finally restarted15:58
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odyssey4mepalendae d34dh0r53 mattt sigmavirus24 cloudnull_afk andymccr hughsaunders we need to make a call on whether we release 11.1.0 today, or shift the release date to monday to give more time to get the last reviews done16:00
sigmavirus24palendae: fun16:00
sigmavirus24I'm +1 on giving us more time16:00
odyssey4meIMO we have too many reviews still in flight, many of which are key deliverables16:00
sigmavirus24== ^16:00
d34dh0r53I'm also +1 on more time16:01
stevelle+1 for Monday16:01
odyssey4meessentially if they slip this release, then they slip to 11.2.0 which hasn't got a date set yet16:01
palendaeodyssey4me: I am agreed; releasing 11.1.0 right now will mean we tag on broken commits16:01
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odyssey4meconsidering the time, we won't get a vote from mattt and cloudnull_afk andymccr and hughsaunders are on leave, so we have agreement16:02
odyssey4meI'll pop an email to the mailing list for reference.16:03
sigmavirus24odyssey4me: see that I replied to your questions about the upgrade process16:05
sigmavirus24I hope that clarifies things16:05
odyssey4mesigmavirus24 will check, thanks16:05
sigmavirus24 for everyone's reference16:05
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palendaeodyssey4me, sigmavirus24: And my install (head Juno -> head Kilo + patch) is now failing on the same packages16:08
sigmavirus24on apt-transport-https?16:08
odyssey4mepalendae it's not packages - it's that the repo server isn't working due to haproxy dropping16:09
sigmavirus24my juno AIOs are still building16:09
palendae2nd comment on
odyssey4me(I guess)16:09
palendaeodyssey4me: Yeah, sorry - this is the symptom16:09
palendaeHowever, it's odd that only a handful aren't being found16:09
odyssey4mepalendae I think it's because those are new packages - the othesrs are still there and don't need downloading16:10
palendaeThus far it's ldappool and oslo.middleware, will probably have to wait for the rest to time out16:10
palendaeAh, good point16:10
palendaeYeah, you're right16:10
palendaeThe ones that succeed are all 'ok', not 'changed'16:10
sigmavirus24so setup-infrastructure.yml is failing to clone the repo appropriately?16:10
odyssey4mesigmavirus24 nope, that works16:10
palendaeThe repo's fine16:10
sigmavirus24oh it's just hap?16:10
palendaehaproxy gets messed up during the upgrade16:11
odyssey4meit's that haproxy won't restart because there's a port conflict16:11
palendaeCan't restart it16:11
palendaeCan't go through it16:11
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palendaeIt is getting updated for the new containers, because I see the repo_all conf present16:11
sigmavirus24how is there a port conflict16:12
sigmavirus24is it not stopped properly?16:12
palendaeI wonder if the old containers that we delete aren't being cleaned up16:12
odyssey4menow if only haproxy gave us a log file to work with :/16:12
sigmavirus24Or if things are holding connections to that IP+port and we need to stop all services on upgrade or something stupid16:12
odyssey4mesigmavirus24 it's definitely stopped, and the host has no conflicting port that I can find16:12
odyssey4meit's very odd16:12
sigmavirus24odyssey4me: lsof -i | grep 818116:13
sigmavirus24look for any connections still open to that port16:13
palendaesigmavirus24: That returns nothign for me16:13
palendaeWe delete: rsyslog_all, nova_api_ec2, nova_spice_console. I don't see haproxy entries for any of those on my AIO16:13
sigmavirus24yeah on my new Juno AIO I'm not seeing anything listening on that port16:14
sigmavirus24what about lsof -i | grep haproxy16:15
palendae[ALERT] 211/161452 (16835) : Starting frontend keystone_service-front: cannot bind socket is the error16:16
palendaeI notice both keystone_service-front and keystone_service-back reference 5000, but I don't think that's it16:16
sigmavirus24fun stuff16:17
palendaelsof -i | grep 5000 shows nothing...16:17
sigmavirus24so nothing is listening on the port16:17
sigmavirus24Does  grepping for haproxy show anything?16:17
sigmavirus24d'oh yeah16:18
sigmavirus24haproxy's not running16:18
palendaekeystone_service-front is using
odyssey4mepalendae sigmavirus24 narrowed it down, it's the keystone service that's failing16:18
palendaeOther services use *16:18
Sam-I-Ampalendae: stevelle saw something similar a few nights ago16:18
Sam-I-Amit was because the ip address for the lb was not a valid ip on the host16:18
palendaeodyssey4me: it keystone itself or is it the haproxy config file?16:18
palendaeodyssey4me: setting keystone_service-front to use * instead of let haproxy start for me16:19
stevellegood catch16:19
odyssey4meok, yeah - so the haproxy play sets the service to the particular addresses now - as the public needs to listen on the public address and the internal on the internal16:19
sigmavirus24So using failed on the container-interfaces temporary playbook too16:19
Sam-I-Amnamely *_lb_vip_address16:20
odyssey4meso this means that the issue is purely haproxy specific16:20
odyssey4meyep Sam-I-Am16:20
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palendaeodyssey4me: yeah, though hard to give timely feedback on the original bug when we hit it >.<16:20
odyssey4meso the haproxy play uses the external address for keystone_service and creates keystone_internal if the external and internal are different16:20
palendaeAnd confirmed - os_keystone is installing the failed packages now16:21
odyssey4methis is to allow ssl binding for the public address but not the internal one16:21
palendaeThen it failed on creating the DB for the service, hah16:21
odyssey4melet me check out the play and see where the issue is being caused as I know this well16:21
palendaesigmavirus24: You had a fix for the keystone DB not being found?16:21
odyssey4meI think this is all related16:22
odyssey4meeither the external or internal address is being overidden or is wrong16:22
sigmavirus24so Apsu16:22
palendaemysql's not even running on the galera container16:23
odyssey4me /etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml:  internal_lb_vip_address:
odyssey4me /etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml:  external_lb_vip_address:
palendaeGonna try a manual start and see what happens16:23
sigmavirus24remember how we were splitting the file name being passed into run_lock? well that's not going to work super well because
Apsusigmavirus24: Take out the spaces.16:24
sigmavirus24Will that actually do the right thing for basename?16:24
odyssey4megood plan, do another patch set in the existing patch16:24
odyssey4meno idea, best to test16:25
sigmavirus24holy poop it will16:25
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palendaesigmavirus24: That's...scary16:25
sigmavirus24palendae: it's because we don't quote that argument to basename16:25
sigmavirus24oh wait16:25
sigmavirus24that'll do horrible things to that call16:25
sigmavirus24it will become `basename /tmp/fix_container_interfaces.yml||true .yml`16:25
palendaeIt's fine16:26
odyssey4meblast - the external address is set by default for juno's AIO: etc/rpc_deploy/rpc_user_config.yml:  external_lb_vip_address:
sigmavirus24so `basename /tmp/fix_container_interfaces.yml`16:26
palendaeEverything's fine16:26
sigmavirus24 || true16:26
palendaeodyssey4me: Aha!16:26
sigmavirus24 || true .yml16:26
palendaeSo we need haproxy upgrade steps >.,16:26
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Apsusigmavirus24: Yeah, that's not going to work.16:26
ApsuIn fact, that whole thing is kind of weirdly built16:26
sigmavirus24Apsu: agreed16:26
odyssey4mepalendae so my feeling is pretty simple - for a real upgrade the deployer should check that the lb addresses are correctly set - even if they match it's ok16:27
ApsuLooking at it all16:27
sigmavirus24hence using an associative array in a better way16:27
palendaeWhole thing assumed we're passing in a file name16:27
palendaeNothing but a filename16:27
sigmavirus24palendae: and because it wasn't using the right exit status to check, it all succeeded16:27
odyssey4mefor an AIO test we need to correct that, but that's only for a gate test - so no need for a patch16:27
palendaeodyssey4me: So you're thinking doc note?16:27
sigmavirus24which is why I'm using that branch16:27
odyssey4mepalendae yes, most definitely16:27
palendaeodyssey4me: I think there *is* a need for a patch, but maybe not now - we need to have at least gating for success/failure16:28
odyssey4mewe can't do an automated upgrade step that happily edits that value16:28
odyssey4mepalendae yes, but that'll be in a gate check script which is more specific16:28
palendaeOk, so it's future work for a gating check16:28
odyssey4meeither that or we need to add a patch to juno to more closely align with how the aio is bootstrapped in kilo16:28
palendae...which we'd need to replicate when doing upgrade work :)16:28
odyssey4mewhich may not be a bad idea16:28
palendaeProbably not16:29
palendaeSo is all this related to mariadb's slow start times?16:29
palendaeBecause even manually, it's been 8 minuts now16:29
odyssey4melet me log a bug for that - I'll work on it as I had some trouble setting up the juno AIO earlier today and would like to see it work more similarly to kilo as the workflow is better16:29
palendaeodyssey4me: So that'll be 10.1.12, no?16:31
odyssey4mepalendae yep16:32
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1480390 in openstack-ansible juno "Align juno's gate-check/bootstrapping more closely to kilo/master" [Medium,Confirmed] - Assigned to Jesse Pretorius (jesse-pretorius)16:34
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sigmavirus24So fun story, associative array keys in bash don't fit the use-case well :/16:37
palendaeRewrite it16:38
palendaeMake this thing a playbook16:38
palendae(only half joking)16:38
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sigmavirus24ah, I wsan't properly declaring my array as an associative array16:47
sigmavirus24well it's deterministic but not based on insert order16:48
palendae20 minutes now, galera still not restarted16:49
sigmavirus24no one said upgrades were fast :(16:50
palendaeEr, mariadb16:50
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palendaeThat was just me manually trying to start the service16:50
* sigmavirus24 knows what you mean16:50
sigmavirus24palendae: is your haproxy working?16:50
palendaeCan hit repo container through it16:51
palendaeGonna try restarting the container16:52
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palendaeSo sigmavirus24 are you still working on syntax stuff with
sigmavirus24about to push a revision17:01
sigmavirus24so yes17:01
palendaeI'm trying to track see what's causing this mariadb service to not start17:01
palendaeOk, cool17:01
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Properly parse and quote arguments in upgrade script
sigmavirus24palendae: ^17:02
palendaeWill probably just throw out this one17:02
palendaeHave to manually fix the haproxy thing too17:02
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sigmavirus24oh yeah, how does oen fix the haproxy bits?17:03
sigmavirus24can I fix that before kicking off this next test?17:04
palendaeGood question, not sure I caught it from odyssey4me17:04
odyssey4mesigmavirus24 palendae hang a sec, let me make you a shortcut fix for it :)17:05
palendaeIf I have to manually type something, it's fine17:05
sigmavirus24== palendae17:05
sigmavirus24just don't want that to mess with this next run17:05
odyssey4meexport PUBLIC_ADDRESS=$(ip -o -4 addr show dev eth0 | awk -F '[ /]+' '/global/ {print $4}'); sed -i "s/external_lb_vip_address:.*/external_lb_vip_address: ${PUBLIC_ADDRESS}/" /etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml17:06
odyssey4meessentially grab the public address and replace in openstack_user_config / rpc_user_config17:08
odyssey4mein fact, probably best to do that after juno is deployed and before you start the upgrade17:09
palendaeThat's where I was going to17:09
palendaeI consider that an upgrade step17:09
palendaeConfiguration prior to17:09
odyssey4meyeah, so obviously just replace openstack_deploy/openstack_user_Config with rpc...17:10
odyssey4mepalendae fyi when I looked into mariadb not starting right it came down to one container being broken - this is the hazard of AIO's so I wouldn't waste too much time on it17:11
palendaeYeah, torn down17:11
sigmavirus24 fwiw17:15
sigmavirus24I'm using this to track things now that we've got extra steps17:15
palendaesigmavirus24: So is your github tree different than the gerrit patch now?17:18
sigmavirus24palendae: no it just has two patches on it17:18
sigmavirus24it has the one to properly fail in the script17:18
sigmavirus24to hopefully help us catch further problems17:18
sigmavirus24and it has the fixes to the syntax17:18
sigmavirus24that doesn't work17:20
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odyssey4mepalendae sigmavirus24 FYI 10.1.11 is tagged and the wheels are rebuilding - if you're building a juno box right now it might croak on the repo sync17:35
palendaeIt's about there, so we'll see17:35
sigmavirus24well that's nice17:36
sigmavirus24looks like Gerrit bot isn't working anymore17:36
sigmavirus24palendae: also, head's up, my kilo-upgrades branch updated to include the latest revision of the thing to find the right filename to get the basename from17:37
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Keystone Federation Identity Provider Configuration
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odyssey4mesigmavirus24 are the fixes in a specific branch?17:54
sigmavirus24sorry just repushed with the latest version17:54
odyssey4mesigmavirus24 palendae mind voting on two backports quickly?
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openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Fix repo section in example config file
sigmavirus24sorry palm hit the mousepad on that one17:59
sigmavirus24accidentally rebased18:00
sigmavirus24but mattt's +2 stuck trhough18:00
odyssey4mesigmavirus24 yeah, a rebase doesn't destroy votes, only workflow18:02
sigmavirus24Didn't mean to introduce any noise though is all18:03
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Enable Horizon to consume a Keystone v3 API endpoint
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Enable Horizon to consume a Keystone v3 API endpoint
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openstackgerritChristopher H. Laco proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Updated juno for new dev work - 07.31.2015
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palendaesigmavirus24: So what should I be testing; your github tree or the one in gerrit?18:57
palendaeI'm inclined to go gerrit since that's the only I'll be voting on18:58
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Cleanup unused functions in
sigmavirus24palendae: github has both patches in one convenient branch19:07
sigmavirus24they should both be up-to-date too19:07
odyssey4mesigmavirus24 which is the other patch?19:07
palendaeOh, well I grabbed the gerrit one19:07
palendaeDo we have 2 dependent ones?19:07
sigmavirus24one is the script that checks the exit status of the playbook (not echo)19:07
sigmavirus24the other is the one that fixes the syntax19:07
sigmavirus24Also will help us with one of our bugs19:08
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sigmavirus24Apsu: can you look at my approach in to find the yml file?19:24
Apsusigmavirus24: Sure, sec19:25
sigmavirus24er, that should just be
palendaeReally curious why mariadb is taking forever to restart with kilo19:26
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sigmavirus24the /1 will probably send you to the first patchset19:26
Apsusigmavirus24: I looked at the last one. Have you tested the == *.yml? I'm concerned that's going to glob the CWD. You probably want a regex comparison19:27
sigmavirus24Apsu: i did test that and it appears to work19:27
sigmavirus24I was concerned about the same thing though19:27
ApsuMight be working because [[ is a builtin.19:28
ApsuBut a regex would probably still be better... hrm19:28
palendaesigmavirus24: Are you seeing the slow mariadb restarts too?19:31
sigmavirus24I can't even actually finish building an AIO19:31
sigmavirus24This one has been stuck here for a while19:31
palendaeBuilding with Juno?19:32
sigmavirus24or maybe it hasn't19:32
palendaeMy Juno part's been done19:32
palendaeDunno if I just got lucky with the wheel rebuild though19:32
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sigmavirus24One is stuck on updating apt-cache19:38
sigmavirus24so screw it19:38
palendaeThat took a while too19:38
sigmavirus24rebuild them both19:38
sigmavirus24or just one19:38
sigmavirus24the other just started moving again19:38
palendaeIt took a few minutes for mine to get going19:38
palendaeUnsure why all this is so much slower with this patch19:38
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palendaesigmavirus24: Yeah, still failing to connect to mysql19:54
sigmavirus24is haproxy up?19:54
sigmavirus24and I bet it's not even running, yes?19:55
palendaemysql? nope19:56
* sigmavirus24 would love to know why that's failing to come back19:56
palendaeRunning setup-infrastructure fails, to19:57
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palendaesigmavirus24: I *think* setup-infrastructure is getting skipped20:05
sigmavirus24I'd love to know why these AIOs on performance boxes are taking so damn long20:07
palendaeI deleted my mysql container, re-ran lxc-container-create and setup-infrastrucutre20:08
palendaesigmavirus24: Yep, setup-openstack is proceeding past keystone20:09
palendaeGuess I'll spin up another to see if I get the failure again and try the setup-infrastructure step without rebuilding the container20:11
sigmavirus24So Apsu contains only the logic I care about for the purpose of fixing this upgrade script problem. If you grep for 'FOUND' in the output, it  is picking up the appropriate bits afaict20:24
sigmavirus24So that == *.yml is working it seems20:24
Apsusigmavirus24: Ok then.20:25
ApsuI'm good with it for this purpose20:25
sigmavirus24That was also "confirmation" that setup-infrastructure.yml should be getting called by the script for palendae20:26
sigmavirus24while I totally believe it isn't20:26
palendaeSure - I'm building another AIO too20:27
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sigmavirus24I'm kind of mad at bash20:28
sigmavirus24also wondering if it's so inappropriate to just document the steps for an upgrade at this point instead of relying on this shell script20:29
palendaerpc-openstack calls the script20:29
palendaeBut I hear you20:29
* sigmavirus24 sighs20:30
ApsuThere's ways to make this much better in bash, just have to rewrite it a bit20:31
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palendaesigmavirus24: Now my memcached and galera containers are missing pip packages20:41
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sigmavirus24Apsu: so happens even with that for-loop checking for .yml20:53
palendaeHrm, my galera and memcached containers on new build aren't getting packages for Juno20:54
Apsusigmavirus24: Sec20:58
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Apsusigmavirus24: Link me the full script right now?20:59
sigmavirus24sans the anchor to a specific line20:59
ApsuYeah, line 7921:00
sigmavirus24we just changed a thing with mariadb right and backported it to kilo/juno right d34dh0r53?21:00
ApsuYou're quoting $221:00
ApsuIncluding the || true.21:00
sigmavirus24oh god damnit21:01
ApsuHaving fun yet?21:01
sigmavirus24that was from before this all started I think21:01
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Properly parse and quote arguments in upgrade script
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d34dh0r53sigmavirus24: we changed the sst method to xtrabackup-v2, AFAIK that's the only think we've changed in Galera so far21:03
sigmavirus24d34dh0r53: on which branches? kilo, master, anywhere else?21:03
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d34dh0r53juno, kilo and I think it was ported to master in lieu of the Galera v10 patch21:04
sigmavirus24could that be causing problems on upgrade to kilo?21:04
sigmavirus24I mean, I'd hope not from juno->kilo21:05
d34dh0r53what's the error?21:05
sigmavirus24if it's in both, I would hope it wouldn't cause problems21:05
sigmavirus24d34dh0r53: mariadb just takes forever for it to restart21:05
sigmavirus24upwards of 10 and 20 minutes21:05
palendaeI haven't found anything in the logs to indicate a problem21:05
d34dh0r53on just 1 container?21:05
palendaeYeah, AIOs21:06
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d34dh0r53hmm, well, I don't think it's related to the sst thing, that caused the restart to fail quickly21:06
palendaeWell that's good, heh21:07
d34dh0r53but I think we may have something happening with galera data corruption during upgrades, as this sort of thing seemed to happen to QE21:07
d34dh0r53but their logs indicated that there was a problem21:07
d34dh0r53mysql was segfaulting21:08
* sigmavirus24 waves to phalmos 21:08
phalmosGood day sir21:08
d34dh0r53this seems somewhat coincidental21:08
sigmavirus24d34dh0r53: coincidental but repeatable21:09
sigmavirus24but could just be that we have 1 galera container21:09
palendaesigmavirus24: Have you spun up a new juno install yet?21:10
palendaeUsing head of juno I'm not getting packages21:10
sigmavirus24I've 2 in progress21:10
sigmavirus24one I just kicked off21:10
sigmavirus24Another that's been running slowly21:10
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Apsu"When in doubt, segfault it out" - Galera21:14
sigmavirus24Go and brush your core dumps off21:15
palendaesigmavirus24: pip says is 40421:16
palendaeSo the one I coped first is there, the 2nd isn't21:16
sigmavirus24palendae: getting the same thing21:16
palendaeI copied the second from my terminal21:17
palendaeThe first was a link from my browser21:17
palendaeOh wait, yeah21:17
palendaeIt's not there21:17
sigmavirus24I bet this is a mirror issue21:18
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sigmavirus24as in21:19
sigmavirus24it hasn't synchronized yet21:19
palendaeyeah, it's that one package that I'm seeing failures for21:19
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openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment-specs: Added spec to remove upstream repo dependency
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment-specs: Added spec to remove upstream repo dependency
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sigmavirus24I have a juno AIO and I'm running the upgrade script22:08
palendaePicking up Juno22:09
sigmavirus24yeah so Apsu's catch was good but still doesn't fix that22:13
sigmavirus24$2 still makes openstack-ansible think it's openstack-ansible "/tmp/playbook.yml || true" apparently22:13
palendaeHuh, stil can't get python memcached22:13
ApsuMust be quoted on the way in22:13
stevelle$2, I thought this was free!22:14
ApsuYou'll need to expand it22:14
sigmavirus24Apsu: *$2?22:14
Apsusigmavirus24: So, a quick and dirty way to do it when you know for sure the string contents is simple to eval it.22:21
ApsuIf you need to run a command with your parameter as the arg, you'd do: eval "command $2", or similar22:21
ApsuThen bash will parse the string contents as though it were literal22:21
sigmavirus24ugh so so so ugly22:23
ApsuMmhmm. Whole thing needs rewritten22:24
sigmavirus24Is there another way/22:24
sigmavirus24Also, I really don't want to hop  into #bash22:24
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Apsusigmavirus24: Don't have to. Just a moment22:25
* sigmavirus24 hung out in there for a summer22:26
sigmavirus24It wasn't exactly pleasant22:26
sigmavirus24it was fun how many people tried to crash the bot22:29
sigmavirus24So many tried the fork bomb and that of course doesn't work22:29
sigmavirus24Apsu: idea22:32
sigmavirus24arr=($2); command ${arr[@]}22:32
ApsuWon't work if $2 is a string itself :)22:34
sigmavirus24don't work22:34
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ApsuHonestly what you're trying to do is convert a string into a commandline, and that's what eval does. It can be used safely if you're not pumping user-supplied strings into it...22:35
scarlisleHello all.  I've tried searching for how to update rpc_user_config.yml with an additional vlan range for an existing vlan network, but have so far been unsuccessful.  What's the proper syntax for that?22:37
Apsuscarlisle: Using Juno?22:38
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scarlisleApsu yessir22:38
ApsuYeah, we've got a bug about that. The ml2_conf template is broken, doesn't iterate over the vlan range list22:38
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Properly parse and quote arguments in upgrade script
scarlisleI see22:41
sigmavirus24Apsu: feel free to review ^22:42
palendaeApsu: I thought that was fixed in kilo?22:42
sigmavirus24palendae: scarlisle is on Juno though22:42
sigmavirus24and we can't just tell them to upgrade to kilo now can we =P22:43
Apsupalendae: Indeed it is22:43
Apsuscarlisle: Upgrade to kilo22:43
Apsusigmavirus24: JUST THAT EASY22:43
palendaeNope, not right now22:43
Apsusigmavirus24: Reviewed.22:45
scarlisle"Upgrade brah, its super simple." <confirm-solved>22:45
sigmavirus24scarlisle: just don't upgrade with scripts/ ... yet22:46
sigmavirus24unless you want to test a patch for us22:46
sigmavirus24(which at least two of us are presently attempting to test22:46
sigmavirus24but first juno AIOs need to build22:46
sigmavirus24And you know how fast juno is to build =P22:46
* sigmavirus24 apologizes for being too snarky22:46
ApsuIt's fiiiiine. It's all fiiiine22:47
sigmavirus24Apsu: need some "date +%s" in there22:47
sigmavirus24like repeated 200 times =P22:47
* sigmavirus24 goes to eat dinner22:47
sigmavirus24it won't be a snickers22:47
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palendaesigmavirus24: STILL not getting python_memcached22:50
scarlisleApsu do you have that bug link handy, by chance?22:50
scarlisletried searching for it...maybe I'm searching for the wrong things22:50
openstackLaunchpad bug 1475436 in openstack-ansible juno "VLAN range issue in ml2_conf.ini" [Wishlist,Triaged]22:54
ApsuLooks like there's a workaround that'd probably function, commented near the bottom22:54
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scarlislewell, I appreciate the help, gents22:58
scarlislehave  good evening!22:59
ApsuYou too23:00
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