Tuesday, 2015-08-25

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openstackgerritSteve Lewis proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Add support for swift proxy config: sorting_method  https://review.openstack.org/20881703:43
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cooljpalendae: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/148831504:30
openstackLaunchpad bug 1488315 in openstack-ansible "The python-requests package is pulled in by apt via dependency" [Undecided,New]04:30
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Container create/system tuning  https://review.openstack.org/21590505:45
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Implement /usr/bin/env as the shebang in all bash scripts  https://review.openstack.org/21590605:45
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Use dict args for ceph_config slurp  https://review.openstack.org/21555107:53
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evrardjpmorning everyoen08:38
openstackgerritMatt Thompson proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Use dict args for ceph_config slurp  https://review.openstack.org/21660808:43
odyssey4mehughsaunders care to inspect the backport of your patch? https://review.openstack.org/21590309:00
hughsaundersmattt: would you mind reviewing https://review.openstack.org/#/c/215903/09:02
hughsaundersits my patch so I probably shouldn't review it09:02
matttsure i can have a look09:05
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gparaskevasodyssey4me: whats going on with my patch? :P jenkins? http://cdn.meme.am/instances2/500x/1543538.jpg09:09
odyssey4megparaskevas hpcloud is too slow, so the patch runs the gauntlet hoping to either end up on rax or on a decent hpcloud host09:10
gparaskevasodyssey4me: ok ! thanks09:11
prometheanfiredon't abandon my patches kthnx09:13
prometheanfirealso, it seemed to be everyone elses opinion that the path needs to be direct09:14
prometheanfireanyway, sleep09:14
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Fixing haproxy-playbook fails when installing on multiple hosts  https://review.openstack.org/21557909:19
odyssey4meprometheanfire don't submit patches to multiple branches simultaneously - we've discussed this before09:23
odyssey4meevrardjp I think it's best to have the haproxy patch you did default to the same behaviour as now, leaving the implementation of the non-local bind to the deployer.09:24
prometheanfireI've been told that it's fine with the -1 workflow09:24
prometheanfireand told it's not fine09:24
evrardjpodyssey4me: ok09:25
evrardjpI'll change that09:25
evrardjpI was hesitating09:25
odyssey4meprometheanfire it's best to get the agreement on solving the solution before submitting the patches to the other branches - that's why the contrib guidelines specifically ask for a merge before backporting09:25
evrardjpI'll create a group_vars for that, this way we keep the haproxy role clean09:25
prometheanfireodyssey4me: there was agreement, by at least one core, on the issue09:26
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Adds the ability to provide user certificates to HAProxy  https://review.openstack.org/21552509:28
prometheanfireanyway, I really do need sleep, so nn09:28
odyssey4meprometheanfire for reference, please see the action items and discussion in the community meeting: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack_ansible_meeting/2015/openstack_ansible_meeting.2015-07-02-16.01.html09:32
matttyay repo-clone-mirror.yml is gone09:32
odyssey4memattt only from master, but yes09:33
prometheanfireodyssey4me: kk09:33
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: [WIP] Fixing haproxy-playbook fails when installing on multiple hosts  https://review.openstack.org/21557909:36
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openstackgerritMatt Thompson proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Update ceilometer_git_repo to use git.openstack.org  https://review.openstack.org/21664409:51
matttgithub issues :(09:51
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odyssey4megparaskevas yup, github appears to be inaccessible from hpcloud at this time10:09
odyssey4menot sure about rax right now10:09
gparaskevasodyssey4me: yeah i saw that :/10:10
gparaskevasodyssey4me: thanks10:10
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openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Fixing haproxy-playbook fails when installing on multiple hosts  https://review.openstack.org/21557910:25
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Fixing haproxy-playbook fails when installing on multiple hosts  https://review.openstack.org/21557910:36
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Enable tempest testing of ceilometer  https://review.openstack.org/20956810:43
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odyssey4meevrardjp is the overview on https://launchpad.net/openstack-ansible better now?12:50
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Removed default lxc profile on container create  https://review.openstack.org/21630113:15
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svghttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/215897/ sounds like low hanging fruit13:31
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evrardjpodyssey4me: sorry I was busy ... yes the overview seems perfect now14:42
evrardjpI've done a branding role for us, should I share it? I don't think it's really relevant for OSAD14:43
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Update ceilometer_git_repo to use git.openstack.org  https://review.openstack.org/21664415:31
palendaeevrardjp: We have one in our rpc-openstack repo15:32
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Sam-I-Amy hello bug triage16:00
cloudnullgood day gents16:02
* odyssey4me hands the baton to cloudnull 16:02
prometheanfireif you say so16:02
cloudnullso im going to try and remember how to do this16:03
hughsaunderswelcome back peateaell16:03
cloudnullfirst up https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/148853216:03
openstackLaunchpad bug 1488532 in openstack-ansible "lvm.conf template overwrites local configs" [Undecided,New]16:03
cloudnullthanks hughsaunders :)16:03
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cloudnullso this looks like something that we should tackle sooner than later for the ceph work going on16:04
cloudnullIE loosing the lvm config on a host causing ceph downtime would be a bad thing . imo16:04
odyssey4methat's pretty nasty16:05
cloudnullso confirmed , medium for now.16:05
odyssey4medo we need to overwrite the file every time, or should we perhaps do something like a line-in-file instead?16:05
cloudnullthe lvm conf is a template as I recal16:05
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cloudnullso we likley need to add a conditional there.16:05
odyssey4meyep, but should it be16:06
hughsaundersits a bit too involved to be line-in-filed16:06
odyssey4mealso, do other roles also drop a template and maybe conflict?16:06
cloudnulli think so , but perhaps someone working on the ceph bits should make that call16:06
cloudnulldo we want to target that for 11.2.0/1 ?16:07
odyssey4medunno - it depends if someone can pick it up in the next few days16:08
odyssey4meit'll have to be 11.2.1 at the earliest, unless it's critical16:08
odyssey4mewe have a ton of backports which aren't getting through yet16:08
cloudnull11.2.1 it is16:08
odyssey4meand 11.2.0 is friday16:08
odyssey4meI would default any milestones from this session to 11.2.1 - if someone gets a patch in we can pull it back.16:09
cloudnullnext https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/148816116:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1488161 in openstack-ansible "Ansible should log to file" [Undecided,New]16:10
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Switch to using git.openstack.org for git sources  https://review.openstack.org/21678016:10
Sam-I-Am^ lulz16:11
odyssey4meuh, well we only set it to log to a file in a gate check nowadays16:11
cloudnulli think is something that a deployer can do without our intervention. imo16:11
odyssey4meand that's a deployer's choice which is easily set if desired16:11
cloudnullit can be set locally or globally.16:11
Sam-I-Amjust seems all that stuff scrolls by so quickly, its difficult in all cases to debug issues16:11
Sam-I-Amso by default it might be sort of nice to put the output someplace16:12
cloudnullmaybe we doc how to do it ? or doc to the upstream docs on how its done?16:12
odyssey4mecloudnull but this is a standard ansible ability16:12
odyssey4mewe should not rewrite ansible docs16:12
odyssey4methis is like having us document how to create a cinder volume16:13
Sam-I-Amin the upstream openstack docs, we do things like 'optional: enable verbose mode in config file'16:13
Sam-I-Ambut its up to the deployer how to figure it out16:13
Sam-I-Amso we could do it as just a reminder 'hey this might make life easier'16:13
cloudnullwe can add this link to our docs http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/intro_configuration.html#log-path16:13
Sam-I-Amproblem is, a lot of our new users are probably not ansible people16:13
Sam-I-Amin fact, from sitting in #openstack, they're not16:14
Sam-I-Amthey like what we do, but usually come from chef or something16:14
odyssey4meWhile I would like to make life easier for our users, I do feel that anyone who wants to work with openstack at all should be able to figure this option out.16:14
odyssey4mewe can perhaps refer to the ansible docs in some sort of quickstart.16:15
cloudnull+1 for that16:15
Sam-I-Amwhat the bug really says is... does it make sense to log by default vs. not?16:15
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Enable HAProxy Stats Web UI  https://review.openstack.org/21501916:15
odyssey4meSam-I-Am I am -1 on logging ansible by default16:15
cloudnullimho , not.16:15
odyssey4mewe do it for the gate only16:16
cloudnullnext https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/148831516:17
openstackLaunchpad bug 1488315 in openstack-ansible "The python-requests package is pulled in by apt via dependency" [Undecided,New]16:17
Sam-I-AmApsu: trace city on that 3.16 box16:18
Sam-I-Amevery few seconds16:18
odyssey4mehmm, is this an issue - if the requests conflicts with the wheels then it'll just be removed and replaced16:19
palendaeIt's an apt pacakge16:20
palendaeNot a wheel16:20
cloudnullso with the request bit, the wheel, if newer will replace it.16:20
palendaeThe wheel is not newer in 10.x16:20
palendaeThe apt packages pull in like 2.6 something16:21
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cloudnullin 11 i dont see the apt package present16:21
palendaeNo, not specifically16:22
odyssey4mealso, I've seen the wheel downgrade it (I think)16:22
palendaePulled in by lxc-templates16:22
palendaeIt's not added directly, it's pulled in via several dependencies, and it's breaking installs16:23
odyssey4meit is?16:23
palendaeRead the bug16:23
palendaelxc-templates -> cloud-image-utils -> euac2ools -> python-requests16:24
odyssey4meok -so let me check my understanding16:24
odyssey4methis is pulled in on hosts which have lxc installed, right?16:24
odyssey4methis equates the the controllers only16:25
palendaeLogger runs lxc too16:25
odyssey4methe nova and glance clients aren't run on those hosts except in situations where it's a lab or an operator runs them16:25
odyssey4meso this has minimal impact if I understand the issue correctly - it only affects operators16:26
palendae'only affects operators'16:26
palendaeWho are users of our software16:26
palendaeI don't see that as being minimal16:26
odyssey4meso we specifically setup a utility container for administration16:27
odyssey4methis is a bug and we should figure out how to deal with it, but it doesn't break any services16:28
cloudnullcfarquhar: is jordan around ?16:29
odyssey4memax I would say is medium, as there is a known workaround16:30
cloudnullso confirmed and marked med16:31
odyssey4meI've added a comment with the workaround info.16:31
cloudnullnext https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/148857816:32
openstackLaunchpad bug 1488578 in openstack-ansible "Add defaults for horizon ssl certs into upgrade.sh" [Undecided,New]16:32
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cloudnullthis looks like a potential upgrade issue.16:32
cloudnullthis seems like a deployment decision . we can doc it as something that can be set however its not something that breaks anything.16:33
odyssey4methis is a deployer choice - all the keystone/horizon plays will do is regenerate fresh certs so I don't see this as an issue16:33
odyssey4meespecially since they're self-signed16:34
cloudnullit creats new , more secure certs than the generated ones provided in juno.16:34
cloudnullbjorne around ?16:34
palendaeThe docs were incredibly unclear16:34
palendaeBasically, if you don't want a regeneration of the certs, set the vars to the old values16:35
palendaerpc has docs, but they need to be reworded16:35
cloudnullso can we improve the docs? Sam-I-Am?16:35
palendaeWhether or not the defaults are automatically remapped is a separate issue16:35
cloudnullkk. confirmed, low, assigned to docs.16:36
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cloudnulllast on the new front: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/148815616:37
openstackLaunchpad bug 1488156 in openstack-ansible " Keystone SSL cert/key distribution and configuration" [Undecided,New]16:37
cloudnullwhich is a docimpact issue.16:37
odyssey4melow & assign to docs16:38
cloudnullwhat else we got?16:38
Sam-I-Amyeah, the last one... think we can fix docs16:38
Sam-I-Amproblem is we dont have enough people testing these things16:38
cloudnullanything that we want to raise while we're all here ?16:38
Sam-I-Amthe roof?16:39
openstackgerritKevin Carter proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: [WIP] Replaced the copy_update module  https://review.openstack.org/21679016:39
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cloudnullok well then we're done here.16:40
cloudnullthanks all16:40
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gparaskevasodyssey4me: Merged! thanks Jesse, looking forward for my next contribution!17:55
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openstackgerritMajor Hayden proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Add profiling for Ansible tasks  https://review.openstack.org/21684919:31
palendaemhayden: Do you have an issue for that? We'd like to have LP bugs for stuff if we can19:32
mhaydenpalendae: i don't -- i'll go make one19:32
palendaeSweet, thanks!19:32
mhaydenpalendae: feel free to let me know if i skip steps -- figured i'll skin my knees as i go here ;)19:33
palendaeWe don't have a great contributing guide yet, either19:33
palendaeBut the LP bugs help us better track things against milestones19:33
* mhayden notices there is a contributing.rst now19:33
palendaeAnd you can then add Closes-Bug: #<whatever> to have gerrit link up to LP19:33
* mhayden hides in the corner ;)19:33
palendaeOh there is?19:33
palendaeToo much time in upgrade land19:34
palendaeOh right19:34
openstackgerritMajor Hayden proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Add profiling for Ansible tasks  https://review.openstack.org/21684919:36
palendaemhayden: Thanks!19:37
mhaydenpalendae: whoa, i did a thing!19:37
palendaeI think there's a bug where the gerrit bot doesn't do the right link up stuff for launchpad if closes-bug is added in patchsets after 1...but this at least gets a topic and a link back from the commit19:37
mhaydenah okay19:38
mhaydeni'll make an effort to get a bug in first19:38
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sigmavirus24palendae: that's the truth20:00
sigmavirus24It's only on the initial review creation event20:00
* sigmavirus24 thinks mhayden should go fix that in openstack/jeepyb20:00
sigmavirus24or openstack-dev20:00
sigmavirus24or what20:00
palendaePretty sure that's an OSIC thing20:00
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sigmavirus24pretty sure you're an osic thing20:02
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mhaydensigmavirus24: looking now20:12
mhaydensigmavirus24: this one? https://github.com/openstack-infra/jeepyb20:13
palendaeUh oh20:13
palendaemhayden's like sigmavirus2420:13
palendae"This project has a bug."  "k, fixing."20:14
palendaeLooks like the right one to me20:14
mhaydenhaha, oh no20:14
mhaydenwhat did i step in now?20:14
palendaeThough I've not messed with many openstack-infra projects outside of project-config20:14
mhaydenoh, so this is the code that makes the gerrit <-> LP bridge?20:14
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mhaydenthe alarm by the revolving door really weirds me out20:17
mhaydeni figure i'll quit jumping by the end of the week20:17
palendaemhayden: Evidently wherever our team has sat for the last few months (both moves) has had a TON of people going in and out of alarmed doors20:17
mhaydenit's alarming20:18
sigmavirus24mhayden: yes20:18
sigmavirus24mhayden: we'll get along well you and me20:18
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palendaemhayden: Is your profileing code from a version of https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/lib/ansible/plugins/callback/profile_tasks.py ?20:28
mhaydenpalendae: i got mine from what was in the fedora project's infrastructure20:28
palendaeOk, was it apache-licensed?20:29
mhaydeni'd imagine i could rewrite it20:29
mhaydenlet me go check the license on it20:29
palendaeI ask because we've gotten submissions that were straight up cp's of upstream ansible modules, which are GPL :(20:29
mhaydenugh, didn't realize it was GPLv3 on the ansible side20:29
mhaydenthat's sad20:29
openstackgerritErik Wilson proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Archive Keystone to Keystone Federation rst content  https://review.openstack.org/21174720:30
palendaeYeah, Ansible's plugin system leaves some things to be desired20:30
mhaydensource: https://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org/cgit/ansible.git/tree/callback_plugins/profile_tasks.py20:30
mhaydenno license on any of it -- i'll ask the fedora infra folks20:30
palendaek, thanks20:30
cloudnullok im off to sleep now. have a good one gents20:34
palendaeHaven't looked really deeply yet but the file I saw was on Ansible 2.0. 1.9 doesn't have a profile callback plugin20:34
palendaecloudnull: Night20:34
mhaydenpalendae: since it's unlicensed, the FPCA default license says it's MIT licensed -> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Legal:Fedora_Project_Contributor_Agreement20:36
mhaydensearch for "Current Default License" on that page20:36
mhaydenpalendae: will add that to ticket20:37
palendaeIANAL but I think MIT and Apache2 (what we, and I believe the rest of OpenStack use) are compatible for shipping20:37
palendaeI don't know where that stands with big tent20:37
mhaydenlooks like MIT is okay -> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Requirements20:38
mhaydenalong with BSD and Apache220:38
* mhayden learned another new thing today20:39
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mhaydenpalendae: should i change the comments at the top of the file to reflect the MIT license?20:40
palendaeProbably. I'm paranoid about getting stuck with a relicensing problem20:41
mhaydenwill do20:41
evrardjppalendae: I think you're paranoid about that20:47
evrardjpbecause every contribution is given to the foundation20:47
palendaeevrardjp: Sure, but I'd rather be safe than sorry :)20:47
openstackgerritMajor Hayden proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Add profiling for Ansible tasks  https://review.openstack.org/21684920:47
palendaeWith licenses, since software developers != lawyers20:47
palendaeEven though they love to think they are20:47
evrardjpit's mentionned it's welcomed in the dev guide20:47
xar-odyssey4me: ping20:49
evrardjpsoftware devs like to think they are anything20:49
evrardjpeven unicorns!20:49
palendaeSoftware dev ========= subject matter expert on *20:50
palendaeBut again, I'd rather be careful in terms of licenses. That's just me20:50
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evrardjpthat's what I mentionned20:51
evrardjpmentionned, is it the correct term in english?20:51
evrardjpI meant referenced to20:51
palendaeOk, the incorporating MIT/BSD one is pretty much what I'd expect20:51
palendaemhayden: ^^^^20:52
palendaeSo the new header looks right to me20:52
evrardjpI'm impressed to see the mhayden here, it's been ages that I first see his blog major.io20:53
palendaeevrardjp: You'll be seeing him a lot more, I think20:54
palendaeHe's on our team at RAX now20:54
evrardjpcool :)20:55
evrardjpchances are low though20:55
evrardjpI'm not in the same timezone20:55
evrardjpI shouldn't be here right now20:55
palendaeIt's only 3pm there right now20:55
palendaeAh, yeah20:55
palendaeEastern Europe?20:55
evrardjpit's 11PM20:55
evrardjpthat could change in the future, nobody knows20:56
palendaexar-: Guessing odyssey4me is out, it's ~10pm where he's at20:56
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xar-oh ok, I attempted to use OSAD late last week, failed miserably, I had some concerns regarding the configure_diskspace() bash function performing a mkpart on secondary block device20:58
xar-also, it didn't observe that I had available physical extents in a pre-existing volume group available for allocation20:59
palendaeThat's largely for an all-in-one/gates/VMs for testing, I think. How were you running it? And were you on physical hardware?20:59
xar-yup AIO lab environment, dedicated gear20:59
palendaeSo a physical AIO?21:00
xar-my terminology is shaky, but I believe so, yes, it's Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS on the bare metal21:00
palendaeThe AIO scripts make a lot of assumptions, mostly that they're running on VMs that resemble the HP/RAX nodes in openstack-infra21:00
evrardjpI'm off for today, I think21:00
palendaeYeah, I'd call that a physical AIO; I have no doubt those scripts could made more intelligent21:00
xar-well I created a github account, I'm going to take a crack at rewriting scripts-library.sh to make it do what I need; seperate issue, it failed hard on the lxc-create portion21:01
xar-outside of AIO, is there an alternative to getting up an running on a single host, that doesn't involve the AIO script I've been using? perhaps running each playbook seperately?21:02
xar-ansible keystone, ansible nova, etc.21:02
palendaeYeah, I've been meaning to write a quickstart guide for just that purpose21:03
palendaeWe have our install guide for multinode deployments21:03
xar-well multinode wouldn't be suitable for a single bare metal server, or am I mistaken?21:03
palendaeRight, but it'll give you an idea21:03
palendaeAnd forthe configuration, I think you can at least use the in-tree *.aio config files21:04
palendaeMostly it's the configuration21:04
palendaethe openstack_user_config.yml file21:04
palendaeThen it's running setup-hosts.yml, setup-infrastructure.yml, setup-openstack.yml21:04
xar-I just rekicked via KVM(IPMI) so I've got a fresh box to keep testing on, until it works that is... ^_^21:05
palendaeAlso, contributions are taken through http://git.openstack.org/cgit/stackforge/os-ansible-deployment - see http://git.openstack.org/cgit/stackforge/os-ansible-deployment/tree/CONTRIBUTING.rst21:05
palendaeGitHub's basically a mirror21:05
xar-I think i'd be embarrassed to contribute my mediocre hacky code lol21:06
xar-(good to know though)21:06
evrardjppalendae: when you say "he is on our team now", you mean it's new or ?21:07
palendaeHe moved within the org yesterday or something21:07
evrardjpoh ok21:08
evrardjpcool :)21:09
evrardjpwelcome mhayden then :)21:09
mhaydenevrardjp: howdy! :)21:09
evrardjpyou'll need to update your linked in, I just went to see it ;)21:10
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mhaydenhaha, that's on the very end of my very long to-do list ;)21:13
mhaydenpalendae: thanks for helping me stumble through that commit ;)21:14
palendaemhayden: np21:14
odyssey4mexar- ping21:16
odyssey4memhayden ping21:16
xar-hey odyssey4me21:19
xar-im here lol21:19
odyssey4mepalendae mhayden I've been considering what we may want to do for plugins to ansible which may or may not have an incompatible license (and we really don't want the dispute either). Essentially I'm thinking that we add a new repo in rcbops (or wherever in public), then we add scaffolding to the gate check script to pull then down and use them for the gate check. That way they don't need to be in-repo but they can still add value to the21:20
odyssey4me gate check. Thoughts?21:20
odyssey4mexar- :)21:21
odyssey4mealright, happy to catch you21:21
odyssey4meso the function for the disk space was primarily built for the gate checks which operate in rax and hpcloud21:21
palendaeodyssey4me: I don't think it's necessary in this case; MIT's compatible and the foundation has a FAQ specifically saying what to do with MIT21:21
odyssey4mebut we'd like to see it extended to work for vagrant and other environments as more of a general tool21:21
xar-yea I was terrified when I saw it do a mkpart on a block device that already held data lol21:22
xar-(shame on me for not reading)21:23
odyssey4mepalendae ok, that's pretty good news... in that case I think we need to add scaffolding to make it optional rather than permanent - I don't see (personally) why this should be used every time, although I am interested in adding similar functions. I was actually inspecting this very plugin this morning to replace our timers in run-playbooks.21:23
odyssey4mexar- so it's not supposed to do that if you only have one disk21:23
palendaeIMO, in general, this should definitely be on in the gate. Real deploys...questionable21:23
xar-in my case, I've got an SSD OS disk with free physical extents in the VG, then a large multi-terabyte (mechanical) storage array (RAID6)21:24
odyssey4meif you have one disk, it's supposed to use var/lib/lxc for the lxc qcow2 disks and create loopback disks for cinder-volume, swap and swift - what you may have seen is the mkpart on the swift/swap/cinder loopback disks?21:24
xar-it enumerated my (mdadm) array as sdb, sdc, etc. and proceeded to create new (GPT) partition tables on them21:25
xar-I mean, I understand its not going to be one size fits all, I'm open to writing the logic in to be more... accommodating :)21:25
odyssey4mexar- ah, yes - ok, let's step through this21:25
xar-    blk_devices=$(lsblk -nrdo NAME,TYPE,RO | awk '/d[b-z]+ disk [^1]/ {print $1}')21:26
xar-    for blk_dev in ${blk_devices}; do21:26
odyssey4mepatches are welcome, so perhaps I can just step you through it a little and give you some guidance21:26
xar-that ^ :D21:26
odyssey4meso yes, that checks for devices other than the first21:26
odyssey4meand other than read only disks (cdrom, config drive, etc)21:27
xar-        if ! vgs lxc > /dev/null 2>&1; then21:27
xar-          parted --script /dev/${blk_dev} mklabel gpt21:27
xar-so yea this is the part that made me cringe, I think it would be best to add some sort of variable boolean to the above config, and have it step through an additoinal set of conditionals21:27
odyssey4mewe do have a note in https://github.com/stackforge/os-ansible-deployment/blob/master/development-stack.rst which says that you shouldn't run this on a host you can't risk destroying :p21:28
xar-which is why I'm not mad haha :D21:28
odyssey4mehmm, so the trisk here would be perhaps to provide something that excludes drives in the regex here: https://github.com/stackforge/os-ansible-deployment/blob/master/scripts/scripts-library.sh#L7221:29
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xar-I think it would be preferable to have it configurable by the end user; perhaps someone other than myself would be ok with such a configuration21:30
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evrardjpodyssey4me: I don't agree with what you said in terms of license21:30
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odyssey4meor perhaps to check for a var that has the disk device that can be used - if the var isn't there, then revert to the current behaviour?21:30
Apsuxar-: We really just intended it to be deployed on specific flavors of specific images on specific clouds. It was a starting point :D21:30
evrardjpI'm not a lawyer, so it should be checked elsewhere, but I think if you include some part of the code with another incompatible license, you may have for your product to follow the license that has been included21:30
ApsuBut yeah, blindly assuming all devices bd-bz are good to go is a bit cringe inducing21:30
odyssey4mexar- alternatively just have a device list which is in a var, then we set that var in the gate-check-script21:31
evrardjpso, incompatible licenses have REALLY to be carefully planned before integration21:31
odyssey4meI think I might like that idea.21:31
ApsuMost appropriate would probably be to specify a specific mapping, and use the default if it's not set21:32
ApsuOr clear guidance on what storage configuration to setup ahead of time that the AIO expects, so it'll skip making its own21:32
odyssey4meevrardjp yes, that's kinda why I prefer to have any non Apache2 license elsewhere so that we don't risk polluting - but the OpenStack foundation does have some notes on compatible licenses which palendae  referred to21:32
xar-yup, for now what I've done is simply shifted it to /d[z] so that it finds nothing ^_^21:32
ApsuBut that feels a little like trying to make it robust, and that's dangerously close to "we support this method"21:33
evrardjpodyssey4me: yes, I posted the link ;)21:33
ApsuAnd that's not a thing :D21:33
evrardjpbut it's not what I meant21:33
evrardjpthe simple fact to include something from elsewhere could be a problem21:33
evrardjp(with incompatible license)21:33
odyssey4mexar- I like your idea - if you can pop a patch in for review then we can work on making it betterer :)21:33
odyssey4meevrardjp if we consume it, but don't hold it in-tree (like ansible), then there is no risk21:34
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xar-ok, I'll work on it :)21:35
evrardjpI think lawyers don't get any idea of where it's stored ;)21:35
xar-is there documentation on contributing to git.openstack.org?21:35
evrardjpodyssey4me: but I'm no expert in that matter, I'm just a cautious guy21:36
odyssey4mexar- we link to the good stuff from https://github.com/stackforge/os-ansible-deployment/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.rst - check the section in 'contributing code' :)21:36
palendaeFor a higher level - https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/How_To_Contribute21:36
palendaexar-: ^21:36
odyssey4meif you get stuck, we're often around to help :)21:36
evrardjpand it's definitely easier to replace if it's an internal dependency21:37
odyssey4meevrardjp yeah, we've done the rounds on this with regards to GPL code and we know that it's a no-go for in-tree inclusion21:37
palendaeGPL is specifically a no, no, yes21:38
palendaeWith Apache1221:38
bgmccollumodyssey4me: re: MaxStartups...should a fix target the bug re-opened for trunk, or a new bug?21:41
xar-odyssey4me: the other thing I was fuzzy on was the cinder loopback devices, if data is written into those block devices, where exactly does it reside?21:41
odyssey4mebgmccollum if you have a suggested fix then use the same bug for now21:41
odyssey4mebgmccollum I'm not sure if we should add a code fix though, it may be better to just document a recommendation in the docs? it feels to me like the ansible forks setting should really be a deployer decision21:42
bgmccollumodyssey4me: yes a deployer decision, but things tend to tip over > 1021:43
palendaeodyssey4me: So hand people a footgun?21:44
bgmccollumodyssey4me: in a non-aio, you have ≈ 20 containers on an infra...so with forks left at 10, there's parallelism being left on the table21:44
palendaeGoing through severval deployments in the last coupple weeks, I can tell you people want it set21:44
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odyssey4mebgmccollum yes, so I'm thinking that we should remove the forks setting entirely - we have no business setting it... we can have a doc note which outlines some ansible settings of interest to deployers though :)21:44
palendaeodyssey4me: I don't think that solves anything21:45
palendaeFeedback I've gotten is 100% people want it set21:45
odyssey4mebgmccollum that said, let's see a patch and discuss it in review :)21:45
odyssey4mepalendae for the purpose of... ?21:45
odyssey4meare we perhaps doing too much spoon feeding I wonder?21:46
bgmccollumodyssey4me: its not so much fiddling the number of forks...its reconfiguring SSHD on the target hosts...21:46
palendaeIf you disagree, you are totally welcome to argue it internally21:46
odyssey4mepalendae I'm not trying to make an argument. I'm just trying to ask an honest question.21:46
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bgmccollumodyssey4me: first pass can just be change to the gate scripts, and see if the runtime / retry / general failures decreases...?21:49
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openstackgerritSteve Lewis proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Add support for swift proxy config: sorting_method  https://review.openstack.org/20881721:55
odyssey4mebgmccollum so right now in the gate we don't have retry issues any more - the issues are only showing up in larger deployments and when using proper hardware for testing21:57
bgmccollumodyssey4me: ill do some testing with some onmetal servers and report back21:58
odyssey4mebgmccollum great, thank you for the research and help!22:01
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stevelleif I want two roles to have the same handler would we rather have the handler duplicated or something else?22:03
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openstackgerritNeill Cox proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Stop configure_diskspace from using small partitions  https://review.openstack.org/21688022:16
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odyssey4mestevelle ansible doesn't to DRY well - duplicate it :)22:25
stevelleyeah, always afraid of that22:25
palendaeYou can specifically include a handlers/main.yml file22:25
palendaeBut if it crosses roles, that's bad22:25
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odyssey4mexar- you still around?23:00
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed stackforge/os-ansible-deployment: Add profiling for Ansible tasks  https://review.openstack.org/21684923:10
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xar-odyssey4me: yup :D23:38
xar-im always around, znc! :)23:39
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