Tuesday, 2018-07-03

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_panko master: Move database creation into role  https://review.openstack.org/57885100:20
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_rally master: Use tests repo for common role test requirements  https://review.openstack.org/57959800:57
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_horizon master: Use tests repo for common role test requirements  https://review.openstack.org/57958600:59
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron master: Use tests repo for common role test requirements  https://review.openstack.org/57959501:06
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible master: Move database creation into role (magnum)  https://review.openstack.org/57881301:18
prometheanfirecloudnull: why do we use constraints to install ara?01:27
prometheanfirerequirements does not track it01:27
prometheanfire(nor the other way around)01:27
prometheanfireso it's almost guaranteed to cause problems01:27
mnaserprometheanfire: where does ara get installed, maybe its to avoid conflicts with other stuff?01:29
prometheanfireit's in gate-check-commit.sh in the main ansible repo01:31
prometheanfireline 107 (ish)01:31
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mnaserprometheanfire: it looks like we're dropping it in the /opt/ansible-runtime venv which i assume includes many other things01:33
mnaseri guess we *could* create another venv just for ara..01:33
logan-is that possible?01:34
logan-i thought it had to be installed in the same venv as ansible01:34
prometheanfireeven then, what other than ansible is run there?01:34
mnaseri think it could be possible.  it's kinda a bunch of callbacks so as long as we have the same ansible version there01:34
prometheanfireanything openstackish?01:34
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mnaserprometheanfire: https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible/commit/c904de2db512728a4cd479fbd72bb19b432d08f4 i see this but i'm not sure if we deploy anything openstackish01:35
mnaseri dont think so but a /opt/ansible-runtime/bin/pip freeze will surely confirm01:36
mnaserlogan-, prometheanfire: `/opt/ansible-runtime/bin/pip freeze` in my environment does not show anything openstacky01:37
mnaseri see `os-client-config` and `os-service-types`01:37
mnaserthought i think `shade` pulls those in01:37
mnaserlet me get you a full list for a queens env01:37
prometheanfiremnaser: not much, ya, shade https://gist.github.com/prometheanfire/5afb1a01ee5025517c63453d440a90ab01:37
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mnaserprometheanfire: i guess you can propose a revert, see if that crashes and burns badly and odyssey4me can comment behind the reasons of that decision?01:38
mnaserrevert of https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible/commit/f4e8e7f82a94379bc50779e9027876bce23d3a90 that is01:38
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prometheanfirethe pop options are good, constraints are not, let me see if I can do better01:39
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible master: Move database creation into role (octavia)  https://review.openstack.org/57885001:51
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openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Use requirements from ara to install ara  https://review.openstack.org/57969902:00
prometheanfiremnaser: ok, let's try this02:00
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openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Use requirements from ara to install ara  https://review.openstack.org/57969902:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible stable/queens: Update ironic role SHA for conf fixes  https://review.openstack.org/57958502:24
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openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Use requirements from ara to install ara  https://review.openstack.org/57969902:40
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openstackgerritPan Xingyu proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_panko master: Optimize the link address in docs  https://review.openstack.org/57975103:26
openstackgerritPan Xingyu proposed openstack/ansible-role-python_venv_build master: Optimize the link address in docs  https://review.openstack.org/57975603:33
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openstackgerritTaseer Ahmed proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_blazar master: This patch ensures that the functional tests for Blazar pass.  https://review.openstack.org/57138804:39
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openstackgerritOlivier Bourdon proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Add option to change fs type on bootstrap device  https://review.openstack.org/56629905:37
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openstackgerritOlivier Bourdon proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Add option to change fs type on bootstrap device  https://review.openstack.org/56629905:40
hwoaranggood morning05:41
hwoarangwould anyone like to get https://review.openstack.org/#/c/567530/ in ? :)05:41
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prometheanfirethat's quite the patch05:49
openstackgerritPan Xingyu proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_ceilometer master: Optimize the link address in docs  https://review.openstack.org/57976805:59
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evrardjpguilhermesp: did you try forking the role and use path?06:05
openstackgerritMarkos Chandras (hwoarang) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Add support for using distribution packages for OpenStack services  https://review.openstack.org/57977006:13
evrardjphwoarang: have you tried ^ locally already?06:18
hwoarangnot yet at least06:19
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evrardjphwoarang: it was to know if we're hitting a miracle in terms of timing, and if we could go for more than basekit later06:31
hwoarangwhy miracle?06:31
hwoarangat least the basekit roles have been converted to distro installation06:31
evrardjpI mean it would be pretty dope if the full AIO would be pkg installed in an hour.06:33
evrardjpbut I should stop dreaming06:33
hwoarangah well. full aio still needs work06:33
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evrardjpYeah, when I will have finished my body of work I will tackle the cleanup to run faster06:37
openstackgerritTuan Do Anh proposed openstack/ansible-hardening master: fix tox python3 overrides  https://review.openstack.org/57977806:41
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openstackgerritzhongshengping proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_magnum master: Deprecate auth_uri option  https://review.openstack.org/55838007:13
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openstackgerritTuan Do Anh proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: fix tox python3 overrides  https://review.openstack.org/57979707:44
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openstackgerritTuan Do Anh proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova master: fix tox python3 overrides  https://review.openstack.org/57980008:00
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openstackgerritTuan Do Anh proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-tests master: fix tox python3 overrides  https://review.openstack.org/57980208:06
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openstackgerritPan Xingyu proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_blazar master: Optimize the link address in docs  https://review.openstack.org/57981108:37
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odyssey4meprometheanfire mnaser we use constraints for the ARA install for the same reason we use constraints everywhere else - repeatability... when you install tag x today and tomorrow you get the same results08:42
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odyssey4meprometheanfire: I'm not seeing that error in any of our logs. Where did you see it? I'm not finding evidence of it in logstash.o.o either.08:48
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odyssey4mehwoarang evrardjp morning - mind giving this one a nudge please? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/579153/108:50
blinkizHello. I can not clone some repos. What can be wrong? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CP86HBmfh5/08:51
blinkizAm running scripts/bootstrap-ansible.sh after I have checkout 17.0.5. fails..08:52
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evrardjpblinkiz: your network maybe?08:57
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odyssey4mehwoarang: no ubuntu distro install in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/567530/19 ?08:59
hwoarangodyssey4me: didn't we say that xenial packages and rocky do not play well together?09:00
hwoarangso i decided to not spend more time on trying to make xenial work09:00
odyssey4mehwoarang: no, that's a discussion to be had in the meeting today - no decisions yet09:00
odyssey4meif we do that, we then also have to get bionic implemented and ported back to queens09:01
hwoarangodyssey4me: the vars and everything is sorted. only the job is missing. i dont know what to do right now09:01
odyssey4meblinkiz it seems that somehow your git download is corrupted or otherwise broken - try removing /etc/ansible/roles and doing bootstrap-ansible again09:02
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odyssey4mehwoarang: add the job? if you do it in a follow on patch that's fine - I'd rather not see it left behind though09:02
hwoarangodyssey4me: the job is not working so i didn't add it09:02
hwoarangi dont know if it's xenial+packages issue or something else09:02
hwoaranganyway I will wait for the meeting09:03
evrardjpI don't see a problem with the current state -- positive improvement is better than no improvement09:04
odyssey4methat is true, so even a failing patch on top to address the missing bit will make me +2+w that patch right now09:04
odyssey4meI just don't want it forgotten because nobody noticed09:05
evrardjplook at the speed though09:05
hwoarangbut would anyone notice a -1 zuul patch? :)09:05
hwoaranganyway let me add something on top of it09:05
evrardjphwoarang: or mark it with a #TODO(hwoarang): add ubuntu distro install job when ...09:06
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hwoarangi can add a non-voting one09:07
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-nspawn_container_create master: Follow the new PTI for document build  https://review.openstack.org/57982609:13
blinkizodyssey4me, thank you for the answer. It did solve the problem. Thank you09:14
admin0hi guys .. is there a sample config with ceph nodes/disks that i can see ?09:16
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openstackgerritMarkos Chandras (hwoarang) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova master: Add support for using distribution packages for OpenStack services  https://review.openstack.org/56753009:17
hwoarangevrardjp: odyssey4me ^^ ok ?09:17
andymccradmin0: check out the ceph-ansible docs: http://docs.ceph.com/ceph-ansible/master/osds/scenarios.html09:17
odyssey4meadmin0: https://docs.openstack.org/openstack-ansible/latest/user/ceph/full-deploy.html09:18
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odyssey4mehwoarang: thanks, that'll do09:19
evrardjphwoarang: complete implementation to me ;)09:19
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admin0:D identity_hosts: *infrastructure_hosts09:22
admin0 \o/09:22
admin0my long boring file will shrink a lot :)09:22
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_heat master: Execute service setup against a delegated host using Ansible built-in modules  https://review.openstack.org/57966309:27
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_trove master: Reduce distro packages installed  https://review.openstack.org/57915309:37
Taseerevrardjp: is it necessary to replace the manual creation of services with the systemd_role ?09:38
evrardjpyeah, to avoid maintenance burden.09:38
Taseeri see..09:39
evrardjpunless you want to maintain these tasks alone? :D09:40
Taseerfor now, I am unable to figure out the problem I am getting with it09:41
Taseerit is returning 'blazar' is undefined09:42
Taseerand I don't know what it means09:43
Taseerevrardjp: if you know what this means => https://hastebin.com/gawifukoqo.cs09:44
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_trove master: Use tests repo for common role test requirements  https://review.openstack.org/57961009:44
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_trove master: correct typo in service setup  https://review.openstack.org/57858409:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_trove master: Add systemd tags to include role  https://review.openstack.org/57860809:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_trove master: Move database creation into role  https://review.openstack.org/57886709:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_trove master: Add packages required for osprofiler  https://review.openstack.org/57351809:47
evrardjpTaseer: https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova/blob/master/tasks/main.yml#L98-L12109:47
Taseerevrardjp: thanks, let me take a look09:49
evrardjpTaseer: https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_blazar/blob/master/defaults/main.yml#L84-L88 seems not the good name, so I suppose you've updated that in your patch, but you might need to add more things depending on your usage09:50
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odyssey4mehwoarang evrardjp could we get this one that was missed reviewed asap please https://review.openstack.org/57982610:09
hwoarangodyssey4me: done10:11
odyssey4methanks hwoarang10:11
odyssey4methat nova role patch needs a tox.ini edit FYI10:11
hwoaranghmm what did i miss10:13
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: Move MQ vhost/user creation into role  https://review.openstack.org/56851710:14
odyssey4mehwoarang a small change due to https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova/commit/dfcb48c0e0499f21a31349901565194cd6b40b4610:16
hwoarangah i see10:16
hwoarangwill do a follow up10:17
openstackgerritMarkos Chandras (hwoarang) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova master: Add support for using distribution packages for OpenStack services  https://review.openstack.org/56753010:20
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Use tests repo for common role test requirements  https://review.openstack.org/57962810:54
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_heat master: Execute service setup against a delegated host using Ansible built-in modules  https://review.openstack.org/57966311:14
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guilhermespmorning ppl11:45
guilhermespevrardjp: No I didn`t. I was thinking in a way to try to make things work as they should, but seems that it is not an option. You mean forking to my git and then using role_path11:46
guilhermespseems that the discussion in the github issue continues going on and on and on11:47
guilhermespbut anyways, it's not going to get any direction at the moment11:47
evrardjpguilhermesp: no I meant changing the include_vars11:47
guilhermespI was reading about it yesterday11:48
evrardjpcurrently the include_vars is looking for files11:48
evrardjpbut if we give path: it might help11:48
evrardjpor we change the playbook indeed11:48
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evrardjpassuming each playbook handles the deployment of components11:49
evrardjpeach play*11:49
evrardjpwhich is probably better11:49
odyssey4meyep, I personally think that the playbook should handle the components rather than the role11:49
guilhermespyep, "role" statement wouldn't work as was with grafana-ansible from flaviosr ?11:49
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evrardjpwell I think it's better to stay close the maintained roles of another community11:50
evrardjpjust side load them11:50
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evrardjphere I'd say because we had it in meta in the past, it sounds logical that it can be deployed beforehand11:50
evrardjpso a play deploying those roles is perfectly thinkable11:51
odyssey4meusing meta-deps for role pre-deployment is just terrible - it's the least amount of control11:51
guilhermespyou mean this odyssey4me ? https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_monasca/blob/master/meta/main.yml11:53
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guilhermespI will continue looking for possible options and I will bring them to the table. But any more suggestions would be awesome, dont hesitate :)11:56
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible master: Move database creation into role (trove)  https://review.openstack.org/57886812:04
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible master: Add option to change fs type on bootstrap device  https://review.openstack.org/56629912:04
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openstackgerritLeopard Ma proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-memcached_server master: Add source code repository notes link to README  https://review.openstack.org/57971512:09
guilhermespbefore run the run_test.sh... Do you guys think this is possible? http://paste.openstack.org/show/724885/ the only problem that I think would be potential is that the ansible_os_family has capital letter, the vars from the role doesn't, so maybe this solution would have a case-sensitive problem12:11
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odyssey4meguilhermesp: the problem is with how ansible works - it just doesn't work in the way that's proposed because it searches the wrong path12:15
odyssey4meso the suggestion to move the role execution to the playbook is the best (and possibly only) solution12:15
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guilhermespso odyssey4me would be something like this? http://paste.openstack.org/show/724886/12:19
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odyssey4meguilhermesp: instead of when inventory_hostname in groups['monasca_grafana'], you need a 'hosts: monasca_grafana' for the play because the play would only target the hosts for that service12:20
guilhermespah yes, indeed12:20
guilhermespdo you think would be good for the playbook to move the other include_roles to this approach or leave a comment in that play about the issue of include_role?12:21
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_heat master: Execute service setup against a delegated host using Ansible built-in modules  https://review.openstack.org/57966312:23
odyssey4meguilhermesp: yes, all roles should move into the playbook so that it is more obvious how it's setup and the order is clear12:23
odyssey4meif the groups are different, it will also go faster12:23
guilhermespk, going to move the rest12:24
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hwoarangevrardjp: could you re-vote on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/567530/ please?12:53
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jamespageevrardjp: o/13:09
jamespageevrardjp: so...13:09
jamespageevrardjp: I'm looking for reps from deployment projects to participate in the upgrade sig - irc meeting is later today13:10
jamespagewondered whether OSA would like to come along13:10
toskyso, sahara is broken on openstack-ansible-os_sahara jobs and I have no idea what's happened13:10
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evrardjphey jamespage13:15
evrardjpwhat time?13:15
evrardjpit's a pretty busy day for me13:15
jamespage1600 UTC13:15
evrardjpthat's at the same time of our OSA meeting13:15
jamespageI took an action to follow up with deployment projects; I'll do that via the ML and see if we can come up with a good time that works for all13:16
evrardjplet's mix the two!13:16
evrardjpyeah that would make more sense13:16
evrardjptoo bad sarcasm doesn't pass as well on irc as irl13:17
evrardjpYes, I would be happy to join, or anyone from the team. We should have someone to represent OSA to help the upgrade sig13:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_tempest master: Switch to using project-templates  https://review.openstack.org/57752813:19
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_tempest master: Add Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 support  https://review.openstack.org/57595613:19
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guilhermespmorning cloudnull13:27
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guilhermespodyssey4me: in this case, when we run the run_tests.sh, what would be the way out to execute the following playbook? http://paste.openstack.org/show/724894/13:28
guilhermespansible looks into roles/ directory and after in /etc/ansible/roles13:28
guilhermespwhen I run run_tests on my dev env, I'm getting the following error:13:29
cloudnulltosky how can we help ?13:29
toskymy only guess, as I wrote in the review, is that something changed in keystone13:29
toskybut I did not compare the versions of all the components installed in the system, maybe I should13:30
cloudnulltalking about https://review.openstack.org/#/c/569886/13:32
toskyJeremy commented too13:33
toskybut yeah, better compare the components between a failed run and a working run13:33
cloudnull-cc d34dh0r5313:34
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d34dh0r53hmm, doesn't need a rebase13:40
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cloudnullevrardjp odyssey4me https://review.openstack.org/#/c/574006/ - where do we go from here to get that moving again ?13:45
odyssey4mecloudnull: we're waiting for designate to approve the patch that's been submitted13:45
odyssey4meuntil that's done, and the sha's are updated again, it won't work13:46
odyssey4methe alternative is to use earlier sha's than the Flask u-c update13:46
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evrardjpodyssey4me: the solution of cloudnull won't work?13:47
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evrardjpIt sounded reasonable to me, assuming the constraints overide each other13:47
evrardjp(is it first match wins again? I can't remember)13:48
odyssey4meevrardjp: it would work too, but is more risky given that our testing will diverge from upstream13:48
odyssey4meeg if keystone now requires the newer version then our reqs will not deliver the right version to it and it will fail13:48
odyssey4meit would only make sense to do that if we know that u-c is changing to lower the u-c again13:49
evrardjpcan we use a series of parameters (like we used to do for tempest/rally) to make sure designate can be on its own?13:49
evrardjpthat would also fix things13:49
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Improve metricbeat Ceph detection  https://review.openstack.org/57730013:49
odyssey4meevrardjp: then we'd be unconstraining designate, which is worse13:50
evrardjpnot sure it's worse13:50
evrardjpboth are bad13:50
odyssey4mejust bumpt to the most recent sha using the old constraint and then wait for mugsie to do the testing he needs to validate that designate is ready13:50
odyssey4meI don't see why going with that approach is bad13:51
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evrardjpbecause now you have to deal with requirements versions and make sure keystone code is matching13:52
evrardjpand freeze13:52
evrardjpok mugsie is busy with the patch :)13:52
evrardjpthat sounds better13:52
odyssey4meif we're freezing to the same date for all sha's then we don't have to do anything of the sort13:52
evrardjpyeah. So no bumps13:53
odyssey4meyes, until designate is ready13:53
evrardjpwhich is fine for me, but we have to be careful with the thing13:53
openstackgerritGuilherme  Steinmuller Pimentel proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_monasca master: [WIP] Fix monasca  https://review.openstack.org/57872113:54
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova master: Add support for using distribution packages for OpenStack services  https://review.openstack.org/56753014:09
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openstackgerritMarkos Chandras (hwoarang) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone master: DNM - Testing ARA upgrades  https://review.openstack.org/53736014:13
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: Move MQ vhost/user creation into role  https://review.openstack.org/56851714:17
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: Move MQ vhost/user creation into role  https://review.openstack.org/56851714:17
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cloudnullodyssey4me anything we all can help with on that front ^14:31
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_heat master: Execute service setup against a delegated host using Ansible built-in modules  https://review.openstack.org/57966314:45
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mnaserhi everyone15:03
mnaseri am in a meeting that should be ending at 1215:04
mnasercould someone do me the favour of preparing bugs for triage, please?15:04
prometheanfireodyssey4me: then you need to use constraints that are not openstack constraints or make ara follow constraints, otherwise you are using the WRONG constraints15:05
odyssey4meprometheanfire: it's working for us just fine, and has been since liberty15:05
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odyssey4meara has wrked just fine with the constraints since newton15:06
odyssey4meand still appears to me to be working just fine - there is no evidence I could find of that error in any logs in logs.o.o, which is why I asked where you saw it15:07
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prometheanfireodyssey4me: I didn't see you ask, because it was likely hours ago and I just read highlights15:10
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dmsimardprometheanfire: oi15:12
dmsimardI'm looking at your DEBUG_LOG_FORMAT issue, either my grepfu is failing me or I'm not finding it anywhere in ARA15:12
prometheanfireodyssey4me: I saw this downstream (as you know) :P looks like https://review.openstack.org/#/c/574669/1 may help15:12
prometheanfiredmsimard: maybe not master?15:12
dmsimardprometheanfire: what version are you using ?15:12
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova stable/pike: Add qemu-kvm to package list for ubuntu-16.04  https://review.openstack.org/57897715:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova stable/ocata: Add qemu-kvm to package list for ubuntu-16.04  https://review.openstack.org/57897815:13
odyssey4meprometheanfire: we can take that privately, as the downstream issue is something that should be solved downstream given that there's no problem upstream15:13
prometheanfiredmsimard: latest release https://review.openstack.org/#/c/579699/4/scripts/gate-check-commit.sh15:14
prometheanfireodyssey4me: downstream issues can often be signs of upstream issues15:14
prometheanfirejust because upstream does not use something a certian way does not mean that it is not their problem15:14
dmsimardprometheanfire: hmmm...15:14
odyssey4meprometheanfire: sure, and yet there's no upstream issue in this case - it's working just fine15:14
prometheanfireodyssey4me: yep, that's what I just said15:15
odyssey4meprometheanfire: also, in this case - downstream is using rocky scripts to test queens and earlier systems... which is a major reason for the breakage15:15
dmsimardprometheanfire: not finding that either in 0.15.0 (latest tag), do you have the stack trace somewhere ?15:15
prometheanfireodyssey4me: ya, I thought that was funny15:15
dmsimardprometheanfire: DEBUG_LOG_FORMAT *is* in 0.14.6 though, which preceded 0.15.015:15
odyssey4meprometheanfire: so again, please continue the discussion in slack, not here - as this is not an issue with OSA at all, but rather the way the downstream project is using OSA incorrectly15:16
prometheanfiredmsimard: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/prometheanfire/b668ad87eb4d9bddc911e48d0395ab4f/raw/fed3bb5bb12b29542a4a124306e2fdb36ec8514d/gistfile1.txt15:16
odyssey4melooks like ara 0.14.015:16
dmsimardCollecting ara==0.14.015:17
toskyis it me, or I don't see an easy way to get from the logs of openstack-ansible-os_* the list of packages installed from pip ?15:17
odyssey4metosky: the role tests use the head of the branch15:17
odyssey4me(for services, not libs)15:18
* prometheanfire puts on his reqs hat15:18
dmsimardprometheanfire: 0.15.0 appears to work with flask 1.0 (despite the reqs.txt pin) and while it introduced some regressions, I don't think you'd be impacted by them. I'm trying to get a 0.16.0 out the door this week. I'll see if I can lift the flask <1.0 req.15:18
prometheanfireodyssey4me: there is a problem where ara is installed using constraints, ara (the project) does not test against or use constraints15:18
prometheanfiredmsimard: thanks15:19
toskyodyssey4me: but is it there an easy way to see which was the head of the branch?15:19
toskyfor each project, at the time when the patch was tested15:19
odyssey4meprometheanfire: why is that a problem - constraints are simply a tool which sets out a list of packages at specific versions15:19
prometheanfireodyssey4me: while, yes, you are locking to constraints, and it's locking known behavior, it could VERY easilly lock to bad behavior15:20
odyssey4meprometheanfire: we use them for various things, and it doesn't matter if the projects we use them with test using those versions - because we do15:20
dmsimardprometheanfire: ara isn't an openstack deliverable and while I'd be happy that ara works with constraints, it's not something that we test for right now15:20
evrardjpodyssey4me: cloudnull https://review.openstack.org/#/c/578770/ is on its way15:20
odyssey4meprometheanfire: and so, if we find an issue with the constraints, we have our own tools to work around those as necessary - but at this time, and for as long as we've been doing this, it is *almost* never necessary15:20
evrardjpso we can refresh to latest, and it's gonna be fine15:20
prometheanfireodyssey4me: I can't stop you from using them, but to be 'most' correct I feel that you should be using your own constraints15:21
odyssey4meprometheanfire: we are, and do15:21
prometheanfireespecially since you are installing incompat libs together15:21
odyssey4mewell, as I said earlier - we're not using incompatible libs in this case, not as far as we can see15:22
prometheanfireodyssey4me: as far as is documented, you are15:22
prometheanfireand it has the possibility of causing issues downstream15:22
prometheanfirewhich you don't test15:22
odyssey4mewell, let me make this clearer15:22
* prometheanfire feels like we are talking in circles15:23
odyssey4methe issue you've shown in ara==0.14.0, which comes from our stable/pike branch: https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible/blob/stable/pike/scripts/gate-check-commit.sh#L12115:23
odyssey4methe u-c for pike is https://github.com/openstack/requirements/blob/stable/pike/upper-constraints.txt#L51415:23
odyssey4mewhich is perfectly compatible15:23
odyssey4methe issue you're seeing is because downstream you're doing something which chainges the pins we're using and breaks the versions we've tested with and know work15:23
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prometheanfireodyssey4me: ok, that I missed15:24
odyssey4meour stable branch ARA installs are pinned to the last known good version when the branch is created15:24
odyssey4mewe know it works just fine15:24
odyssey4memaster moves with the rest of openstack, and yes right now master is using Flask outside of ARA's constraints, but it seems to be working fine for the way we use it and has not created any errors15:25
prometheanfireI still really don't like using constraints on a project that the project does not test itself (unless you are running that project's full test suite against those constraints)15:25
odyssey4meif it did, we'd work around it (we have several ways to do that) or help dmsimard fix ara to work with the newer lib15:26
prometheanfireodyssey4me: *seems* to be fine :P15:26
dmsimardodyssey4me, prometheanfire: in all likelihood, ara 0.16.0 will lift the flask pin https://review.openstack.org/#/c/579891/15:26
odyssey4meprometheanfire: our tests are all working, and our ara reports are generating and useful... that is fine in my books15:26
prometheanfireodyssey4me: lol, not great testing :P15:26
odyssey4megreat, thanks dmsimard15:26
prometheanfiredmsimard: yep :D15:27
odyssey4meprometheanfire: given that's all we use it for - that's good enough for us15:27
prometheanfiredmsimard: following15:27
odyssey4meit's a tool for us to diagnose issues in our tests - that is all... so if it's serving that purpose, it's good enough for us15:27
dmsimardThe ARA 1.0 callback and API is /almost/ ready for early usage, I'm excited to start using it myself :)15:28
odyssey4mewe leave the full test battery up to dmsimard - that's up to ARA to handle, not us15:28
odyssey4medmsimard: yep, looking forward to that very much15:28
dmsimardthere's already a tox test that demonstrates that the integration works if you ever want to get a preview :)15:29
odyssey4meprometheanfire: notice how https://gist.githubusercontent.com/prometheanfire/b668ad87eb4d9bddc911e48d0395ab4f/raw/fed3bb5bb12b29542a4a124306e2fdb36ec8514d/gistfile1.txt is showing the constraints used are master... so something has gone and changed the constraints and set the env var for them ahead of the OSA gate-check-commit script15:29
prometheanfiredmsimard: how do you feel about testing against constraints?  adding cross tests in requirements may be useful actaully, since I don't think any of our current cross tests include flask projects15:29
odyssey4mewhatever's going on there downstream is very broken15:29
prometheanfireodyssey4me: yes, I said that I missed that earlier :P15:29
dmsimardprometheanfire: the thing about constraints is that it is a very openstack-specific thing for openstack deliverables and while I can try to stay within boundaries, it's something I would consider a hindrance if it starts blocking things and/or requiring more work (I only have so much time to spend on ara)15:31
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dmsimardif you'd like to spin up a job that does that and maintain it, all the power to you15:31
prometheanfiredmsimard: ya, I didn't think you'd go for it :P15:32
prometheanfirenot that I blame you15:32
dmsimardit's really just a human resource limitation, ARA is not my full time job (or even my part time job)15:32
devxdoes the ansible-role-systemd_service support multiple ExecStartPre ?15:32
dmsimardso I unfortunately have to be realistic about the extent of the coverage I'm able to commit to15:33
cloudnulldevx yes15:33
cloudnulllet me grab you an example15:34
prometheanfiredmsimard: yep, doesn't hurt to ask though15:34
dmsimardprometheanfire: fair :)15:37
evrardjpI generated the bugtriage page mnaser15:37
mnaserevrardjp: thank you so much15:37
evrardjpmnaser: who is rocking the meeting this time?15:38
* mnaser is15:38
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devxcloudnull i figured it out it thanks15:38
devxI just had to use '?'15:38
evrardjpfolks do we need to ask things to the TC for help? I will add this as a topic. I have a few ideas on my own, but I'd like to hear from you.15:39
mnaserhttps://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/openstack-ansible if anyone has any updates/discussion to bring up at the start :)15:39
mnaseri will update that soon once i get off this call :\15:39
cloudnulldevx ++ http://paste.openstack.org/show/724904/15:39
cloudnullits an override set15:40
devxgot it thanks!15:40
evrardjpmnaser: I've updated mine15:42
hwoarangi've updated mine but i am going to miss the meeting15:46
* hwoarang needs to run15:46
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mnaser10 minute warning15:50
mnasercloudnull, DimGR, andymccr, d34dh0r53, hughsaunders, b3rnard0, palendae, odyssey4me, serverascode, rromans, erikmwilson, mancdaz, _shaps_, BjoernT, claco, echiu, dstanek, jwagner, ayoung, prometheanfire, evrardjp, arbrandes, scarlisle, luckyinva, ntt, javeriak, spotz, vdo, jmccrory, alextricity25, jasondotstar, admin0, michaelgugino, ametts, bgmccollum, darrenc, JRobinson__, colinmcnamara, thorst, adreznec, eil397,15:50
mnaserqwang,nishpatwa_, cathrichardson, drifterza, hwoarang, cshen, ullbeking, Tahvok, mnaser, nicolasbock15:50
mnasermeeting in 10 :-)15:50
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spotzAbout, just ping if I'm idle15:53
mnaser#startmeeting openstack_ansible_meeting16:00
openstackMeeting started Tue Jul  3 16:00:20 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is mnaser. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.16:00
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:00
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mnaser#topic roll call16:00
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mnaserquiet day today eh16:01
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mnaseralright, we can get started now.  hopefully people hop on shortly16:02
evrardjpthanks for leading this mnaser16:02
mnaserso xenial has no rocky packages16:02
mnaserbionic has rocky packages16:02
evrardjpbionic should be queens indeed16:03
mnaseri'm wondering what is the best way to do go about this16:03
mnaserwill xenial have rocky packages16:03
evrardjpI feel like we should stay close to canonical's way16:03
evrardjpmnaser: no16:03
evrardjpnot that I am aware16:03
mnasereven on release?16:03
mnaser"Starting with the Ubuntu Server 16.10 release, newer releases of OpenStack are available via Cloud archive for the Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS release. Newton and Pike will be supported for 18 months each, and Ocata for 36 months. Queens, 18.04's OpenStack version, is supported in the Cloud Archive for 3 years, i.e. until the end of the Ubuntu 16.04 LTS lifecycle."16:04
evrardjpthat's what we heard in the past, but we can maybe nicely ask16:04
mnaserso it looks like queens seems to be the latest release16:04
evrardjpyeah that's what I said above16:04
evrardjpbionic should be queens16:05
evrardjpand rocky16:05
mnaserso we need to add bionic support for queens16:05
mnaserand then16:05
evrardjpxenial should stop at queens16:05
mnaserdrop xenial in rocky16:05
odyssey4meno, xenial will not have rocky packages16:05
spotzHave we even started testing 18.04?16:05
mnaserspotz: kinda.16:05
odyssey4mewe have asked, and it's been answered16:05
mnaserok, so what do we think about16:05
evrardjpI have started the work, but I got 0 cycles for it.16:05
mnaserpushing work to bring 18.04 in rocky right now16:06
mnaserand then backporting the 18.04 patches to stable/queens16:06
evrardjpsome others took over, so thanks everyone joining the effort : )16:06
mnaserit does seem like a big undertaking though16:06
mnasercores: do we feel comfortable backporting 18.04 support to stable/queens ?16:06
evrardjpI am not sure it's hard, but it takes time and manpower16:07
odyssey4meif we agree that this is important, then we can ask everyone to stop feature work for a week and focus just on bionic enablement for master16:07
mnaseri think it's mostly going to be backports of vars/ubuntu-18.04.yml and adding jobs16:07
odyssey4meI did see d34dh0r53also volunteer himself to get onto doing bionic work16:07
evrardjpd34dh0r53: what's the status there then?16:07
evrardjpmaybe mattt can help?16:07
odyssey4memnaser: yep, if we can get master working for roles, porting back will be reasonably trivial16:08
d34dh0r53evrardjp: just started looking at it, networking is going to be a challenge16:08
mnaserokay, so we're okay with backporting 18.04 support so queens16:08
mnaseroh no, why's that?16:08
spotzI think that might be the best plan of action16:08
odyssey4meoh dear, would we have to also port back the systemd-network patches too?16:08
d34dh0r53odyssey4me: yes16:09
mnaseri dont see why that would be necessary?  is it because systemd_networkd is required for bionic?16:09
odyssey4mebionic no longer uses the old network config system IIRC16:09
mnaserthat starts becoming a very heavy backport16:09
odyssey4meit's one of the reasons we standardised on networkd instead - one method across all distributions16:10
odyssey4meand yes that makes it super painful in terms of backporting16:10
mnaseras a non-ubuntu user, i dont want to impede on progress but that's a pretty fundamental change across releases i guess16:10
evrardjpgit-deps should help on the backport16:10
odyssey4mewe'd probably have to issue a .1 release to signify the change16:10
evrardjpno doubt.16:10
cloudnullo/ sorry late16:11
odyssey4mebut it also means that we need to prep them all and do it in a single release16:11
* cloudnull reading back 16:11
mnaserit also means that we have to pay more attention to those roles16:11
mnaserdo they even have a stable/queens branch?16:11
odyssey4mewe can't afford it to take more time than a single release16:11
openstackgerritAndy Smith proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_ceilometer master: Update to use oslo.messaging service for RPC and Notify  https://review.openstack.org/57990916:11
mnaserit sucks that ubuntu put us in this situation16:11
odyssey4memnaser: those roles won't need a stable/queens branch I don't think - although we could make one if we need it16:11
mnaserno amount of planning would have made us avoid this16:12
mnasercause 18.04 didn't exist in the queens cycle i think16:12
odyssey4meit did, at the end16:12
evrardjpI am not sure we _need_ to backport if we take a gutsy decision to not backport16:12
odyssey4mebut yes it does suck a bit16:12
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evrardjpat the very end yes.16:13
mnaserif we don't backport.. could we ask that users upgrade to bionic before upgrading to rocky?16:13
evrardjpwell no16:13
odyssey4meok, if we decide to carry rocky on xeinal ourselves then (much like we did for trusty for newton), then we do that at our own risk16:13
evrardjpI am wrong16:13
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evrardjpbionic arrived after queens16:13
odyssey4mebut then we can't do distro installs for xenial16:13
logan-o/ late16:13
mnaserdistro installs in xenial is probably 'not supported' and shouldn't be anyways16:13
odyssey4mewe do then need bionic for rocky asap so that the distro install work can be done for it16:13
logan-but we have another option than backporting bionic.....16:13
mnaserdistro installs should be for the supported os16:13
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mnaserlogan-: oh?16:14
logan-we could think about doing what we did in newton:16:14
spotzOk so can we have the cutoff for Xenial be Queens evn then say upgrade to Bionic before upgrade to Rocky?16:14
cloudnull+1 logan-16:14
evrardjpyeah that's what I just said above :)16:14
mnaseri think that was the idea that odyssey4me had suggested too?16:14
mnaserand evrardjp16:14
logan-oh sorry evrardjp behind on backscroll :(16:14
odyssey4melogan- yep, so we take the risk of being the only project doing rocky on xenial16:14
mnaserso rocky bionic packages in xenial16:14
odyssey4menot too bad, but then we still need to get bionic going so that the distro install work can be tested and working on it16:14
logan-odyssey4me: yeah for newton trusty was really just a jumping off point into xenial it seemed like16:14
cloudnulljust getting caught  up, but backporting bionic to queens would be a massive undertaking.16:14
evrardjpit's a decision we need to take16:15
mnaserand cross our fingers for no package conflicts i guess16:15
mnaser++ odyssey4me yes16:15
logan-for newton I was only running trusty for about 2-3 days16:15
mnaserdistro install or source install, bionic needs to be done16:15
cloudnullmnaser on source based installs its less of an issue.16:15
evrardjpfor me, I'd say, the easiest (as we discussed this at a ptg), is to bring bionic on rocky, and make rocky the plateform for jumping16:15
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evrardjpwe'll have quirks16:15
mnaserquestion for operators16:15
mnaserhow hard is it to upgrade to bionic16:16
odyssey4meok, so then we're saying that we're going to do source-installs of rocky on xenial & bionic, and distro installs for ubuntu will be bionic only16:16
mnaserthen upgrade queens to rocky16:16
mnaserspotz: had a point but im not an ubuntu user16:16
spotzI always do fresh installs of operating system and OpenStack16:16
mnaserso i dont want to decide/speak on behalf of those operators16:16
spotzI'm a bad use case:)16:16
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible stable/queens: Fix loop variable name for nested loop  https://review.openstack.org/57948916:16
logan-mnaser: the release upgrade script for trusty->xenial was horribly broken. the early recommendation from the osa community was reimage your systems16:16
mnaserso something that literally blocks OSA from running if containers are not bionic16:16
cloudnullodyssey4me I think this will almost always be the case with distro installs.16:16
mnaserlogan-: ah i see... i'm just wondering if maybe we're trying to solve an issue that can be delegated down to the operator16:17
cloudnullwe're kinda stuck on that front given the packagers will dictate what OS a given release can be deployed on16:17
mnaseror with a simple OS upgrade16:17
odyssey4meat the PTG we should discuss with ubuntu how we prevent getting into this situation again - we'd need access to bionic earlier so that we can do the same transition releases16:17
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mnasersimple is a simplification but generally ubuntu seems painless to uprade16:18
mnaserodyssey4me: maybe we should test using 17.10 or intermediary releases16:18
mnaserdunno if those had testing packages at the time16:18
cloudnullthe main pain point with trusty xenial was the conversion from upstart to system16:18
evrardjpI suggest for source installs Q (xenial) - R (xenial & bionic) // distro packages R (bionic)16:18
cloudnullI have not done a X > B upgrade but I suspect it'll be a lot better expereience16:19
odyssey4meevrardjp: yep, that's my conclusion from this discussion16:19
mnaserso does everyone seem to be in sorts of agreement that16:19
odyssey4mewe're too deep right now, so we just move forward - but the urgency for having bionic is raised16:19
spotz+1 evrardjp16:19
evrardjpodyssey4me: I am sorry, but that's why jamespage talked to us during the PTG. He helped on the discussion.16:19
mnasersource installations in queens will be xenial only, rocky will use bionic packages in xenial + bionic support16:19
mnaserand distro deploys won't support xenial because there are no packages16:19
odyssey4meevrardjp: yes, I know - and that was helpful, but it was also too late for us to get anything in for bionic/queens for us16:20
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mnaserdoes that summarize a conclusion we mostly all agree to? ^16:20
evrardjphe raised the changes to us, and we had to deal with that -- we all are running with limited resources.16:20
logan-mnaser: *queens usa packages in xenial i think is what you meant there16:20
spotzOut of curiousity, do we h=get a heads up for SUSE and RedHat, or is that fedora and opensuse?16:20
odyssey4memnaser: nope16:20
mnaserlogan-: oh okay i see, so we're pinning those deps back rather than leaping forwards16:20
odyssey4memnaser: rocky distro installs will not be done at all16:20
spotzyes I switched order:)16:21
odyssey4memnaser: sorry, that was wrong :/16:21
mnaserso rocky: distro install - only bionic, source install - xenial using queens packages, bionic using rocky packages16:21
odyssey4memnaser: we're going to do source-installs of rocky on xenial & bionic, and distro installs for ubuntu will be bionic only16:21
mnaseris that correct for rocky?16:21
odyssey4memnaser: yep16:22
odyssey4methat's how we did newton16:22
mnaser#agreed rocky: distro install - only bionic, source install - xenial using queens packages, bionic using rocky packages16:22
evrardjpwe'll have quirks, but that's fine for me. Else I'd not have proposed it 15 lines above :p16:22
mnasertook a while but this was important16:22
mnaseri can have some efforts on my side to push basic support here for this16:23
evrardjpagreed mnaser16:23
mnaserbut let's try and focus on this, especially if this is important for your use case16:23
evrardjpcould rax bring more ppl to this? As this is very important to them.16:23
mnaser(and help each other out too)16:23
mnaseri think we can discuss later in terms of resources and follow up next week on status, im hoping we all see the importance of this16:23
mnaseris it ok to move onto 2nd item?16:23
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evrardjpfine for me16:24
openstackgerritAndy Smith proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_magnum master: Update to use oslo.messaging service for RPC and Notify  https://review.openstack.org/57964516:24
mnaserevrardjp: TC has assigned two liaisons ppl for OSA: smcginnis and mnaser. If we have any issue we should raise to them, please tell evrardjp as he is currently prepping a mail for it.16:24
* mnaser puts tc hat on16:24
mnaserif there are any project issues, anything that you need advice with, or any info with the tc, i'm here.  and smcginnis is my pair so you can contact him too16:24
evrardjpmnaser: as you can see, you'll have an email :p16:25
mnaserso if there's anything, please feel free to reach out.  and yes, i look forward for that16:25
mnaserthe tc is trying to be reaching out more to hear what's going on in projects :)16:25
mnasercloudnull: YARLY16:25
evrardjpI don't want to be the bottleneck of conversations. If ppl want to reach the TC directly, that is fine for me. Just keep me informed at least.16:25
evrardjpHope the TC is fine with that too.16:26
mnaserso, that was just an update, you can contact me, evrardjp or smcginnis16:26
mnaseryeppers, anytime anyone16:26
mnasernow at the cost of time, i'll move on to next16:26
mnaserhwoarang: working on aio_distro_basekit scenario to test the combined result of distro installation. Little progress on Leap 15 enablement. Awaiting mariadb upstream to act on https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-1644416:26
mnaseri believe this is the check https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:%5Eopenstack/openstack-ansible.*+AND+is:open,2516:26
evrardjpthanks hwoarang16:26
mnasererr oops16:26
mnaserso hopefully more work can be done to get through with this16:26
mnaserbut we are so close, i am excited that this work can be done this cycle, ill review that change on the centos side, looks like some nginx related failures16:27
mnaserbut ill be looking into that to hopefully be able to land this in time :)16:27
evrardjpI'd love to see it land in time.16:28
mnaserand also on a side cool note16:28
mnaseraio_metal centos-7 seems to complete16:28
mnaserit looks like it failed on some volume backup stuff in tempest16:28
mnaserbut we at least get a full deployment!!!16:28
mnaserso we are so so so close to getting an actual green again16:28
mnaserevrardjp: working on independant inventories16:28
mnaserevrardjp: wanna talk about that^ ?16:28
evrardjpnothing new, but it could become important for my employer.16:29
mnasercan i know what independent inventories is16:29
mnaseri'm not sure what it is16:29
evrardjpif patches need to happen, I'd love to get them included in time.16:29
evrardjpmnaser: not using our dynamic inventory for integrated builds16:29
d34dh0r53sorry, internet outage16:30
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mnaserevrardjp: i see, so that will help 'scenario' builds right16:30
evrardjpusing anything as source of inventory, so basically be explicit about the contract of what needs to be defined.16:30
evrardjpit will help many things16:30
mnaseri think we'd all gladly do those reviews :)16:30
evrardjpscenarios indeed, but I also hope for increase adoption of osa with an easier inventory.16:31
evrardjpit's the first step of a spec that was up16:31
evrardjpthat's all I had to say16:31
mnasercool, i'm happy to see that progress16:31
mnaserlooking forward to see more of it coming :D16:32
mnasernow last thing16:32
mnaserevrardjp: no bump on master until https://review.openstack.org/#/c/574006/ is solved (on its way).16:32
mnaserso i see the designate change merged 24 minutes ago16:32
mnaserdoes that mean we're good for a recheck?16:32
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evrardjpmnaser: I need to rebounce the shas in the patch16:32
cloudnullI t hink the SHA's all need to be updated.16:32
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_magnum master: Add systemd tags to include role  https://review.openstack.org/57860416:32
mnasercool, so evrardjp will hopefully get that done and we'll be back in action :)16:32
evrardjpmnaser: yes.16:33
mnasercores please look out for that change so we can land that bump well no time16:33
mnaseri'll dive into bug triage next-up16:33
mnaser#topic bug triage16:33
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odyssey4meevrardjp: still waiting to see any f those inventory patches ;)16:33
mnaser#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/177970716:33
openstackLaunchpad bug 1779707 in openstack-ansible "After manual upgrade Pike to Queens cinder does not work" [Undecided,New]16:33
logan-at first i was thinking maybe he needs to cinder-manage update the host of the volumes16:34
logan-but creates fail.. so i'm not sure16:34
odyssey4meI did ask this guy to provide more info16:34
mnaserbut it also looks like16:34
evrardjpI don't know for this bug. It sounds legit, odyssey4me you worked on this right?16:34
mnaserthe create actually happens in cinder-volume too16:34
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odyssey4mewere his new service up or not, and where did the transactions stop16:34
odyssey4meall he's done is regster the same thing he said in channel, with no new info16:35
odyssey4melemme find the eavesdrop link16:35
logan-yea but assuming your new cinder-volumes came online it should schedule the create to one of them and the offline ones should only affect existing volumes right? so idk.. need more info like a cinder service list so we can see the states and stuff16:35
toskyfound the issue for sahara, it's a (legitimate) change in openstack-ansible-os_nova but sahara does not support that yet16:36
mnaserlogan-: the note says the logs showed volumes actually being created16:36
mnaseroh wait16:36
mnaserthat might be cinder-api16:36
evrardjptosky: (we are curently in meeting, triaging bugs, but that sounds lovely, I am glad you find it out!)16:36
odyssey4meor scheduler16:36
mnaseryes, sorry16:36
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mnaserhonestly this is not enough information to figure it out, we upgraded cinder to queens and i didnt really see issues :X16:37
odyssey4meI mean - the fact is that we have no information about what agents were showing as running and have no information about whether the services were communicating or had errors.16:37
toskyuh, sorry16:37
mnaseri guess now that the state is fixed we cant really 'do much'16:37
evrardjplet's move on, marking incomplete16:37
evrardjpit will reopen if answers are provided16:37
odyssey4meyepm unless someone wants to test it out to try and replicate the issue16:38
mnaser#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/177963316:38
openstackLaunchpad bug 1779633 in openstack-ansible "basic lxc host setup playbook fails on remove requiretty for sudo on centos" [Undecided,New]16:38
evrardjpsadly I don't have my long running queens anymore16:38
evrardjpwe should probably, for that bug, check if sudo is installed first?16:39
evrardjpor install it by default.16:39
mnasercheck the comment16:39
mnaserwe try to install it16:39
mnaserbut it fails because the user seems to have some centos pinning stuff going on apparently16:39
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ansible-role-systemd_mount master: Add release note link in README  https://review.openstack.org/57907216:40
mnaseri dunno how the user is creating centos 7.4 containers16:40
openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_cinder master: Revert "Revert "Convert role to use a common systemd service role""  https://review.openstack.org/57481716:40
mnaseri would like to put incomplete and ask the user to provide their user_variables16:41
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mnaserbecause they are clearly doing something weird around using older versions16:41
mnaserand that is the root cause of this issue16:41
mnaserme takes silence as approval :D16:42
evrardjptwo things16:42
cloudnullmnaser ++ incomplete.16:42
evrardjplet's say the deployer has done something bad, the process still succeded.16:42
mnaserthat is a bug16:42
evrardjponly Remove requiretty for sudo on centos failed16:43
evrardjpthat is the bug16:43
mnasershould we add16:43
evrardjpa set16:43
mnaserset -e16:43
evrardjperrorfail or something like that16:43
mnaserto the prep cache16:43
openstackgerritAndy Smith proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_trove master: Update to use oslo.messaging service for RPC and Notify  https://review.openstack.org/57478916:43
evrardjpmnaser: https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-lxc_hosts/blob/master/templates/prep-scripts/centos_7_prep.sh.j2#L216:44
mnaserthis was fixed in queens16:45
mnaserbut very difficult to backport16:45
evrardjpthanks for the hidden feature in cloudnull 's patch! :p16:45
evrardjpfixing da bug!16:45
evrardjpyeah worth backporting to me16:46
mnaserfix resolved?16:46
mnaserdo we want to backport that whole thing?16:46
evrardjpwhich branch was it?16:46
mnaserit would have to be a branch only change16:46
evrardjpwell it's a bug16:46
evrardjpwe can reimplement in queens though16:46
cloudnulldid i make a booboo ?16:46
evrardjpthat would be simpler16:46
mnasercloudnull: no you fixed one16:46
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evrardjpcloudnull: no you did great16:46
cloudnullha! that's a first16:46
mnaserthat's what i mentioned16:46
mnaserin the bug16:47
mnaserso confirmed low?16:47
evrardjpcloudnull: well. You hide a feature in a patch, so the commit message isn't great. But the fix is there! :p16:47
evrardjpmnaser: confirmed low16:47
evrardjpI meant I agree, not merely repeting16:47
mnaser#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/177953416:47
openstackLaunchpad bug 1779534 in openstack-ansible "pip install offline fails with new version of get-pip.py" [Undecided,New]16:47
evrardjpcloudnull: indeed16:47
evrardjpsadly I expected this.16:48
evrardjpget-pip is not meant for production and we don't pin it.16:48
evrardjpEverybody said "it's fine"16:48
evrardjpI haven't confirmed this though.16:48
evrardjpbut this could well happen.16:48
mnaserit does look like its still a thing?16:49
odyssey4mefor rocky onwards this will be much less of a thing, because we use get-pip a lot less16:50
evrardjpmaybe get-pip isn't tested with that and broke it in its packaging? I don't know. I haven't tested it myself16:50
evrardjpodyssey4me: yeah, distro packages.16:50
mnasercurl -O https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py && python get-pip.py -d => "no such option: -d"16:50
logan-wow, weird that they removed that arg :/16:51
odyssey4meif this really is an issue, it's easy enough for us to pin to an older version as suggested for the stable branches16:51
evrardjpmnaser: so confirmed16:51
evrardjpI'd prefer if we pin16:51
evrardjpI'd say it's confirmed and medium16:51
mnaseri think a pin makes our life easier16:51
evrardjpor high16:51
evrardjpbecause it prevents deploying16:51
evrardjpsets bad expectations16:51
evrardjppinning or vendoring it in16:52
mnaseranyone wanna push up the quick 1 minute patch for the pin?16:52
mnaserlooks like it's already provided too16:52
evrardjpthe vendor in is even easier for the offline installs, as ppl don't have to mirror the file.16:52
mnaserbut not as backportable though16:52
odyssey4meI'd rather we didn't vendor16:52
mnaserthat's a whole another mess (imho)16:53
evrardjpwe already vendor ssl certs16:53
odyssey4mewe're moving away from it already - so let's continue to do that and do the simplest workaround for older releases which is to pin16:53
odyssey4meI'll do those patches16:53
evrardjpI am fine with a pin.16:53
mnaserodyssey4me: thank you.  may i assign to you16:53
evrardjpas long as it gets fixed, we are already better :)16:53
evrardjpthanks odyssey4me !16:54
mnaser#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/177891416:54
openstackLaunchpad bug 1778914 in openstack-ansible "galera server binds to address" [Undecided,New]16:54
mnaseri ran into this a while back16:54
mnaseri started doing some patches but i got tired cause everything listens to, not just galera.16:54
mnaserand this stops potential 3-node aio metal deploys16:54
evrardjpyeah I ran into it too when introducing the on metal testing16:54
mnaserhonestly, i think we should listen on specific interfaces16:55
evrardjpI agree16:55
mnaserwe already know the ip addresses of br-mgmt or whatever the ip we'll access things on16:55
evrardjpI don't think the proposed solution is a bad idea there.16:55
mnaserand it's just better practice16:55
evrardjpbut this won't fix this issue16:55
mnaserwhy not, isnt galera_wsrep_address the address that the server runs on16:56
mnaserso it will be16:56
mnaserbind-address =
evrardjpyeah that's fine16:56
evrardjpbut if you run haproxy too on the same node?16:56
mnasertbh haproxy should listen on the vip only16:56
evrardjpwhat will be the internal vip address ip?16:56
mnaserif vip == galera_wsrep_address then galera_wsrep_address == and haproxy listen on vip16:57
evrardjpso on your 3 node metal that would be a fix16:57
mnaserif vip != galera_wsrep_address then galera_wsrep_address = galera_wsrep_address and haproxy listen on vip16:57
evrardjpbecause the vip would be set to a different address16:57
evrardjpmnaser: yeah I'd say that's kinda what I wrote16:57
evrardjpin the comment16:58
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mnaserokay, confirmed low and we can suggest the fix?16:58
* mnaser has no time to actually implement it16:58
evrardjpyou are now bringing haproxy vars into a different role16:58
evrardjpthat's ugly16:58
evrardjpbut that's fine we've done that in the past16:58
mnaserthis would happen in integrated repo16:58
mnaserthe galera_wsrep_address stuff16:58
evrardjpthat would be fine as group var indeed16:58
mnaserand haproxy will listen on vip regardless16:58
mnaserconfirmed low posted a comment with a recommended solution16:59
evrardjpok great16:59
evrardjpI have to go16:59
evrardjpthanks everyone16:59
mnaser#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/177858616:59
openstackLaunchpad bug 1778586 in openstack-ansible "aio_lxc fails on openSUSE Leap 42.3: package conflict between gettext and gettext-runtime" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Jean-Philippe Evrard (jean-philippe-evrard)16:59
mnaserlooks like that one is already assigned17:00
mnaserand it is being discussed with hwoarang and evrardjp :)17:00
mnaserwe're at time but if anyone has any super pertinent stuff we can quickly talk over?17:00
mnaserthanks everyone17:01
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Jul  3 17:01:44 2018 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)17:01
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack_ansible_meeting/2018/openstack_ansible_meeting.2018-07-03-16.00.html17:01
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack_ansible_meeting/2018/openstack_ansible_meeting.2018-07-03-16.00.txt17:01
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack_ansible_meeting/2018/openstack_ansible_meeting.2018-07-03-16.00.log.html17:01
evrardjpthanks mnaser17:02
mnasernp, i'm going to grab food now, thanks everyone17:02
evrardjpenjoy your meal!17:02
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-pip_install master: Pin get-pip.py to 3.3  https://review.openstack.org/57992417:04
spotzFood sounds good!17:08
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-tests master: Pin get-pip.py to 3.3  https://review.openstack.org/57992617:09
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Pin get-pip.py to 3.3  https://review.openstack.org/57992717:10
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-tests master: Move MQ vhost/user creation into role (glance)  https://review.openstack.org/56852217:13
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Move MQ vhost/user creation into role (glance)  https://review.openstack.org/56853117:13
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Move MQ vhost/user creation into role (glance)  https://review.openstack.org/56853117:14
cloudnullthanks everyone. balancing between meetings17:15
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_heat master: Execute service setup against a delegated host using Ansible built-in modules  https://review.openstack.org/57966317:15
cloudnullhwoarang mnaser - I think we need to tweak the systemd_service setup for distro packages IE: https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance/blob/master/tasks/glance_install.yml#L104-L13017:16
cloudnullI believe its running that include role when distro packages are selected17:16
cloudnullwhich is (likely) causing conflicts?17:17
odyssey4mecloudnull I *think* that was on purpose?17:17
cloudnulloh ?17:17
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cloudnullso the distro package installs are expecting the additional systemd units ?17:18
cloudnullif so then I have other issues in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/574817/17:19
odyssey4meI have no idea. I did notice that was left in for all the distro install bits. I guess we're overwriting the defaults or something.17:19
cloudnullit keeps failing the distro pcakge installs17:19
odyssey4medunno, I guess you'll need some input from hwoarang there17:19
cloudnullI'm happy to make adjustments, if needed. I just dont want to break something in the distro package code path17:19
cloudnullby making sweeping changes17:20
toskysorry for interrupting the meeting; I usually pay attention to the fact that a meeting is going on17:23
toskybut I was happy and tired from the debugging17:23
odyssey4meboom evrardjp - the designate flask patch is now merged17:27
odyssey4metosky: no worries :)17:27
evrardjpyeah odyssey4me17:27
odyssey4metosky: ah reading your thing now - I see... what we can do is override that setting in sahara instead of reverting the os_nova change17:28
odyssey4melemme push up a patch for you, which hopefully works17:29
odyssey4metosky: do you have a sahara bug that I can refer to for getting this fixed in sahara?17:29
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toskyodyssey4me: no, I just discovered it less than one hour ago17:34
toskyit's on my list17:34
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_sahara master: Disable keystone_authtoken/service_token_roles_required for now  https://review.openstack.org/57993217:36
odyssey4metosky: ^ that hopefully will do the trick17:36
toskyodyssey4me: thanks, let's see if it's the case; I'm going to test the option with devstack too, to see if it's something else missing17:38
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toskyodyssey4me: on the other side, I was told that we only triggered a problem that it's in another service, so maybe other services could be affected17:42
odyssey4metosky: yeah, quite possible - we'll see what shakes out17:43
odyssey4methanks for digging into it :)17:43
guilhermespodyssey4me: you said earlier that using meta-deps for role pre-deployment would be terrible, can you tell me why specifically?17:47
odyssey4meguilhermesp: we're deliberately removing them from all roles and implementing include_role instead - either in the role or in the playbook17:51
odyssey4memeta-deps are hidden, and better used for library inclusions than anything else17:51
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odyssey4mea role execution is something you expect to find in a playbook - it's an obvious place to find it when you're looking for it17:52
odyssey4memeta-deps have far less control in terms of how to execute and what to execute against17:53
odyssey4mewhy is it that you want to use a meta-dep for the execution?17:53
guilhermespoh, now I got it17:53
cloudnullodyssey4me did you see the node from guilhermesp the other day about "private" with include_role being a lie?17:53
guilhermespwell, not sure if you saw earlier when I mentioned that when I run the run_tests.sh ( https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-tests/blob/master/run_tests.sh ) seems that ansible is trying to find the roles declared in the playbook in the current directory or in /etc/ansible/roles.17:54
cloudnullfor us it's OK because it all seems to be working as we expect, but the ducmented private functionality was actually never implemented.17:54
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guilhermespcloudnull: and it wont be as I understood17:55
cloudnulland now the option is slated for removal17:55
guilhermespso, my point is that run-tests and zuul are not finding the roles for the functional tests. I noticed that in my test env the roles are placed in /roor/.ansible/roles17:55
odyssey4meprivate: yes only prevents vars leaking out from the role... so if you set fact in a role, that fact doesn't live after the role execution17:56
cloudnullit actually does nothing17:56
cloudnullguilhermesp do you have that bug handy ?17:56
cloudnullthe ansible doc were liying to us17:57
evrardjpI am off for today.17:57
guilhermespcloudnull: yes, lemme get the link17:57
evrardjpcloudnull: are you ready?17:57
guilhermespevrardjp: have a nice rest of day!17:57
evrardjpcloudnull: columbia england :p17:58
cloudnulloh yes.17:58
* cloudnull presently sitting in front of the TV17:58
guilhermespoww, going to open the streamming here :)17:58
guilhermespcloudnull: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/2189017:59
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guilhermespkiorky is defending his PR, while others are saying that is useless17:59
odyssey4meoh wow, so actually when using include_role everything is private and that's that18:04
odyssey4mewhereas using roles: [ "role1" ] everything from the role is public18:04
guilhermespand just to conclude the reasoning odyssey4me what I think is that: or I am doing something naive here https://review.openstack.org/#/c/578721/10/tasks/monasca_install_dependencies.yml of the functional tests are note getting the correct role_path, as the precendence is ./role/ or /etc/ansible/roles18:06
guilhermespas stated here https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/2.5/user_guide/playbooks_reuse_roles.html#role-search-path18:06
odyssey4meguilhermesp: you can't put plays into a task file18:06
odyssey4methat task file is in the role, plays/playbooks execute roles which bundle tasks18:08
odyssey4mefo your tests, you should be putting that in before https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_sahara/blob/master/tests/test.yml#L2718:08
mnaserok so18:08
mnaserwe're ALMOST ALMOST done fixing everything but18:08
odyssey4meoh sorry - wonrg role18:08
mnaserit looks like rootwrap.conf is vendored in os_cinder ?18:09
mnaserwhich means all the rootwrap settings can become stale :\18:09
odyssey4meguilhermesp: this is the playbook executed by run_tests: https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_monasca/blob/master/tests/test-install-monasca.yml18:09
odyssey4memnaser: yep, I'm working on that - just short on time18:09
mnaserodyssey4me: any suggestions so i can work off from something?18:09
odyssey4memnaser: every sha bump is supposed to also include vendored file updates, but we're moving towards a system which just uses whatever's in the venv18:10
mnaseri think that should be the best thing moving forward18:10
mnasermaybe we can edit the rootwrap.conf file to point to the folder that includes that18:10
mnaserlike /openstack/venv/cinder-foo/...../rootwrap.d if that gets included/installed in the venv18:11
mnaserlet me dig18:11
odyssey4memnaser: so this was one https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone/commit/8367e442304a16687be602d4a23762d3408b901018:11
odyssey4meI expect this matters only for source-based installs, as the package-based installs will pull in their own rootwraps18:11
guilhermespodyssey4me: thanks, gonna fix my mistakes18:12
odyssey4meyou'll notice in the bug referenced in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/558240/ that I worked last cycle to set a standard across projects to include rootwraps, etc in their venv contents18:13
mnaserlooks like distro installs are actually copying rootwrap file18:13
mnaserso we'll have to move that part to the source install file most likely18:13
odyssey4meyes, it definitely should only be part of the source install18:14
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openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_cinder master: Copy rootwrap.d config files in source installs only  https://review.openstack.org/57994118:16
mnaserstep 118:16
hwoarangcloudnull: re systemd role that's intentional because i have no clue what distros are shipping so i thought to have consistent units across distros18:16
hwoarangthat seems to work ok18:16
hwoarangodyssey4me: i have a quick question for you before i vanish again18:17
hwoarangodyssey4me: the repo_build/repo_server roles are also hosting git repositories right?18:17
odyssey4mehwoarang: yes, unfortunately - for now18:17
odyssey4mehwoarang: why do you ask?18:18
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hwoarangi was hoping to not having to use the repo_* roles for distro install but since they host git repos i guess i can't avoid it for now18:18
hwoarangaio distro installed tried to use 'git://' but i had the repo_* roles disabled on that scenario18:18
odyssey4mehwoarang: well, I'm aiming to leave repo_server there for caching purposes, but have it be optional18:18
hwoarangrepo_server is the role which caches the git repos?18:19
hwoarangso i can skip repo_build18:19
odyssey4meno, repo_build does18:19
hwoarangah :/18:19
odyssey4meI'm hoping that we can do without the repo server as a requirement eventually18:19
hwoarangyeah it should be doable18:20
odyssey4mefor the consoles, there should be packages which can be used instead of forcing using git for those18:20
hwoaranghmm that's a good point18:20
hwoarangi need to tweak nova a bit then18:20
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hwoarangthank you for the suggestion18:20
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hwoaranghmm suse does not have a spice console package so that will not fly18:23
mnaseri dunno why we have spice as default18:23
mnaserwhen the default is novnc18:23
mnaserin openstack i think18:23
odyssey4mespice supports multiple languages IIRC, and there was a time back in icehouse I think where novnc almost went dead18:25
odyssey4meit has since gotten better though18:26
mnaserodyssey4me: i don't have the time right now to figure out this whole sync stuff right now unfortunately, would folks be ok with a sync of the rootwrap stuff.. for now18:26
odyssey4memnaser: what do you mean a 'sync of the rootwrap stuff' ?18:26
mnaserodyssey4me: download rootwrap config files locally and then push them out18:27
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mnaserbut instead just manually updating files/rootwrap.d/foo.filters18:27
mnaserfrom cinder repo18:27
mnaseroh you know what18:27
mnaseri'll just do the copy on the server directly18:27
odyssey4memnaser: that's exactly what we're moving towards - is this a blocker somewhere? if so, I can pivot towards prioritising that work18:28
mnaserno, it's okay, i just kinda made this bigger than it should be, will psuh up something in a sec18:28
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openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_cinder master: Use rootwrap configuration files from the virtualenv  https://review.openstack.org/57994418:33
mnaserodyssey4me: ^18:34
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_cinder master: Enable CentOS 7 distro jobs  https://review.openstack.org/57994518:34
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_barbican master: Execute service setup against a delegated host using Ansible built-in modules  https://review.openstack.org/57994718:39
openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Update all SHAs for milestone 3  https://review.openstack.org/57400618:41
openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Update all SHAs for milestone 3  https://review.openstack.org/57400618:41
odyssey4memnaser: I think that'll work. If you're able to hammer that out across roles it'll be a good help to me.18:43
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_ironic master: Execute service setup against a delegated host using Ansible built-in modules  https://review.openstack.org/57951419:03
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: [TEST] Verify delegated setup model  https://review.openstack.org/57995519:17
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-tests master: Ensure clouds.yaml is placed correctly  https://review.openstack.org/57995919:56
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_ironic master: Execute service setup against a delegated host using Ansible built-in modules  https://review.openstack.org/57951419:57
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_barbican master: Execute service setup against a delegated host using Ansible built-in modules  https://review.openstack.org/57994719:58
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_heat master: Execute service setup against a delegated host using Ansible built-in modules  https://review.openstack.org/57966319:58
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_cinder master: Execute service setup against a delegated host using Ansible built-in modules  https://review.openstack.org/57965119:59
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_designate master: Execute service setup against a delegated host using Ansible built-in modules  https://review.openstack.org/57965519:59
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_barbican master: Execute service setup against a delegated host using Ansible built-in modules  https://review.openstack.org/57964820:00
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_ceilometer master: Execute service setup against a delegated host using Ansible built-in modules  https://review.openstack.org/57950920:00
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: Execute service setup against a delegated host using Ansible built-in modules  https://review.openstack.org/56814220:00
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: [WIP] Use a common python build/install role for source-base deployment  https://review.openstack.org/56769220:00
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_zun master: Execute service setup against a delegated host using Ansible built-in modules  https://review.openstack.org/57950620:01
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Ensure clouds.yaml is placed correctly  https://review.openstack.org/57996520:16
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_designate master: Execute service setup against a delegated host using Ansible built-in modules  https://review.openstack.org/57965520:21
openstackgerritGerman Eichberger proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_octavia master: Fix quota for Octavia  https://review.openstack.org/57136820:22
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_zun master: Add release notes link to README  https://review.openstack.org/57414220:37
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_cloudkitty master: Execute service setup against a delegated host using Ansible built-in modules  https://review.openstack.org/57997720:40
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_congress master: Execute service setup against a delegated host using Ansible built-in modules  https://review.openstack.org/57998120:45
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_gnocchi master: Execute service setup against a delegated host using Ansible built-in modules  https://review.openstack.org/57998821:04
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_horizon master: Execute service setup against a delegated host using Ansible built-in modules  https://review.openstack.org/57999121:17
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_designate master: Execute service setup against a delegated host using Ansible built-in modules  https://review.openstack.org/57965521:18
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openstackgerritMarkos Chandras (hwoarang) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Add support for using distribution packages for OpenStack services  https://review.openstack.org/57977021:30
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone master: Execute service setup against a delegated host using Ansible built-in modules  https://review.openstack.org/57999321:44
odyssey4meThat's me done for the night - cheerio all!21:51
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cloudnulltake care odyssey4me22:53
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guilhermespodyssey4me have a nice evening23:01
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openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-nspawn_hosts master: Update nspawn role correcting several issues  https://review.openstack.org/58000623:58

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