Tuesday, 2018-07-24

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Add facts to better optimize thread pools  https://review.openstack.org/58493900:17
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible master: Update all SHAs for milestone 3  https://review.openstack.org/57400600:20
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-repo_server stable/queens: Remove the upstream pypi reverse proxy  https://review.openstack.org/58438700:23
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Add x-pack monitoring by default  https://review.openstack.org/58496700:24
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cloudnulltux_ hard to say, most of the role cloning comes from git.openstack.org01:49
cloudnullif that's slow or far away from you that can take some time01:50
cloudnullyou could switch git.openstack.org to github.com if that is faster.01:50
tux_I am in BOSTON01:50
cloudnullcould just be that the local server for git.openstack.org is slow near you01:50
cloudnullor that there's a terrible in path route.01:51
cloudnullor git.openstack.org is just having a slow day01:51
cloudnullif github performs better for you, you can 's/git.openstack.org/github.com/g' in the ansible-role-requirements.yml file01:52
tux_cloudnull: that is a good idea.. but now its too late.. because last 5 hours its just downloading stuff and i don't want to stop at this point..01:53
tux_but i am going to run same test with github and see how much time it will take01:53
cloudnull5 hours running the bootstrap-ansible.sh script ?01:54
openstackgerritbhujay kumar proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-haproxy_server master: Improve SelfSign cert generation method  https://review.openstack.org/58485701:54
tux_why OSA downloading every single role?01:54
cloudnullsomething is wrong that should take <5 min in general .01:54
tux_yes 5 hours for bootstrap01:54
cloudnullits downloading all of our roles for the given release01:55
tux_changed: [localhost] => (item={'scm': u'git', 'src': u'https://git.openstack.org/openstack/openstack-ansible-rsyslog_client', 'version': u'88bcc41d9d122ba9ad1b1a428b3238b1b27ecb1f', 'name': u'rsyslog_client'})01:55
tux_this is what its doing one by one...01:55
cloudnullthat's expected, but 5-10 min tops01:55
tux_let me try one of role manually and see01:56
tux_cloudnull: you are right git.openstack.org taking super long time.. and  github.com took 1 second for 1 role02:02
tux_This is really odd02:02
tux_why don't we fix this in our OSA code to use github.com ?02:02
tux_I always wonder why the hell my installation taking days and days to finish :(02:03
tux_I think this is serious BUG we should use github.com everywhere02:03
tux_cloudnull: i have submitted bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/178323702:08
openstackLaunchpad bug 1783237 in openstack-ansible "git.openstack.org is super slow, we should switch to github.com" [Undecided,New]02:08
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openstackgerritbhujay kumar proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-haproxy_server master: Improve SelfSign cert generation method  https://review.openstack.org/58485702:39
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Update sharding based on data-nodes  https://review.openstack.org/58501202:51
cloudnulltux_ sorry was making dinner.03:09
cloudnullwe use git.openstack.org because it's the official git servers for all of the openstack code.03:10
cloudnullgithub is a mirror03:10
tux_I have filed bug, this is painful to wait for 5 hour :(03:10
cloudnull++ That is unacceptable03:10
cloudnullit could just be something with infra git servers.03:10
cloudnullIDK though03:10
tux_cloudnull: why don't we make variable or something which user has control instead of doing s/find/replace/03:11
cloudnullthe role requirement file is a flat file and not something that is effected by a variable03:12
cloudnullhowever the openstack source code repos do have variables.03:12
cloudnullits something worth exploring, it might makes some sense to pull the requirement repos into code and have the list generated.03:12
tux_just put come if/then/else code in bootstrap bash script which make decision and put you in best path03:14
cloudnull++ that might be a good option too03:15
tux_Now it make sense why my all installation taking years so complete, i am sure other folks also having same issue but they didn't notice03:15
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible stable/queens: Ensure that repo checks use the right values  https://review.openstack.org/56442203:16
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible stable/queens: Ensure that the repo servers also use the pypi cache  https://review.openstack.org/56850203:16
openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Add logrotate to the elasticstack  https://review.openstack.org/58500503:17
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openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Add connbeat  https://review.openstack.org/57518003:18
cloudnulltux you might want to override the following options too https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible/blob/stable/queens/playbooks/defaults/repo_packages/openstack_services.yml03:19
cloudnullthose are the service specific variables that are all using git.openstack.org03:20
* cloudnull was assuming your running queens 03:20
cloudnullif so you can copy that file to /etc/openstack_deploy/user_openstack_services.yml03:21
cloudnullreplace git.openstack.org with github and you're all off and to the races.03:21
openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Add connbeat  https://review.openstack.org/57518003:31
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openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Add connbeat  https://review.openstack.org/57518003:43
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible stable/queens: Remove default pip_links value  https://review.openstack.org/56863703:48
tux_cloudnull: yes i am upgrading pike to queen03:51
tux_i feel like doing s/git.openstack.org/github.com/ in full directory03:53
tux_cloudnull: any idea what is going here, my trying to re-claim space in ceph cluster but my VM throwing this error03:56
-tux_- [root@c7-ceph ~]# fstrim -v /03:56
-tux_- fstrim: /: the discard operation is not supported03:56
tux_I do have "hw_disk_discard = unmap" in nova.conf03:57
tux_i don't have "virtio-scsi" in nova.conf03:59
cloudnullusing logical volumes?04:00
tux_i have nova ---rbd---> ceph04:01
cloudnulloh . idk maybe ceph volumes cant run discards?04:01
cloudnullis there a discard/trim option w/ rbd?04:02
cloudnulllike that of lvm.conf04:02
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logan-you need to boot an instance from an image that has the metadata items hw_scsi_model=virtio-scsi and hw_disk_bus=scsi set04:03
logan-discard is only supported when virtio-scsi is the disk controller04:03
tux_logan-: just reading this and saw your mesg04:04
tux_should i need to add this in nova or image metadata?04:04
logan-the image04:05
tux_doing it now :) awsomenessss04:05
tux_logan-: now whatever VMs i have created if i delete them does ceph will free up space for them?04:08
tux_i meant i create bunch of VMs without hw_scsi_model=virtio-scsi option04:08
tux_i am talking about old VMs04:09
logan-yes if you delete the instance it will delete the whole disk04:09
logan-discard is not needed in that case04:09
tux_logan-: that works!! just tested...04:11
tux_now going to create new VM with hw_scsi_model=virtio-scsi option04:11
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tux_logan-: thank you bro!! it works04:16
-tux_- [root@ceph01 ~]# fstrim -v /04:16
-tux_- /: 9.2 GiB (9833586688 bytes) trimmed04:16
logan-cool np04:16
tux_is it good idea to setup fstrim in cron for weekly job?04:17
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openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Restructure Journalbeat so it respects package_state=absent  https://review.openstack.org/58513505:25
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openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Ensure "elastic_thread_pool_size" is cast to int  https://review.openstack.org/58513605:31
cloudnullah that makes some sense (re: virtio scsi) - when we import images we use the following playbooks to set that image meta-data for  our default images https://github.com/rcbops/rpc-openstack/blob/master/playbooks/openstack-image-setup.yml05:32
cloudnullvars here https://github.com/rcbops/rpc-openstack/blob/master/playbooks/vars/openstack-service-config.yml#L66-L13505:33
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openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: Convert role to use a common systemd mount role  https://review.openstack.org/55218506:20
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cshenMorning, I want to add lsof as default package in all lxc containers, is there an openstack-ansible variable for that?06:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Ensure "elastic_thread_pool_size" is cast to int  https://review.openstack.org/58513606:52
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova stable/queens: Map instances to cell_v2 only once.  https://review.openstack.org/58515607:09
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova stable/pike: Map instances to cell_v2 only once.  https://review.openstack.org/58515707:09
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova stable/ocata: Map instances to cell_v2 only once.  https://review.openstack.org/58515807:10
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odyssey4meguilhermesp: I think the next step is to get CentOS/OpenSUSE support, then we can look at putting it all into the integrated repo.07:54
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible stable/queens: Remove rally_git_* overrides  https://review.openstack.org/58516508:04
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible stable/queens: Remove rally_git_* overrides  https://review.openstack.org/58516508:05
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible stable/queens: Remove rally_git_* overrides  https://review.openstack.org/58516508:07
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible stable/pike: Remove rally_git_* overrides  https://review.openstack.org/58516608:09
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible stable/ocata: Remove rally_git_* overrides  https://review.openstack.org/58516708:12
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_monasca-agent master: Change functional test to voting  https://review.openstack.org/58397908:12
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_rally stable/queens: Implement pypi-based install and package pinning for non u-c packages  https://review.openstack.org/58517008:20
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible stable/queens: Remove rally_git_* overrides  https://review.openstack.org/58516508:21
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_rally stable/pike: Implement pypi-based install and package pinning for non u-c packages  https://review.openstack.org/58517508:34
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible stable/pike: Remove rally_git_* overrides  https://review.openstack.org/58516608:35
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_rally stable/pike: Implement pypi-based install and package pinning for non u-c packages  https://review.openstack.org/58517508:36
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_monasca master: Remove unnecessary default variables  https://review.openstack.org/58498508:38
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_rally stable/ocata: Implement pypi-based install and package pinning for non u-c packages  https://review.openstack.org/58517608:43
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible stable/ocata: Remove rally_git_* overrides  https://review.openstack.org/58516708:43
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_rally stable/ocata: Implement pypi-based install and package pinning for non u-c packages  https://review.openstack.org/58517608:43
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blinkizHello. I have question about openstack_user_config.yml and the variable "container_interface". Take network of type flat for example. It uses br-vlan as bridge on target hosts. it has container_interface set to eth12. It is applied to all neutron agent containers and neutron agents on bare metal hosts.09:07
blinkizOn the bare metal hosts the interface eth12 does not exist. On infra1 bare metal hosts in file /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/linuxbridge_agent.ini, it says "physical_interface_mappings = flat:eth12,vlan:br-vlan".09:07
blinkizMy question is, how does this work? The variable name "physical interface mappings" tells me that it is trying to map flat to eth12 on my bare metal host. Can this really be correct?09:07
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blinkizOn https://docs.openstack.org/install-guide/launch-instance-networks-provider.html I can read about physical_interface_mappings. It says "... flat options connect the flat virtual network to the flat (native/untagged) physical network on the eth1 interface on the host ...". So to me this sounds like flat:eth12 is trying to find eth12 which does not exist on my bare metal hosts. The "flat:eth12" text is found everywhere in the examples on09:13
blinkiz https://docs.openstack.org/openstack-ansible/queens/user/index.html09:13
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blinkizI do not think "flat:eth12". It is probably just me not understanding something. Can someone please enlighten me? :)09:14
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odyssey4mejrosser: Did you see all those queens pip links patches are merged now. \o/09:23
jrosseri did yes :)09:28
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sm806Weired!!! When i run "openstack-ansible -v setup-hosts.yml" I get the following error:09:32
sm806fatal: [infra1]: FAILED! => {"attempts": 5, "changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": "No package matching 'linux-image-extra-4.15.0-29-generic' is available"}09:32
sm806This script ran successfully yesterday. I didn't change anything on the host machines!! Any idea what could be causing this error?09:32
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_rally stable/queens: Implement pypi-based install and package pinning for non u-c packages  https://review.openstack.org/58517009:35
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible stable/queens: Remove rally_git_* overrides  https://review.openstack.org/58516509:35
jrosserodyssey4me: we're just unhooking all those pip links patches from being locally applied for our queens CI, the only outstanding thing for this CI+proxy is this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/584772/09:35
noonedeadpunkhi guys09:37
odyssey4mejrosser: yeah, that'll do it - good add09:38
odyssey4menoonedeadpunk: will look at your patches shortly09:39
noonedeadpunkodyssey4me: smth is going wrong during my test on our production. It seems that problem is related with venv build, so I'll try to fix it and will send another patch09:42
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-repo_build master: Add systemd-devel/libsystemd-dev for systemd-python wheel build  https://review.openstack.org/58502610:02
odyssey4menoonedeadpunk: ^ I just edited the commit a bit to clean it up. Hope you don't mind.10:03
noonedeadpunksure I'm not10:03
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noonedeadpunkodyssey4me: 80 characters should include link (which is supposed to be interpreted later) or not?10:08
odyssey4menoonedeadpunk: 80 chars is to make it easier to read the commit, so if the link is long have it on its own line10:10
noonedeadpunkodyssey4me: about conditions - I never though that it could work in this way...10:16
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_cloudkitty master: test  https://review.openstack.org/58520310:30
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_cloudkitty master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58520310:36
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_cloudkitty master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58520310:37
mbuilodyssey4me: I need an ansible expert like yourself to help me understand something10:41
mbuilodyssey4me: Having these two playbooks: https://hastebin.com/eqihocefun.cs, when running playbook 1, the variable ipv4_address exists and is an empty string. when running playbook 2, ipv4_address does not exist10:44
odyssey4membuil: looking10:44
odyssey4meah, in the first one you'd have to gather facts from 'opnfv' first for that to work10:45
odyssey4methe play doesn't have the facts from the host, unless you have fact caching and previously collected them10:45
odyssey4meoh interesting, you had gather_facts false too...10:48
mbuilodyssey4me: the reason to do this exercise is because I wanted to understand where ipv4_address is coming from. If gather_facts is False in both cases, how can it be gathering facts?10:49
mbuildoes delegate_to gather facts in the background?10:49
odyssey4meyeah, I don't know - and I'd have to walk the code to figure that out and don't really have that sort of time right now10:53
odyssey4menot sure if evrardjp knows more - he knows the internals better10:53
mbuilodyssey4me: thanks, I'll try to dig up a bit :)10:55
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_watcher master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58521010:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_blazar master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58521110:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_heat master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58521210:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-galera_server master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58521310:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_congress master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58521410:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_panko master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58521510:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_ironic master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58521610:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-memcached_server master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58521710:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_aodh master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58521810:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_gnocchi master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58521910:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_monasca master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58522010:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_tempest master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58522110:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-rsyslog_client master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58522210:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58522310:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_magnum master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58522410:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_almanach master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58522510:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_designate master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58522610:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-lxc_container_create master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58522710:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_swift master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58522810:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_octavia master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58522910:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_sahara master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58523010:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ceph_client master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58523110:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_rally master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58523210:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58523310:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-galera_client master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58523410:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-repo_server master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58523510:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58523610:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58523710:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_masakari master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58523810:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-nspawn_hosts master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58523910:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58524010:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_horizon master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58524110:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_zaqar master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58524210:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_trove master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58524310:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_molteniron master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58524410:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-rsyslog_server master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58524510:59
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-tests master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58524610:59
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_barbican master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58524710:59
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_cinder master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58524810:59
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_monasca-agent master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58524910:59
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_ceilometer master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58525010:59
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-repo_build master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58525110:59
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_searchlight master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58525210:59
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_tacker master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58525310:59
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-openstack_hosts master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58525410:59
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-rabbitmq_server master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58525510:59
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58525610:59
odyssey4meheh, I guess someone was bound to do it11:00
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_watcher master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58521011:03
evrardjpodyssey4me: yeah, but I think it's fine nowadays, as we broke updates anyway :p11:03
evrardjp(talking about the include_Tasks vs include)11:04
odyssey4meevrardjp 'we broke updates' ?11:04
evrardjpthe usual role test version thing11:04
odyssey4meoh yeah, upgrade tests for roles are totally busted11:04
evrardjpI mean our upgrade testing need rethinking anyway as we discussed11:04
odyssey4methat was never a sustainable thing11:04
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_watcher master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58521011:05
evrardjpodyssey4me: about the facts thing: delegation will not automatically setup facts.11:05
evrardjpnot that I am aware. I am not saying it's not impossible to do so though.11:05
evrardjpBut right now, I'd say it doesn't11:06
evrardjpalso please note that all facts will need migration in the future too11:06
evrardjpThere was a thread in the ML recently to remember us that.11:06
evrardjpfrom Triple-O11:06
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58525611:09
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-galera_server master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58526311:13
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_watcher master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58526411:14
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_heat master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58526511:14
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_congress master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58526611:14
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-galera_server master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58526711:14
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_blazar master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58526811:14
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_panko master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58526911:14
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-memcached_server master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58527011:14
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_aodh master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58527111:14
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_gnocchi master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58527211:14
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_ironic master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58527311:14
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-rsyslog_client master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58527411:14
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_monasca master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58527511:14
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_tempest master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58527611:15
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58527711:15
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_designate master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58527811:15
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_almanach master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58527911:15
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_swift master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58528011:15
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_octavia master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58528111:15
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-lxc_container_create master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58528211:15
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_sahara master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58528311:15
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_magnum master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58528411:15
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ceph_client master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58528511:15
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_rally master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58528611:15
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-repo_server master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58528711:15
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-galera_client master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58528811:15
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58528911:15
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58529011:15
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58529511:15
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58529611:15
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-nspawn_hosts master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58529711:15
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_masakari master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58529811:15
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_horizon master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58529911:15
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_trove master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58530011:15
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_zaqar master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58530111:16
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-rsyslog_server master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58530211:16
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_molteniron master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58530311:16
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_barbican master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58530411:16
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_ceilometer master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58530511:16
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-repo_build master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58530611:16
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-tests master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58530811:16
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_cinder master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58530711:16
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_monasca-agent master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58530911:16
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_tacker master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58531011:16
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-rabbitmq_server master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58531211:17
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_searchlight master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58531311:17
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-openstack_hosts master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58531411:17
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58531511:17
evrardjpmaster on this topic will be fun to review ^11:18
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_moep_lol :D11:29
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_rally master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58528611:46
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_almanach master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58527911:52
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_octavia master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58528111:56
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_rally stable/pike: Implement pypi-based install and package pinning for non u-c packages  https://review.openstack.org/58517511:56
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible stable/pike: Remove rally_git_* overrides  https://review.openstack.org/58516611:56
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_rally stable/ocata: Implement pypi-based install and package pinning for non u-c packages  https://review.openstack.org/58517611:57
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible stable/ocata: Remove rally_git_* overrides  https://review.openstack.org/58516711:57
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_designate master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58527811:59
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-galera_server master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58526712:00
guilhermespuowww https://review.openstack.org/#/c/585275/1/tests/test.yml12:01
guilhermespwe have include_5xtasks12:01
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_heat master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58526512:02
guilhermespmorning everyone12:02
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_blazar master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58526812:03
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_magnum master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58528412:05
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_swift master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58528012:07
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58529012:11
guilhermespodyssey4me: indeed. I was talking to evrardjp yesterday about increasing the test coverage of both roles (os_monasca-agent and os_monasca). I can't think another test case now of os_monasca, but for os_monasca-agent I can try to build a scenario that makes the agent interact with the server, which will involve both roles12:12
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guilhermespbut supporting centos and suse will be important. Guy from monasca asked me about the support beyond ubuntu. Some folks of suse offered some help12:13
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_zaqar master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58530112:14
guilhermespAs most of the fixes related to monasca roles are merged, I was planning to deploy it in a "real" scenario so I cant test a bit more and think about more scenarios12:14
guilhermesp*test scenarios12:14
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evrardjpguilhermesp: what's your use case? Maybe that's the one you should include in testing : )12:20
sm806I am stuck with "linux-image-extra-4.15.0-29-generic" for the whole day. I tried updating "/opt/openstack-ansible" and re-installing ubuntu on the target machine as well, but still the error persists. I would greatly appreciate any help or pointers in this regards. Thanks in advance.12:24
odyssey4mesm806: that's a package name, not an error - what's the error?12:25
odyssey4mesm806: although I suspect that perhaps you have stale facts, nd clearing them would help12:25
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pkaralisHi community, I'm trying to install the barbican along with tacker using xci installer and I'm wondering if I have to do any extra configuration apart of the installation of barbican container. I have found that there is the os-barbican-install yaml file that I can include in the list of containers that the xci should be installed. But, it seems that the barbican services have not be installed to any container automated neither the mysql db12:26
pkaralishas been updated accordingly.12:26
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guilhermespevrardjp In general, the same case of any other user of monasca: monitor things at scale, mainly openstack instances, ceph and physical hosts :P  In term of architecture, my use case is: use grafana to visualize and influxdb as timeseries database. That's it12:27
guilhermespso, Testing if all the services of monasca are installed such as the server side as the client side, is basically enough. And that's what we have today12:29
guilhermespthe only scenario I can see is the interaction between the agent and the server, that we don't have12:30
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: Remove the unnecessary space  https://review.openstack.org/58278612:32
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_molteniron master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58530312:33
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotjagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_masakari master: Basic implemintation of masakari-monitors  https://review.openstack.org/58462912:35
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_gnocchi master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58527212:35
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58528912:39
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_trove master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58530012:41
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_monasca master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58527512:41
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58529612:41
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-rsyslog_client master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58527412:42
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58527712:42
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_ironic master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58527312:43
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-rsyslog_server master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58530212:44
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_ceilometer master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58530512:45
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-memcached_server master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58527012:47
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_aodh master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58527112:48
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_cinder master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58530712:48
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_searchlight master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58531312:49
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58531512:51
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_tacker master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58531012:52
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-rabbitmq_server master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58531212:53
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-lxc_container_create master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58528212:53
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_barbican master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58530412:56
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_tacker master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58531012:57
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_masakari master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58529812:57
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_sahara master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58528312:58
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone master: Use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58529512:59
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-nspawn_hosts master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58529713:01
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_horizon master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58529913:02
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_congress master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58526613:03
openstackgerritAndy Smith proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: [WIP] Add qdrouterd role for messaging backend deployment  https://review.openstack.org/57026113:04
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_panko master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58526913:04
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_monasca-agent master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58530913:05
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_tempest master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58527613:05
sm806odyssey4me: This is the error i get:13:06
sm806fatal: [infra1]: FAILED! => {"attempts": 5, "changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": "No package matching 'linux-image-extra-4.15.0-29-generic' is available"}13:06
sm806fatal: [compute2]: FAILED! => {"attempts": 5, "changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": "No package matching 'linux-image-extra-4.15.0-29-generic' is available"}13:06
sm806fatal: [compute1]: FAILED! => {"attempts": 5, "changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": "No package matching 'linux-image-extra-4.15.0-29-generic' is available"}13:06
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-openstack_hosts master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58531413:06
david_Hi, could anbody explain to me how can i define Neutron Availability_zones with OSA Queens 17.04?13:06
odyssey4mesm806: do you happen to be trying to install on bionic13:07
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_heat master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58526513:07
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ceph_client master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58528513:08
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-repo_build master: use include_tasks instead of include  https://review.openstack.org/58530613:09
sm806odyssey4me: I installed 16.04.3 and did a "apt-get dist-upgrade"13:09
sm806# lsb_release -a13:09
sm806No LSB modules are available.13:09
sm806Distributor ID: Ubuntu13:09
sm806Description:    Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS13:09
sm806Release:        16.0413:09
sm806Codename:       xenial13:09
sm806# uname -r13:09
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odyssey4mesm806: ok, and what branch/tag of OSA are you trying to use?13:12
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sm806odyssey4me: /opt/openstack-ansible# git status13:14
sm806HEAD detached at 16.0.1313:14
sm806odyssey4me: The scripts almost in the same state worked yesterday. Perhaps something changed in the public repositories of ubuntu recently ??13:15
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katsazI have deployed an openstack cloud following the OSAD guide and i would like to make a request in order to list all servers (nova service). However when i perform the request i get the following error: https://pastebin.com/YL4yhC1K All the actions performed as Admin.  Any suggestion?13:17
odyssey4mesm806: hmm, on 16.04.4 I'm still seeing the package available13:20
odyssey4mesm806: apt-cache policy linux-image-extra-4.4.0-130-generic13:20
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sm806odyssey4me: some how looks like my kernel got upgraded to 4.15.0-2913:22
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odyssey4mesm806: yeah, looks like I'm only getting 4.4.0-131 for a dist-upgrade13:23
sm806And I see 16.04.5 is still scheduled to be released on 02-August. Not sure how my ubuntu update moved ahead of time :)13:23
odyssey4mebionic gives me a 4.15 kernel though13:23
odyssey4meit sounds like somehow you're between things13:23
sm806ok. is OSA compatabile with bionic ? Should I upgrade by ubuntu bionic?13:25
odyssey4mesm806: no it is not, some work is underway - but it needs hands to help because it's not high priority work13:25
noonedeadpunkodyssey4me: I've posted a patch for https://review.openstack.org/#/c/584629/13:26
odyssey4mesm806: aha, you're using the HWE kernel it looks like - because I get the bionic kernel if I do; apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-16.0413:27
odyssey4meand hwe kernels don't seem to provide the 'linux-image-extra' package13:28
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odyssey4mesm806: could you register a bug for us to support HWE kernels for Ubuntu, and add that when you did you got that failure... this really is something we should support using13:29
openstackgerritAntony Messerli proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Adds Support for MNAIO CentOS 7 Environment  https://review.openstack.org/58535313:30
odyssey4mesm806: also, 16.x is pike - and bionic will never be supported for it... we're hoping we can squeeze it into rocky, but it might only make it for stein13:30
odyssey4meyou should upgrade to or use queens13:30
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sm806odyssey4me: Is the Ubuntu HWE kernel supported in queens? if so I can update OSA to queens.13:37
odyssey4mesm806: no, it's not supported in anything - that's why I asked for a bug report13:37
odyssey4mewe should be able to provide a fix pretty quickly if someone has the time to figure out how to do it13:38
odyssey4meand it'll make sense to backport that fix as far as we can, because older versions will definitely want to run on HWE kernels now13:38
jamesden_Are there any examples of pacemaker/corosync being used in any OSA roles?13:39
sm806odyssey4me: can you please help me the with URL for filing the bug.13:39
noonedeadpunkjamesden_ I've used pacemaker/corosync for masakari role13:39
noonedeadpunkbut this version https://github.com/mit-scripts/ansible-pacemaker-corosync13:39
jamesden_i saw mention of that, but may have been reading the blueprints. Is the role implemented?13:40
odyssey4mesm806: it's in this channel's topic13:40
jamesden_ok https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_masakari - cool, thanks!13:40
noonedeadpunkIt's currently in progress. And it's waiting for reviews https://review.openstack.org/#/c/584629/13:40
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evrardjpguilhermesp: understood13:44
evrardjpwho is chair of the meeting today?13:46
evrardjpI remember my willingness to pin it on mgariepy again :)13:47
evrardjpdue to a faill diceroll13:47
odyssey4memnaser: did say he was going to do it IIRC13:47
mnaseri should be able to13:48
mgariepyevrardjp, i don't have time today.13:48
mnaseras long as someone can prepare the bug report etherpad :>13:48
evrardjpyeah I ofc will13:49
evrardjpI am in another meeting for the first 30 minutes.13:50
evrardjpI don't know why ppl continue to put meetings conflicting on my agenda though.13:50
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evrardjp that's a mystery to solve!13:50
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evrardjpmnaser: this is a fun bug for today: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/178279813:55
openstackLaunchpad bug 1782798 in openstack-ansible "AIO Build Fails on SELinux File Context Tasks" [Undecided,New]13:55
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sm806odyssey4me: Just raised this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/178334213:58
openstackLaunchpad bug 1783342 in openstack-ansible "setup-hosts.yml failing with "No package matching 'linux-image-extra-4.15.0-29-generic' is available"" [Undecided,New]13:58
odyssey4methanks sm80613:59
evrardjpsm806: isn't that the same bug as cloudnull was mentioning?14:03
evrardjpcloudnull: did you push up a patch?14:03
cloudnullodyssey4me I have not14:03
cloudnull** evrardjp14:03
cloudnullthough I was running into this issue14:04
evrardjpshould we remove that line, and mark it as something that needs to be done manually for some ppl?14:04
evrardjpin the docs14:04
evrardjpas this pretty much depends on the kernel14:04
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evrardjpwe cannot guess for all kernels in the world14:04
sm806cloudnull: did you raise a bug for it? If so can you plz give me the ID. Let me check if it is the same issue.14:04
cloudnullyes having thought about it I would remove that line and note that the kernel must have the appropriate modules14:05
evrardjpsm806: not the same version, but pretty much the same symptoms14:05
evrardjpcloudnull: yeah14:05
evrardjpwe can ensure a minimum thing14:05
evrardjpcloudnull: what do you think of that too?14:06
evrardjpso I mean we document it, we remove that line for extras14:06
evrardjpwe add a check of modprobe14:06
odyssey4mewell, extras was required for a reason - so we don't just remove it14:06
evrardjpwell no that's not a good idea14:06
evrardjpodyssey4me: so I tracked this14:07
odyssey4mewe have to figure out whether it's available and use it if it's there14:07
evrardjpodyssey4me: it's for very specific vhost_net cases14:07
evrardjpwhich is not what most ppl want IMO14:07
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odyssey4meso this should be a 'feature' ?14:07
odyssey4meok, any idea what that specific case is?14:08
evrardjpwell the thing is ... this vhost_net part can be loaded by deployers on some kernels without installing the extra14:08
evrardjp(because some packaging of kernels don't need "extra" )14:08
evrardjpodyssey4me: to not use virtio but pass the host "things" into vms14:09
evrardjpit has a definitive usage14:09
evrardjpI understand it14:09
odyssey4methe pci passthrough stuff?14:09
evrardjppci passthrough doesn't need it14:09
cloudnullevrardjp ++ I would agree, we should try and guess all of the kernels of the world14:09
odyssey4meok, so you're volunteering to prep a fix then?14:09
evrardjpI am fine with that14:09
cloudnullI'd say we load the modules we need and if it fails note that the kernel must support X,Y<Z14:09
evrardjpI just prefer we discuss the approach too14:09
evrardjpcloudnull: I am not sure what we need to load though14:10
evrardjpfor example, some  ppl may NOT want vhost_net14:10
evrardjpthere is no silver bullet14:10
evrardjpso on top of removing the line and adding documentation, there is the additional approach:14:11
cloudnullcorrect. however I will say that if we use 4.15 generic all of the modules load just fine14:11
evrardjpeither try to load modules like vhost_net (which I don't really like)14:11
evrardjpor try to see if package <kernel>-extra exists14:11
cloudnullI'd say removing the module loading is a "feature"14:11
evrardjpI am not sure what you mean there, because we don't remove the kernel loading14:12
cloudnullthe requirement for the extra package is just something that we've carried for a long time and now its not available for the modern kernsl14:12
evrardjpyou mean this? https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-openstack_hosts/blob/master/tasks/configure_metal_hosts.yml#L6714:12
odyssey4meso, I think the least tech debt approach here is to simply check for the availability of that package and to install it if it's available - otherwise we're going to have to maintain a complex modprobe set14:13
evrardjpodyssey4me: I don't think so14:13
cloudnullI think that's a good approach to the current problem14:13
cloudnullthen we can rethink our module loading later.14:13
evrardjpI think the best approach is a doc patch14:13
evrardjpNO extra code14:13
openstackgerritMichael Vollman proposed openstack/ansible-config_template master: Compare dict vars to determine changed  https://review.openstack.org/58253214:13
odyssey4methat module loading task is a black box to me, totally unmaintainable14:13
evrardjpodyssey4me: it's just checking in config not too big of a deal14:14
evrardjpodyssey4me: and we are not using the patterns anymore14:15
evrardjpas I cleaned the stuff14:15
evrardjpwe just load modules: https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-openstack_hosts/blob/master/vars/ubuntu-16.04.yml#L24-L4814:15
evrardjpI'd say if someone wants an extra package or module for his/her use case, it is already possible. He can just use what's there.14:16
evrardjpI can add a release note though14:17
evrardjplet's discuss this in the patch14:17
odyssey4meok, sounds reasonable then14:18
odyssey4meI guess if it comes up we can deal with it.14:18
odyssey4meWould your approach be something we can port back to at least Queens?14:18
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cloudnullif we fix the kernel package version its something id like to see in pike, if at all possible14:24
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odyssey4melooks from http://codesearch.openstack.org/?q=linux-image-extra&i=nope&files=&repos= that either everyone else has the same cruft, or that package is needed for some different file systems and fibre channel14:26
odyssey4mefr ovs too by the looks of things14:27
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-openstack_hosts master: Do not install linux-image-extra by default  https://review.openstack.org/58537614:28
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openstackgerritJames Denton proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Adds haproxy endpoints for networking-ovn support  https://review.openstack.org/58406914:28
openstackgerritAntony Messerli proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Adds Support for MNAIO CentOS 7 Environment  https://review.openstack.org/58535314:31
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Do not install linux-image-extra by default  https://review.openstack.org/58537814:34
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Do not install linux-image-extra by default  https://review.openstack.org/58537814:34
evrardjpodyssey4me: I would not be surprised for different filesystems/fc/ovs14:35
openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Correct retention days  https://review.openstack.org/58538214:36
evrardjpodyssey4me: I removed all mention of it, let's see if it fails gating14:37
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evrardjpon non-ovh14:37
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evrardjpodyssey4me: don't get me wrong, the easiest is to do apt install linux-image-extra-$(uname -r) || true14:39
evrardjpI forgot a -y somewhere14:39
odyssey4meevrardjp: you also forgot closes-bug for https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bug/1783342+(status:open+OR+status:merged)14:42
odyssey4memaybe try a test patch on the lxc-container-create role with depends-on given that it does a ton of different file systems14:43
evrardjpodyssey4me: good point14:43
evrardjpI thought of adding nova too14:43
evrardjpbecause of nova-lxd14:43
evrardjpwhich may need it14:43
odyssey4megood idea14:44
odyssey4memaybe ovs too - not sure if neutron's tests are working14:44
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-openstack_hosts master: Do not install linux-image-extra by default  https://review.openstack.org/58537614:45
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Do not install linux-image-extra by default  https://review.openstack.org/58537814:46
openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Update retention policy weighting  https://review.openstack.org/58539014:46
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova master: [DNM] Test effect of removal of extra package  https://review.openstack.org/58539114:48
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openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron master: [DNM] Test effect of removal of extra package  https://review.openstack.org/58539214:49
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openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-lxc_container_create master: [DNM] Test effect of removal of extra package  https://review.openstack.org/58539414:51
evrardjpodyssey4me: we should ahve a good view of whether this is required or not now.14:52
evrardjpI prefer removing the package if it's not useful14:52
odyssey4meyeah, thanks14:52
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odyssey4meI think once all the delegated service setup stuff is done, we can likely remove quite a few openstack client type host packages14:52
evrardjpI think we should go into all the roles and remove the cruft14:53
odyssey4meonly one left is swift I think, and might be blazar which I missed14:53
evrardjpeverything installed on the host-> removed!14:53
odyssey4mewell, it's been removing all the 'required' pip packages, so I think they're almost totally eradicated now14:54
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odyssey4meby the way, it'd be nice to get https://review.openstack.org/584772 in if you have a moment to review14:54
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odyssey4mehmm, looks like there's still a few stragglers I need to take care of if I look for 'requires_pip_packages' in http://logs.openstack.org/72/584772/4/check/openstack-ansible-deploy-aio_lxc-ubuntu-xenial/dc6f458/logs/ara-report/result/49abbcd4-e7de-48d3-a9f1-881116805a8f/14:56
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evrardjpodyssey4me: yeah I wanted to remove httplib and all14:57
odyssey4meall that's being done in the same patches14:58
evrardjpI had a patch to remove it14:58
odyssey4melooks like octavia/swift/aodh/magnum still need the service setup things finalised, and each of those remove all the 'requires_pip_packages'15:02
odyssey4methen the last bit of clean up will be roles which do not have services, like rally15:03
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odyssey4methis one has stumped me a bit - not sure if someone could help see how that's happening from https://review.openstack.org/#/c/582296/15:04
odyssey4meit seems pretty clear to me that the cdomain got created, but the it errors out associating the user/role/domain15:05
odyssey4meoctavia needs quite a bit of work on it, which I'll tackle later this week15:05
odyssey4meswift, well - it's complicated trying to get that right with how all that is setup and works15:06
odyssey4mebut I'll work on that too15:06
evrardjpodyssey4me: if it's too hard, we'll make tests multi node15:06
odyssey4meevrardjp: yeah, that may be needed - I was thinking of removing voting for multi-region tests for now to get https://review.openstack.org/#/c/584636/ through to at least unblock further work on the role15:07
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evrardjpodyssey4me: I have a patch for that15:10
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openstackgerritJames Denton proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron master: Adds networking-ovn support  https://review.openstack.org/58406715:10
odyssey4meevrardjp: one won't pass without the other, are you happy for me to combine them?15:12
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noonedeadpunkguys, is there an easy way to retrieve an interface name of network with management IP? I'm trying to do it in this way http://paste.openstack.org/show/726529/  but for some reason it doesn't work.15:19
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_swift master: Add rabbitmq/oslomsg services  https://review.openstack.org/58463615:26
odyssey4meevrardjp: https://review.openstack.org/584636 will unblock the swift role for general patches while I work on fixing up the inventory15:27
odyssey4meyour other patch was a DNM and incomplete anyway - if you want to pull the jobs out entirely, then please pull out all the test inventories with it!15:28
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_swift master: Move MQ vhost/user creation into role  https://review.openstack.org/58339315:31
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_swift master: Move MQ vhost/user creation into role  https://review.openstack.org/58339315:31
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evrardjpoh it was to temporarily disable it, no?15:34
odyssey4menope, remove it15:36
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openstackgerritFrank Zhang proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Add aio host conf for barbican role  https://review.openstack.org/57928415:49
mnaserfriendly ping15:50
mnasercloudnull, DimGR, andymccr, d34dh0r53, hughsaunders, b3rnard0, palendae, odyssey4me, serverascode, rromans, erikmwilson, mancdaz, _shaps_, BjoernT, claco, echiu, dstanek, jwagner, ayoung, prometheanfire, evrardjp, arbrandes, scarlisle, luckyinva, ntt, javeriak, spotz, vdo, jmccrory, alextricity25, jasondotstar, admin0, michaelgugino, ametts, bgmccollum, darrenc, JRobinson__, colinmcnamara, thorst, adreznec, eil397,15:50
mnaserqwang,nishpatwa_, cathrichardson, drifterza, hwoarang, cshen, ullbeking, Tahvok, mnaser, nicolasbock15:50
mnasermeeting in 10!15:50
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mnaserpfft :p15:54
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prometheanfirewe showed them16:01
evrardjpmnaser: I am updating the agenda page real quick16:01
odyssey4meevrardjp: could you revisit your review on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/574864/5 please16:01
* mnaser has been trying to find the meeting key16:02
mnaser#startmeeting openstack_ansible_meeting16:02
openstackMeeting started Tue Jul 24 16:02:14 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is mnaser. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.16:02
evrardjpmnaser: it's on the page16:02
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:02
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'openstack_ansible_meeting'16:02
mnaser#topic roll call16:02
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mnasero/ ?16:02
evrardjpbgmccollum: perfect there is a bug from you IIRC :)16:03
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bgmccollumevrardjp for realz?16:03
mnaserokay so16:04
mnaser#topic last week highlights16:04
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mnaseri know evrardjp mentioned that he's updated the page quickly16:04
* mnaser ddos f516:04
evrardjpmnaser: it's done16:04
evrardjpodyssey4me: done too - one more question16:05
mnasergiven i didn't attend last meeting.. is there anything on that list from last week?16:05
mnaseror are those all fresh?16:05
evrardjpmnaser: I will remove the old things16:05
mnaserthank you evrardjp16:06
evrardjpmnaser: done16:06
evrardjpprobably be translated into proper english16:06
mnaserso i guess as y'all see-- we need to do the work on bionic16:07
mnaserthis is extremely important in order to be able to test rocky for distro and make sure our dependencies don't mess up16:07
mnaserallowing an upgrade path for those running xenial16:07
mnasermaybe odyssey4me has further comments?16:07
* odyssey4me wishes he had time to work on it16:08
evrardjpodyssey4me: you did a lot recently in the cleanup. Do not worry too much, other ppl can step in too :p16:08
odyssey4mebut yes, for the distro install work on release day to work for ubuntu we need to get bionic done16:08
evrardjpit's an open thing, anyone is welcome to help!16:08
logan-i am pushing some bionic patches so please keep voting :P16:08
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mnasercool, so we're at least aware we gots to get things moving with that16:09
odyssey4meyep, reviews are just as necessary as patches16:09
mnaserhwoarang's work on leap 15 seems to be blocked from all sorts of external factors, so that's still a wip16:09
spotzo/ distractedly late:)16:09
odyssey4meunfortunately we've had a storm of patches pushed up to do trivial things which make the review queue more difficult to spot the important things, so best to ask for reviews if nothing happens for a day16:09
mnaserodyssey4me: ++ i agree, sometimes asking makes a big difference16:10
evrardjpI agree16:10
* mnaser needs to do his review duty16:10
evrardjpI have a few ones I will ask you all to get in :p16:10
mnaserwe've got milestone 3 this thursday, as usual evrardjp is taking care of bumps16:10
spotzI'm back in town so poke and I'll do reviews at night16:10
mnaserso while talking reviews just make sure we track those changes16:11
mnaserto be on time16:11
odyssey4mewe should probably decide what level of freeze we're aiming for and what exceptions are important16:11
evrardjpmnaser: yeah -- so good news, we finally managed to merge a bump recently16:11
evrardjpwhen can be earliest branch?16:11
evrardjpI never remember16:11
evrardjpis that m3 or rc1?16:12
evrardjpthat's a lot16:12
mnaserit's ok, we can treat it as stable/rocky :P16:12
odyssey4mewe have to tag the first rc, then branch from the tag as far as I know16:12
evrardjpI'd say it's possible to work on testing -- that doesn't involve architectural changes16:12
evrardjpimproving stability16:12
evrardjpcleaning things up16:12
evrardjpno NEW feature16:13
evrardjpwe can finish existing work if it's not fully over16:13
evrardjpbetter something finished than half baked into prod16:13
mnaserand finally i guess elections for PTL are open, fwiw i will be running16:14
evrardjpmnaser: for president!16:14
odyssey4melooks like we may have to live with repo_build for another cycle then - but next cycle is time for it to expire16:14
odyssey4me:) thanks mnaser - appreciate your time and commitment!16:14
mnaserodyssey4me: i think we had a lot of extra stuff kinda smack us like ci issues and being forced to add bionic, etc16:15
mnaserhopefully a more stable upcoming cycle to clear that out16:15
odyssey4meyeah, I'll finish up the current clean up things, then join forces ot get bionic done.16:15
mnaseranyways, that's pretty much it for highlights.  anything left for highlights?16:15
evrardjpsounds good16:15
odyssey4meit'd be good to get that distro work done for the other roles next cycle too16:15
evrardjpyeah what I wrote for elections:16:15
odyssey4meit's been very helpful to get things cleaned up16:16
evrardjpI am not running in case you didn't know it.16:16
evrardjpTime for a change.16:16
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mnaserah yeah, that, sorry i kinda assume those are just infront of us16:16
mnaserodyssey4me: 100% .. i wanna get centos to pass16:16
mnaserit's been almost the entire cycle :'(16:16
evrardjpAnyone welcome to run, and I already thank ppl stepping forward. I like this :)16:17
mnaserwhere i'm stuck in centos anyways16:17
mnaserif someone wants to help i'd be extremely welcoming of that16:17
spotzI'll continue to be social PTL:)16:17
mnaserdistro passes but16:17
mnasercinder-rtstool cant be found, or something.. maybe someone knows about it16:18
odyssey4meheh, that's pretty16:18
mnaserbut anyways, back to meeting, i guess time for bug triage?16:18
spotzmnaser: Have you talkted to jungleboyj or smmginnis?16:18
mnaseri have not yet, i'll have to do some digging still :)16:18
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mnaserbeen tryna catch up since my 2 week trip16:18
mnaser#topic bug triage16:19
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spotzOk back to bugs, poke if needed. Someone did a patch for one of the two I had:)16:19
evrardjpmnaser: wrong shebang?16:19
mnaserevrardjp: i dont know yet, gotta dig in more16:19
mnaser#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/178323716:19
openstackLaunchpad bug 1783237 in openstack-ansible "git.openstack.org is super slow, we should switch to github.com" [Undecided,New]16:19
evrardjpcheck that :D16:19
mnaserthats a good thing to check16:19
jrosserits slow, but not that slow here16:20
mnaseri mean it could be a doc bug16:20
spotzIf there's an issue we should let Jimmy and infra know16:20
mnaserbut if we don't agree that it's a doc bug16:20
mnaseri would put wontfix16:20
odyssey4mewell, we could make it easier to do this - and it would be nice for offline installs16:21
mnaserthing is there is so many ways the url can be formed16:22
spotzWe could add an alternative to use github with a warning16:22
odyssey4mein my comment I noted a previous attempt review, and in that review I proposed a way to do it16:22
mnaserso really the only way to do this is to override nova_git_repo or whatever the var is16:22
mnaserwhich is already possible today?16:22
odyssey4methe alternative approach was simply to pass the URL through a filter to allow search/replace when bootstrapping the roles and the repo16:22
odyssey4meyes, today's approach is there and works, but it's a bit painful16:23
odyssey4meso I'd say this is wishlist16:23
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odyssey4meI might just work on something for it one day16:23
evrardjpI'd say invalid to be honest16:23
evrardjpor won't fix16:23
evrardjpbecause it's already possible to do so16:24
odyssey4methe bug title I disagree with entirely16:24
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odyssey4mebut a feature to make it easier to switch to another mirror - happy to do it16:24
evrardjpfor me16:24
evrardjpodyssey4me: well we already have things like that16:24
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evrardjpit's just not very friendly16:24
mnaserwish list doesnt eixist16:24
evrardjpand it will change if we change how repo is made (your bp)16:24
mnaserhow to wishlist? :>16:25
odyssey4memnaser: 'wish list' is under 'importance'16:25
evrardjpmnaser: it's in importance16:25
evrardjpfor the bug title itself I'd not mark it wishlist16:25
evrardjpI'd mark it as won't fix16:25
odyssey4medo we have docs for how to use a different mirror somewhere?16:25
jrosserwe've got a parallel git cloner too which might be of use at some point16:26
evrardjpwe won't fix in this project how things are mirrored outside :p16:26
evrardjpjrosser: that's cool I wanted to write an ansible module for that.16:26
jrosserboxrick: ^^16:26
evrardjpodyssey4me: we have docs on how to changes the source16:26
mnaserrefresh the page16:26
evrardjpodyssey4me: we may not have docs on a-r-r override16:26
evrardjplet me check16:26
mnaserand tell me what you think16:26
evrardjphttps://docs.openstack.org/openstack-ansible/latest/reference/configuration/extending-osa.html#adding-new-or-overriding-roles-in-your-openstack-ansible-installation and16:27
mnaserwhat do you think about the bug now16:27
odyssey4meevrardjp: I'm not seeing anything in https://docs.openstack.org/openstack-ansible/latest/user/limited-connectivity/index.html about how to use an alternative mirror for git for anything16:27
mnaserplease f5-ers16:27
evrardjpmnaser: ok16:27
boxrickThere is no reason we couldn't throw it into a module, its just a separate python script at the moment.16:27
evrardjpboxrick: I have some :)16:27
odyssey4meheh, title change mnaser16:28
mnaseri mean16:28
mnaserthat's really the core issue16:28
mnaserand i feel like we can get to an agreement on that?16:28
evrardjpyeah but the conversation has lost its meaning16:28
odyssey4meyeah, docs is certainly the easiest way to get this done16:28
evrardjpit's trackable though16:28
evrardjpso it's fine16:29
boxrickAt the moment it clones about 100 roles in 20 seconds?16:29
mnasercan we move on to the next bug now? :>16:29
odyssey4meboxrick: on your amazing connection, of course16:29
evrardjpwe do have docs though :p16:29
boxrickWell this is just on my naff laptop over wifi16:29
evrardjpjust not linked.16:29
mnaserright, we can add that as a comment16:29
evrardjpwe can add links.16:29
mnaser#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/178314516:29
openstackLaunchpad bug 1783145 in openstack-ansible "Document how to use config overrides for multivalued keys in ini files" [Undecided,New]16:29
mnaseris that even possible16:29
evrardjpconfirmed low16:29
mnaser#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/178313216:30
openstackLaunchpad bug 1783132 in openstack-ansible "designate.conf.j2 does not respect user configured designate database name" [Undecided,New]16:30
mnaseroh its hardcoded16:30
mnaserpatch included too16:31
evrardjpconfirmed medium low-hanging-fruit16:31
evrardjpanyone to pick that fruit?16:31
mnaseranyone has 2 minutes to push up that patch?16:31
evrardjpnew contributors?16:31
evrardjppretty please please please :)16:32
evrardjpwe know how to do it, you might want to love this16:32
guilhermespwell can give a try :)16:32
odyssey4mesome may monitor the low-hanging-fruit tag and submit, but may not be here16:32
evrardjp(mnaser odyssey4me please don't fix it -- I'd rather keep it for a new person OR for an onboarding session)16:32
guilhermesplow hang fruits will help me to reach the highest branches of the tree16:32
evrardjpguilhermesp: great!16:32
spotzI started with low-hanging Barbican fruit:)16:33
mnaserguilhermesp: is your lp 'guilhermesp' too?16:33
guilhermespsorry, lp?16:33
evrardjplaunchpad user16:33
guilhermespit is16:33
mnasergreat, i've assigned it to you, thank you and please ping any of us for help16:34
mnaser#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/178285616:34
openstackLaunchpad bug 1782856 in openstack-ansible "/openstack directory getting full " [Undecided,New]16:34
evrardjpfor me that's normal16:34
evrardjpConfirmed/wishlist to document things.16:35
odyssey4meyeah, we should really change that pattern16:35
evrardjpyeah but what's done is done16:35
evrardjpthat's not what I mean16:35
odyssey4meI looked into setting a var for it once, and got lost in the millions of places where we don't bother respecting the var16:35
evrardjpI meant: the code is there, so we need to think about how to change it for the future, and we'll still have to deal with the past--- so how do we do this?16:36
odyssey4mebut anyway, a little extra docs would be nice to warn people, I really did think we had something for that16:36
evrardjpodyssey4me: me too16:36
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mnaserconfirmed wishlist16:36
evrardjpodyssey4me: that's all we have: https://docs.openstack.org/project-deploy-guide/openstack-ansible/latest/targethosts.html#configuring-the-storage16:36
mnaseradded comment16:36
odyssey4mesomething here: https://docs.openstack.org/project-deploy-guide/openstack-ansible/latest/targethosts.html#configuring-the-storage16:36
odyssey4melol, snap16:36
mnaseroh my god16:36
mnaseradded that url there16:37
mnaser#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/178279816:37
openstackLaunchpad bug 1782798 in openstack-ansible "AIO Build Fails on SELinux File Context Tasks" [Undecided,New]16:37
evrardjpit proves our doc is easy to parse, and well structured,as we came up with the SAME link.16:37
evrardjp #proud16:37
odyssey4meI'm in favor of just turnig selinux off entirely and if it's enabled, hard stop the deployment16:38
odyssey4menone of us have any time to work that all out and maintain it, clearly16:38
mnaserhonestly we deploy without selinux for osa, hoping that once distro support goes up16:38
mnaserand rely on upstream16:38
mnaserit's silly to have our own and upstream selinux rules16:38
odyssey4memnaser: the reason why we stopped using the upstream packages is because they don't apply for lxc containers - we started with them, but they just didn't do the right things16:39
evrardjpoh btw on previous bug to talk about a-r-r we already have some mentions in this page, and it's that page that should have links to the references pages. https://docs.openstack.org/openstack-ansible/latest/user/limited-connectivity/index.html#source-code-repositories16:39
odyssey4meIIRC mhayden said they were all docker container focused16:39
mnaseri think they'll be fine when we deploy from distro16:40
mnaserbecause the paths are all matching16:40
odyssey4meevrardjp: yeah, I'll take a little time to add a link and be more explicit about how to implement the override16:40
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mnaserthe biggest issue is paths are mismatching afaik16:40
mnaser"We've lost the only maintainer of SELinux inside OSA, so please either try to deploy without SELinux (setenforce 0) .. or patches welcome! :)"16:41
mnaseras comment16:41
mnaserconfirmed medium?16:41
odyssey4memnaser: meh, doesn't change the bug's triage - for now we should turn it all off and if you're using a source-based build it should hard stop the deployment if it's on16:41
mnaseri agree16:41
mnaserfor source based16:41
cloudnullo/ sorry super late, bouncing between meetings16:41
odyssey4mehappy with confirmed medium myself16:41
mnasernp cloudnull we jsut assigned all the bugs to you16:42
mnaser#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/178238816:42
openstackLaunchpad bug 1782388 in openstack-ansible "Installing Multipath But Not Enabling In Nova Causes Volume Attachment Failures" [Undecided,New]16:42
evrardjpmnaser: D16:42
bgmccollumThis is my bug report16:43
evrardjpbgmccollum: told ya :)16:43
bgmccollumIf there are questions...16:43
mnaseroh man, multipath16:43
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bgmccollumThere is a very good chance i have no clue what im doing...16:43
evrardjpenabling multipath by default doesn't sound bad16:43
* mnaser remembers the time of doing infiniband multipath16:43
evrardjpmnaser: you had nice tools16:44
evrardjpand a few nightmares too I guess16:44
mnaserexcept i was trying to get it running on solaris with writing our own openstack nova driver16:44
mnaserok so you run cinder-volume and nova-compute on the same host, right?16:45
evrardjpbut multipath tools were installed long ago though?16:46
bgmccollumwell, i did a Newton -> Ocata -> Pike back-to-back upgrade...then things started going sideways16:46
evrardjpbgmccollum: https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova/commit/e9fd86ef0072f8b42997f0ca711451321cc7012316:46
bgmccollumI dont believe it was in Newton, or at least the version of Newton I was running...16:46
evrardjpit was in N16:47
evrardjpit was in M even16:47
bgmccollumHrm...to something else is at play.16:47
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evrardjpI'd say yes.16:47
mnaseri'd suspect something related to cinder-volume and nova-compute on same machine16:47
evrardjpI mean it's not the upgrade that changed the presence of multipath-tools16:48
mnaseri got a feel like that might be conflicting16:48
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bgmccollummnaser Yes...starting to think that.16:48
odyssey4meor something in nova changed to 'fix' something, which broke it16:48
evrardjpbgmccollum: did you upgrade to Q at the end, or pike is the latest?16:48
bgmccollumLet me check version...16:48
odyssey4meor cinder for that matter16:48
evrardjpbecause some containers are now on bare metal in Q iirc16:48
evrardjpso P16:49
bgmccollumyes pike16:49
odyssey4meit's also plausible that we have conflicting settings or something between the two roles16:49
evrardjpodyssey4me: that's what I'd say16:49
evrardjpbut multipath-tools isn't listed anywhere else16:49
odyssey4meI think nova cnd cinder touch lvm management if that's used - so it could be there16:49
mnaseri'm more suspecting that the services are messing around, rather than our roles16:49
evrardjpnope it's not in cinder role16:49
bgmccollumill try to stage a test where the nova host has multipath d running, but the cinder host doesn't...16:50
mnaseri think what odyssey4me means is that it's not the role but the services16:50
odyssey4meworth a good look, I'd say - but hard to replicate the results given the kit required16:50
evrardjpcould it be something OUTSIDE osa,something pre-configured on the host, or on a side thing?16:50
odyssey4meif someone could look at a test env that bgmccollum gets the same issue showing up in, then perhaps that'd be helpful16:51
bgmccollumnot sure...i also later noticed that volume migration is broken with multipathd running16:51
bgmccollumso something is...odd16:51
* odyssey4me is clueless with this stuff though16:51
bgmccollumill so some more digging, and report back.16:51
mnaserso for now16:52
evrardjpcool thanks bgmccollum16:52
odyssey4methanks bgmccollum - if you could post some sort of way to replicate the test enironment that might be useful, if that's possible16:52
evrardjpmnaser: let it open16:52
mnaserokay, we'll leave it open.16:52
evrardjpyou can assign someone to track16:52
mnaser#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/178235716:52
openstackLaunchpad bug 1782357 in openstack-ansible "Undefined ceilometer variables for additional services" [Undecided,New]16:52
evrardjpif you prefer16:52
mnaserwe're running out of time16:52
odyssey4meI think we got this fixed some time recently?16:53
evrardjpconfirmed and med/high16:53
evrardjpin Q or below?16:53
evrardjpnot sure16:53
odyssey4mein Q16:53
evrardjp(talking to odyssey4me )16:53
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotjagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_masakari master: Basic implemintation of masakari-monitors  https://review.openstack.org/58462916:53
mnasercant find any glance_rabbitmq_telemetry_host_group references16:53
mnaserso it could still be a thing?16:53
odyssey4meoh, other services https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible/commit/2fd5a4b07b6c295e0aa788be99b43a2462c62ddf16:55
evrardjpi think it still is16:55
odyssey4meso ja, probably still a thing16:55
mnaser#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/178225516:55
openstackLaunchpad bug 1782255 in openstack-ansible "novnc console error code 404, message No such file" [Undecided,New]16:55
evrardjpodyssey4me: that was written in my comment though :p16:55
mnaserwrapped logs16:55
evrardjpmnaser: Invalid!16:56
evrardjpdue to logs16:56
odyssey4meI can't see anything useful in that log16:56
mnaserincomplete.. what url are you trying to access..16:56
mnaserERROR nova.console.websocketproxy self.send_error(404, "No such file")16:56
mnaseri spooted this but16:56
odyssey4meoh dear, centos pike16:56
evrardjpwe need extra user cofnig16:57
evrardjpto know what's going on16:57
odyssey4meI don't think that's working so good16:57
mnaserincomplete added comment asking for more info16:57
evrardjpsounds good16:57
evrardjpthanks mnaser16:57
mnaser#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/178105716:57
openstackLaunchpad bug 1781057 in openstack-ansible "Support changing management network netmask" [Undecided,New]16:57
mnaserconfirmed wishlist16:57
evrardjpconfirmed and ...16:57
mnaseri might be doing a renumber of an osa deployed (lol end me.)16:58
evrardjpI'd say it's a bug16:58
odyssey4meI thought andymccr had implemented something along these lines?16:58
evrardjpodyssey4me: it's not complete16:58
evrardjpthat's another case16:58
odyssey4meoh ok, fair enough16:58
mnaseris it a bug? do we actaully claim that changing a subnet => takes care of everything?16:58
evrardjpthe network stays the same, but network changes.16:58
evrardjpmnaser: well the dynamic inventory is wrong, not that it changes everything.16:58
evrardjp _who is dreaming of static inventories now?_16:59
mnaserok so what do you propose then?16:59
odyssey4meperhaps best to add a known issue release note saying 'if you're changing your network config after a deploy, you're in for a bad day - don't do it'16:59
evrardjpconfirmed and low16:59
openstackgerritJames Denton proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron master: Adds networking-ovn support  https://review.openstack.org/58406716:59
odyssey4meanything fundamental in the infrastructure (storage, networking) should not be changed after the deploy is done17:00
mnaserconfirm/low and added odyssey4me's comment17:00
evrardjpodyssey4me: that could be documentd ^17:00
evrardjpmnaser: perfect.17:00
mnaser(also, lol, i am totally going to do an OSA renumber.. just... watch..17:00
evrardjpout of time -17:00
evrardjpnext meeting chair?17:00
mnaserwe have 1 bug but i'm pretty sure that's wip17:00
mnaseri'll run next one unless someone really wants to17:00
mnaserno responses17:01
evrardjpI will try to have less conflicts -- I can't tell you right now17:01
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evrardjpmnaser: I'd be happy to run it to help you.17:01
mnasersure, i wouldn't say no17:02
mnaserbut food time for me now17:02
evrardjpahah ok17:02
guilhermespguys, just to let you know. Next saturday I'm gonna present osa to brazillian community. So evrardjp already made his comments about it but I appreciate any reviews ehre17:02
evrardjptty all later!17:02
evrardjpguilhermesp: great work again!17:02
jrossermnaser: you will probably have a much easier time by defining a 2nd mgmt subnet that is routable to the original17:02
odyssey4meguilhermesp: :) thanks for sharing!17:02
mnaserthats the plan jrosser17:02
jrosserand delete / redeploy containers into that one by one17:02
jrosseryeah makes sense17:03
guilhermespthx! I already sent to the moderators of the event, but I think I will resent the slides today, so...17:03
odyssey4meansmith: ping - got a few questions for you when you're about17:03
ansmithodyssey4me: sure, what are they?17:03
odyssey4meansmith: evrardjpraised a q which is probably best to resolve now in https://review.openstack.org/57486417:04
odyssey4mewell, raised two actually17:04
odyssey4meif something needs adjusting there, then we'll have to push a ream of new patches to fix everything that's merged already17:05
evrardjpodyssey4me: ansmith sorry for my stupid questions :p17:05
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spotzguilhermesp: Looking17:06
odyssey4meansmith: then, I was wondering, whether you're going to  be able to get to the other roles we have which haven't had the hybrid-messaging changes made yet17:06
odyssey4methere are another 10 or so roles I think17:07
odyssey4meif not, I might just pick all that up because I want to finish getting all roles consistent with the mq tasks in the role, but I don't want to get in your way either17:08
ansmithodyssey4me: reading the questions, and happy to get through the remaining roles, do you have a list of what remains?17:08
ansmithodyssey4me: I thought I had hit the list17:09
jamesde__evrardjp think we can squeeze OVN into R release?17:09
spotzguilhermesp: A few grammar type changes:) This is why you should/shouldn't ask me to read things:)17:11
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guilhermespspotz: valuable anyway :)17:12
d34dh0r53odyssey4me: ping17:12
ansmithodyssey4me, evrardjp: i will respond in the review, but if i understand the first question, the single/same vhost is used for all network locations (e.g. host:port pairs)17:13
odyssey4meansmith: os_blazar, os_zun, os_masakari, os_congress, os_cloudkitty, os_watcher, os_tacker - those are not in the integrated build, so are easily missed17:14
odyssey4med34dh0r53: pong :)17:14
ansmithodyssey4me: I will jump on them this afternoon17:14
odyssey4meansmith: awesome, thanks17:15
d34dh0r53odyssey4me: have you seen this http://paste.openstack.org/show/726539/ ?17:15
d34dh0r53odyssey4me: wondering if it has to do with your work on moving the MQ stuff17:15
odyssey4med34dh0r53: heh, I have not - certainly not in the OSA gates17:15
odyssey4meit probably does, perhaps something to do with an incomplete secrets file, perhaps?17:16
odyssey4mealthough that's a pretty horrible error message to get to that conclusion17:16
odyssey4meI need to push all the patches to clean everything out of the integrated repo now to see if anything was missed.17:17
d34dh0r53yeah, I had to turn off no_log in os_keystone to expose that error message, I did see it in an OSA master deployment yesterday17:17
odyssey4methere was this merged to master recently: https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible/commit/f2a3c8ed6910e6c8d5b687d962602ae9ff5bed9717:17
odyssey4meand yeah, no_log is rather painful - if there's a way to not use it I'd love to see it17:18
evrardjpodyssey4me: it's painful but does its job17:20
odyssey4meevrardjp: yeah, I wonder if I might be able to just use loop control to prevent a leak17:21
odyssey4meor perhaps we should allow logging of the task if debug | bool17:21
odyssey4meeasier to pick things up in CI that way17:21
evrardjpodyssey4me: no_log: "{{ not debug | bool }}" should do17:21
odyssey4meyep, was thinking along those lines17:22
d34dh0r53hmm, yeah that would work17:22
evrardjpdinner time.17:22
evrardjpjamesde__: i'd welcome the code.17:22
odyssey4mealthough, the thing is - ansible won't log the secrets if verbose logging isn't enabled anyway if loop control is used with a label17:22
evrardjpwe need to discuss it though, and it can take a few reviews anyway17:22
odyssey4mehowever, if the task fails, it would leak the secret17:22
evrardjpso we'll see with the code17:22
jamesde__evrardjp There are three related changes here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/584067/17:23
jamesde__but agreed17:23
tux_folks any idea what is going on here? http://paste.openstack.org/show/726541/17:24
tux_Upgrading PIKE to QUEEN and stuck in repo-install.yml17:24
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odyssey4metux_: heh, that's a new one17:26
odyssey4metux_: in the repo container under /var/log/repo there should be a log file for that venv build - can you look in there to see what errors there are?17:28
odyssey4meweird is that everything in https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-repo_build/blob/master/templates/venv-build-script.sh.j2 that deletes a folder use rm -rf, not just rm17:29
odyssey4meI wonder if this is another selinux special case, given ou're on centos17:30
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tux_there are many venv_build*.log files17:30
odyssey4meyou only care about nova, given that's the failed one17:30
tux_I have SELINUX=disabled by the way17:30
odyssey4meah ok, good to know17:31
tux_there are other roles also failed but output was super long so i just copy paste nova17:32
tux_i can see horizon and other also failed17:32
d34dh0r53odyssey4me: setting forks to 1 fixes it, thinking that the rabbit is not fast enough when it does the other 2 containers at once17:32
tux_looking into logs17:32
odyssey4med34dh0r53: hmm, but keystone's playbook runs in serial... is something overriding that behaviour?17:32
cjloaderpossibly gating job?17:33
d34dh0r53odyssey4me: perhaps the delegation to the oslomsg_setup_host? or the block it's running in17:33
odyssey4mecjloader: nothing in OSA uses more than one container17:33
tux_odyssey4me: i check logs lots of stuff going on and in last saying "Successfully installed Babel Jinja2 Mako-1.0.7 MarkupSafe......."  Cleaning up...17:33
odyssey4metux_: ok, so no output with the same error fro your paste?17:34
tux_no no no17:34
odyssey4med34dh0r53: I don't think I understand what you mean.17:34
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible master: Allow AIO to automatically use an http proxy  https://review.openstack.org/58477217:35
tux_odyssey4me: strange thing is if i run with --limit then my playbook successfully ran but with --limit it failed every time17:35
noonedeadpunk is there an easy way to retrieve an interface name of network with management IP? I'm trying to do it in this way http://paste.openstack.org/show/726529/  but for some reason it doesn't work. Does anyone have any guesses?  Every variable exists, but if statement dosn't work...17:35
tux_openstack-ansible repo-install.yml -vvv -l ostack-controller-03_repo_container-aa6db95e17:35
odyssey4med34dh0r53: ok so https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone/blob/master/tasks/main.yml#L105-L122 makes sure it only executes on the first host in the play anyway - so we can't be having contention17:35
tux_It works17:35
tux_openstack-ansible repo-install.yml  (it failed with that error )17:35
d34dh0r53odyssey4me: it's running on all of the keystone containers17:35
odyssey4metux_: is that error on the same host or a different one?17:36
odyssey4med34dh0r53: oh, heh - there's no such group as keystone-api: https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone/blob/master/tasks/main.yml#L10717:37
d34dh0r53odyssey4me: lol, there's your problem :)17:37
odyssey4methat should just fail the task outright though - so that's very weird that it's even letting that happen17:37
tux_other hosts are clean 01 & 0217:37
d34dh0r53yeah, very odd17:37
odyssey4mekeystone_services['keystone-api']['group'] is totally undefined17:37
tux_only 03 having issue look like17:37
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tux_let me manually run on 01/02 to make sure17:38
odyssey4metux_: can you manually rm -rf that from the container and re-run?17:38
vakuznetThis lineinfile plays are missing regex, therefor not idempotent https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible/blob/master/playbooks/common-tasks/os-lxc-container-setup.yml#L7517:38
odyssey4med34dh0r53: lemme push a quick patch up and you can test if if you have a test ready17:38
tux_rm -rf /var/log/repo/*.log ?17:38
tux_odyssey4me: ^^17:39
vakuznetresult is line is added every run.17:39
d34dh0r53odyssey4me: yep, I can test immediately17:39
odyssey4metmux, nope - the /tmp path mentioned in the error17:39
odyssey4metux_: /tmp/openstack-venv-builder17:39
odyssey4mefrom inside the repo container on the problem host17:39
tux_got it17:39
tux_rm -rf /tmp/openstack-venv-builder/*17:40
tux_re-running playbook17:40
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openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Update task name  https://review.openstack.org/58549017:43
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone master: Use run_once instead of a group that does not exist  https://review.openstack.org/58549217:44
odyssey4med34dh0r53: that should do it17:45
odyssey4memy bad, thanks for picking that up!17:45
d34dh0r53odyssey4me: running it now17:46
odyssey4meansmith: replied to your reply with some clarification17:48
odyssey4meansmith: the trouble is that the code says the default is 'false' but the code says 'False' - and I don't see the code doing any conversion, but I only glimpsed through it17:49
tux_odyssey4me: now this counter going on and on http://paste.openstack.org/show/726543/17:49
odyssey4meperhaps you know someone who can clarify that17:49
d34dh0r53odyssey4me: yep, that was it17:50
odyssey4metux_: yes, that's normal - it'll keep going until it times out, or succeeds17:50
odyssey4mebut it should succeed given most of the hard work is done17:50
odyssey4med34dh0r53: great, thanks :)17:50
odyssey4med34dh0r53: I take it that was a multi-node test that showed that up?17:50
d34dh0r53odyssey4me: yep17:51
odyssey4med34dh0r53: fantastic, good to have such quick feedback for master - keep it coming17:51
d34dh0r53odyssey4me: absolutely17:51
ansmithodyssey4me: thanks for the clarification, I will add the filter to clean it up17:51
d34dh0r53odyssey4me: on that note, I think we're seeing the same behavior in nova, testing that now17:54
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d34dh0r53odyssey4me: yep, same thing17:57
cjloadergj d34dh0r5318:00
odyssey4meok, this time I know that the group exists18:01
d34dh0r53I do not have a nova-api group18:01
odyssey4mealthough I think the correct group to do it for is nova-conductor18:01
cjloadermake one18:01
odyssey4melol, of course - duh, there is no such thing18:02
odyssey4meok, lemme do another patch18:02
odyssey4meunless you want to get tit done?18:02
odyssey4menvm, pretty much done18:02
d34dh0r53odyssey4me: cool18:03
tux_80 retries left.. oh boy its really taking long time18:03
odyssey4metux_: slow disk perhaps? or slow internet?18:04
tux_i am building on VMware LAB box :)18:05
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova master: Use correct group name for MQ tasks  https://review.openstack.org/58549918:05
tux_must be disk or crowded VMware18:05
odyssey4metux if it times out, there's a var to set which will allow you to increate the timeout: repo_build_venv_timeout18:06
openstackgerritJames Denton proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron master: Adds networking-ovn support  https://review.openstack.org/58406718:07
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Correct retention days  https://review.openstack.org/58538218:09
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openstackgerritVictor Palma proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: update default kibana elastic timeout  https://review.openstack.org/58550118:11
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guilhermespodyssey4me: just to be sure, this change wont be considered or do we just need to pin the version of rally-openstack to 1.2.0 ?18:15
tux_odyssey4me: FYI, that did the trick, it ran successful :)18:15
odyssey4metux_: woot!18:16
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odyssey4meguilhermesp: just pin would be good18:16
guilhermespk, gonna do it18:16
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odyssey4meguilhermesp: we have no constraint for it, so we need to pin it to keep a consistent build18:17
guilhermespmakes sense to me18:17
odyssey4meI'm doing work to relieve us from having to pin and to allow us to use their pins, but that's likely only gonna get in for stein... it's taken a lot of ground work to get there18:17
openstackgerritAndy Smith proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_blazar master: Update to use oslo.messaging service for RPC and Notify  https://review.openstack.org/58550218:18
guilhermesplet me know if I can help in the future odyssey4me18:18
openstackgerritGuilherme  Steinmuller Pimentel proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_rally master: Change rally pip package  https://review.openstack.org/58409618:20
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: [WIP] Remove all MQ vhost/user and DB create tasks  https://review.openstack.org/58550418:24
odyssey4mecores, could we get https://review.openstack.org/#/c/584636/ in to unblock patches to the swift role please?18:31
openstackgerritAndy Smith proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_barbican master: Update to use oslo.messaging service for RPCand Notify  https://review.openstack.org/57486418:34
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cloudnullodyssey4me done18:44
odyssey4metyvm cloudnull d34dh0r5318:48
tux_odyssey4me: This is interesting http://paste.openstack.org/show/726548/18:52
tux_I am getting this error when running repo-use.yml18:52
tux_why i have two container on log-01 host?18:52
odyssey4metux_: are you using the last tag of queens, or stable/queens ?18:52
odyssey4metwo containers, that's a bit odd18:53
tux_stable/queen 17.0.718:53
odyssey4metux_: yeah, so the pip install issue is resolved in stable/queens - the patches landed this morning18:53
odyssey4medoubling up log containers is new - that's p->q right?18:54
odyssey4mecould you please output the group membership using /opt/openstack-ansible/inventory-manage -G I think it is18:54
odyssey4mehmm, no group membership changes from p to q18:56
tux_odyssey4me: this is not a pip issue look like18:56
tux_if you see i have two container running on log-01 that is the issue18:56
tux_one of container not able to reach my LB vip because it doesn't have br-mgmt IP18:57
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tux_is that normal two container ?18:57
odyssey4meno, that's nor normal at all18:57
tux_what went wrong here?19:00
tux_i am just running ./script/run-upgrade.sh19:00
odyssey4metux_: honestly have no idea, that's why I asked for group membership output :p19:04
odyssey4mesomehow the dynamic inventory thought you had a missing container, so it made another one19:04
tux_let me send you i didn't see your last post sorry19:04
tux_odyssey4me: http://paste.openstack.org/show/726550/19:10
tux_is this what you looking for?19:11
odyssey4metux_: yeah, interesting - so the one with a br-mgmt address is in the inventory, but the other one isn't19:12
odyssey4mebut someone your play found the other one - wtf is up with that19:12
tux_if its not in group membership then who created it?19:14
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odyssey4metux_: unless you have a before/after inventory - it's hard to tell what happened19:15
odyssey4methere might actually be done saved from the upgrade19:15
odyssey4meI can't recall the details of the upgrade script, but it should be reasonably readable19:15
jrosseryou can look back through the tar file19:15
tux_inventory tar?19:16
jrosserevery change should be there19:16
jrosseryes inventory tar19:16
openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Add xpack monitoring to the beats  https://review.openstack.org/58552119:16
tux_grep "c4d3b7dc" * -r   i did that in full folder and found nothing19:18
tux_how about if i destroy it and see ?19:18
tux_doing openstack-ansible lxc-containers-destroy.yml19:19
tux_ERROR! Specified hosts and/or --limit does not match any hosts19:20
tux_obvious :)19:20
tux_any command i can find out when it got created?19:21
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odyssey4metux_: in the tar backup file for the inventory is a copy of each change to it19:27
odyssey4meopen it up and grep for it19:27
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odyssey4meor zgrep it I guess19:28
tux_yes i have untar lots of file from tarball and run grep to all19:28
odyssey4meheh, then it sounds like maybe it was there from a previous install19:28
odyssey4mewas that a totally fresh host?19:28
tux_This was running 16.0.15 before19:28
odyssey4mebefore that I mean19:28
tux_this is not a fresh box it was running pike earlier19:29
odyssey4medid you make any changes to the inventory after your initial prep of it19:29
tux_no, i never make any changes19:29
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openstackgerritGuilherme  Steinmuller Pimentel proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_designate master: Use designate_galera_database  https://review.openstack.org/58552319:30
tux_its LAB box so i never bother to look into log-01 server.. first time i notice..19:30
odyssey4meoh well, perhaps the best suggestion it to refresh that host and do it again19:30
tux_I believe this must be screwed up from earlier hit and try19:30
guilhermespodyssey4me: ^^ I assume the second patch proposed in the bug doesn't apply to master19:30
tux_refresh means re-install OS?19:30
guilhermespso, do we need to apply to ocata/pike/queens? (these release will need both patchs proposed)19:31
odyssey4metux_: yep, starting from scratch is the best way to be sure19:31
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tux_odyssey4me: i am assuming refresh only log-01 not full cluster :)19:32
tux_let me re-install and try19:33
odyssey4metux_: ah, it's a cluster - yeah, you could just wipe that other container19:33
odyssey4mesorry, wasn't thinking straight19:33
odyssey4metux_: just go and delete that container by hand19:33
odyssey4meguilhermesp: looking19:34
tux_let me try baby steps, re-doing full cluster will be painful :)19:34
tux_let me see what i can do and will update u folks19:34
odyssey4meguilhermesp: why wouldn't it apply to master?19:35
guilhermespI mean19:36
odyssey4meguilhermesp: changing the database var name in the stable branches would be more complicated19:36
odyssey4meI'd suggest we merge the first patch, and port that back.19:36
guilhermespthe second patch proposed by the user was to modify a variable at os-designate-install.yml19:36
openstackLaunchpad bug 1783132 in openstack-ansible "designate.conf.j2 does not respect user configured designate database name" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to Guilherme Steinmuller Pimentel (guilhermesp)19:36
odyssey4meAnd the second, we apply the change to master only - with a release note saying that it's changing, so that operators know about it.19:36
odyssey4meyeah, the patch to change the name itself shouldn't be applied to the stable branches, and would be different for master.19:37
guilhermespin master we do not have this variable https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible/blob/master/playbooks/os-designate-install.yml because the db creation was delegated to the roles19:37
guilhermespso we just need to eliminate the hardcoded db name from the template. Makes sense now?19:38
odyssey4meyep - although the name could be changed, it just can't be done with what was submitted19:38
openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone master: Add systemd journal logging to the service config  https://review.openstack.org/58552419:41
odyssey4mecloudnull: if we do that, we could get rid of the log_dir/log_file, then also all the tasks that make sure those folders are there - nice clean up!19:44
odyssey4mewould need a reno then though19:44
cloudnulli actually think the log directory would still need to exist for service like keystone. it uses nginx, uwsgi, apache and all of those are logging to /var/log/keystone19:46
cloudnullin fact I think I should probably put up a log rotate file their to cater to that.19:47
cloudnullbut w/ other service it makes sense to ditch everything that we can19:47
odyssey4meoh, to get rid of all that nonsense would be so sweet19:47
* cloudnull wonders if i can make apache log to the journal 19:48
odyssey4mecan't nginx also log to journal instead?19:48
openstackgerritAndy Smith proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_masakari master: Update to use oslo.messaging service for RPC and Notify  https://review.openstack.org/58552619:48
odyssey4meand apache, yeah19:48
odyssey4menginx: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28394084/nginx-log-to-stderr/29005073#2900507319:49
odyssey4mewell, https://stackoverflow.com/a/3265534819:49
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odyssey4meapache: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/trunk/mod/mod_journald.html19:50
odyssey4mebest to add a reno for that if it all changes19:50
odyssey4meI really think it makes sense to do the whole shebang19:51
odyssey4mewill need https://review.openstack.org/585026 too19:51
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odyssey4methanks to noonedeadpunk for that one19:51
jrosserblimey our parallel git-cloner can get the osa roles in 10s, ansible-galaxy 120s19:54
odyssey4mejrosser: amazeballs!19:55
odyssey4meI'd really like to work out a plugin system so that you only download what you need though19:55
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Update retention policy weighting  https://review.openstack.org/58539019:55
jrosser6s with twice the threads19:56
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openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone master: Add systemd journal logging to the service config  https://review.openstack.org/58552419:57
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_swift master: Add rabbitmq/oslomsg services  https://review.openstack.org/58463620:02
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_swift master: Execute service setup against a delegated host using Ansible built-in modules  https://review.openstack.org/58235420:07
jrossercloudnull: you tried those retention changes for real yet?20:10
cloudnullyup i've got them running in now. see how well it performs20:11
jrosseri only went as far as calculating the retention times, didnt want an accident and it delete too much stuff20:12
jrosserthis looks strangely skewed http://paste.openstack.org/show/726553/20:12
jrosserelastic_*_retention is in days?20:12
cloudnullthis is the action file http://paste.openstack.org/show/726554/20:14
cloudnullyes the retention is in days. those vars are used as the weights for each index '20:15
tux_cloudnull: did you ever seen this issue...20:16
-tux_- [root@ostack-log-01-rsyslog-container-06da3fb7 ~]# telnet 818120:16
-tux_- Trying
-tux_- telnet: connect to address No route to host20:16
tux_192.168.100.9 is my haproxy internal VIP20:17
tux_i can ping that host but none of port i can reach using telnet utility20:17
cloudnulltux_ not specifically20:17
jrossercloudnull: i guess what feels odd is that reducing the number of very large indexes slightly should allow a big increase in retention for smaller ones20:18
cloudnullis haproxy listening on 8181 ?20:18
tux_i am able to telnet from log-01 HOST machine but not from container20:18
cloudnulljrosser we set new weights for all of the indexes. we could pull that back ?20:19
tux_i can see icmp traffic between two machine haproxy and log container all looking good20:19
cloudnulltux_ so you can telnet from the haproxy host to the container ?20:20
cloudnullbut not the other way around?20:20
tux_No i am not able to make any TCP connection from or to  (only ICMP is working in tcpdump)20:21
tux_that is strange20:21
cloudnullthat is strange20:21
tux_but from log-01 (host machine) i can telnet haproxy port 818120:21
cloudnullsome form of upstream filtering?20:21
cloudnullanti-spoofing policy ?20:22
tux_everything was working before...20:22
tux_let me check and make sure nothing wrong on my VMware20:22
cloudnullcould be some form of a security group?20:22
vakuznethttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/581425/ - review please20:23
tux_how i am able to telnet 8181 from HOST machine if its security issue..?20:23
tux_cloudnull: you are goddam!! right20:24
tux_stupid firewalld was running :(20:24
tux_i forgot to disable at start up.... now it was up20:25
tux_shit... how stupid i am :(20:25
cloudnull60% of the time, it'll get you everytime :)20:25
cloudnullnah, that's one of those hard to identify issues.20:25
cloudnullfirewalld, like UFW  is a frustrating pile of software.20:26
odyssey4mevakuznet: small niggle, just to help reviewer - mind if I tweak the commit msg?20:27
odyssey4mevakuznet: actually, it'll create a new change I think - can you adjust the change id?20:28
odyssey4meI'd rather have you own the change20:28
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Add logrotate to the elasticstack  https://review.openstack.org/58500520:29
vakuznetwhat do you want me to change?20:30
odyssey4mevakuznet: look at the comment in the review20:30
cloudnulljrosser https://review.openstack.org/#/c/585521 - if you have a moment, pull this one in20:31
cloudnullthat should provide additional monitoring on the beats and what is actually being collected.20:31
jrosserok will do20:31
jrosseri was just scribbling some numbers about this20:32
jrosserit all depends what the end goal is really20:32
jrosserbecasue some of this stuff is related, and being able to look back through logs and correlate to metrics from the same time may/may not be important20:33
jrosseri think thats why the wildly different retention times i have make me a little uneasy20:33
jrosserand it's only because packetbeat generates absolutely gobs of data that you cant have a more simplistic <N>Gb/day/thing divider on the whole storage size20:34
openstackgerritVadim Kuznetsov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_barbican stable/queens: Add default roles used by Barbican  https://review.openstack.org/58554020:35
vakuznetodysey4me: done20:36
odyssey4mevakuznet: awesome, thanks - I'll abandon the other one now20:36
odyssey4methanks to you vakuznet :)20:37
cloudnulljrosser I'm 100% game to figure out a better retention policy20:39
cloudnullif you have some ideas on that front I'd be happy to test them out20:39
jrosseri'll have a think20:40
jrosserjust running that xpack bit - does that make more stuff appear in kibana?20:41
cloudnullit does20:43
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cloudnullso now i have monitoring details from the actual beats20:45
openstackgerritGuilherme  Steinmuller Pimentel proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_rally master: Change rally pip package  https://review.openstack.org/58409620:51
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odyssey4mesorry guilhermesp, trailing whitespace is evil :/20:51
guilhermespno worried odyssey4me :) good to know this20:51
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odyssey4metimeout for me folks, have a good evening!21:01
guilhermespauf wiedehören odyssey4me !21:01
cloudnullo/ odyssey4me21:02
cloudnulltake care21:02
openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Add unified setup and beat config  https://review.openstack.org/58555621:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Update task name  https://review.openstack.org/58549021:15
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: update default kibana elastic timeout  https://review.openstack.org/58550121:37
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Add xpack monitoring to the beats  https://review.openstack.org/58552121:40
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone master: Use run_once instead of a group that does not exist  https://review.openstack.org/58549222:17
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tux_any idea folks http://paste.openstack.org/show/726562/22:26
tux_I am seeing error Ncat: You must specify a host to connect to. QUITTING.22:26
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openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Further tune the thread pool and add dynamic GC  https://review.openstack.org/58556722:47
cloudnulltux_ memcached must be down ?22:50
cloudnullor otherwise unreachable?22:50
tux_cloudnull: its a bug check this http://paste.openstack.org/show/726565/22:52
tux_regex is wrong or may be file formate22:53
tux_cloudnull: what do you say?22:53
tux_let me file a bug22:54
cloudnulltux_ what task is that ?22:56
cloudnullbased on the paste it looks like a bug22:56
tux_Flush all of the cache in memcached22:57
cloudnullah yea. that's using the ubuntu style config22:57
tux_I am using CentOS22:57
tux_why it works in PIKE version?22:58
cloudnullthat upgrade playbook needs to be modified to be OS aware22:58
tux_I am opening BUG so you guys can fix it :)22:58
tux_can i fix this in role or just ignore error ?22:59
cloudnullif you flush the cache you can carry on with teh upgrade23:00
tux_but is my task exit after this error23:00
tux_i am sure there are more task in next step23:00
tux_i think i should put that command in role directly23:00
tux_Oh! wait.. its not a playbook..23:01
tux_its just a single task.. i can totally ignore this..23:01
tux_Got it23:01
cloudnullsorry in two places at once, yes23:02
cloudnullyou can ignore this23:02
tux_see you later going to grab some food... will be online later tonight23:05
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova master: Use correct group name for MQ tasks  https://review.openstack.org/58549923:09
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openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Add unified setup and beat config  https://review.openstack.org/58555623:35
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openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Further tune the thread pool and add dynamic GC  https://review.openstack.org/58556723:35
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