Tuesday, 2018-08-14

openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Add Redhat to the ELK deployment capabilities  https://review.openstack.org/59146700:00
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logan-whats the method to examine of the system journals in the gate logs02:00
logan-anytime i download one and use journalctl -D I get "Journal file test/system.journal is truncated, ignoring file."02:01
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cloudnulllogan- I think that's because of the gzip02:35
cloudnullmany of the services should have the journals dumped02:35
cloudnullin a log file that ends in .journal.log02:35
logan-it is not gzipped though: 'file system.journal': system.journal: Journal file, online, compressed02:37
logan-if i rename to .gz and try to extract it gives gzip: system.journal.gz: not in gzip format02:38
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cloudnullhum that is particular03:23
cloudnullI wonder if the journals are corrupt because we just wholesale upload it03:23
cloudnullwould could export/dump the journals at the end of the job ?03:24
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jrossercloudnull: ive also totally failed to download/wxamine journals like that05:53
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evrardjpgood morning06:29
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hwoaranggood morning06:32
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openstackgerritwutao proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_sahara master: Drop un-used packages from role  https://review.openstack.org/59156907:12
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evrardjpcloudnull: did you get the chance to look at the node?07:55
evrardjpyour node*07:55
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openstackgerritTaseer Ahmed proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_blazar master: This patch ensures that the functional tests for Blazar pass.  https://review.openstack.org/57138808:40
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openstackgerritJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-lxc_hosts master: Allow user-defined extra distro packages  https://review.openstack.org/59141208:55
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotjagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-lxc_container_create stable/queens: Implements possibility to use physical networks in containers.  https://review.openstack.org/59159008:58
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openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotjagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_horizon master: Implements custom theme distribution  https://review.openstack.org/58631809:11
openstackgerritJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-lxc_hosts master: Allow user-defined extra distro packages  https://review.openstack.org/59141209:12
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hwoarangevrardjp:  odyssey4me we are seeing a failure in opnfv and i'd like another fresh pair of eyes to look at it if possible09:25
hwoarangwe are almost on master, and we have nova failing at this point all the time09:26
hwoarangTASK [os_nova : Perform a cell_v2 discover] ********************************************************************************************************************************************09:26
hwoarangfatal: [compute00]: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: ssh: Could not resolve hostname controller00: Name or service not known\r\n", "unreachable": true}09:26
hwoarangnotice that we are executing on compute00 but ssh complains about controller0009:26
hwoarangany clue on what could be wrong or where to look?09:26
openstackgerritJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-lxc_hosts master: Allow user-defined extra distro packages  https://review.openstack.org/59141209:29
hwoarangactually on the previous task I see09:29
hwoarangTASK [os_nova : Set the delegated task facts] ******************************************************************************************************************************************09:29
hwoarangok: [compute00 ->]09:29
odyssey4mehwoarang: I've been seeing that too like here: http://logs.openstack.org/59/589259/4/check/openstack-ansible-functional-ubuntu-xenial/6e06008/job-output.txt.gz#_2018-08-13_11_33_38_56776309:29
odyssey4mefrom https://review.openstack.org/#/c/589259/09:30
hwoarangso looks like we are delegating from compute00 to controller00 and that does not work with hostname. not sure why it's not using its ip to connect09:30
hwoaranglet me check that log09:30
jrosseri've been fiddling with similar09:30
jrosserusing ad-hoc debug command to get hostvars and ansible_hostname / ansible_fqdn has been useful09:31
jrosserthen running ad-hoc setup module and see if anything changes/fixes itself09:31
odyssey4meI'm off today, so won't be in. Will catch up tomorrow to see if anyone's found anything useful.09:32
evrardjpodyssey4me: I am off tomorrow09:33
evrardjpjust fyi09:33
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hwoarangjrosser: do you think that this could be a problem with our connection plugin?09:49
hwoarangthe old workaround for me is to add entries in /etc/hosts in the deployment host09:49
jrosseri'm not sure - the connection plugin does tell you pretty much exactly what it is doing if you run with -vvvv09:51
hwoarangyeah it's using the hostname instead of ip09:51
jrosserthis should all end up in the /etc/hosts of all the hosts shouldnt it?09:53
jrosseris your deployment host separate?09:53
jrosserhmm right thats how my lab works too09:54
jrosserbut i have proper DNS for all the hardware which matches up with the OSA inventory09:54
jrosserhwoarang: in fact i totally rely on it connecting via hostname, as ssh config makes the deploy host connect to the lab through a bastion based on the lab having its own subdomain10:04
jrosserbut your issue seems to be between target nodes rather than deploy->target?10:05
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hwoaranglooking into it10:10
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openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: [WIP] Replace tempest with healthchecks  https://review.openstack.org/58754410:14
jrosserevrardjp: quick question - have i put these vars in the right place, doesnt seem to work https://review.openstack.org/#/c/591412/5/tests/test.yml10:31
evrardjpjrosser: where does lxc_hosts_extra_distro_packages come from?10:33
jrosserjust here https://review.openstack.org/#/c/591412/5/defaults/main.yml10:34
evrardjplet me check were it fails10:35
jrosseri was looking through the lxc cache prep script output and its like those stay empty10:36
noonedeadpunkevrardjp: Hi, could you please take a look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/586318/ - adding new fact seems not to have a lot of sense, as I need to iterate over a dict in both cases. And as each theme should be placed in its own idrectory - with_glob is not the best option. Of course, we may document to have a leading folder in archive... But I think I'be managed to make it more readable10:36
evrardjpwell the assert succeeds though10:36
jrosseryes it does :( i wanted to be double sure and see it actually install the package in the log10:36
jrosserand of course the irony of all of this is that the test that fails is the ony one i've found that actually tries to do the install http://logs.openstack.org/12/591412/5/check/openstack-ansible-functional-centos-7/943a228/logs/host/lxc-cache-prep-commands.log.txt.gz10:38
evrardjpjrosser: maybe worth checking if the logs are well gathered at the end of the play10:39
evrardjpas they seem to be gathered at some point in time10:39
evrardjpthere is something weird10:40
evrardjpthe tasks don't appear in ara10:40
jrosserthis is odd - look at the timestamps here http://logs.openstack.org/12/591412/5/check/openstack-ansible-functional-ubuntu-bionic/25bece0/logs/10:42
evrardjpthat's the play that runs10:42
jrosserwould'nt we expect those all to be fairly current10:42
jrosserit's like a mixture of old/new runs10:42
evrardjpI was looking at this10:42
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evrardjpthat happens sometimes10:43
evrardjpI would suggest to wait a little and recheck10:43
jrosserspooky :)10:43
jrosserthat could get very confusing10:43
evrardjpthat's not the first time I see this10:43
evrardjpit's generally nothing to worry about10:43
evrardjpbut my concern right now is a precedence issue10:43
evrardjpand lxc_hosts is running lxc_container_create tests.yml10:43
evrardjpthat would be pretty bad10:44
jrosseris there a better place i can put these vars?10:44
evrardjpthat's fine10:44
evrardjpyou can in test-vars10:44
evrardjpbut I think it's fine like this10:44
evrardjpI still want to move to goss10:45
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evrardjpwhen this will be done it will be easier10:45
jrosseranyway thx for the advice, i'll recheck it a bit later10:45
jrosserif this one looks ok it can be a pattern for adding extra packages elsewhere10:46
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: [WIP] Replace tempest with healthchecks  https://review.openstack.org/58754410:50
evrardjpjrosser: I think it's better in the task to have flexibility10:51
evrardjpdefaults are not even forced to exist10:51
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jrosserevrardjp: would you like more changes - from yesterdays discussion the defaults were there to document the entry point10:53
evrardjpjrosser: that's better to have defaults for documentation10:54
evrardjpI am fine with that right now -- what I meant was this pattern is good10:54
evrardjpeven for undocumented features10:54
jrosserah ok :) no problem10:54
jrosserhmm looks like htop is a poor choice of test package -> EPEL10:57
evrardjpsl ?10:59
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evrardjpthat's probably a poor test package too10:59
jrossersysstat maybe10:59
evrardjpbut that's fun10:59
evrardjpsysstat have various names due to packaging11:00
jrosserit's pretty hard to find trivial packages that are on all distros11:00
evrardjpwho spoke yesterday about a ceph issue with no such file or directory11:02
evrardjphwoarang: ?11:02
jrosseryes and i've seen that too11:02
evrardjpwell My patch is blocked due to this, so I have to work on it11:02
jrossersee this https://github.com/ceph/ceph-ansible/commit/f422efb1d6b56ce56a7d39a21736a471e4ed357c11:02
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evrardjpyeah I am rolling back to an old commit in stable/rocky11:05
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/openstack-ansible stable/rocky: Temporarily use tempest master for all builds  https://review.openstack.org/59135711:09
evrardjpthat should unblock rocky creation11:09
evrardjplet me freeze master to previous sha, until a fix is found11:09
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Temporarily use tempest master for all builds  https://review.openstack.org/59077811:12
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noonedeadpunkevrardjp: is this patch ok for you now? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/586318/ Please take a look on it, once you have time to spare11:33
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jrosserevrardjp: there may be a pattern to the vanishing vars in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/591412/ - openstack-ansible-functional-* seems to see them openstack-ansible-lxc-* seems to miss them11:38
evrardjpnoonedeadpunk: sorry I was busy -- will do when I can11:39
jrosseri suspect this might be down to how the vars are overridden for specialising those -lxc-* tests?11:39
evrardjpjrosser: I would like to finish what I am up to, then I can help you11:39
evrardjpsorry for the delay11:39
jrosserdon't worry - i'm about to go for lunch and have a pile of paperwork to deal with11:40
jrosserany time is cool11:40
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hwoarangevrardjp: sorry i was out for lunch11:50
hwoarangjrosser: evrardjp https://github.com/ceph/ceph-ansible/pull/301511:50
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evrardjpthe problem is that docker_exec_cmd is empty?11:52
evrardjpand not testing ceph command?11:52
hwoarangthe problem is the ceph command11:53
evrardjpwell anyway... I see11:53
hwoarangdoesn't the commit message explain it? if not, i need to improve it11:53
evrardjpit's good11:55
evrardjpI am just eating at the same time, so I didn't want to clicky click11:55
evrardjpbut now I am clicky clicky anyway11:55
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evrardjpwait... bad idea.11:55
evrardjpFood time!11:55
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mnaserhi everyone12:25
noonedeadpunkhi mnaser12:28
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mnaserhow are you noonedeadpunk ?12:44
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noonedeadpunkmnaser not bad, actually, thanks) probably you may review cherry pick from master, if you have time of course? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/591335/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/591590/12:47
mnasersure :D12:48
noonedeadpunkmnaser great, thanks)12:49
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evrardjpmay I get some votes on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/590778/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/591357/ to unblock gates for rocky and master?13:30
mnaserevrardjp: done13:34
evrardjpjrosser: could you have a look at my pebkac here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/587544/ ?13:34
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openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_tempest master: Run smoke and dashboard tests by default  https://review.openstack.org/58761713:35
* jrosser looks13:35
evrardjpthanks mnaser and jrosser for the votes13:36
evrardjpjrosser: what did you say about https://review.openstack.org/#/c/591412/5 and patterns?13:37
evrardjpyou mean the jobs are different13:37
jrosserwell theres a few other places to do this13:37
jrossernspawn_hosts and maybe openstack_hosts13:37
jrosserso i wanted to just get it all tidy on one first before doing the others13:38
evrardjpahah ofc13:38
evrardjpwait a moment13:38
evrardjpso right what gets tested with your test.yml change is only applied on lxc_hosts13:38
evrardjpas the lxc-* jobs are applying the lxc-container-create test jobs13:39
jrosserok - this isnt very obvious :)13:39
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evrardjpmaybe we should use "cross" for all our cross repo testing13:40
jrosserok - so now i know that so long as there is enough coverage in the -functional-* jobs it should be ok13:41
jrosserrighto, so i'll just try to find a package that installs everywhere and it should pass, not sure why centos is nv there as it was OK earlier13:42
evrardjpI checked it's installable everywhere13:43
jrosseroh also NODE_FAILURE for the opensuse-150 on the last go :)13:43
evrardjpthat's infra issue13:43
noonedeadpunkevrardjp: do you mean, that instead of introducing new variable, I may specify extra key inside _horizon_available_themes?13:44
noonedeadpunk* horizon_custom_themes13:45
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotjagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_horizon master: Implements custom theme distribution  https://review.openstack.org/58631813:46
openstackgerritJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-lxc_hosts master: Allow user-defined extra distro packages  https://review.openstack.org/59141213:46
openstackgerritMarkos Chandras (hwoarang) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: strategy: linear: Obtain IPs from all physical hosts  https://review.openstack.org/59167213:46
hwoarangjrosser:evrardjp i have a fix for the connection plugin issue^^13:46
hwoarangcould you have a look please?13:47
openstackgerritMarkos Chandras (hwoarang) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: strategy: linear: Obtain IPs from all physical hosts  https://review.openstack.org/59167213:48
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openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotjagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_horizon master: Implements custom theme distribution  https://review.openstack.org/58631813:49
evrardjpjrosser: for the NODE_FAILURE, infra has fixed it, and a recheck should do the trick13:51
evrardjpnoonedeadpunk: I am not sure that's what I meant... :) ahah me and my english!13:51
jrosserhwoarang: is it possible to construct a test for that case? i wonder if it is possible to fiddle the inventory to make it look like there are two hosts, perhaps using the different IP on the bridges?13:52
openstackgerritMarkos Chandras (hwoarang) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: strategy: linear: Obtain IPs from all physical hosts  https://review.openstack.org/59167213:55
evrardjphwoarang: good catch13:55
evrardjpjrosser: I think we should have unit tests on the linear strategy13:56
hwoarangjrosser: not sure i get that. the code simply iterates over the list of physical_hosts. it's using that as a key to the physical_host_addrs dictionary13:56
noonedeadpunkevrardjp: I understand that my solution is pretty complicated and, probably, not the easiest thing to read. It might be done much simplier by synchronize module, but it establishes separate connection for rsync, which is not really good as for me. Also, I've just realized, that adding another key to horizon_custom_themes dict, which will specify full path to archive, may do the trick.13:56
evrardjphwoarang: yeah I think if we want to improve reliability of this, we should introduce a better code structure for the strategy, and include unit tests13:56
jrosserhwoarang: i think that i meant that the current tests probably don't try to excercise delegating between hosts13:57
jrosserbecasue there is only one13:57
jrosserbut it may be possible to make it look like more than one13:57
evrardjpnoonedeadpunk: well my concern is that we now have 2 mechanisms to upload files arbitrarily on the horizon servers13:57
evrardjpand it's not listed in the commit message how they are different13:58
evrardjpI think it's worth pointing that you're using this because first method is not good enough for you -- that's what matters13:58
noonedeadpunkevrardjp: oh, ok, now I got it.13:58
evrardjpnoonedeadpunk: after that we can think of another commit to cleanup what was not working fine14:00
openstackgerritAndy Smith proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: [WIP] Add qdrouterd role for messaging backend deployment  https://review.openstack.org/57026114:00
jrosserhwoarang: ok right so this exists https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins/blob/master/tests/test-connection-plugin.yml#L75-L8514:01
jrosseri probably need to understand better what failed and why that didnt catch it14:01
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-repo_server stable/rocky: Create virtualenv with '--never-download'  https://review.openstack.org/59104114:01
mjwalesHey guys, I'm having issues getting provider networks to work in a newly deployed cloud14:02
noonedeadpunkevrardjp: the idela solution would be to write some hook around synchronize module, but now I don't feel like I can write such things in a good manner...14:02
mjwalesOn one of the compute nodes the neutron log contains "2018-08-14 15:02:38.455 116102 INFO neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.linuxbridge.agent.linuxbridge_neutron_agent [-] Interface mappings: {'flat': 'eth12', 'physnet1': 'eth20', 'vlan': 'br-vlan'}14:03
mjwales2018-08-14 15:02:38.455 116102 INFO neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.linuxbridge.agent.linuxbridge_neutron_agent [-] Bridge mappings: {}14:03
mjwales2018-08-14 15:02:38.465 116102 ERROR neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.linuxbridge.agent.linuxbridge_neutron_agent [-] Interface eth12 for physical network flat does not exist. Agent terminated!"14:03
evrardjpnoonedeadpunk: fixing the synchronize or making it an action should do14:03
jrossermjwales: search for eth12 here https://docs.openstack.org/project-deploy-guide/openstack-ansible/newton/app-config-test.html14:03
evrardjpbut anyway the archive works14:04
evrardjpcopy recursive would work14:04
Tahvokmjwales: does the interface exist?14:04
jrossermjwales: see if that makes sense / matches how you have set your host up14:04
mjwalesAh I've missed that in the setup! Will add that on all the compute nodes now. Thanks.14:05
jrossernetwork nodes too iirc14:06
jrossermjwales: the key thing here is that neutron needs an actual interface, rather than a bridge14:06
jrosserso eth12 is a bogus interface wired to br-vlan with a veth pair14:07
mjwalesjrosser: I've got 3 infra nodes and 7 compute nodes. Neutron is running in a container on the infra nodes so does it still need to be added on them?14:07
jrosserneutron agent is in the container14:07
jrosserbut the actual network namespaces etc will be on the metal14:07
noonedeadpunkevrardjp: I don't think that horizon theme will include hundreds of files. But still recursive copy has a limitation on number of files. So yep, it needs to be discussed...14:08
mjwalesOkay, this is quite a learning curve. Will add the eth12 interface on all the nodes now14:08
evrardjpmjwales: the latest documentation for user stories is in: https://docs.openstack.org/openstack-ansible/latest/user/index.html . If you want a real deployment follow the deploy guide.14:08
jrosserevrardjp: google foiled me a gain - would be nice to search-engine-optimise the latest docs :)14:09
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evrardjpjrosser: yeah.14:09
evrardjpthat search sucks14:09
mjwalesI followed the ceph production guide for this deployment. Need to make sure I refer back to the example config for all the comments etc14:10
evrardjpnoonedeadpunk: to be honest, I kinda prefer the archive14:10
evrardjpppl have to prepare them the way they want14:10
evrardjpwe just say: please put x there.14:10
evrardjpjrosser: did you find my pebkac?14:11
evrardjpI will destroy my node and recreate I have messed up so many things14:11
jrosserevrardjp: not yet keep getting distracted let me look again, i just finished an aio so will compare14:12
jrosserin fact i could stick that patch on and try it14:12
evrardjpoh wait, if you have an aio you could compare14:12
evrardjpthat's even better14:12
evrardjphaving something where tempest ran is cool14:12
jrosseryes it's literally just finished this moment - xenial/master14:12
evrardjpcool I have none like this available right now14:13
evrardjpI am not familiar with the master way of networking (kinda have trouble with systemd-networkd way of configuring thigs)14:13
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotjagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_horizon master: Implements custom theme distribution  https://review.openstack.org/58631814:14
evrardjpso right now I am sure it's on the network creation I must have a booboo14:14
evrardjpopenstack network creation14:14
jrosserevrardjp: see this re networkd https://review.openstack.org/#/c/590424/14:14
jrosserargh back in a moment14:14
evrardjpnoonedeadpunk: nice!14:15
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openstackgerritMarkos Chandras (hwoarang) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: strategy: linear: Obtain IPs from all physical hosts  https://review.openstack.org/59167214:16
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jrosserevrardjp: so before i do anything heres the tempest results from my fresh aio http://jrosser.woaf.net/stestr_results.html14:22
evrardjpI feel silly noonedeadpunk -- sorry for bouncing you around14:22
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dwdoes anyone know which component is setting up auto idle-logout? it's rather frustrating14:23
dwim logged in via ssh if it makes any difference14:24
logan-dw: ansible-hardening does this.14:24
mnaserdw: ansible-hardening14:24
logan-set apply_security_hardening: false14:24
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_ceilometer stable/rocky: Drop un-used packages from role  https://review.openstack.org/59104414:26
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jrosserevrardjp: my test of you healthcheck patch fails the same way14:29
evrardjpdw: welcome : )14:30
evrardjplogan-: that's rather radical14:31
evrardjpfolks, we shouldn't merge things in stable/rocky14:31
evrardjpnot yet14:31
evrardjpas they are not testable in the integrated gates14:32
evrardjp(should be fixed soon though!)14:32
evrardjpdw you're giving openstack-ansible a try to see how fast it goes with mitogen?14:33
dwothers are, i'm just playing whack-the-bug ;)14:33
jrosserdw: o/14:33
* jrosser meetings14:33
jrosserevrardjp: its the same no route to host - i got meetings but can look more at it in a while14:33
evrardjpdw: we've got many things that are custom, due to the size and history of the project14:34
evrardjpjrosser: yeah thanks it's probably something silly14:34
dwpatched strategies, connection plugins.. it's all good :)14:34
evrardjpdw: inorite14:34
openstackgerritMarkos Chandras (hwoarang) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: strategy: linear: Obtain IPs from all physical hosts  https://review.openstack.org/59167214:35
evrardjpsome have... let's say legacy cruft in it. We should rewrite them. But everybody is busy with other things14:35
evrardjpdw: how are you testing things right now?14:38
evrardjpBecause you'll hit the networking model issues etc.14:38
dwevrardjp: a single quite abused ubuntu 16.04 machine, but this is fine for now, i have more than plenty to work through already14:39
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evrardjpdw: it's gonna be defaced with an openstack deploy14:40
evrardjpif you have initial requirements it should be fine14:40
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mjwalesStruggling to get my head around provider_networks and all the bridges. I've got three infra nodes that have a bridge br-ex-public for access to my public floating IP pool. None of the compute nodes have access to this network directly. I added a network to provider_networks of type flat and group_binds of neutron_linuxbridge_agent. Am I at all along the right lines? A bit confused by the container and host_bind_override setti14:44
openstackgerritMarkos Chandras (hwoarang) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: strategy: linear: Obtain IPs from all physical hosts  https://review.openstack.org/59167214:45
logan-hwoarang: if our current method of using the localhost_alt physical_host is unsufficient to reproduce the issue maybe it is time to switch to using a multinode nodeset in that test14:49
logan-nothing stopping us from having multiple separate hosts, it just hasnt been a need to reproduce past issues yet14:50
evrardjpmjwales: IIRC you'd need to say "point to that network" so host_bind_overrides would need to have a nic on the neutron network node (not a bridge) that can be used for passing the br-ex-public things14:51
evrardjpmjwales: oh wait, I think you can pass bridges now14:51
evrardjphave a try14:52
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evrardjplogan-: I'd welcome multi-node testing :)14:52
mjwalesevrardjp: my current deployment is using the bridge with errors such as:  Interface eth20 for physical network physnet1 does not exist. The mapping is {'flat': 'eth12', 'physnet1': 'eth20', 'vlan': 'br-vlan'}. So I am assuming from this I need to create eth20 on the hosts similar to eth12 on the br-vlan?14:54
evrardjpmjwales: I don't have enough information about your openstack_user_config14:54
evrardjpmjwales: did you read the documentation and user guides?14:54
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hwoaranglogan-: i agree but i have never done multinode setup in zuul before so it's not something i can do right now :/14:55
mjwalesevrardjp: yep multiple times. I just think I am missing something or making it more complicated than it is. Happy to stick my openstack_user_config on pastebin?14:55
hwoarangi am hoping that 'check experimental' will be enough to give a green light right now14:55
evrardjpmjwales: yeah14:55
evrardjpmjwales: there are comments in the user guide for the test scenario14:56
evrardjpit's easy to miss14:56
evrardjpbut it's there14:56
evrardjpmjwales: we have changed the model recently to have neutron agents on bare metal now though14:56
evrardjpso there are a few changes that aren't in the docs (yet!)14:56
evrardjpany help is welcomed14:57
mjwalesevrardjp: https://pastebin.com/BZSBt22g. I'm deploying Queens v17.0.7 if that is any help14:58
evrardjpmjwales: L47 you have a host_bind_override of eth1215:00
evrardjpdo you have eth12 on your machine?15:00
evrardjpif not you can wire it15:00
mjwalesyep, ive added that top the br-vlan ifcg file15:00
evrardjpadd this eth12 to your bridge br-ex-public15:00
evrardjpand you're done15:00
evrardjpremove the network br-ex-public15:01
evrardjpour openstack_user_config is now more than ever confusing :p15:02
mjwalesI'm so confused...how does that work?15:02
evrardjpwell keep in mind neutron agents used to be containerized15:02
evrardjpso what did this do:15:02
evrardjpyou added a physical interface on the container, container_interface, named eth12. It was a veth (container_type), plugged into the host in the container_bridge (br-vlan)15:03
evrardjphowever neutron could get things passed like that easily, and we had to implement a hack15:04
evrardjpto say use "eth12" (host_bind_override) on the host15:04
evrardjpas the configuration for neutron physical net (net_name)15:04
evrardjpnowadays, things are simpler, as this would not apply anymore if I am not mistaken15:05
evrardjpmjwales: so remove the first br-vlan that's flat15:05
evrardjpor remove the last one15:06
evrardjpand use the proper host_bind_override to pass to neutron15:06
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mjwalesOkay, think I am finally getting this.15:06
evrardjpdon't forget the net_name15:07
mjwalesI'll go off and have a tinker with the setup following your instructions above. Thanks for all the help :)15:08
evrardjpmjwales: keep in mind of something15:08
evrardjpmjwales: inventory is not something to mess up with, when it's configured15:08
evrardjpso deploy only when you're ready15:09
mjwalesThis is my first openstack-ansible deployment after moving from Fuel. I'll get everything running and then redeploy the entire cloud to ensure it is clean.15:10
logan-hwoarang: any way you could share connection debugging (ansible with -vvvvv) for that failed task?15:10
hwoarangi dont have that anymore i am afraid. but it's nothing special really15:12
hwoarangthe dictionary only contains the host->ip mapping for the physical_host entry. but if you delegate to a container in another host, the mapping for that host is missing so ansible tries to ssh to $hostname for that second host instead of its ip15:13
hwoarangif you dont have DNS or /etc/hosts entry for this second host, then ssh fails due to name resolution probs15:13
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logan-thats what https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins/blob/master/tests/test-connection-plugin.yml#L75-L85 does15:17
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logan-it delegates from https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins/blob/master/tests/inventory#L15-L20 to containers on localhost15:19
hwoarangyeah but it delegates to localhost15:19
hwoarangeverybody can ssh to localhost ;p15:19
hwoarangproblem is if you ssh to a real host you dont know about15:19
hwoarangso we need a test which delegates from a container on localhost to a container to hostA somewhere else15:20
hwoarangdo you understand what i mean?15:20
logan-got it15:20
hwoarangi am about to leave now but i can share logs tomorrow. i can run the opnfv tests again overnight15:20
logan-so the reverse direction of this test (where the source is <otherhost> delegating to localhost)15:20
hwoarangwell no, source can be localhost, destination needs to be somewhere else15:21
logan-err yes15:21
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FrankZhangevrardjp: hey man, just wonder the reason why changing ceph-ansible branch to specific SHA here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/590778/5/ansible-role-requirements.yml15:31
evrardjpFrankZhang: see commit message15:31
FrankZhangcool, saw it when scroll down a bit15:33
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openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotjagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_horizon master: Implements custom theme distribution  https://review.openstack.org/58631815:34
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotjagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_horizon master: Implements custom theme distribution  https://review.openstack.org/58631815:35
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotjagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_horizon master: Implements custom theme distribution  https://review.openstack.org/58631815:36
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evrardjpmnaser: thanks for the work on publishing ceilometer on PyPI :)15:48
evrardjpmnaser: do you know what's not published on PyPI yet?15:48
mnaserevrardjp: im not sure, i know a bunch of other major ones are15:49
mnasermordred was working on some of that15:49
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* mnaser is worried about highlighting everyone for the meting15:50
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bgmccollumif they didn't want to be highlighted, then wouldn't have put their name in the wiki15:53
evrardjpmnaser: don't be, do it!15:53
evrardjpbgmccollum: that's fair15:53
* mnaser holds breath15:54
mnasercloudnull, DimGR, andymccr, d34dh0r53, hughsaunders, b3rnard0, palendae, odyssey4me, serverascode, rromans, erikmwilson, mancdaz, _shaps_, BjoernT, claco, echiu, dstanek, jwagner, ayoung, prometheanfire, evrardjp, arbrandes, scarlisle, luckyinva, ntt, javeriak, spotz, vdo, jmccrory, alextricity25, jasondotstar, admin0, michaelgugino, ametts, bgmccollum, darrenc, JRobinson__, colinmcnamara, thorst, adreznec, eil397,15:54
mnaserqwang,nishpatwa_, cathrichardson, drifterza, hwoarang, cshen, ullbeking, Tahvok, mnaser, nicolasbock, jrosser15:54
mnasermeeting in 5 minutes!15:54
bgmccollumthat wasn't so bad, was it?15:54
evrardjpbgmccollum: I know the next volunteer for running the meeting :D15:55
* bgmccollum backs slowly away15:55
evrardjpbgmccollum: thanks for being so frequently there -- I appreciate it :)15:55
spotzSo aparently we're missing a freenode bot in the channel which is why we can ping:)15:55
evrardjpcores, it would be nice if we continue the rotation of meeting chairs15:56
evrardjpor anyone, not just cores :)15:56
noonedeadpunkas meeting in several minutes I have 1 quick question - how to add smth to agenda? I didn't find a link to etherpad on wiki. Or it's closed? I don't need to add anything right now, but still15:59
mnaseryou can edit the wiki page noonedeadpunk16:00
evrardjpyou need to be logged in to see the wiki edit button16:00
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evrardjpthe wiki link is on the topic of this chan16:00
mnaser#startmeeting openstack_ansible_meeting16:01
openstackMeeting started Tue Aug 14 16:01:23 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is mnaser. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.16:01
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:01
openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'openstack_ansible_meeting'16:01
noonedeadpunkevrardjp: yep, but the question was about agenda location16:01
mnaser#topic rollcall16:01
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mnaser#topic last week highlights16:02
mnaseri apologize, i missed the last meeting, could anyone update on which are stale items and which were added?16:03
mnaserinside https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/openstack-ansible#Meeting_section_.22Last_week_highlights.2216:03
evrardjpI haven't changed those sorry16:03
mnaserno worries, they all seem somewhat still relevant16:03
evrardjplet me update them real quick16:03
mnaserjrosser: has put in a whole lot of work on bionic16:04
mnaserstill hacking around https://review.openstack.org/#/c/591287/ afaik16:04
jrossero/ its very close - i have a review for enabling a nv test on the integrated build which gets as far as the usual tempest fail16:05
evrardjpmnaser: updated.16:05
mnaserplease help with reviews and any work that jrosser needs help with.16:05
mnasernext: leap15 doesnt seem to have progressed, it would be good to get some updates to know if we're close or not, because we have these always failing jobs16:06
mnaserso we want to be good citizens of infra and avoid having a forever failing job16:06
evrardjpmnaser: there was issues in infra on leap 15, and mariadb started to move this morning16:07
mnaserokay cool, so we have progress so that's awesome16:07
evrardjpso it's slowly progressing16:07
mnaserevrardjp: RC1 published. Branching happened, but we need a freeze in OSA. I am tracking this.16:07
guilhermespWe also have the transient issues with cinder. I didnt take a deep look into it yet. But a intend to do16:07
mnasersounds good16:08
guilhermespIm on mobile, so I wont find the patch easily16:08
evrardjpguilhermesp: maybe the fix jrosser is helping. It helped me at least. But we need to track if this happens again.16:08
mnaseri assume the freeze is https://review.openstack.org/#/c/590503/16:08
evrardjpbut that's a good highlight, thanks guilhermesp !16:08
evrardjpmnaser: yes16:09
mnaserso it looks like it's going through the gates right now16:09
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mnaserand then16:09
mnaserevrardjp: please fill this etherpad https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/osa-stein-ptg16:09
evrardjpmnaser: indeed. The extra part will be to check when tempest is released16:09
evrardjpthen we can use tempest from pypi in stable/rocky16:09
mnaserevrardjp: solid!16:09
mnaserif you're attending (or not) the ptg, please add topic discussions.  i would love for us to find a way to get folks who cant make it up in a google hangout or something16:10
evrardjpand last, is we fix ceph-ansible, which hwoarang has a patch for16:10
evrardjpmnaser: ++16:10
evrardjpplease add your conversations, questions, or anything there.16:10
mnaseri think it would probably be good to send an email out if anyone isn't around to see that, but ive been trying to push it on irc here and there16:10
mnaserif we don't have any other things, we can jump to bug triage16:11
evrardjpI will send the email16:12
mnaserevrardjp: cool, thank you16:12
mnaser#topic bug triage16:12
mnaser#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/178629216:12
openstackLaunchpad bug 1786292 in openstack-ansible "Integration of swift api with ceph RGW" [Critical,New]16:12
jrosseri have some work on go-faster which we could talk about at the ned16:12
guilhermespI will be afk, read the logs later. Seeya16:12
mnaserguilhermesp: take care16:12
mnaserjrosser: please if you can! :)16:13
mnaserthat is *not* a critical bug16:13
bgmccollumMy reading is a misunderstanding between swift and radosgw / ceph16:13
mnaserbgmccollum: i kinda agree.16:13
mnaser"swift is still not using Ceph"16:13
bgmccollumit never will16:13
bgmccollum*well, maybe not never*16:13
andymccrhe might mean swiftcli - but that is probably because it has 2 endpoints of the same type and may be default picking the first one (swift)16:13
prometheanfirenever is a long time16:14
mnaseryeah both ceph and swift are deployed which is never right16:14
mnaser*ceph radosgw and swift16:14
jrosserthis is a user story16:14
jrosserbecasue there is subtlety here if you want to so S3 and swift at the same time16:14
* jrosser adds to todo list16:15
prometheanfireI could see using both, but very rarely16:15
jrosseri mean those things served up by ceph/radosgw16:15
mnaserwell right now its the swift client probably not sure about which endpoint to use16:15
mnaserso i think the issue here is that a) you cant run both swift and ceph radosgw (at least, not suppoted and tested by OSA)16:16
mnaserand i think that's it considering we don't own ceph-ansible playbooks and they create all the things16:16
andymccrwe create the endpoints etc16:17
andymccrbut yeah having multiple endpoints of the same type wont work as expected.16:17
mnaserandymccr: oh, well in that case maybe we should ensure: absent for the swift endpoints if radosgw is being deployed?16:17
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mnaserit might flip flop if someone wants to deploy swift and ceph, but that's them doing something wrong16:17
mnaseror maybe have the swift playbook die if radosgw is enabled and vice versa16:17
andymccrmnaser, i think we just change the port if swift exists (to 7980) - maybe we shouldn't setup the endpoints? or we should put it in a different region16:18
andymccrthat feels like a hack to get it to work though - i feel like if you really want that your use case is quite specific and you should probably dictate how we do that16:18
mnaserandymccr: i agree.16:18
andymccrin this case i think there is confusion for sure though16:19
mnaserso what do we feel like setting this too16:19
bgmccollumi think the intent needs to be understood. if he though swift had to be deloyed to get the Swift API backed by Ceph (radosgw), then maybe a documentation addition to clear up the confusion...?16:19
andymccr^ yeah - we should ask for more info/feedback16:19
mnaserbgmccollum: could you comment for more info?16:20
mnaserthank you bgmccollum16:21
mnaserbgmccollum: you can put the status to incomplete too16:21
mnaser#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/178559216:22
openstackLaunchpad bug 1785592 in openstack-ansible "dynamic inventory doesn't handle is_metal: false->true change" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Kevin Carter (kevin-carter)16:22
mnaserthat does seem like a very plausable bug16:23
mnaseri think its because the inventory is not removed16:23
chandankumarevrardjp: hello16:23
evrardjpchandankumar: hello, we are in bug triage meeting, can this wait?16:23
chandankumarevrardjp: sure16:23
mnaseri guess it's already assigned to cloudnull16:24
mnaseri will put this as confirmed because i know its actually an issue16:24
mnaser#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/178538616:26
openstackLaunchpad bug 1785386 in openstack-ansible "Integration of Swift and Manila with Openstack-ansible having Ceph backend?" [Wishlist,New]16:26
mnaserlooks like this was taken care of last time by spotz16:27
mnaserstatus is still new thats probably why it showed up16:27
mnaserso we can do confirmed/wishlist16:27
mnaserseems okay?16:28
spotzYeah sorry!16:28
mnasernext up16:28
mnaser#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/178536516:28
openstackLaunchpad bug 1785365 in openstack-ansible "LXC container network slow because of kernel debug mesg" [Undecided,New]16:28
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evrardjpthanks spotz16:29
evrardjp(sorry for the lag)16:29
mnaser"Later i found iptables checksum-fill for port 80 rule was causing all issue."16:29
mnaserlooks like it's a user issue?16:29
evrardjpI think I fixed that.16:29
evrardjpit's both an user issue and a default thing for an AIO16:29
evrardjpI've pushed something, and it has a release note for users.16:30
evrardjpmaybe I used the wrong Fixes-Bug.16:30
mnaserevrardjp: got a link to include as a comment to that bug?16:30
spotzwow that reminds me of something we found and fixed 2 years ago16:30
evrardjpmy bad, none: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/589463/16:30
evrardjpmnaser: sorry for that.16:30
evrardjpyeah will do16:31
mnaserevrardjp: it's all good16:31
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mnaserperfect thank you16:33
mnaser#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/178488016:33
openstackLaunchpad bug 1784880 in openstack-ansible "Pike to queen upgrade neutron issue " [Undecided,New]16:33
mnaseri think this is a duplicate of the earlier one16:34
mnaserduplicate of 1785592 i think16:34
evrardjpchecking 1785592then16:35
evrardjpnot so sure if it's a duplicate16:35
evrardjpbut they are all linked to moving to bare metal16:35
evrardjpthis work was not fully QA-ed16:36
mnaserits an upgrade16:36
mnaserpike => queens took agents to baremetal16:36
mnaserso i think the same thing happened16:36
bgmccollumsounds similar to me16:36
evrardjpthey are similar16:36
evrardjpthat's the right term16:36
evrardjpthe context is the same, not sure what's the root cause16:36
evrardjpbut indeed if the inventory is wrong, it could lead to issues in the upgrade.16:37
mnaseri think its a duplicate imho16:37
mnaserits happening because is_metal changes and our inventory doesnt delete the old containers16:38
evrardjplet's mark it duplicate16:38
evrardjpI am fine with the duplicate.16:38
mnaser#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/178366816:38
openstackLaunchpad bug 1783668 in openstack-ansible "Playbook openstack-service-setup does not run on MNAIO" [Undecided,New]16:38
mnaseri dunno anything about that bug at all16:39
jrosseridk why that would be different from a regular deploy16:40
mnaserMNAIO is multinode all in one.. the one in -ops repo?16:40
jrosserthe playbooks must have been able to target the utility container during the deploy so thats probably a reasonbly obvious error somewhere16:40
jrosserodyssey4me has been working on the mnaio recently16:41
evrardjpjrosser: well I have asked questions16:41
mnaseri think thats good16:41
evrardjpwe'll see16:41
mnaserthat comment should get us somewhere from there16:41
mnaserdo we wanna mark incomplete in the meantime or?16:42
mnasersounds good16:43
mnaser#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/178342316:43
openstackLaunchpad bug 1783423 in openstack-ansible "Flush all of the cache in memcached issue" [Undecided,New]16:43
mnaserwhy dont we just use the variables from inventory?16:44
mnaseras in those 216:45
evrardjpwe should16:47
evrardjpbut how do we load those?16:47
evrardjpas this is not in the group16:47
evrardjpand probably overriden16:47
mnaserevrardjp: dont we run this playbook with openstack-ansible ?16:47
evrardjpit's in group vars16:47
evrardjpso we can now16:47
evrardjpyeah replacing with variables should be the right decision16:48
mnasergreat so confirmed/medium and add a comment mentioning we can use that instead of regex?16:48
evrardjpI have to go16:48
evrardjpsorry to skip the end of the meeting. ttyl everyone!16:48
mnaser#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/178238816:49
openstackLaunchpad bug 1782388 in openstack-ansible "Installing Multipath But Not Enabling In Nova Causes Volume Attachment Failures" [Undecided,New]16:49
mnaserall yours bgmccollum :P16:50
bgmccollumlast comment sums up findings...16:50
bgmccollumHere is what I've discovered...16:50
bgmccollumIf multipath-tools is installed (which is now the default), then nova.conf *MUST* have `iscsi_use_multipath = True` set in nova.conf, or attachments won't work. If your compute hosts are also volume hosts (meaning, multipath is installed and running), then you *MUST* have `use_multipath_for_image_xfer = True` set in cinder.conf under [lvm], or volume migration won't work.16:50
bgmccollumIf the volume and instance are on the same host, then attachments aren't an issue...16:51
mnaserbgmccollum: so is this possibly a nova/cinder issue?16:51
bgmccollumbut im no expert, and would really like to see if someone else experiences these same issues16:51
mnaseri dont really know much about multipathing and lvm/cinder :(16:52
bgmccollumattachments failing doesn't manifest when the volume and instance are on the same host...which is how the gate is setup...16:53
bgmccollumso, need someone with a real deployment with volume / compute co-located16:53
bgmccollumusing lvm/iscsi16:53
mnaseri think we dont use multipath in the gate too.. i think?16:54
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bgmccollumits installed by default16:54
mnaseri'm not sure i can be much help16:54
mnaserid like to keep the bug as 'new', maybe next meeting we'll have more people16:55
bgmccollumno worries...16:55
mnaser#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/177858616:55
openstackLaunchpad bug 1778586 in openstack-ansible "aio_lxc fails on openSUSE Leap 42.3: package conflict between gettext and gettext-runtime" [Medium,Incomplete] - Assigned to Jean-Philippe Evrard (jean-philippe-evrard)16:55
mnaseri set that as medium/incomplete as it seems to have already been assigned and worked on16:55
mnaser#topic open discussion16:56
mnaserwe have a few minutes :)16:56
jrosseri've been thinking about how to "go faster", this is my braindump16:57
jrossersome could be nonsense, some worthwhile, and i wanted to show this as it's background to some of my reviews, like the eatmydata stuff16:57
mnaseri like these ideas16:58
mnasermitogen has a really interesting way of being able to delegate to lxc containers16:58
mnaserso we avoid our whole custom connection plugin magic16:58
jrosseri have an AIO+mitogen which gets as far as keystone16:58
mnaserbe fun to hack on that16:59
jrosserwhich for pretty much just switching it on is excellent16:59
jrosserdw: ^ nice work!16:59
mnaseranyone would like to volunteer for running next weeks meeting?16:59
mnaseri guess not, i'll run next weeks :)17:00
mnaserthanks everyone!!17:01
openstackMeeting ended Tue Aug 14 17:01:08 2018 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)17:01
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack_ansible_meeting/2018/openstack_ansible_meeting.2018-08-14-16.01.html17:01
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack_ansible_meeting/2018/openstack_ansible_meeting.2018-08-14-16.01.txt17:01
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Add Redhat to the ELK deployment capabilities  https://review.openstack.org/59146717:06
dwmnaser: as we're discovering over on #mitogen, it's not working quite well in combination with delegate_to at present :) i'm digging through this evening to figure out precisely how it's supposed to work17:15
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jamesdentonIf installing OSA on SUSE, is OpenSUSE 42.x the way to go, or is 15 good?17:18
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openstackgerritJames Denton proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron master: Adds networking-ovn support  https://review.openstack.org/58406717:27
cloudnulljamesdenton 42.317:31
openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Update curator to better metric storage  https://review.openstack.org/59179817:32
openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Update curator to better metric storage  https://review.openstack.org/59179817:34
cjloaderanyone seenn this when deploying master to an mnaio?17:36
cjloaderfatal: [infra1]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "python2 /opt/get-pip.py\n $(which pip2 || which pip) install setuptools pycrypto pyyaml", "delta": "0:00:00.011988", "end": "2018-08-14 11:53:27.308375", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2018-08-14 11:53:27.296387", "stderr": "python2: can't open file '/opt/get-pip.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory\ninstall: target 'pyyam17:37
cjloaderl' is not a directory", "stderr_lines": ["python2: can't open file '/opt/get-pip.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory", "install: target 'pyyaml' is not a directory"]17:37
openstackgerritJames Denton proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron master: Adds networking-ovn support  https://review.openstack.org/58406717:37
cjloader[Get pip2 and pw gen deps]17:39
openstackgerritTaseer Ahmed proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_blazar master: Fix functional tests for Blazar  https://review.openstack.org/57138817:41
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openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Update curator to better metric storage  https://review.openstack.org/59179817:49
cloudnullcjloader seems like pyyaml is not installed ?17:50
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openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Update curator to better metric storage  https://review.openstack.org/59179818:03
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jamesdentoncloudnull I hear you havin' namespace issues18:24
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openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron master: Ensure that the neutron services are not in a privatetmp  https://review.openstack.org/59182118:33
cloudnulljamesdenton yes I did18:33
cloudnullbut that should help that18:33
cjloaderperhaps this breaks mnaio? https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-ops/commit/241837fc9f8efc0366612df024e65e031c44426918:41
openstackgerritAndy Smith proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: [WIP] Add qdrouterd role for messaging backend deployment  https://review.openstack.org/57026118:54
cloudnullif folks have a momenbt to review https://review.openstack.org/#/q/starredby:cloudnull+status:open,n,z18:55
cloudnullthat'd be greatly appreciated.18:55
cloudnulland should help resolve some of the issues we've seen with neutron18:55
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cloudnullthanks jamesdenton for helping track that issue down18:55
cloudnull -cc evrardjp jrosser18:55
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jamesdentoncloudnull sure. Sorry I hadn't mentioned it - actually wanted to try and validate before bringing it up just hadn't gotten around to it18:56
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cloudnullsuper helpful.18:56
cloudnulljrosser / evrardjp were running into this today and in testing locally I suspect this is one of the main reasons we've been seeing flakiness in the gate.18:57
cloudnullespecially with newer kernels18:57
jamesdentonahh. Yeah I only noticed it recently - but lots of factors in my environment - 4.15, Rocky and master18:58
mjwalesEvening guys, sorry to be a pain but I am still having issues getting networking up and running on a clean deployment. On my three infra nodes I have br-ex-public which provides access to my external network - this is configured in the provider_networks as flat with a net_name of physnet1 and set to group_binds network_hosts. When os-neutron-install.yml runs it adds physnet1:eth20 to the linuxbridge_agent.ini on the compute no19:00
mjwalesdes which do not have a br-ex-public bridge.19:00
jamesdentonhey mjwales - sorry for the trouble19:01
jamesdentoncan you post your openstack_user_config.yml at http://paste.openstack.org?19:02
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mjwaleshttp://paste.openstack.org/show/728034/ - thanks in advance :)19:04
cloudnulljamesdenton yea the newer kernels allow for more of those private options19:06
mjwalesThe error in the neutron-linuxbridge-agent.log is : ERROR neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.linuxbridge.agent.linuxbridge_neutron_agent [-] Interface eth20 for physical network physnet1 does not exist. Agent terminated!. But i cannot see how eth20 can exist on the compute nodes as they do not have access to my external network19:08
jamesdentonYou're right, it doesn't exist. But the generated config set the mapping to physnet1:eth2019:09
jamesdentonCouple of things here that can be a little confusing, so bear with me19:10
openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Update curator to better metric storage  https://review.openstack.org/59179819:11
jamesdentoncontainer_bridge is a linux bridge on the physical host that will connect to the respective lxc container(s). On a compute node, that same value will be used for the Neutron provider mapping by default (e.g. physnet1:br-vlan). The linuxbridge agent will then create subinterfaces off br-vlan for any neutron (vlan) provider network. For VLAN 50, the result would be br-vlan.50 in a brq linux bridge configured by neutron.19:14
jamesdentonIf host_bind_override is specified, the value is used *instead* - so it would use the named interface rather than the value for container_bridge.19:15
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openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_octavia master: Enable event streamer and provisioning status sync for V1 API  https://review.openstack.org/59182919:17
jamesdentonMost environments are good to keep the 'br-vlan' provider mapping, and let neutron create the subinterfaces when you create the provider network. I wouldn't usually bother with a flat network.19:17
jamesdentoncontainer_interface is the interface name *inside* the LXC container and doesn't apply to computes19:17
mjwalesI have two external networks that provide public (i.e. internet facing floating IPs) and private (i.e. on campus floating IPs) I couldn't see how to achieve this without creating other provider networks?19:18
jamesdentonDo you have one NIC?19:18
jamesdentonwith multiple VLANs for these provider networks? Or are they on different NICs?19:19
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mjwalesInfra nodes have 3x10G NICs and compute have 2x10G NICs. For the infra nodes 2x10G NICs are bonded and provide br-mgmt, br-storage, br-vlan, br-vxlan the remaining NIC is connected to our campus network and has two bridges br-ex (for horizon dashboard access) and currently br-ex-public to try anf get the public floating IPs working. For the compute nodes the 2x10G NICs are bonded and provide br-mgmt, br-storage, br-vlan and br19:21
mjwalesDoes that make sense?19:22
mjwalesThe two external networks are on different tagged VLANs provided by our campus network team accessible from the NIC on the infra nodes.19:23
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jamesdentonSo, usually br-vlan is configured to contain a single interface or bond. On an infra node, the neutron_agents container is connected to br-vlan. In your case, the interface inside that container would be named eth12. The eth10 interface would be connected to br-vlan. When you create the provider network, let's say VLAN 50, neutron would create an interface named eth12.50 and connect it to a linux bridge named19:28
jamesdenton 'brqXXXXXX' along with the qgXXXXX interface it created for the router. This configuration is unique to OSA, in a way, since we introduce this LXC container. The second Neutron provider network you create, VLAN 100, would have a corresponding automatically-created interface named 'eth12.100' that is connected to a different brqYYYYY bridge and a different qg interface for a different router. (routers can only19:28
jamesdenton connect to a single external/floating ip network)19:28
jamesdentonFor the tenant network side, it would go one of two ways: 1) you create a vlan project/tenant network (vlan 2000). On the compute, br-vlan would be connected to a bond, and br-vlan.2000 would be created automagically and connected to the corresponding brqZZZZZZ bridge for the project network. If you specify host_bind_override as bond1, then bond1.2000 would be used instead of br-vlan.200019:29
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jamesdentonAnyway - multiple VLANs would be configured to use the provider label of physnet119:29
jamesdentonit's rare when you need more than one "provider" interface or mapping19:30
jamesdentonclear as mud19:30
mjwalesOkay, but I don't actually see the VLANs from OpenStack19:30
jamesdentonwhich vlans19:30
mjwalesThe external networks which provide floating IPs19:31
jamesdentonWell, you have to create those using the API.19:31
jamesdentonand when you create the network, use --provider-physical-network physnet119:32
jamesdentonthat label maps to eth12 inside neutron agent containers and right now, eth20 on computes19:32
jamesdentonbut that would need to be addressed19:32
mjwalesSo on the compute nodes in my current setup it is complaining about eth20. I resolved the errors on the infra nodes by adding br-ex-pub-veth to the br-ex-public bridge with a peer of eth2019:36
mjwalesThe compute nodes don't have a br-ex-public...how would I create the veth eth20?19:36
jamesdentoni think that's unnecessary here. I assume your bond is setup as a trunk, right? And they've given you the VLAN ID's you'll need to use?19:37
mjwalesNope, don't have VLAN IDs. We are moving from a Fuel architecture where both the external networks were configured as flat networks on separate bridges19:37
jamesdentonbut those underlying bridges would have had some kind of vlan-tagged interface in them?19:38
jamesdentonyou only get one untagged vlan per physical interface19:38
bgmccollummjwales, jamesdenton i think the `group_binds` for your `br-ex-public` provider_network config might be wrong...19:40
bgmccollumnot targeting the compute hosts19:40
bgmccollumor rather neutron_linuxbridge_agent hosts19:40
mjwalesThat is the weird thing there is no vlan-tagged interface in the previous configuration. I can literally assign an IP from both the VLANs on the same interface and it magically works19:41
jamesdentondo you happen to have the output if 'ip addr show' and/or 'brctl show' on the Fuel setup? Or if it was ovs, then 'ovs-vsctl show'?19:42
jamesdentonthis cat can be skinned a few ways. My way or the wrong way.19:43
mjwalesThe fuel setup got killed to move to OSA19:43
jamesdentonheh ok19:43
jamesdentonwhat is connected to your 'br-vlan' bridge on the infra? what physical interface?19:44
jamesdentonWhat other interfaces are in there at the moment?19:45
mjwalesSo on the infra nodes I have bond0 and enp59s0f0. enp59s0f0 is connected to our University network19:46
mjwalesOn the compute nodes I just have bond019:47
mjwalesOn all the nodes bond0 provides br-mgmt, br-storage, br-vlan and br-vxlan19:47
jamesdentonok, thats fine. what interface do you have in br-mgmt then? bond0.X?19:48
jamesdentonand do you happen to know what the switchport config looks like19:48
mjwalesNot for the enp59s0f0 uplink as that is centrally managed. br-mgmt is on bond0.1019:49
jamesdentonk. So if your former external networks were both flat, but both using bond0, there had to have been some network magic there. Have you tried removing the new "br-ex-public" provider network and creating a single flat network with one of the subnets?19:54
mjwalesI can give it a go. All I've tried so far is the config I pasted. The eth20 errors on the compute nodes is what got me19:56
jamesdentonunderstandable. That can be resolved by removing host_bind_override: "eth20" on line 77 of that pastebin you sent and rerunning the os-neutron-install playbook19:58
jamesdentonThen it would expect a bridge named 'br-ex-public'19:59
mjwalesYeah that's the problem that bridge cannot exist on the compute nodes as they do not have access to the network19:59
jamesdentonwell the bridge can exist, but it doesn't need to be connected to anything.19:59
mjwalesOkay so simply create a bridge not linked to anything and neutron will be happy :)20:00
jamesdentonyes - just to get over the hump20:00
jamesdentonthere may be a better way to do it, just need a little more info/time20:00
bgmccollumis there a group_binds that only targets the agents container on the infra hosts? ignoring the compute hosts?20:00
jamesdentoncan you use 'not' there? i don't know20:01
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mjwalesbgmcollum: I couldn't find anything that gave me that. The docs said to refer to the files in env.d for more info but on my git clone I only have three files iin env.d20:01
bgmccollumall the various groups confuse me...never learned them all..20:01
bgmccollumlet me inspect the inventory of my deployment...20:02
jamesdentonthis is good blog post material. good excuse to figure it all out20:02
mjwalesOur deployment is a bit weird as our cloud is used for teaching and research. The researchers generally needs IPs that are accessible from the internet but we want private (campus only) IPs for the students so it is less risky.20:03
bgmccollum`neutron_agents_container` might be the correct group_binds20:05
bgmccollum| neutron_agents_container      | qct01_neutron_agents_container-d7034820      |20:05
bgmccollum|                               | qct03_neutron_agents_container-750547e1      |20:05
bgmccollum|                               | qct02_neutron_agents_container-df700103      |20:05
jamesdentonmjwales totally doable. looks like bgmccollum has you set. good luck20:06
mjwalesI'll give it a go and report back (most likely be tomorrow as it is starting to get a little late and I've been looking at this for 14 hours). Thanks for all the help, it is greatly appreciated :)20:06
jrosserjamesdenton: i struugled hugely with the same issues mjwales is having20:07
mjwalesjrosser: please don't say that. my scheduled downtime runs out a week thursday and the cloud needs to be back up and fully functional20:07
jrossersetting up dedicated network nodes with dedicated external interfaces using osa user_config / provider_networks is very hard20:08
jrosseri ended up ignoring all that and just wiring the neutron config in manually in group_vars20:08
jrosserimho the documentation could really do with an example of nicely segregated external networks that only go to network nodes20:09
mjwalesAs a newcomer to this I have struggled with the documentation around everything. Be happy to help contribute what I have learned20:10
jrosserlikewise as ive had to really do my own thing here20:11
spotzmjwales: Once you're back to a happy state I can help get you set up and going on that:)20:13
bgmccollumroot@qct01:/opt/openstack-ansible# ./scripts/inventory-manage.py -G20:13
bgmccollumhelps to demystify which group contains which hosts / containers20:13
bgmccollumknown which is the right groups is the fun part20:14
mjwalesspotz: great was thinking today I'd like to get involved with OSA and adding to the docs seems like a good way to start20:14
spotzmjwales: Getting folks started is my specialty:)20:14
jamesdentonjrosser i can work on some docs later this week / next week. different scenarios and whatnot. mjwales you're welcome to lend a hand, too, or i can contribute to whatever you put together.20:17
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jamesdentonoff to cub scouts... good luck and ttyl!20:18
jrosserim happy to share my config - even happier to be shown how i should have done it!20:18
jamesdentonplease do! will hit you up20:18
jrossercool thanks20:18
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openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/ansible-role-systemd_service master: Set private sandbox options to false by default  https://review.openstack.org/59184320:24
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openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Update curator to better metric storage  https://review.openstack.org/59179820:45
cloudnullany cores around want to give https://review.openstack.org/#/c/591843 a push forward20:49
spotzjamesdenton mjwales jrosser - I love team work:)20:54
spotzcloudnull: looking20:54
FrankZhangsystemd service role were executed twice here, which eventually cause "ERROR! A worker was found in a dead state" https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron/blob/master/tasks/neutron_post_install.yml#L18320:55
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ansible-role-systemd_service master: Set private sandbox options to false by default  https://review.openstack.org/59184321:06
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cloudnullthanks spotz logan-21:25
openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: [WIP] Replace tempest with healthchecks  https://review.openstack.org/58754421:25
spotzcloudnull: NP21:25
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openstackgerritAntony Messerli proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Allow for Swift Leap Upgrade to be skipped  https://review.openstack.org/59105321:27
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openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Update curator to better metric storage  https://review.openstack.org/59179822:25
openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Update curator to better metric storage  https://review.openstack.org/59179822:37
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