Saturday, 2020-07-18

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admin0there is no openstack command in util container .. ran playbooks multiple times10:32
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watersjadmin0, /openstack/venvs/utility-20.1.2/bin/openstack ?11:48
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jrosseradmin0: it should be like this
admin0this is what I get
admin0i had to manually pip install python-openstackclient python-heatclient to test it12:24
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admin0i am trying to use flat networking for the first time :D12:46
admin0in 8 years of using openstack12:46
admin0and struggling to make it work :)12:47
admin0i see a tap and a bridge .. but that bridge is not a part of br-vlan12:47
admin0or the flat interface12:47
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admin0i used this guide to add the network
jrosseradmin0: the openstack clients are installed into the utility venv, not directly into the utility container with pip12:57
jrosserif they are missing from the venv something has gone wrong with the venv build12:57
jrosserfor flat networking the AIO uses one via 'eth12' for a flat provider network12:58
admin0its not an aio though13:00
admin01 controller and 2 compute13:01
admin0and i received zero errors or issues when i lauched the playbooks .. ran it 2-3 times just to make sure i get no issues13:01
admin0give me a moment to paste all my configs and what i see13:01
jrosserthe AIO is an example of hanging something like eth12 off of br-vlan in order to create a interface for a flat network13:02
jrosserneutron needs an interface iirc13:02
admin0  is what I have so far13:08
admin0the end of the file is the bridge and tap that i see in the instance13:08
admin0i was hoping that that either the tap interface tapce0c32e7-0c  or the bridge brq8f97f029-de would be attached/bridged to either br-vlan or enp1s0f013:21
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admin0jrosser, any ideas what could be wrong in my implementation14:03
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jrossermaybe check the neutron ml2 agent config files on each host contain the physical network mappings you expect14:18
admin0it does . physical_interface_mappings = vlan:br-vlan,flat:eno1 in h1 and physical_interface_mappings = flat:enp1s0f0,vlan:br-vlan in h214:20
admin0it looks correct14:20
npalladiumjrosser: Unable to reproduce the chroot apt key bug I brought up yesterday on the same environment; leaving it for now.14:41
admin0jrosser, is trunk ( neutron plugin) required for flat ?14:48
admin0restarting neutron-linuxbridge-agent with debug on produces this: . i can't seem to find any odd stuff14:48
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admin0in flat networking, what is router:external value ?15:54
admin0true, false, internal15:54
admin0mine is currently as: | router:external           | Internal |15:55
admin0maybe that is the issue15:55
arkanadmin0: where are you defining these values ?15:56
admin0arkan, my flat netowrking is not working,  so i am trying to troubleshoot15:56
admin0that is what i see:
admin0the issue i have now is ...  the tap interface is on a bridge, but that bridge is not connected to anywhere15:57
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arkanfrom what I had in my deployment, if I use 'flat' type in my network_providers in openstack_user_config.yml, and I use bridge without using host_bind_override, I will get error saying can not enslave the bridge15:58
arkanhow is your openstack_user_config.yml ?15:59
admin0because my c1 , h1 and n2 have differnet network interfaces i have to use the env/conf overrides16:01
arkanline 137 & line 146 they are using the same net_name16:03
arkanalso line 15516:03
admin0yes .. they should be .. right16:03
admin0the overide is for line 135, 144 and 15316:03
admin0where i am saying what flat should be mapped to int he 3 hosts16:04
admin0the mapping is correct16:04
arkanand did you use reference it in user_variables ?16:05
admin0user variable is Line 56-8416:06
admin0the override is supposed to do this: grep -i flat /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/linuxbridge_agent.ini => physical_interface_mappings = vlan:br-vlan,flat:eno116:07
admin0so its doing it correctly16:07
admin0mapping flat: to eno1 in h116:07
admin0and similarly to the correct interface in h2 and c116:07
arkanfor example line 258, which net_flat will use ?16:09
admin0--provider-physical-network flat16:10
admin0it will use flat16:10
admin0and then based on what hypervisor it is, the flat will map correspond to what is in linuxbridge-agent.ini mapping16:10
arkantbh, I did not see multiple repeated name for net_name in my current journey with openstack, just I have a doubt about it16:13
admin0in my case, in h2, br-vlan is on top of enp1s0f0 , in h1  br-vlan is on top of eno116:13
arkanfor the configs, that I saw, they used different names16:13
admin0they are mapping to different host groups16:14
arkanI know16:14
arkanbut you can use different names16:14
admin0there are 3 entries, but they are not repeated, they target h1_hosts, c1_hsots and h2_hosts16:14
admin0i cannot16:14
admin0because flat means it has to be flat networking16:14
arkanand use openstack network create and reference that name16:14
admin0that is exactly what i am doing16:14
admin0the issue is not int he mapping16:14
admin0the issue is i think i don't know how to add a flat network16:14
admin0it created a tap and a bridge and waiting for me to create a router .. while i want it to plug in directly to the "flat" interface16:15
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arkancheck this for example16:17
arkanopenstack network create --share --provider-physical-network provider \16:17
arkan  --provider-network-type flat provider116:17
arkanthe net_name: provider16:17
arkanbut it's of type 'flat'16:17
arkanadmin0: check this16:19
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arkanthe net_name: "physnet1" but it's of type: "flat"16:19
admin0yes .. in our case the net_name is flat16:19
arkanadmin0: and you used the same name in other provider_networks:16:20
arkanI'm not so sure about it but maybe some of the masters out there will give his words16:20
admin0the net_name: flat is only 3 times .. in c1_hosts, h1_hosts and h2_hosts16:21
arkanyes, maybe there is another issue, I'm not so sure16:21
arkanand from what I know, the tap interface is related to the vm in nova16:22
arkanthe containers they have interfaces like 3324a822_eth1 or 349477fa_eth0 bound to bridges16:23
admin0what containers ?16:23
arkanlxc containers16:24
arkanthey are connected through veth16:24
admin0in a flat connection, where the instance is plugged in directly to the host interface, i am not sure where the containers come into play16:25
arkanI was talking about tap the first part16:25
admin0maybe i can fake it and use br-vlan to send tagged vlan 1 , which is default in the switch :D16:26
arkanI said that it's related to the vm not containers16:26
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admin0arkan, my mistake in understanding this :)18:23
admin0i thought flat will give me a direct dhcp ip to the instances18:23
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admin0in the config, flat is bind to neutron_linuxbridge_agent  .. but in my config, it does not have that18:33
admin0have to ask jrosser when he is around18:33
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admin0flat_networks =  (null ) .. missing18:53
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admin0how to have neutron server on the controller node, but have neutron agents on the compute node19:11
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