Monday, 2021-07-26

*** rpittau|afk is now known as rpittau07:55
jrosserchandankumar: do you know what the docker error on tripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone here is about?08:50
admin1morning 08:59
admin1does AIO add  a object service if ceph is used ? 08:59
chandankumarjrosser: checking09:37
opendevreviewchandan kumar proposed openstack/ansible-role-python_venv_build master: Add distro/arch to requirements file path
chandankumarjrosser: will fix it, added Depends-On the above patch09:46
jrosserchandankumar: excellent - thanks for taking a look10:02
spatelnoonedeadpunk morning12:39
spatelcould you explain this - add this variable somewhere in group_vars in the integrated repo to align with haproxy_ssl_all_vips ?12:41
spateljrosser what is going on here -
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_barbican stable/victoria: Allow to symlink barbican_user_libraries
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-rabbitmq_server stable/victoria: Bump rabbitmq version
jnamdarHi everyone o/14:38
jnamdarSome of my hosts in my deployment eventually get filled with logs, is there a builtin OSA task to clean them up? I run lxc containers14:39
jrosserjnamdar: which logs are these?15:34
b1tsh1ft3rSorry in advance for the somewhat open ended question. Is there a default playbook that will roll out logging to the syslog container properly from scratch? Logging is broken entirely across our cluster on the Train release and local logging of services is only seen within journalctl and no where on file in /var/log on controllers or compute nodes.16:05
jnamdarjrosser: IIRC the logs of every lxc container in /var/lib/lxc 16:08
jrosserjnamdar: i don't see any logs here in /var/lib/lxc for Victoria?16:09
jrosserb1tsh1ft3r: generally the logging is all migrating toward systemd journals16:10
b1tsh1ft3rAh ok, so its still somewhat in progress16:10
b1tsh1ft3r(migration that is)16:10
jrosserwell if you are on Train you may still be on an older operating system16:11
b1tsh1ft3rCentOS7 here across the entire cluster16:11
jrosserso "it depends", your OS packages may log to files, if that is the default for your OS, things like haproxy and keepalived16:11
jnamdarjrosser: It's located in each container like /var/lib/lxc/utility-container-....../rootfs/... (not exactly sure of the path, I don't have the system at hand rn sorry)16:12
jrosserthough OSA has used the systemd journal for a long time now, so on a more modern OS where the default is the journal you'll find everything there16:12
jnamdarI also find the logs when connecting in the lxc containers basically, in /var/log most of the time16:12
jrossersure, do you have some examples?16:13
jrosserb1tsh1ft3r: for a recent OSA on a recent OS then it's probably the case that all the logs are in the journal now16:13
jrosserand systemd does have some features to forward logs to a central node16:14
jrosserbut also there are many tools like graylog / elastic stack that collect them, so it's left out of scope of OSA as most places have their own way16:14
jrosserjnamdar: you should find some config in /etc/logrotate, but really it depends what service is generating the large logs16:16
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opendevreviewSatish Patel proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron master: Set openvswitch version for centos 8.4
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