Friday, 2021-12-10

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kleiniI am on V on top of Bionic. I need to a compute node. Would it be possible to deploy a V compute node on top of Focal without having infra nodes yet upgraded to Focal?08:44
noonedeadpunkkleini: well, you would need to disable wheels built for this node then09:09
noonedeadpunkkleini: as a side effect with decent amount of computes this might result in dosing opendev gitea as each compute will pull from git independently09:10
noonedeadpunkactually nice thing about bionic/focal is that live migrations between such computes working perfectly...09:12
kleinias I have different CPUs in compute nodes, I have to configure some common CPU model first before I can live migrate... my cluster is small: only 7 computes then. this should not stress any Git repository too much.09:16
noonedeadpunkyep, it should not. so for host_vars of that new compute, until you get repo server on focal, you can define `venv_wheel_build_enable: false`09:18
jrosserthis logging doesn't seem to work
jrosserI wonder what this really means for a wildcarded path
noonedeadpunkwell, sqlite is not generated by ara nowadays, that's true09:25
noonedeadpunkfor netstat, we collect ss nowadays so that is replaced09:26
noonedeadpunkoh, yeah, wildcard can't work there 09:27
noonedeadpunkunless there's just singe match09:27
noonedeadpunkwhich I kind of doubt09:27
jrosserI think also we may change the paths to the .txt files in the repo server too09:28
noonedeadpunkso instead we should do smth like `for file in $(ls -1 /openstack/*repo*/repo/os-releases/*/*/*.txt); do store_artifacts ${file} "${WORKING_DIR}/repo"; done09:29
jrossermaybe - store_artifacts is an rsync so I see why passing the wildcard and letting rsync do it all in one go is a good idea09:30
noonedeadpunkwell ,then test doesn't make sense....09:31
jrosseranyway, about
jrosserare we ready with that?09:32
noonedeadpunkwell, I'd rather backport config_template and galera ssl, and just release from rc1, but we can merge it and backport afterwards, and do rc2 next week09:34
jrosserhow long do we have?09:35
noonedeadpunk16 december is deadline09:35
jrosserok - good09:35
noonedeadpunkoh, well, and glance ofc09:36
jrosserwe don't have Andrew today to review09:38
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron stable/xena: Database connection pooling improvements
masterpe[m]I'm using osa 21.2.6 that is running pyroute2 version 0.5.11 I think we are facing issue, As a read the change log we should bump this at least to version 0.5.14 or version 0.5.15. How can I do this?10:33
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noonedeadpunkmasterpe[m]: so eventually this comes from
masterpe[m]yes, so I can change that. And then rerun the neutron playbook?10:40
noonedeadpunkbut you can override this by adjusting 10:41
masterpe[m]ah ok, nice to know thanks. But how to get the new version installed, Do I only need to run the neutron playbook?10:42
noonedeadpunkyep. might be you will need to provide `-e venv_rebuild=true`10:43
jrossermake sure you have this patch if you rebuild the venvs
noonedeadpunkoh, yes10:45
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Ensure prettytable is present in the ansible-runtime virtualenv
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_tempest master: Use config_template as a collection
noonedeadpunkjamesdenton: spotz if you around and have some time for reviews, would be great to get some votes on,  11:24
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opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/ansible-role-pki master: Allow to provide conditions for certificates
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron master: Implement uWSGI for neutron-api
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron master: Implement uWSGI for neutron-api
noonedeadpunkjust in case we've figured weird behaviour of new lxc, so you might be interested
noonedeadpunkthis could be workarounded with piping just in case12:24
jrosserwell that's a totally unexpected side effect of using <12:34
jrossersurprised that's even possible tbh12:35
noonedeadpunkwell yeah...12:36
noonedeadpunkI was surprised as well to see this way in scripts that stopepd working after ubuntu upgrade (12:36
noonedeadpunkbut honestly I think was pretty nice until it worked :)12:42
noonedeadpunkIn terms that you don't need to call cat for pipe, just clean feed of data 12:43
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_tempest stable/xena: Use config_template as a collection
spotznoonedeadpunk: opened will go through them in a bit13:01
noonedeadpunkthanks! much appreciated!13:02
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Add Vault role support
admin1quick question guys .. does a dist-upgrade from 18 -> 20  hamper osa environment ? 13:47
admin1or do we need to format one controller and use focal first .. and then once the hosts-infra is done, can do in the rest ? 13:48
noonedeadpunkI think you can do both ways13:49
noonedeadpunkthe only thing with upgrade, is that you would need to re-create containers as well, since they will remain running bionic13:49
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_tempest stable/xena: Use config_template as a collection
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ansible-role-uwsgi master: Add support for TLS to UWSGI
jrossernoonedeadpunk: did you try the rejectattr code wit the pki role - I can never remember if it returns a generator and needs "| list"14:06
jrosserit looks like it does the right thing in the tests14:10
noonedeadpunkI tried it with some dummy code and it returned list. at least smth printable with debug:msg14:22
noonedeadpunkI can recall close to only map that requires list afterwards14:23
noonedeadpunkand we used rejectattr a lot with map, so that's why we have list there14:23
noonedeadpunk(well, selectattr)14:23
noonedeadpunkbut also - we use these variables only loop, so even if it's generator - it's even better as it should save up us some memory :)14:25
noonedeadpunk*only for loops14:25
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/ansible-role-python_venv_build master: Verify that wheels are normally built
noonedeadpunkjrosser: wdyt? ^15:00
noonedeadpunkexcept "security by obscurity" principle for venv_wheel_build_skip_check haha15:01
cardiff-danhey @jamesdenton I was just wondering whether the bug with network traffic of compute instances using an IP in the range getting lost in the nether has been able to be logged yet?15:07
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible master: Add nfs deployment scenario
admin1hi all .. my seutp hosts and setup infra runs just fine .. all good . but setup openstack stalls at /var/www/repo/os-releases/23.1.2/ubuntu-20.04-x86_64/requirements/keystone-23.1.2-constraints.tx 16:46
admin1do i have to delete and redo the repo containers ? 16:47
admin1there is keystone    global-constraints . requirements and source-constraints16:48
admin13 fils16:48
admin1but not one named just keystone-constraints 16:48
admin1keystone-23.1.2-global-constraints.txt   keystone-23.1.2-requirements.txt keystone-23.1.2-source-constraints.txt  == there ..  keystone-23.1.2-constraints.txt = not there 16:49
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jrosseradmin1: something like that generally means you've previously had an error which you've tried to move past rather than resolve16:54
jrosseryou can remove the .txt files for keystone from the repo server and re-run the keystone playbook16:54
admin1jrosser  . the playbook is looking for keystone-23.1.2-constraints.txt   .. while its not there ..  17:02
admin1only the other 3 files are there , but not the one that the playbook is checking 17:02
admin1the only error i got was during galera .. but that i have fixed 17:03
admin1the error is in the step: python_venv_build : Slurp up the constraints file for later re-deployment  ....  question is .. if something might have happened . how do i fix it .. i have re-ran bootstrap and setup hosts-infra many times ..   ..  what i have not tried is to nuke the repo containers and rebuild them 17:05
admin1nuking the repo containers and retrying .. 17:10
noonedeadpunkSo eventually, when one of the files is missing, this should trigger wheels build that should result in venv re-installation
noonedeadpunkah, well, you failed even before that...17:18
admin1i found the error .. but no solution ..
admin1something to do with the ssl cert .. 17:19
admin1shouldn't a bootstrap and setup-hosts fix this ? 17:19
noonedeadpunkonly if you already have
noonedeadpunkor, your lxc image is fresh enough17:20
noonedeadpunk(as it should get latest packages I believe17:20
admin1i am going to rm -rf /etc/ansible and bootstrap it again 17:22
admin1being on the 23.1.2 tag 17:22
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on is being quickly restarted for a configuration adjustment, and should return momentarily17:25
admin1noonedeadpunk, its not there 17:28
admin1was it fixed after 23.1.2 tag ? 17:28
noonedeadpunkyep, I think it;'s not released yet17:29
noonedeadpunkeventually you can jsut run simple ad-hoc17:29
noonedeadpunkto update ca-certificates everywhere17:29
admin1in that specific container which has errored:  ca-certificates is already the newest version (20210119~20.04.2 17:30
admin1the lxc-container is focal 17:30
noonedeadpunkas patch says - it's always good to have latest ca-certificates :)17:38
noonedeadpunkum, I think this task is delegated to localhost? or one of the repo containers17:39
noonedeadpunkit's not executed on keystone I believe17:39
admin1i am still under maintenance window .. so will nuke all containers except mariadb and redo it :) 17:50
jrosseradmin1: the constraints file would be missing because the wheel build delegated from keystone to the repo container failed17:52
jrosserand it would have failed because the ca-certificates package on the repo container was out of date17:52
jrosserthis would have been findable in the wheel build log on the repo container17:53
jrosserit would be worth learning how to use ansible ad-hoc commands for things like this
admin1i already tried ansible -m shell -a "apt update && apt -y upgrade ca-certificates" 17:55
admin1i am going to go through the logs and retry and fix 1 by 1 17:56
noonedeadpunkwell, you should consider using native things ;) like `ansible -m package -a "name=ca-certificates update_cache=true state=latest only_upgrade=yes`18:28
noonedeadpunkadmin1: also I don't think apt upgrade accepts arguments or package names?18:29
noonedeadpunkdnf/yum does, not apt18:29
carlosmssHi guys. I've a bug with Cinder in Openstack-Ansible (Stein), the Unity EMC driver randomly delivers a wrong iscsi path as reported here
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: Replace NFS test with integrated one
noonedeadpunktbh I never used EMC and has pretty distinct understanding of what is that18:47
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance stable/xena: Replace NFS test with integrated one
jrossercarlosmss: I think the reply from the cinder team means that a lot of issues related to multipath will have been fixed in more recent code19:17
jrosserunless there's a really obvious bug report and fix that has not been backported to stein it's going to be tricky19:18
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carlosmssThanks jrosser. How Can I ask for a revision? I understand that the solution to this bug isn't in the code yet.19:21
noonedeadpunkcarlosmss: well, I think that nobody will patch stein, but what you describe sounds like security issue to me tbh, which can be covered with EM.19:23
noonedeadpunkHowever it's worth to talk with #openstack-cinder team19:23
noonedeadpunkBecause eventually nobody care about stein nowadays. Even Ussuri now is under EM which means it will recieve super limited amount of support19:24
noonedeadpunkSo my best advice here would probably be test in more recent releases and do upgrade your deployment19:24
jrossercarlosmss: can you test the same thing with an openstack-ansible AIO against your EMC storage?19:25
noonedeadpunkEventually, you can also try upgrading _onnly_ cinder but that's not smth recommended19:25
admin1my upgrade worked :) 19:41
admin1thanks for all the inputs and i wish a great weekend 19:41
jrosseradmin1: great news! nice one19:43
noonedeadpunkso you're on W now?19:44
jrosserwould be good to get any feedback on how it worked out with supplying your own cert/key for haproxy as well19:45
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance stable/xena: Replace NFS test with integrated one
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance stable/xena: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/xena
carlosmssThanks for your advice noonedeadpunk. I will talk with cinder team.19:48
carlosmssjrosser I can't test this with my storage 'cause it is a production environment. And it hasn't available pools.19:49
noonedeadpunkwell, these proprietary solutions....19:50
noonedeadpunkjrosser: so except glance we left only 2 patches to integrated repo that are already in gates I believe?19:51
jrosserthis isin the gate
admin1noonedeadpunk, this platform is on W now  .. yes19:56
jrosserthis is in check but has votes for +W19:56
noonedeadpunkwell, yeah... it failed to had to recheck. I was more kind of double checking if I might forgot anything19:59
noonedeadpunkoh, woul be great to have docs James wrote
noonedeadpunkbut we can backportt them for sure20:00
jrossersame for to keep the os_neutron ci happy20:01
noonedeadpunkadmin1: and have you managed to upgrade the one from Ocata or smth?20:01
noonedeadpunkjrosser: oh, well, it's more needed if we merged uwsgi... I guess I need to -W it...20:02
jrossermaybe thats ok to leave for Y, the ovn situation is a mess there20:03
noonedeadpunk is passing, but calico and ovn are not uwsgi20:03
noonedeadpunkif only for Y....20:03
jrosserthere was some ML discussion about things which dont work with uwsgi, an i think ovn was not mentioned there20:04
noonedeadpunkhaving uwsgi would be so neat with regards to tls topic20:04
noonedeadpunkprobably spatel would be happy to have :D20:06
spatelnoonedeadpunk yes i will :) 20:06
jrosserspatel: have you tested it?20:07
noonedeadpunkhave you tested this final version btw?20:07
spatelnoonedeadpunk no because my lab not setup for DPDK so my plan is to setup DPDK compute node next week and test this new patch 20:08
noonedeadpunkspotz jrosser: except xena branching would be awesome to land updates to version bumps"uca_release"+(status:open)20:12
jrosserjamesdenton: have you tried ?20:13
noonedeadpunksorry for pinging too often today but we _really_ need you :)20:15
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on is being restarted again for a plugin change, and should be back shortly20:16
spotznoonedeadpunk: No please do! I have so many channels I get lost between here, Libera, multiple slacks, and discord20:17
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance stable/xena: Replace NFS test with integrated one
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance stable/xena: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/xena
spotzNeed Gerrit back up:(20:17
noonedeadpunkyeah, that's unfortunate(20:17
jrossermassive impact for ubuntu distro installs20:18
noonedeadpunkand might be not limited to it....20:19
noonedeadpunkas it also has qemu/ovs I believe?20:19
jrosserbut i think that anyone who really wanted that would already notice they are running the wrong version20:19
noonedeadpunkI verified that qemu is same vesion though20:19
jrosserand ceph20:19
noonedeadpunkbut ceph I think still be installed from external repo? unless there're some race conditions on dependncies and version numbers ofc20:20
noonedeadpunkI will also do minor release to underline that one more time20:20
jrosseri think we have an apt priority pin to prefer upstream ceph rather than uca20:20
noonedeadpunkah, yes, that's why this stopped happening :)20:21
jrosserthis happened before where an upgrade turned into a ceph downgrade, or something20:21
noonedeadpunkyeah, I can recall fighting with that20:21
admin1noonedeadpunk the one from ocata is upgraded .. there is one more with rocky 20:29
noonedeadpunkoh, cool20:34
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible master: Remove retrievement of config_tempalte as a module
spotzgerrit is back:)20:43
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Freeze roles for Xena RC1
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Freeze roles for Xena RC1
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Start Yoga development cycle
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Start Yoga development cycle
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Start Yoga development cycle
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Start Yoga development cycle
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Start Yoga development cycle
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Freeze roles for Xena RC1
noonedeadpunkgod damn it21:23
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Start Yoga development cycle
noonedeadpunkspotz: last 2 things for today:) and
noonedeadpunkjrosser: when around ^21:28
spotznoonedeadpunk: looking21:32
spotznoonedeadpunk: Any reason why you're calling it Xena series?21:34
noonedeadpunkUm, just following the "template"21:35
noonedeadpunkor let's put it other way - copypasting21:35
noonedeadpunkmight be because for Xena we will have not only 24.0.0 but series of releases21:35
noonedeadpunk(as well as for all other releases)21:36
noonedeadpunkif that's what you was asking )21:36
spatelFolk, what options you guys use with image upload, this is what i do - glance image-create --name ubuntu --disk-format raw --container-format bare --property hw_vif_multiqueue_enabled=true --property hw_scsi_model=virtio-scsi --property hw_disk_bus=scsi --visibility public --file focal-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk-kvm.img --progress21:38
noonedeadpunkLooks pretty fair except I use `openstack image create` isntead of  `glance image-create` :D21:39
spatel+1 21:39
noonedeadpunkalso depends on if you want to have numa pinning or pcpu instead of vcpu or not21:39
spatelhmm why numa comes in picture for image ?21:40
noonedeadpunkiirc it can as well as for flavor21:40
spateloh! mostly i have flavor for that 21:40
noonedeadpunkyou have `hw_cpu_policy`, `hw_cpu_sockets`, etc21:41
noonedeadpunkand also can provide traits for image, so yeah21:42
spatelgeneral='true', hw:cpu_policy='dedicated', hw:cpu_sockets='2', hw:cpu_threads='2', hw:mem_page_size='large'21:42
spatelall my flavor has this setting 21:43
spatellet me know if i am miss out anything?21:43
noonedeadpunklooks fair enough21:47
spatelI am not using ceph in that case should i use .raw image or .qcow2 ?21:47
noonedeadpunkum, you use nfs?21:47
spatelThis is small deployment and we have local disk for glance21:47
noonedeadpunkI'd say its worth to be qcow then as it will have smaller size anyway21:48
spatelbut what about performance?21:48
noonedeadpunkraw is preffered for ceph as it's amazingly fast to create a drive from raw image even if it's in another pool21:48
noonedeadpunkand what cinder is using?21:49
noonedeadpunkand nova?21:49
noonedeadpunkas if they also store in files, then qcow would be even faster21:49
spatelThis is very small deployment we only need CPU/memory for Audio traffic processing. 21:49
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spatelI don't have cinder or any kind of storage related stuff21:50
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spatelvms will run on local-disk on compute (no live migration required)21:50
noonedeadpunkok, then it totally should be qcow imo21:50
noonedeadpunkas nova will store in qcow21:50
spateloh! ok then let me convert raw into qcow221:50
noonedeadpunkand having raw images would just add delay for data transfer and conversion to qcow21:50
spatelI heard qcow is slow for vm performance21:51
noonedeadpunk+ consume more capacity21:51
spateli am with you 21:51
spatellet me convert image in qcow221:51
spatelin that case my glance option should be --disk-format qcow2 correct?21:52
noonedeadpunkI will be signing out - almost midnight here :)21:52
spatel:) have a good weekend 21:52
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Set galera to use TLS for connections by default
noonedeadpunkthanks, you too!21:54
opendevreviewJames Denton proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron master: Add Support for DPDK Bonding
jamesdenton@jrosser yes, i just tested it and implemented the suggestion. thanks noonedeadpunk 22:45
opendevreviewJames Denton proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron master: Do not set Open vSwitch hostname
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible stable/wallaby: Update openstack-hosts version

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