Thursday, 2022-04-07

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opendevreviewamolkahat proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_tempest master: Add tripleo-ci-base-standalone-standard parent
magoddeHey there, how are we supposed to remove a controller node from a cluster. There's only reference for compute nodes here Thanks :)08:45
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noonedeadpunkmagodde: that is _really_ good question09:19
noonedeadpunkand I don't think we have a documentation for that09:20
noonedeadpunkmagodde: are you going to replace it with another hardware or just reduce amount of controllers permanently?09:20
magoddewell I don't need to do such thing at the moment. I was just wondering09:21
magoddeis that even possible to do that properly ?09:22
damiandabrowski[m]i think it's doable but may require some manual actions(like removing this controller from rabbitmq/galera cluster, removing nova/cinder/neutron agents etc.)09:23
damiandabrowski[m]but yeah, equivalent for controllers would be helpful here09:24
jrosseryou will need to re run pretty much the whole deployment config files09:25
jrosserspecifically for memcached cluster member removal09:26
magoddeis removing the controller from the inventory and running the setup-everything a suitable idea ?09:27
jrossermaybe :)09:27
damiandabrowski[m]jrosser: that's generally true but i see one exception:
damiandabrowski[m]in this case You don't define all memcached servers in config09:29
jrosserif this is in the context of OS upgrades (introduce new controller / remove old controller) then i think path of least resistance is not to do it that way09:29
jrosserdamiandabrowski[m]: yes indeed - though i expect most deployments stick with the default09:30
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible master: Bump versions of ansible collections
magoddewell, I gess removing manually the IP from all the other hosts is easier09:48
jrossermagodde: out of interest why do you want to remove a controller?09:49
magoddeI don't to really want to remove a controller, it's for learning purpose ^^09:50
jrosseri think the answer you are getting here is "dont" :)09:50
jrosserstart with 3 and stick with it would be my advice for a HA deployment09:50
jrosserreplace them in-place for OS upgrades or harware swaps09:50
magoddeall right :)09:51
magoddeby the way, even with 10/20/50 computes, is 3 controllers the right amount ?09:51
jrosserit could be done, but i think the lack of docs is a pointer that it's not really a normal thing to do and there will be a bunch to fix up as others have said09:52
jrosseras always it depends on your use case09:52
jrosserin the default configuration the controllers collapse the APIs, haproxy, neutron agents, db, mq all onto the same 3 hosts09:53
jrosseryou can keep that, or split that up further however you like09:53
jrosserbut 3 hosting it all is the default and how most deployments would be09:53
magoddeyup in our deployment we have our APIs, DB, ... on our 3 controllers09:53
jrosserseems to be that neutron agents are the first thing that people separate out09:54
magoddethank your for all this. :)09:55
jrosserand you should never do less than 3 for a HA galera cluster, otherwise thats doing to go badly09:55
jrossermaybe this is a very long way of saying that rather than making more than 3 controllers, the first thing to do would be to split some functions out if they were overloaded09:57
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_senlin master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/ansible-config_template master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Generate SSH authorities during upgrade independently
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-lxc_hosts master: Replace systemd-mount template with role
opendevreviewAndrew Bonney proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron master: Add parameters to limit the number of DHCP or L3 agents
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spatelI am looking for Germany visa requirement. to attend openstack summit what kind of visa i should be obtaining? business or tourist ?  does anyone went through this process. 14:39
spatelAnyway i am going to ask my legal team but just curious 14:40
noonedeadpunkspatel: I think tourist/business are same ones.... 15:18
noonedeadpunkBut generally conferences are considered as business afaik15:18
mgariepywhen i travel to usa, (from canada) if buisness i have to pay 1USD.. for ${REASON|random}15:19
noonedeadpunkFor US I was jsut given business/travel visa when was attending conference there...15:24
mgariepyhmm or it was only when travelling by car :/ not quite sure haha15:25
mgariepyi also dont need visa to go to US .. 15:26
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spatelGot it.. i believe its business because attending conference. (tourist will be little different). also documentation is little different where it required some doc related business 15:42
spatelmgariepy you are in Canada correct?15:42
spatelwhen next openstack summit going to happen in US?15:43
mgariepyi have no idea ! :)15:43
spatel5 year ago one of was Boston (in my town) but that time i was not using openstack :) 15:43
mgariepyspatel, you live in boston ?15:44
admin1spatel, a business visa is easier to get 15:44
admin1but you get only for the duration of the trip 15:44
spatelnot in boston city but few miles away from city. my datacenter located in boston so i used to go there time to time..15:45
mgariepyi live near sherbrooke, 4 hours away15:45
spateladmin1 i just talked to german consulate and they suggested business visa also for conferences. 15:45
spatelmgariepy nice!! 15:46
spatelnot far from my place :) 15:47
mgariepyi went to boston and vancouver for openstach summit a few year back15:47
spatel:) that time i was not part of openstack world so i missed one 15:48
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