Wednesday, 2022-04-13

NeilHanlonjrosser: my crystal ball is telling me python3.6 will be available for the lifetime of 8.x; there are updates for 3.8 and 3.9 coming in 8.6, and 9.x will have python 3.9 as the default. I suspect 3.10 will arrive _eventually_05:30
noonedeadpunkjrosser: I'd say depends on permissions:) as basically nobody should stop from using "root" mount as remote fs I think06:51
jrossercan the two mounts overlap?06:52
noonedeadpunkoh, you mean that...06:52
noonedeadpunkyeah, indeed, you're right06:52
jrosserI don’t remember why we mount /var/www like that06:53
noonedeadpunkNeilHanlon: well, I think main question was that when 3.6 is not supported by openstack, there's no option right now to have python-libvirt libraries for 3.806:53
noonedeadpunkso basically you can't use 3.8 in real world06:53
noonedeadpunkjrosser: so content remain if container rebuilts06:53
jrosserok - so with a shared file system that’s no longer necessary06:54
jrosserbtw I think the biggest difficulty with glusterfs (or anything like that) is deleting/recreating a container06:55
jrosserthere’s quite a lot of $stuff to do to replace a previous node06:55
noonedeadpunkand then also we kind of need the way of adding new controller... 06:58
noonedeadpunkwhich kind of leads me to idea if my idea about setting gluster inside containers was stupid one07:02
noonedeadpunkand indeed it should jsut run on controllers and we jsut bind mount stuff inside repo containers...07:03
jrosseri think adding a controller might be OK07:31
jrosseras thats the same playbook as deploying first time, just with an extra host in the group07:31
jrosseroh and just for fun have you seen this
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: Add role for creating simple glusterfs clients/servers
noonedeadpunkI've read ML regarding that. I kind of wonder if release tool is broken as it relied on same behaviour08:08
jrosseri wonder if we do similar when using an AIO for development08:10
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-openstack_hosts master: Add nova dependency repo for distro install
jrosseri connect vscode by ssh as ubuntu08:10
jrosserbut the deploy / boostrap-ansible is done as root08:10
* noonedeadpunk still can't find time to figure out remote debug stuff in vscode08:19
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Switch services to Yoga
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-openstack_hosts master: Switch codename to Yoga
jrosseroh - do we already have errors due to new git?
noonedeadpunkactually I was thinking about that08:42
noonedeadpunkhm, I can't reproduce issue locally with newest git on focal08:57
jrosseri wonder if it is becasue in CI we "do the right thing" and directly try to use the repos on the CI node disk08:57
jrosseryeah 2022-04-13 08:37:11.971533 | ubuntu-focal | Obtaining file:///home/zuul/src/
jrosserperhaps the change in devstack to make the repos safe also needs to be applied to the zuul on-disk repos09:01
noonedeadpunksounds like that indeed09:02
noonedeadpunkjrosser: am I missing smth about how to reproduce?
jrosserdo you need to chown the original repo to some not-root user?09:09
jrosseroh you did09:10
noonedeadpunkI did chown -R09:11
noonedeadpunkmaybe my issue that it's not bare repo....09:11
jrosserhold on09:11
jrosseryou have Processing /root/openstack-ansible.....09:11
jrosserand stat /home/ubuntu/openstack-ansible/09:12
noonedeadpunkyeah as I cloned from /home/ubuntu/openstack-ansible/ to /root/openstack-ansible09:12
noonedeadpunkbut indeed - we not clone - we symlink I guess09:12
jrosserperhaps - i was just looking at the zuul log for where actually the working dir is09:13
noonedeadpunkok, yes, I catched that :)09:13
jrosser2022-04-13 08:37:13.530478 | ubuntu-focal |        cwd: /home/zuul/src/
jrosserif you can reproduce it i was guessing at something like this
jrosserlikley using '.' there is wrong09:15
noonedeadpunklet me check options09:18
noonedeadpunkI think we can do a bit different hook....09:20
noonedeadpunknot sure how much better it is though09:20
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Mark OSA repository as safe in git.config in CI
noonedeadpunkI wonder if that would help ^09:31
noonedeadpunkno idea what collections are installed in built-in ansible for zuul...09:38
noonedeadpunkok, there's no such collection :(09:45
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Mark OSA repository as safe in git.config in CI
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Switch services to Yoga
noonedeadpunkyep, it works now, just ansible 2.9 is used for zuul10:18
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: Pass ssh_keypairs role in check mode
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: Pass ssh_keypairs role in check mode
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opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/ansible-role-systemd_service master: Pass systemd_service role in check mode
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-rabbitmq_server master: Pass rabbitmq role in check mode
opendevreviewSiavash Sardari proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_cinder master: Add the ability to disable send_actions option in cinder-volume-usage-audit service.
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-rabbitmq_server master: Pass rabbitmq role in check mode
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-rabbitmq_server master: Replace shell with simple command for version verification
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-rabbitmq_server master: Replace shell with simple command for version verification
opendevreviewamolkahat proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_tempest master: Remove tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-os-tempest-train
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/ansible-role-pki master: Allow to run PKI role in check mode
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Allow to run utility playbook in check mode
NeilHanlonnoonedeadpunk: i had started experimenting with 3.8 a little bit on Rocky. I'll probably start a review soon with what i'd been looking at. should be easy enough to install the py3.8 module stream and use that instead12:30
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Allow to run utility playbook in check mode
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-repo_server master: Add facility to store repo contents on a remote mount
SiavashSardarihey guys, I have a question regarding using OVS for lxc bridges in controllers. before I begin, I need to say, I tested using ovs for br-mgmt, br-storage, etc and it worked, everything is up and running.14:32
SiavashSardariwe had a major issue that after restarts containers didn't start14:33
SiavashSardarifinally we found out the issue was in veth-cleanup14:34
SiavashSardariI changed the lxc-container-create role and made it work with ovs and I was thinking about contributing upstream 14:35
jrosserdoes that script need adjusting to be ovs-aware somehow?14:35
SiavashSardaribut I can not get my head around how it is working in the first place.14:36
SiavashSardariyeah actually I checked if it is ovs and delete the port on the ovs bridge14:37
SiavashSardarihow this ( can add port to an ovs switch??14:38
jamesdentonit wouldn't AFAIK14:39
SiavashSardariI know, but try it. create br-mgmt bridge with ovs, and everything gets created and works like a charm14:40
jrosserbrctl sets the bridge config in the kernel?14:41
jrosserwhich sounds like it's a set abstracted from the actual implementation of the bridge14:42
* jrosser guesses14:42
jamesdentonSiavashSardari do you have some output to validate that?14:42
jamesdentonif i try in the CLI i get an 'operation not supported' error14:43
jamesdentonthat's creating OVS bridge with ovs-vsctl add-br and putting an interface in it with brctl addif14:43
SiavashSardariI know I tried and get the same error too. let me share a little of my config and deployment with you14:44
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: Add role for creating simple glusterfs clients/servers
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Use glusterfs to synchronise repo server contents
SiavashSardarithis is my openstack_user_config14:46
SiavashSardarithis is on one of the controllers14:49
jamesdentonyou mentioned making changes to support OVS w/ LXC?14:49
SiavashSardariit was deployed without my changes14:50
jamesdentondid you create those OVS bridges manually? the br-int, br-lbaas, etc?14:51
SiavashSardarimy change just deletes the ovs port in veth-cleanup scripts14:51
SiavashSardariyeah I have a script for that with usual ovs-vsctl commands14:52
SiavashSardarijust in case, let me upload my patch too14:54
noonedeadpunkJust in case blocking gates:)14:56
jamesdentonyou need a review on that?14:59
noonedeadpunkYes, please :)15:03
jamesdentondone :D15:03
opendevreviewSiavash Sardari proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-lxc_container_create master: Add ovs support for lxc containers. The main problem this commit is resolving is that with openvswitch, the ports were not get cleaned up, and after restart (hard restart or even with soft restart lxc.service gets time-out) containers couldn't start properly, due to existing port on the bridges.
admin1SiavashSardari, native ovs support for controllers will be welcome change :) 15:08
admin1right now, mgmt and storage is lb and      vlan and vxlan are ovs  15:08
SiavashSardariin my case all are ovs15:09
SiavashSardariwell except lxcbr15:09
SiavashSardariactually when I started, I didn't know about lxcbr :D15:10
admin1SiavashSardari, when you put vxlan range like range: "1:16777215" .. it adds all of those ranges in a table and its not indexed 15:12
opendevreviewSiavash Sardari proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-lxc_container_create master: Add ovs support for lxc containers.
admin1i learnt it the hard way .. when neutron was taking ages to load 15:13
admin1so these days i use 11111,99999 as range .. 15:13
admin1i even complained to the neutron guys and i think opened a bug report as well 15:13
SiavashSardariI feel you. it took me a long time to find network_segment_range plugin after upgrading to V.15:15
SiavashSardariI believe there was a patch in neutron for the performance issue, I've forgot to check if it got merged or not.15:16
jamesdentonyou can always adjust the range later if you want to be a little more conservative at the getgo15:17
SiavashSardariin my case, after upgrade to V, network create used to take about 70 secs, after using network_segment_range plugin, it got to ~25 secs. then I set the range to 167772 and the responce time got reasonable15:22
SiavashSardariabout the lxc ovs support patch, it works fine, tested and everything in stage and prod env. I would appreciate any comment on the patch.15:25
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Use glusterfs to synchronise repo server contents
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SiavashSardariand also PLEASE someone explain how the *** ovs bridges are and was working with lxc_container_create role? i'm literally pulling my hair on this15:28
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-repo_server master: Remove all code for lsync, rsync and ssh
jrosserSiavashSardari: maybe i would try strace the brctl command and see what it actually does?15:29
jamesdentonSiavashSardari i am trying to replicate in an AIO15:31
SiavashSardariThank you both, if you need any kinda help or info about my setup, hit me up please.15:32
jrosserSiavashSardari: which OS is this?15:34
SiavashSardariubuntu 20.0415:36
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: [doc] Add doc how to pass SR-IOV inside containers
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: Allow os_glance to run in check mode
noonedeadpunkI kind of wonder if we can leverage bridge type somewhere in provider_networks?15:42
noonedeadpunkwhy we can't jsut add bridge_type there as keyword?15:43
noonedeadpunkgimme several mins15:48
jamesdentoni can confirm that if br-mgmt (and the others) exist as ovs bridges, setup-hosts.yml will shove the veths in there:
SiavashSardariI like your Idea. I've taken another approach and let the role finds out about the bridge type by itself.15:50
spateljrosser are you trying to use gluster to replace lsyncd? that would be good. hope we can use same module to create glance storage when ceph not available :)_15:55
spatelSiavashSardari i would like to have LXB on controller and computes on OVS (that is easy and simple deployment). 15:57
SiavashSardarithat was my thinking too, tried the idea back in 2019, it worked but last year we faced the restart issue. while we are on this matter, I user ovs as firewall driver too16:01
spatelfaced restart issue? 16:01
SiavashSardaribut there is a down side about that I think ~2-3k security group rules will cause ovs to crash16:02
spatelThat is different story :) I heard there are some issue related connection tracking also.16:03
noonedeadpunkoh, wait, there's already such thing I bleieve16:03
SiavashSardariactually stopping containers with ovs ports won't delete ports and when you want to start the containers it fails with some error like 'port already exists.'16:05
SiavashSardari@spatel I said the firewall driver thing about the idea of replacing lb with ovs in all the deployment. :)16:07
jrosserspatel: i am making patches for two things for the repo server containers - first so they can take some shared storage mount from anywhere (NFS / cephfs / whatever), and second so that there is a default deployment of glusterfs for the repo server when the deployer doesnt choose anything else16:08
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Add ability to define bridge type for containers
noonedeadpunkSiavashSardari: won't that make more sense? ^16:08
spateljrosser I like that, i would also like if there is a option to move your glance folder over glusterfs. 16:09
noonedeadpunkSiavashSardari: as alternative to ?16:10
jrosserspatel: right - though that involves a deployment-wide glusterfs which might be a different thing than something specific to the repo containers16:10
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Add ability to define bridge type for containers
SiavashSardari@noonedeadpunk TBH I've never thought about that :D16:11
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Add ability to define bridge type for containers
spatelcurrently i have deployed gluster by hand to move my /var/lib/glance over shared filesystem. (in future i would like to use your module to do that job also :) )16:12
jrosserspatel: did you see this which makes the glance mount support more generic?
jrosserthough we do have a challenge with where to put the code which ensures that the fuse config is correct and the glusterfs-client package is installed - not really too obvious where that would go for more generic support of glusterfs16:13
noonedeadpunkSiavashSardari: then you will have `bridge_type` as part of `container_networks` dict16:13
noonedeadpunkshould be super easy to work with that16:13
noonedeadpunkand likely more logic could be built for better managing ovs for lxc containers16:14
noonedeadpunkbut just as an idea how things could be done :)16:15
spateljrosser assuming we are planning to install gluster on host and bind mount inside repo container right? 16:16
jrossercurrently my patches run the gluster server inside the repo container and make it totally self contained16:16
jrosserit is a simple / trivial case and like i say there is a new hook for external storage16:16
jrosserif you have already gluster somwhere else then this would be what you want
SiavashSardari@noonedeadpunk I like the idea, I was trying to not get too apart from the upstream. but here is the upstream and I'm ok with what works best.16:17
jrosserand do not have OSA deploy any shared storage itself16:17
spatelgot it.. 16:18
jrossernoonedeadpunk: do you think i should add gluster client support to systemd_mount role a bit like we did for s3fs?16:19
jrosserotherwise for spatel use case with glance we don't have anything to install the client and the mount wont work16:20
SiavashSardari@noonedeadpunk also I'm a bit worried if the final way of handling this issue, breaks our deployments. so kindly, let me keep my job :))16:20
spateljrosser why don't we make it default deployment of repo with glusterfs. (its very easy and simple, i don't think anyone trying to mess with repo anymore to mount on external storage)16:20
jrosserspatel: thats how it will work if we merge my patches, with the option to use something else if necessary16:21
jrosserbut it won't help you with glance16:21
spatelthat is ok.. i will deal with glance my way :) 16:21
spatelI thought we are installing gluster on host so thought i can take advantage of binding glance volume 16:22
noonedeadpunkjrosser: yeah, I'd say that systemd_mount should be kind of self-contained so make sense to add clients setup there16:26
jrosserthats nice becasue it means the client/server division in my glusterfs playbook goes away16:27
jrosserand it's onlt concerned with deploying the server16:27
noonedeadpunkSiavashSardari: sorry didn't really understand what breaking could be there?16:28
jamesdentonnoonedeadpunk LXC appears to have had some logic to determine bridge type (lxc/ovs) for some time:
jamesdentonwhich explains why the lxc plays got things plugged in16:30
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: Add role for creating simple glusterfs clients/servers
noonedeadpunkyeah, it's surprising how it works out of the box :)16:33
SiavashSardari@noonedeadpunk the way we used ovs for bridges should not work based on the scripts in lxc_container_create role and was not supported by OSA, therefore adding the bridge_type variable and taking advantage of that is not bound to backward compatibility16:33
SiavashSardariall I'm saying is I would be happy to be involved in this change as much as I could possibly can16:34
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noonedeadpunkBut bridge_type is optional. 16:35
noonedeadpunkIt's not smth that must be specified for all networks16:35
noonedeadpunkwhich means it's quite backwards compatibe?16:35
noonedeadpunkprobably I just misunderstood your concern :)16:37
SiavashSardariyeah your right, maybe I cannot properly communicate in English. I will comment on your patch to get updated about this change. also I think, this would fall under a new feature section and it's all new to me. I'd appreciate it if you point me to the right direction of where to start to work on this change16:43
SiavashSardari@jamesdenton Thanks, finally some explanation. they did a really great job on this one and how it works right out of the box.16:45
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/ansible-role-systemd_mount master: Add support for glusterfs mounts
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: Add role for creating simple glusterfs clients/servers
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Use glusterfs to synchronise repo server contents
jamesdentonif the bridges are configured by the operator as part of the pre-deployment process, and there's a way to determine bridge type with 'ip link show' (openvswitch vs bridge), then i don't see why the playbooks can't determine that automatically16:50
jrosserjamesdenton: is there already something in the ansible facts - there is ansible_<bridge>.features dict16:56
jamesdentoneh, sorta17:06
jamesdentoni did not see anything network related in ansible_facts. However, if you run the ansible.builtin.setup module, lxc bridges show up as type: bridge while ovs bridges show up as type: ether17:06
jamesdentonbut in another environment i do have network info, and nothing pertaining to type is in the features dict. the type key i described is there, though17:11
SiavashSardarii didn't find anything to determine the bridge_type properly, all i found was 'ip link show dev {{ item.1.bridge }} type openvswitch | grep {{ item.1.bridge }}' command17:14
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-repo_server master: Add facility to store repo contents on a remote mount
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-repo_server master: Remove all code for lsync, rsync and ssh
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-repo_server master: Remove all code for lsync, rsync and ssh
SiavashSardariI couldn't find anything else on ansible facts or even os dev files.17:15
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/ansible-role-systemd_mount master: Add support for glusterfs mounts
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible master: Mark OSA repository as safe in git.config in CI
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible stable/xena: Mark OSA repository as safe in git.config in CI
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible stable/wallaby: Mark OSA repository as safe in git.config in CI
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible stable/victoria: Mark OSA repository as safe in git.config in CI
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