Monday, 2022-06-27

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opendevreviewOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Imported Translations from Zanata
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jrosser_good morning07:03
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opendevreviewlikui proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_adjutant master: Replace deprecated UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE variable
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Adri2000hello noonedeadpunk, I can propose a mariadb bump for wallaby. any "process" to follow when bumping mariadb version in a stable release? is a release note needed? or can I just change the version in the variable and that's it?10:08
Adri2000noonedeadpunk: actually you mentioned the CVEs, those seem to impact <<10.5.16 as well, so I guess I should cherry-pick your patch from master and keep the release note about the CVEs.10:12
jrosser_Adri2000: i think there might be some bad things happen if we backport releasenotes10:22
Adri2000ah right the release note is not in the master branch patch (I suppose because it's the developement release, a relnote is not needed for that), it's only in the xena patch. so I'll create a new relnote for wallaby, and put the same content inside?10:34
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admin1when i run octavia playbook, i don't see it creating the ssh key in the util folder ..  did something changed on this behavior for the latest patch ? 11:22
admin1util container. 11:22
jrosser_are you sure it ever did that?11:23
jrosser_show me the code :)11:23
jrosser_admin1: it kind of depends how you have the service setup host configured really
jrosser_admin1: here is the code that does it
jrosser_find the relevant part of your logging11:28
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jrosser_dmsimard: are you around?12:10
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opendevreviewAdrien Cunin proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-galera_server stable/wallaby: Bump mariadb version.
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opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Set zuul post-timeout to 3 hours
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible stable/yoga: Set zuul post-timeout to 3 hours
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible stable/yoga: Switch ARA report type from html to database for openstack-ansible jobs
admin1jrosser_, found something .. in variables I have:  octavia_ssh_enabled: true , but the logs say : 15:14
admin1Task "Write private key locally" has been omitted from the job because the conditional "['_octavia_keypair is changed', 'octavia_ssh_enabled']" was evaluated as "False"15:14
admin1should true, be True ? (caps) 15:14
jrosser_both of those things would have to be true15:16
jrosser_was this task 'changed'?
admin1me ? no .. my goal of using osa is as-is .. i don't modify anything 15:19
admin1changed true to True and running again .. if it sees it this time 15:21
admin1i recall ( not on osa but another application where true was not True ) and has to be caps15:25
jrosser_you're going to have to interpret what happens with what the code says15:26
jrosser_if it had not just created the keypair then it will never got copied15:27
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jrosser_i'm not suggesting that you need to modify anything, but to understand what does/doesnt happen it is necessary to dive into the code15:27
jrosser_specifically 'changed' is one of the possible status-es of an ansible task 15:28
jrosser_i'm not suggesting that you have edited it15:28
admin1understood . 15:28
jrosser_thats why there is "_octavia_keypair is changed" in the confitional that you pasted earlier15:29
jrosser_the keypair is only copied if octavia_ssh_enabled=True and the status of the previous task was "changed"15:29
jrosser_so if you run it a second time for exmaple, the key exists so that task is never "changed", so the key will not be copied15:29
admin1technically i can login as octavia, delete the existing octavia_key , generate a new one with the same name, and save that one and its the same output right ? 15:37
admin1i mean the end goal will be the same15:37
jrosser_i'm still pretty confused really15:44
jrosser_what are you expecting to happen that is not happening?15:44
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admin1root issue: amphora instances not getting ip from dhcp16:09
jrosser_and you want to ssh to them?16:11
jrosser_admin1: ^16:12
admin1i need to fix the ip first .. and then do the ssh second16:12
jrosser_it should dhcp from neutron16:12
jrosser_just like a normal instance16:12
admin1does the network node also need a br-lbaas ? 16:14
jrosser_thats up to you16:14
jrosser_look at spatel blog post
jrosser_if the network is a neutron vlan network and you already have something like br-vlan, there is nothing to do16:16
admin1i have the exact same setup .. its working in 3 clusters, not working in the 4th one .. and so troubleshooting .. it has the same setup ..  just diff tags 16:18
admin1and i don't think tags are an issue 16:18
spatelbr-lbass only required on controller node (compute node just use br-vlan to tag and talk to octavia manager)16:22
admin1who serves dhcp ? 16:22
admin1they run in a network node .. which have br-vlan  16:22
spatelyou are going to create mgmt network for octavia which will wire up with namespace 16:22
admin1that is done .. controllers have br-lbaas on vlan 509 16:23
spatelcheck namespace 16:23
spatelif you have dedicated network node then DHCP NS will be there16:24
admin1how to figure out what dhcp is for ampora :D 16:24
spatelThis is what i have
spatellbaas-mgmt which is DHCP going to provide IP16:27
admin1yeah .. found it 16:28
admin1now this dhcp should be via br-vlan connected to the vlan tag ? 16:29
spatelthat is my lbass DHCP namespace 16:29
spatelYes, you need to create VLAN on all your switch to tag from controller to compute 16:29
admin1i have controllers ( where br-lbaas is connected to br-vlan using the script ) , i have br-vlan on the computes ..        and then i have a network node which has the namespaces ( ovs) ..   do i need to do anything extra on the network node ? 16:30
admin1how to check ( ovs command) that the port ( of the dhcp namespace) is listening to the correct vlan tag ? 16:32
spatelnetwork node job is to just provide DHCP IP so i don't think you any anything else except br-vlan with correct vlan tag16:32
spatelovs-vsctl show should tell you everything 16:33
admin1my network node has eno1 on br-vlan ...(ovs port) . .when I do   tcpdump -ni eno1 -e vlan  509   .. i dont get the dhcp request that the amphora instance is requesting for 16:34
admin1it shows the port is in br-int 16:34
admin1but i don't know the ovs command to get the vlan id 16:34
spatelwhy don't you post ovs-vsctl show command output here16:35
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spatelOSA create lbaas-mgmt based on provided input in user_variable.yml file something like this -
admin1i see the issue 16:42
admin1| provider:segmentation_id  | 4007                                 |  -- is diff from the vlan i am using :( 16:42
admin1i think a config issue 16:42
admin1yeah .. found the issue   . 16:43
admin1thanks spatel, jrosser_16:44
admin1is anyone running ironic ? 16:50
admin1how easy/hard is it to set it up 16:50
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Exclude /var/log/journal from log collection
admin1octavia is up now .. i had a diff vlan in the config ( copy/paste ) vs what I thought it should be and had the patches on ( 4007 on br-lbaas) vs 509 on everything else 16:54
spatelwhy are you running ovs just curious :)16:56
admin1i have half half i think ..40% on lb ,  60% on ovs17:02
spateloh so some compute running on OVS and some on LXB17:02
admin1no no .. these are different clusters 17:03
admin1some clusters on lb, some on ovs17:03
spateloh okie17:03
admin1i don't have a mix on the same env .. never tried that17:03
spatelI am running it :)17:04
spateljust for experiment17:04
spateli did blog related that how to run in mix design 17:04
admin1have you tried ironic ? 17:06
jrosser_we are starting to try it in the lab17:06
jrosser_but it's going to take a while17:07
jrosser_lots to consider17:07
admin1those using ceph, how do you backup ceph ? 17:08
admin1or consider DR 17:08
spatelI didn't use ironic because it required some network changes. I have plan to do POC in lab17:08
jrosser_admin1: i have cinder-backup with a ZFS/NFS backend, but it requires users to opt-in that the user experience is pretty poor17:09
spateladmin1 can't you create two ceph in two distinct location and tell crush to create geo replication between AZ17:09
admin1spatel, setting that up in the lab this week 17:13
jrosser_rbd mirroring
spatelThis is also good resource to start
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Exclude /var/log/journal from log collection
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Fix facts gathering for zun
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Do not try to run etcd in serial mode
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-galera_server stable/wallaby: Bump mariadb version.
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-galera_server stable/wallaby: Bump mariadb version.
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_horizon stable/yoga: Fix ALLOWED_HOSTS
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible stable/yoga: Fix facts gathering for zun
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_ironic stable/yoga: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible stable/yoga: Update doc index page
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: DNM - display tree of collected logs
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: DNM - display tree of collected logs
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible stable/yoga: Return facts gathering to pre_tasks for masakari
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