Friday, 2022-09-09

opendevreviewJames Denton proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Correct OVNL3RouterPlugin path
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opendevreviewJames Denton proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_ironic master: Replace pxe_append_params with kernel_pxe_params in ironic.conf
prometheanfirecloudnull: yo :D02:05
prometheanfirenot bugging you about what I'm going to bring up, though removing apache might fix it :D02:06
prometheanfireif you curl the public openstack endpoint on a recent deploy (last release) you'll probably get the wrong options returned by keystone for versions available (it'll be http, not https)02:08
prometheanfire is setting the x-forward-proto in the apache config when it should be trusting what's sent by haproxy (it stomps on what haproxy says)02:10
prometheanfirecurl https://endpoint:5000 and recent release will return http://endpoint:5000/v3 as an option02:11
cloudnullprometheanfire the uwsgi process is setting x-forward too so it should be ok -- at least its working in my deployment?02:19
cloudnullchecked in a couple places both those vips are my internal and public vips on the LB, and it seems to be working. so i think im good?02:27
prometheanfireya, looks right02:52
prometheanfirethat's with your patch?02:52
prometheanfireit's just apache that's stomping on whatever is sent by haproxy02:53
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cloudnullYup that’s all running Apache free. 03:52
cloudnullSame for horizon. 03:53
prometheanfireok, I'm going to have to remember to make a review to fix / revert that04:41
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opendevreviewMagnus Bergman proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Add weight decrease to keepalived checks
dokeeffe85Hey noonedeadpunk and jamesdenton, we have lift off :) there was a misconfiguration on the interface that I found after you asked me about keepalived yesterday. I now have a working openstack deploy. Thanks a million for the advice11:08
jamesdentondokeeffe85 nice find! good luck with the rest of the deploy11:30
dokeeffe85Thanks jamesdenton11:35
anskiyhey! so I have this patch on haproxy_server role: to get Lets Encrypt certificate issue working. I have `external_lb_vip_address` set to hostname and `haproxy_bind_external_lb_vip_address` set to IP/PREFIX. Does anyone else use Lets Encrypt? 11:41
jamesdentoni don't, but there are some here who do. perhaps they'll be able to chime in later11:50
anskiyjamesdenton: btw, do you have any more questions regarding: 11:53
jamesdentonanskiy no, i spent some time yesterday with an MNAIO making sure it worked as expected (it does)12:37
jamesdentonit would also appear that openvswitch-switch is no longer a dependency, which you may have already known12:39
anskiyjamesdenton: I didn't know, thank you. But it could mean, that it's explicitly pulled to ovn-northd group somewhere else, and I probably should remove that in this change too, so here's one addition to that 12:50
jamesdentonoh, well what i meant by that was openvswitch-switch is not installed on the northd group nodes, but the nb/sb database service is, and things appear to work12:51
jamesdentonin ~18.04 it was a dependency of ovn-central or ovn-common, can't recall which. not the case anymore, it seems. Anyway, LGTM. 12:52
anskiyso, you mean, you don't see openvswitch-switch installed on a fresh control-plane node at all on 20.04?12:54
anskiybut that would mean, that without this patch, the run would fail on control node, when it would try to start openvswitch-switch service...12:57
jamesdentonwithout the patch, it's getting installed here:
jamesdentonbut with the patch, it's not getting installed or started, which is the expectation?12:59
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anskiyjamesdenton: well, yes, eventually :)13:47
opendevreviewJames Denton proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_ironic master: Ensure ironic inspector dhcp server listen address is defined
prometheanfirecloudnull: looks like keystone fixed it after my checkout but before my deploy lol14:21
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NeilHanlonjamesdenton: random question--have you seen any interop issues with openvswitch and juniper switches? I am currently having some problem where after some time of it working fine, ICMP6 traffic (echo-request and neighbor solicitations) reaches the server, but nothing responds. network setup is two x 25GbE  in an active-backup bond, where that bond15:50
NeilHanlonis part of an ovs bridge with the L3 configuration. Traffic is over the native vlan (which OVS is also configured to know about). The same setup reportedly works fine with Cisco hardware15:50
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: Introduce variables for rocky linux 9 support in gluster
jamesdentonNeilHanlon Doesn't ring any bells, we're mainly Cisco and Arista over here. But i do recall some unique juniper issues many moons ago; have no recollection what it was16:28
jamesdentonif there's a way to search the eavesdrop logs it could be in there16:29
opendevreviewJames Denton proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_ironic master: Ensure ironic inspector dhcp server listen address is defined
opendevreviewMatthew Thode proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Bump keepalived role back
opendevreviewMatthew Thode proposed openstack/openstack-ansible stable/yoga: Bump keepalived role back
prometheanfireseems to hit the current stable/yoga19:30
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prometheanfirenot sure why the original patch was for xena only20:17
jamesdentonif anyone has a sec...
prometheanfirelooks like my core on the os_ironic role was finally taken away lol20:25
jamesdentonthe fixed the glitch20:30
damiandabrowskijamesdenton: not sure if i understand it correctly, but didn't we just create circular dependency?20:40
damiandabrowski852122 depends on 852173 according to relation chain20:44
jamesdentoni'm not sure? but i think dependencies are broken without 85217320:44
damiandabrowskibut at the same time, 852173 has "Depends-On:"20:44
jamesdentoni only see 852122 depending on 852174 and 854231? unless i'm missing something20:45
jamesdentonoh i see "relation chain"...20:45
jamesdentonhow do you fix something like that?20:52
damiandabrowskiouh, i think it would be a bit tricky. i'd probably try to remove `Depends-On` everywhere and re-create relation chain from scratch with `git rebase`20:57
damiandabrowskibut i'm not the expert here though, never struggled with this issue before :D 20:57
jamesdentonlet's leave it for the experts then? :D20:58
damiandabrowskisounds like a plan :D 21:27

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