Thursday, 2023-01-05

NeilHanlonprometheanfire: do you have a link to logs for that?00:44
prometheanfiredon't have access to github gists from that laptop00:48
prometheanfirethe link to ovs commit's message sums it up fairly well though00:49
NeilHanlonprometheanfire: just did a bit of digging.. from what I can tell, the packages from centos for openvswitch have the patch you mention for openvswitch 2.17, but *not* for openvswitch 2.1501:26
prometheanfirehmm, looked at it more, looks like it's the ovs version within the neutron venv01:39
prometheanfirenot the package01:39
NeilHanloni poked around at the os_neutron role and while I see it installing the centos-nfv release and installing `openvswitch`, i'm not actually sure where that dependency is being fulfilled... the repos only provide packages with the version in the name (e.g., openvswitch2.15 and openvswitch2.17). I wasn't able to see a version supplied anywhere. Perhaps05:25
NeilHanlonjrosser may be able to shed some light05:25
noonedeadpunkprometheanfire: is that for zed or ... ? As we do have OVN as default in gates, but we were missing quite recently08:28
admin1good morning ..  i am trying to setup a new cluster .. tag 25.2.0 and stuck on openstack.osa.db_setup : Create database for service  -> the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result ...   how to map this specific step to exactly which file I need to set the no_log to false10:30
admin1or if there is an easy way to do no_log: false  in command line for all 10:30
admin1i tried -e no_log=false .. seems to not make a change10:30
noonedeadpunkadmin1: it's in /etc/ansible/ansible_collections/osa/roles/db_setup/tasks/main.yml10:34
noonedeadpunkeventually we should make that easily configurable as you've suggested10:35
admin1did not worked .. i made the changes in /etc/ansible/ansible_collections/openstack/osa/roles/db_setup/tasks/main.yml   - as it is where it was in my ubuntu 210:38
admin1ubuntu 22. 10:38
noonedeadpunkah, yes, sorry, missed openstack folder (was typing from memory)10:39
noonedeadpunkcould you have overriden ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATHS or ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATH?10:42
admin1no . i always insisted on osa be able to do stuff out of the box10:43
admin1i never override anything 10:43
admin1just follow the manual :) 10:43
admin1grep -ri openstack.osa.db_setup /etc/ansible/      returns these files /etc/ansible/roles/os_keystone/tasks/main.yml: 10:44
noonedeadpunkUm, then I have no idea why it didn't worked... 10:44
noonedeadpunkYes, but there we just include the role 10:44
noonedeadpunkand it should come from $ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATH/openstack.osa.db_setup10:45
noonedeadpunkwell, you can check with debug if that's the path as well10:46
admin1checking if there is a one liner  10:47
noonedeadpunkeventually what can go wrong at db setup is either mariadb cluster is not healthy or my.cnf for client on utility container is wrong10:54
admin1yeah .. debugging those 10:54
noonedeadpunkSo you can check these 2 things as well - maybe will be faster to solve these10:55
admin1suspect haproxy issue 10:55
admin1strange .. my util container cannot ping any other container on mgmt even on the same server :D 11:08
noonedeadpunkis there IP configured on lxcbr0 on host?11:22
noonedeadpunkbut yeah, shouldn't be the reason11:22
noonedeadpunkI'd suspect lxc-dnsmasq and tried to restart it11:22
noonedeadpunkah, on mgmt, not eth011:23
admin1on br-mgmt 11:25
noonedeadpunkand forwarding is enabled for all interfaces on sysctl?11:26
admin1it is .. i think it has something to do with mtu 11:40
admin1at the end, its the mtu :D11:40
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noonedeadpunkah, ok, then it's not any of my faults at least :D12:33
noonedeadpunkWe need to merge this rabbitmq bump to recheck and pass Yoga upgrades
admin1hi noonedeadpunk, do you know what would cause this error: ?
noonedeadpunkI assume you don't have /etc/resolv.conf in controller?12:43
admin1its a softlink and its broken for some reason :D 12:44
noonedeadpunksystemd-resolved is dead?12:44
admin1   Active: inactive (dead)12:44
noonedeadpunkyeah. try restarting it12:44
admin1hmm.. thanks 12:45
admin1removing ssl and ssl-verify-server-cert from .my.cnf  and changing internal VIP to   galera container IP works ..     changing the IP to the VIP does not work .. i get ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to server at 'handshake: reading initial communication packet', system error: 11513:24
admin1from utility container13:25
admin1this cluster has only 1 controller for now13:25
admin1entering the mysql ip directly in .my.cnf gives ERROR 2026 (HY000): TLS/SSL error: Validation of SSL server certificate failed  when ssl and ssl-verify-cert is enabeld in .my.cnf13:27
admin1what i recalled before was running setup hosts and infra, and then logging to util and hitting mysql ENTER .. if all was good, i was inside mysql and then i used to run setup-openstack 13:27
admin1br-mgmt runs on top of unrouted  network on its own dedi vlans .. so i think I am ok to not use extra ssl and tls for mysql connection .. how/where do I disable those ? 13:30
noonedeadpunkadmin1: so SSL should be issued for hostname and internal VIP (galera_address) only13:34
noonedeadpunkAccessing through IP of galera container is supposed to fail validation13:34
noonedeadpunkbasically that's what's in cert:
noonedeadpunkIf you want to omit ssl you can use galera_use_ssl or if you don't want to verify certs, you can also `galera_ssl_verify: false`13:36
admin1my internal vip is an ip address 14:57
admin1that is no longer supported ? 14:57
admin1i don't see the point of having 1 extra dns query per connection from dns -> ip for internal vip ? 14:58
noonedeadpunkadmin1: as you might see from condition - galera_address can be either IP or FQDN. And by default it's `galera_address: "{{ internal_lb_vip_address }}"`15:00
noonedeadpunktbh it would be interesting to see output of `openssl x509 -in /etc/ssl/certs/galera.pem -text -noout`15:01
* noonedeadpunk places internal IP to /etc/hosts to minimize time for resolving dns15:02
admin1still getting  ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to server at 'handshake: reading initial communication packet', system error: 115 when entering mysql from util 15:03
admin1something did changed 15:04
admin1galera backend is listed as DOWN .. while its running and fine in galera container 15:07
admin1noonedeadpunk, that command openssl is to be tested from which node ? util ? 15:09
admin1gives unable to laod cert 15:09
admin1from controller as well as util 15:09
noonedeadpunkfrom galera15:09
noonedeadpunkoh, well15:10
admin1returns a cert ..  Subject: CN = c1-galera-container-44ae38ac 15:10
noonedeadpunk` galera backend is listed as DOWN .. while its running and fine in galera container ` -> it's a bit dfifferent15:10
noonedeadpunkin cert there's SAN that's interesting15:10
noonedeadpunkbut anyway, for galera haproxy checks for aliveness another service that now runs with systemd15:10
noonedeadpunklet me recall15:11
noonedeadpunkShould be mariadbcheck or smth15:12
noonedeadpunkthis thing
noonedeadpunkso basically it's socket that does check for return of /usr/local/bin/clustercheck 15:13
noonedeadpunkand based on it haproxy determines if galera backend is alive15:13
admin1running that command manually works fine 15:16
spatelI believe this could be issue of password, i had similar issue where i changed monitoring password of mysql and LB stop sending traffic to mysql15:16
admin1brand new deployment .. usual checkout the current branch, run setup hosts and setup infra  and nothing else15:17
admin1i will try to delete all containers, re-initialize the passwords and retry 15:17
admin1if i do use an internal vip, would it be added in /etc/hosts locally or would I have to add it in internal dns 15:18
spatelwhy redeploy.. i would say try to fix.. may be we have a bug15:18
admin1password is fine though ..    if i change the .my.cnf to point to ip directly and not haproxy, it just works15:18
admin1the issue/bug is haproxy is seeing mysql as down when it is not15:19
admin1i think if that is fixed, i am unblocked15:19
spatelwhat hatop saying? 15:19
admin1i use the gui . ( never used hatop ) 15:20
admin1says backend is down 15:21
admin1galera-back DOWN 15:21
spatelGood! what is in allow_list in haproxy ? 15:21
spatelmake sure 9200 is listening on galera nodes -
spatel9200 is check script 15:22
admin19200 is there .. but does not respond to queries from outside 15:24
admin1hmm.. 15:24
spatelcool! now you know what to do15:24
noonedeadpunkit's only answering from specific set of addresses15:24
spatelcheck xinit.d 15:24
noonedeadpunkAs socket has IPAddressAllow15:24
noonedeadpunkspatel: it's not xinit.d anymore15:24
noonedeadpunkit's systemd socket15:24
spateloops!! 15:25
noonedeadpunkAnd allowed list defined here
spatelits just systemd daemon.. but using xinet.d (sorry i misspell earlier) 15:26
noonedeadpunkbut it should be reachable from any galera or haproxy hopst15:26
noonedeadpunknope, xinetd not used at all in Yoga+15:26
spatelonly_from =
admin1let me install tcpdump and see what ip it comes as 15:26
spatelI am checking in wallaby (sorry)15:26
admin1i have multiple ips in the controller in the same range15:26
admin1it only has 1 listed15:26
noonedeadpunk(or even Xena+)15:27
spatelhow does it handle upgrade? are we wiping out config during upgrade process?15:27
noonedeadpunkadmin1: well, you can override galera_monitoring_allowed_source if needed15:27
admin1my controller ip is .11, but .9 is also there .. now tcpdump shows   IP >
admin1so it was coming from a diff ip in the controller15:28
noonedeadpunkspatel: yup.
spatelbravo!! 15:28
admin1why not give it the br-mgmt range as default ? 15:29
admin1if i put there, does also need to exist ? 15:30
admin1will see 15:30
spatelit us br-mgmt to poke 9200 (may be you put your hapoxy vip in different range)15:30
admin1server base IP = ,     VIP = ..    15:31
noonedeadpunkadmin1: that was always like that, like 5+ years15:31
admin1allow was , while tcpdump showed the 9200 connection was from 236.9 15:31
admin1i now did galera_monitoring_allowed_source:
noonedeadpunkwe didn't touch that allowlist when switching from xinet.d to systemd15:31
admin1IPAddressAllow=, but still not work 15:33
admin1had to do a daemon-reload and stop/start manually 15:33
admin1finally galera is UP from haproxy 15:34
admin1i think i can finally run setup-openstack now :) 15:34
admin1thanks guys 15:34
noonedeadpunkhuh, wonder why deamon-reload and restart wasn't performed15:34
noonedeadpunkthat could be proper bug15:35
admin1can we allow br-mgmt range by default there ?  as i am sure most people will have at least base and vip in the controller 15:36
admin1and in my case, controller was listed but requests went via the VIP 15:37
noonedeadpunkadmin1: are not adding VIP as /32 or /24?15:37
admin1no 15:38
admin1adding it as /22 .. same range as br-mgmt15:38
noonedeadpunkwell... it's worth being /3215:38
noonedeadpunkthen you won't have issues like that15:38
noonedeadpunkor well, should not, as VIP won't be used as sourced one, but simply as an alias15:39
admin1right .. 15:40
noonedeadpunkwell, we can set to whole mgmt network as well, but I'm not sure if it's the only place which can be problematic at the end15:47
noonedeadpunkfeel free to propose patch if you feel it's worth fixing15:49
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prometheanfirenoonedeadpunk: from what I can see it's a backtrace but not a crash, when I manually apply the patch to the venv I get no backtrace16:37
prometheanfireand ya, zed16:38
prometheanfirenoonedeadpunk: you are saying that patch also fixes the error?16:39
noonedeadpunkwell, no, I don't know if it fixes your issue, but I know it fixes another bug in case when northd is on the same place as neutron-server16:45
noonedeadpunkas then they both are conflicting for lock dir16:45
noonedeadpunkbut I decided to mention that jsut in case16:46
prometheanfireah, I don't think so, they are in separate containers from what I remember16:46
noonedeadpunkI see that openvswitch2.17-2.17.0-57 is being installed in CI at least16:49
prometheanfireya, that's the package version, is that package version installing the python ovs package in the venv too (that's the code I patched that fixed it)16:51
prometheanfireI imagine that it's ovs from pypi that's used in the venv16:52
prometheanfireheh, fix committed in october or later iirc, last release in may
admin1how is gluster used in these new releases ? 17:05
admin1repo uses gluster now ? 17:06
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admin1one more error .. -- not sure of this one as well 17:18
admin1what would be the correct format for external ceph file 17:23
admin1i think its a bug ..  on how the file is processed 17:30
admin1oh 17:30
admin1my bad 17:30
admin1its = and not : 17:31
noonedeadpunkprometheanfire: that we take from upper constraints :)17:40
noonedeadpunkadmin1: yes, so for repo container we dropped out lsyncd. Now any shared filesystem can be mounted, like nfs, cephfs, s3fs, etc.17:41
noonedeadpunkSo you can pass mountpoint as a variable that will be consumed by systemd_mount role.17:41
noonedeadpunkBy default gluster is being installed, but you can disable that in case already have cephfs or smth at this point17:42
noonedeadpunkprometheanfire: so yeah, for venv we need release of ovs in pypi and then bump of version in u-c17:43
spatelnoonedeadpunk i have question about billing :) you guys using ceilometer + gnocchi correct?17:44
noonedeadpunknah, we're not. I used that before though17:44
noonedeadpunklike... 3 years ago?17:44
spatelcurrently what you guys using for flavor based billing?17:44
spatelconsume notification and pass it to your home brew billing tool?17:45
noonedeadpunkin-house system that just poll APIs17:45
spatelI am looking for just flavor based billing and not sure what tools i should use17:45
spatelceilometer/gnocchi will overkill it17:46
spateli hate cloudkitty.. 17:46
spatelyou too?17:46
noonedeadpunknah, never used it. 17:46
spatelThinking i can just consume mysql table and run some python math to do monthly or per hour billing based on flavor name17:47
noonedeadpunkor well, tried to adopt, but was short in time and then other department wrote a plugin for our billing system that was calculating units based on gnocchi17:47
noonedeadpunkthe main problem is that you need to take into account when it was created / deleted and also resizes17:48
noonedeadpunkas you might have 100 gb volume that was resized to 200 gb 1 min before your script run17:48
noonedeadpunkso should you bill for 200gb or 100 gb....17:49
spatelwe never resize (so i don't care about it) all i care about creation time and just calculate hours based on time17:49
spatelWe have private cloud so billing is just to see numbers and costing.. just to show it to management 17:50
spatelnobody going to pay me :) 17:50
spatelWe compare all 3 cloud and then decide which place we should run our service. 17:50
spatelIf i have billing in my private cloud then i can tell costing etc.. 17:51
noonedeadpunkyeah, I dunno any good ready solution... maybe smth can be done jsut through prometheus and grafana17:51
noonedeadpunkas using openstack exporter you can get flavors 17:53
spatelyou mean prometheus exporter? 17:55
noonedeadpunkyeah.... but not sure tbh....17:55
noonedeadpunkat least I do recal having grafana dashboard from gnocchi that could sum up usage per project17:55
noonedeadpunkso I assume smth can be done with prometheus as well17:56
spatelhmm.. why don't just extract those info from mysql :)17:57
spatelthat info must be somewhere in db 17:57
spatellet me try or start from somewhere.. 17:57
spatelwhat you guys do for BW billing?17:58
admin1for one cluster, i am testing 18:05
admin1considering the amount of hours you have to spend for doing it your own, the price looks OK in that regard 18:05
noonedeadpunkah, yes, I do remember these folks. But they would be quite costy given it's only for internal needs18:28
noonedeadpunkfwiw fleio folks were hanging out here some time ago... But they also relied on ceilometer from what I know (at least were contributing to ceilometer role)18:29
noonedeadpunkthey were not active lately though :)18:30
jrosserspatel: we used this for usage accouting (not billing)
jrosserit consumes events as http from ceilometer and creates db entries you can then query18:54
spateljrosser Thanks, let me check..18:54
spatelhow does it work.. there is no doc in repo :)18:54
jrosserbut like no documentation so you have to read the code18:54
spatelwhy not consumes events directly from rabbitMQ instead of ceilometer? may be some extra metrics there like BW/IOPS etc18:55
jrosseri didnt design it18:55
noonedeadpunkHm, I thought atmosphere now is their whole automation stack....18:56
jrosserthat is also very confusing18:56
jrosseranyway we have a combination of atmosphere, openstack exporter and then prometheus18:56
spatelYes atmosphere is openstack deployment tool using k8s :)18:56
noonedeadpunkit's k8s AND asnible from what I know18:58
spatelvxxhost was using OSA before correct? 18:58
spateli talked to mnaser in Berlin about it.. and he told check it out in github and give it a shot :)18:59
spatelThey create rabbitMQ for each service so no single rabbit cluster for all 19:00
spateleverything is autoheal using k8s 19:00
spatelBut devil in details :) worth give it a try for learning though 19:01
noonedeadpunkI'm suuuuuuper sceptic about auto-heal for everything19:04
spatelYes, it looks fancy but problem start when shit hit the fan :D19:13
noonedeadpunkor well. maybe autoheal (which systemd does anyway out of the box), but totally not auto-scale. 19:13
noonedeadpunkand to auto-heal rabbit - you need to detect it's not healthy first, which is most tricky thing at least for me....19:13
spatelAnyway all openstack services are stateless (they are auto healer itself) 19:14
spatelOnly rabbitMQ and Galera required some love. (I can tell you rabbitMQ is much stable these days, may be they fixed lots of bug)19:14
spatelIf you create dedicated rabbit instance for each service then very less chances that you will run on any issue. 19:16
spatelBiggest issue of rabbit is cluster and queue sync up. 19:16
spatelmay be we should try that in OSA :) option to spin up rabbit for each services :)19:17
noonedeadpunkYou have that option19:18
noonedeadpunkIt's possible and we used that like 3 years ago19:18
spatelOnly nova/neutron use heavey rabbit but not others 19:18
spatelI like that idea to have own rabbit instance for each service 19:18
noonedeadpunkWell, for nova you have cells19:18
noonedeadpunkAnd for neutron - ovn :D19:18
noonedeadpunkYou would need to have either quite powerfull control plane or have more then 3 of them19:19
noonedeadpunkAs many rabbits is quite heavy thing19:19
noonedeadpunkrabbit per service is not very well documented though. It's only mentioned in trove role documentation19:21
noonedeadpunkBut idea is exactly the same.19:21
noonedeadpunkand you can have galera per service as well19:22
spatelGalera is very stable application19:23
spatelI had almost zero issue 19:23
spatelI don't know about you :D19:23
noonedeadpunkyou should have also said it has zero bugs19:24
noonedeadpunkwell, yeah, if it runs - it runs properly19:24
noonedeadpunkuntil shit hits the fan19:24
spatelI don't know what bug you encounter but it works well in my case.. 19:24
spatelMay be you guys doing something which i am not aware. 19:25
noonedeadpunkbroken ist, broken threading and when they've broke root permissions during upgrade because of weird bits19:25
noonedeadpunkthey fix everything but it might be hard to find stable version from time to time19:26
spatelnoonedeadpunk i agreed on that. There was a bug in newer version and uograde was no smoother 19:26
spatelMay be we need noSQL db in future to not worry about it :)19:27
spatelHow do you perform housekeeping on mysql19:27
spatelwe have nova DB size of 150G :D19:27
noonedeadpunkoh, that is smth we need to implement in OSA19:28
noonedeadpunkas nova-manage allows to trib deleted records19:28
spatelI was reading about nova-manage tool to purge but want to learn before i try19:28
noonedeadpunkand I was thinking on making an optional systemd service for that for nova and cinder at least19:28
spateldo you have command handy to do cleanup?19:29
admin1heat always fails =>
spatelare there any outage during cleanup?19:29
noonedeadpunkno-no, it jsut wipes records from DB that are marked as deleted19:30
noonedeadpunkso you first move to shadow, and then can purge from shadow19:30
noonedeadpunkadmin1: that usually means that wheels are not build19:31
spatelnoonedeadpunk tx19:31
admin1how to force rebuild a heat wheel 19:31
spatelvenv_build=true (something like this in ansible command)19:32
noonedeadpunkadmin1: we also backported bugfix for that
noonedeadpunkmaybe not released yet....19:32
admin1right now, i did apt install git and its running again 19:32
jrosserbut that is wrong19:32
noonedeadpunkbut that git binary is used only when it can't find repo container as target for wheels19:33
jrosseradmin1: it is so much more useful to understand why this happens19:33
jrosser"git is missing" -> something is broken in your deploy that means wheels are not built properly19:33
admin1the playbooks finished19:34
admin1i can test heat if its all OK 19:34
admin1or try to build the wheel again19:34
noonedeadpunkadmin1: they were not built at the first place19:34
jrosseri think you're missing the point really19:34
admin1i know :) 19:34
jrossersomething happened during your deploy that made the wheel build for heat not happen or break19:35
jrosserthen you probably tried again and it went further but then failed with "git not found"19:35
noonedeadpunkSo the thing is that in case when role can't find a destination on where to build wheels, it tries to just install into the venv, and needs git for that19:35
noonedeadpunkoh.. well... maybe that as well...19:35
prometheanfirenoonedeadpunk: yep :D19:36
spatelnoonedeadpunk why we don't stop there instead building wheel into venv? 19:37
noonedeadpunkI kind of wonder if instead of we should just define True and deal with consequences...19:37
noonedeadpunkwe are not building wheels at all then19:37
noonedeadpunkwe're just installing packages from pypi independently19:37
spatelI would prefer to no do anything and go back fix stuff instead of find other ways out19:38
noonedeadpunkspatel: it's matter if we jsut fail installation or trying to proceed19:38
jrosserwhen the wheel build fails it should delete the .txt files i think19:38
jrosserthat should make it repeatably try again19:38
noonedeadpunkyep, we have block for that19:38
jrosserso thats why it is interesting that for admin1 this seems not to happen19:39
jrosserbut why find root cause when a hack will do /o\19:39
admin1no no .. i have to deliver this cluster by this evening ..   .. i can create this same env again in dev tomorrow and go into root cause ) 19:39
noonedeadpunkI still think it's matter of `venv_wheel_build_enable` being evaluated to false rather then anything else19:39
noonedeadpunkwhich depends on quite complex logic to be fair19:40
jrossermaybe we should make that a hard failure when there is no build target19:41
jrosserrather than fall back to building in the ven19:41
jrosserand only allow that if `venv_wheel_build_enable` is actually set to `False`19:41
jrosseri think i am also suspicious about stale facts for this whole process19:43
jrosserit relies on having architecture and OS facts available for the repo servers, else it just won't work19:43
jrosserthis should address that though
jrosserthis is also pretty complicated logic
admin1i have checked the cluster using a heat file and it worked fine .. so it was just a matter of apt install git for me for this  one ..should I build the wheels again and try ? or assume it works good 20:11
noonedeadpunkadmin1: it would be great if you could drop the git from container and pasted whole output of python_venv_build20:19
noonedeadpunkand re-run with `-e venv_wheels_rebuild=true -e venv_rebuild=true`20:20
damiandabrowskisorry, i just jumped in for a minute20:20
noonedeadpunkyeah, facts shouldn't be the issue I guess... But I'm not sure what is....20:20
damiandabrowskivenv_build issue reminds me of uwsgi issue we had in november20:21
damiandabrowskiso basically the current logic is: if there's only one container matching distro and architecture, then wheel won't be built on repo container20:22
noonedeadpunkWell. It's same but different I guess..20:22
damiandabrowskiso it's mainly the case for single controller deployment20:22
noonedeadpunkyes, that's true20:22
damiandabrowskiwe tried to fix that for our CI previously:
noonedeadpunkadmin1: how many controllers/repo containers do you have ?:)20:23
damiandabrowskibut i think it would be good te set venv_wheel_build_enable: True in /opt/openstack-ansible/inventory/group_vars/all/all.yml20:24
noonedeadpunkfor some reason I assumed it's multiple controllers :D20:24
noonedeadpunkfwiw 1 vote still needed for
admin11 controller , 1 repo 20:25
noonedeadpunkdamiandabrowski: the thing is, that in CI we see quite serious performance penalty from using venv_wheel_build_enable: True for AIO at least20:25
noonedeadpunkadmin1: then disregard all that20:25
noonedeadpunkit's all good20:26
noonedeadpunkexcept we need to release a new version with heat isntalling git for that specific usecase20:26
spatelQuick question, can i add tags in vm to identify it? 20:29
spatellike customer name as tags so i can query based on tags and list all vms20:29
spatelOh! nova server-tag-add vm1 cust120:33
jrosserdamiandabrowski: where is the "if there's only one container matching distro and architecture, then wheel won't be built on repo container" in the code?20:47
jrosseroh like here
jrosserwhy do we do that?20:49
jrosserhmm right i need to remember that20:51
jrossergoing to make some unexpected outcome when i add a single aarch64 repo node and one aarch64 compute node to my lab20:52
damiandabrowskii guess we thought "if we have only one host, then there's no reason to build wheels" which is probably right as it won't optimize anything20:52
damiandabrowskibut on the other hand, more hosts can be added at any time and repo container is always deployed anyway20:53
damiandabrowskiso at the end it may make sense to always build wheels20:54
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prometheanfirehaving problems creating ports with ovn, is ovn actually ready to be default?22:05
admin1how to tell osa to not treat one host as network host ( so that it does not create network agents again in rerunning the playbooks ) 22:12
admin1so say host h1 was specified as network node before, but not anymore  in the user_config .. how to tell osa to not treat h1 as network node anymore ? 22:12
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible stable/xena: Bump rabbitmq role SHA

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