Thursday, 2023-02-02

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opendevreviewDamian Dąbrowski proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: [DNM] Remove temporary tweaks related to separated haproxy service config
damiandabrowskijrosser: i have another question for today :D do you know if there is a way to avoid running gating for a newly uploaded change?11:26
damiandabrowskii have a change with [DNM] tag, it won't pass gating for sure so it would bo great to save some zuul resources11:26
opendevreviewDamian Dąbrowski proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-haproxy_server master: [DNM] Remove temporary tweaks related to separated haproxy service config
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jrosserdamiandabrowski: the only way you can do that is to comment things out in zuul.d/project.yml13:35
damiandabrowskiahhh smart.. :D thanks!14:14
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ansible-role-python_venv_build master: Allow to set ENV vars for wheels build and venv install
kschreyackHi Everyone.  I'm having a problem running the bootstrap for setting up deployment host.  Seems I can't download a file as noted in this error:17:35
kschreyackfailed: [localhost] (item={'name': '==pacemaker_corosync==', 'scm': 'git', 'src': '', 'version': 'master', 'trackbranch': 'master', 'shallow_since': '2022-06-14'}) => {"ansible_loop_var": "item", "attempts": 2, "changed": false, "cmd": ["/usr/bin/git", "fetch", "--depth", "20", "--force", "origin", "+refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master"], "item": {"name": 17:35
kschreyack"pacemaker_corosync", "scm": "git", "shallow_since": "2022-06-14", "src": "", "trackbranch": "master", "version": "master"}, "msg": "Failed to download remote objects and refs: fatal: error in object: unshallow 46503a2b813b771f39a12a1096349d4373db0332\n"}17:35
kschreyackAny ideas?17:35
jrosserkschreyack: which release are you using there?17:39
kschreyack26.0 I believe17:50
kschreyackfollowing instructions from here:
jrosser26.0 is the tag when we first cut the Z branch so won't contain any subsequent fixes17:57
kschreyackwhich tag should I be using you think?  I can retry setting another..17:58
jrosserin general you should be using the latest tag on the branch of the release you want to deploy17:58
kschreyackchecking the output for that tag now..17:59
jrosseri think that the two latest commits here are what you should be interested in
jrosserone for a CVE in nova/glance/cinder and the other for your exact trouble with git repos17:59
kschreyackhehe good find!18:00
kschreyacksystem is bootstrapped and ready for use.  Thanks jrosser!18:19
jrosserkschreyack: no problem - good luck!18:21
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