Saturday, 2023-02-18

cloudnull^ 01:38
cloudnullfacts fungi, facts 01:38
cloudnullI'm glad to be seen 🙂 01:38
cloudnullI do hope you're doing excellent as well 01:39
*** chkumar|rover is now known as chandankumar04:46
ElnazWhat's the different between Cloudsmith and PackageCloud repositories for RabbitMQ as you have mentioned in the code that "`/etc/ansible/roles/rabbitmq_server/tasks/install_apt.yml`:77:# NOTE(noonedeadpunk): Remove this after Z release" ?09:54 is not available here; What if I use PackageCloud repository? Would be there any conflict?09:57
Elnaz`apt-get -y -o \"Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef\" -o \"Dpkg::...` ---> Since ubuntu 16.04, `apt-get` is just an alias to `apt` itself.18:48
ElnazWhy is it used instead of `apt`?18:49
ElnazWhat does `src: "gpg/{{ }}"` mean in the context of ansible? I'm going to introduce my GPG public key of the local MariaDB repo. But I can't find the right var to override it!20:22
*** moha7 is now known as soltanedare20:36
ElnazBy each run the `galera-install.yml`, the OSA overwrite the file `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/MariaDB.list`, but23:13
Elnazby each run the `rabbitmq-install.yml`, the OSA appends the repo line into the file `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/RabbitMQ.list`!23:14
Elnazrun of*23:15
ElnazIf you change the repo address in variables file, it adds it at the end of `RabbitMQ.list`; In my case led to some conflicts for apt.23:21
Elnaz`TASK [rabbitmq_server : Update Apt cache]`: FAILED23:23
ElnazThe way yo define `_rabbitmq_gpg_keys` is different to `_galera_gpg_keys`! For galera, "file:" means where the key will be settled in containers. But "file:" in rabbitmq context refers to the key on deployment machine: `/etc/ansible/roles/rabbitmq_server/files/gpg/`23:38

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