Friday, 2023-06-09

*** cloudnull8 is now known as cloudnull09:18
*** cloudnull1 is now known as cloudnull10:42
noonedeadpunkanskiy: thanks! next week I will try to talk to nova folks on the summit regarding it, as I assume it might be an issue in their code and it might be more beneficial to fix it there10:51
anskiynoonedeadpunk: I've managed to reproduce it in lxc aio 25.2.0, updated report. 10:53
noonedeadpunkI'd assume you should be able to reproduce that anywhere...10:54
noonedeadpunkin the meanwhile, as a workaround, you can run playbook with `--skip-tags common-service`10:54
anskiyat least, in newer versions Nova continues to work. On production I just commented out `update_password: always` for now :)10:56
anskiy I wonder if running nova-api-os-compute with `nova_wsgi_threads: 16`, `nova_wsgi_processes_max: 1` `nova_wsgi_processes: 1` is safe thing to do10:56
noonedeadpunkanskiy: well ,we can add variable for update_password I guess. As it was added like that just to ensure password is valid, as it wasn't breaking anything at times it was added11:53
noonedeadpunkso that's another option indeed11:54
anskiynoonedeadpunk: this sound a little bit strange to me, as I don't understand reasoning behind always ensuring the password is valid, except if osa supports changing passwords,  I guess...12:49
noonedeadpunkyeah, that's the idea behind that. If you change password in user_secrets, it will get updated with quite minimal downtime, as other backends are disabled in haproxy, and when running with a tag <service>-config it's not that long from password update to service being re-enabled in haproxy12:51
noonedeadpunkthough we can improve that as well...12:52
noonedeadpunk(and document)12:52

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