Wednesday, 2024-05-01

jrosser_o/ hello07:57
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/ansible-role-python_venv_build master: Include REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE in pip task environment
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Update global pins for 2024.1
noonedeadpunkjrosser_: I wonder if same should be done for venv_pip_build_env as well? I guess depends a bit on how isolated env is and if cert for internal pip is trusted...09:50
noonedeadpunkbut need of that is very confusing...09:51
jrosser_possibly - i am having some difficulty to make this testable locally09:51
jrosser_i think its made more difficult becasue you get one overall shell script with gate-check-commit with a session that lives for the lifetime of that script09:58
jrosser_session/shell environment09:58
jrosser_so as soon as you have it fail and go poking around and re-run it, it's not the same context as you had in the first invocation of the script09:59
noonedeadpunkwhat if follow just aio process? would it be same?10:04
noonedeadpunkmeaning,, openstack-ansible setup-everything?10:04
noonedeadpunkas then potentially we can just insert some environment reload or smth like that to gate-check-commit10:05
noonedeadpunkas we actually do that already:
noonedeadpunkright after setup-hosts....10:06
noonedeadpunkand yeah... looking at gate-check-commit, this issue should not happen...10:11
jrosser_looks like some tls jobs are starting to pass on 916792 now11:30
jrosser_not liking that its a guess at a fix rather than actual understanding though11:31
noonedeadpunkyup, it's exteremely confusing11:34
noonedeadpunkas I actually was able to reproduce after gate-check-commit by running just the playbook (though in the same session)11:35
noonedeadpunkbut my expectation was, that ansible should connect to host with a new connection after play end regardless11:35
jrosser_yeah i dont particularly understand the lifetime of the controlpath socket11:36
jrosser_if that is unique per ansible-playbook invocation11:37
noonedeadpunkand again - I'd expect reset_connection to actually reset it...11:47
noonedeadpunkwill try to spawn couple of aios today as well...11:48
nixbuilderQuestion... you guys have created a couple of patches in the last week or so... 917787 and 917192.  How will I know when those patches get 'published' to the main line of code... when I download the code using git?13:28
nixbuilderI know I did not say that very well... but I think you know what I mean.13:28
jrosser_nixbuilder: so you can look at the patches in gerrit, like this
jrosser_the only way they can merge is if the CI tests pass and human reviewers approve the changes, then the CI passes for a second time13:43
jrosser_that will merge the change to the master branch13:43
jrosser_for a bugfix the patch will then (possibly) get cherry picked onto the stable release branches13:44
nixbuilderjrosser_: Thanks for the info!13:44
jrosser_then the process of CI tests, review and 2nd CI test to merge has to happen13:44
jrosser_the change would then merge onto the stable/<release> branch in that repo13:44
jrosser_in order for that to then be "automatically" deployed in a release of openstack-ansible, it would need a further patch to be merged to update this
jrosser_the reason i show all this, is that it can be a long process to get that all complete (for example we have broken OVS/OVN on Rocky Linux becasue of stupid external reasons)13:47
jrosser_and you have many places in openstack-ansible where there is a facility to override the git SHA, the git repo locations etc so that you can take a patch and apply it to your cloud before it is fully merged and released by openstack-ansible13:48
jrosser_did we get rocky working again, before i +2 anything that might be broken?14:45
jrosser_ok looks like it is ok, so we are blocked by the pip tls trouble now14:53
noonedeadpunkyep, rocky is fine14:59
noonedeadpunkI'm thinking that it might be reasonable to merge jsut to unblock gates and try to investigate further15:01
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible master: [doc] Update maintenance state for unmaintained releases
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible master: [doc] Update upgrades statement for compatability matrix
jrosser_noonedeadpunk: i did talk with andrewbonney about it and we both agree that this is likley caused by not starting a new shell session correctly to bring new /etc/environment content in15:20
jrosser_but it is completely unobvious why the meta task doesnt work15:20
jrosser_possibly the only side effect with 917838 is now giving a value to a default which was previously empty - we can add some more complexity to avoid that, but i do wonder if that is worth it15:22
noonedeadpunkrestart sshd in gate_check_commit? :D15:23
jrosser_is anyone else around to review
noonedeadpunkmgariepy: NeilHanlon ?16:29
NeilHanloni can review16:47
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-openstack_hosts master: Ensure codename is lowercased for cloudsig install
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-openstack_hosts stable/2023.2: Ensure codename is lowercased for cloudsig install
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-openstack_hosts stable/2023.1: Ensure codename is lowercased for cloudsig install
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Increase number of threads to 2 for glance in AIO
nixbuilderAm I correct that telemetry modules (ceilometer and gnocchi) are no longer supported in BearCat and beyond?18:49
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ansible-role-python_venv_build master: Include REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE in pip task environment
noonedeadpunknixbuilder: why so?19:23
noonedeadpunkthey should be19:23
nixbuildernoonedeadpunk: I read a posting by someone saying that it is no longer supported... and I can't find the dashboard.  That's why I asked.19:26
noonedeadpunkum dashboard? I don't think they ever were in horizon or anything19:26
noonedeadpunkbut these are still active and maintained projects19:27
noonedeadpunkand were released for 2024.119:27
noonedeadpunkthough Monasca is a bit different. And Panko was also deprecated19:27
noonedeadpunkbut ceilomter/aodh/gnocchi should be fine19:27
nixbuildernoonedeadpunk: Ok... thanks.20:53

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