Friday, 2024-05-24

opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_cinder stable/2023.1: Allow to skip volume type management by role
nixbuilderHas anyone seen an error in cloudkitty where that module insists on finding an endpoint for region=RegionOne (which we do not have).  Installation is Rocky 9.3, Bobcat, 28.2.0. All other modules work just fine with our region name.15:24
jrosser_nixbuilder: can you be clearer about what you mean by “module”?16:57
jrosser_is this an error in the ansible role or in the cloudkitty service, or in the service configuration?16:58
nixbuilderjrosser_: I am not sure... what are all the openstack components (such as neutron, nova, cloudkitty, ceph, etc.) called?17:10
jrosser_ guess i would call them services17:10
nixbuilderjrosser_: Ok... the cloudkitty service... :) Anyway... here is the exact error:
nixbuilderjrosser: Also I have grep'd call the configuration files... dumped the databases... searched everywhere on my deployment server and infra nodes and cannot find one mention or configuration option that specifies a region of 'RegionOne' (other than of course the example configuration files).17:13
jrosser_well, there might be configuration options for the various clients in a service in the config file17:13
jrosser_and those which are unspecified in the config file will have default values17:14
jrosser_so that could be a thing to check, put the service into debug logging and restart it, I think you should get a dump of all the settings as it starts up17:15
nixbuilderjrosser_: Started in debug mode and there is no indication of any settings related to region.17:25
jrosser_nixbuilder: what about this?
jrosser_your stack trace error is "internalURL endpoint for metric service in RegionOne region not found"17:35
jrosser_and in your service catalog is "| DevOps-HSV | gnocchi      | metric          | True    | internal  | "17:35
jrosser_so there is an internal endpoint for the metric service (gnocchi) defined17:36
jrosser_to me it looks like there is a bit of confusion between what is needed for the [fetcher_gnocchi] and [fetcher_keystone] sections here
jrosser_but tbh i don't run cloudkitty to have any actual experience of this17:41
nixbuilderjrosser_: My fetcher settings seem correct... at least OSA seems to have configured it properly
jrosser_are you sure?17:44
jrosser_`auth_section` is not an option listed in the documentation for `[fetcher_gnocchi]`17:45
jrosser_and further than that - `[fetcher_gnocchi] region_name` defaults to `RegionOne` which is exactly the error you see17:46
jrosser_anyway - i just look at the documentation and say what i see :)17:47
jrosser_it could also be that the cloudkitty documentation is incomplete / confusing17:48
nixbuilderjrosser_: Hmmm... well looking at the documentation it seems you are right about it being confusing...17:50
jrosser_nixbuilder: you are completely right about it being broken i think, look at this log from a OSA cloudkitty CI job
jrosser_its exactly the same as what you see over and over again17:52
nixbuilderjrosser_: Yep... ugh... so you are getting the same error :-(17:55
jrosser_it seems so17:56
nixbuilderjrosser_: At least now I don't feel so dumb.17:56
jrosser_i would start by modifying the cloudkitty.conf to be actually like what the docs say17:56
nixbuilderjrosser_: That is what I am looking at now... I'll let you know how it goes.17:56
jrosser_oh doh this is sooo confusing `auth_section` is actually mentioned in `[fetcher_gnocchi]` in the doc17:57
jrosser_but it also says " If keystone is chosen, credentials can be specified in a section pointed at by the auth_section parameter."17:58
jrosser_and unclear if that includes region or not17:59
nixbuilderjrosser_: Well I may have made *some* progress.  I altered the configuration and now I am getting a 503 error... at least not a region error.18:48
nixbuilderjrosser_: I give up... I've just stopped and masked the services.  I was hoping to be able to get usage statistics by domain and project for internal use... can't even use grafana as it seems :'(20:29

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