Wednesday, 2024-06-12

jheikkinHi, I have a question about openstack-ansible. Does it always deploy lxc containers when installing openstack? Is it possible to deploy openstack without using lxc when using openstack-ansible? 06:18
jrosserjheikkin: yes it is possible to deploy entirely without the lxc containers06:21
jheikkinThank you!06:22
jrosserjheikkin: out of interest, which would you find preferable?06:22
jheikkinIn the context of what we are planning now, either podman or systemd-nspawn.06:24
jrosserperhaps good job I asked06:24
jrosserin osa the lxc are analogous to virtual machines, not anything like podman conceptually06:25
jrosserconsider them es extra fully fledged hosts which just happen to use the kernel of the physical host06:26
jrosserif you deploy osa without using lxc (what we call a “metal” deploy) then there is no separation of any of the services from the host, everything runs straight on the host06:28
noonedeadpunkwe actually used to have nspawn, though we sunsetted it due to the limit of interest07:21
noonedeadpunk(and there were some complications with EL iirc as well)07:21
noonedeadpunkthis is smth also worth backporting and merging:
jrossernspwan was also very very difficult to set up the networking on07:42
kleinijrosser, do we have details on why the network setup for nspawn was difficult? I always thought, this is very easy as it is tightly integrated into systemd-networkd07:44
jrosserthere was, iirc, difficulty with having multiple interfaces07:45
kleiniinteresting. I am going to have a look on that07:46
noonedeadpunkfrankly, I never tried it for real... But iirc there was smth fishy around passing physical interfaces inside containers07:47
jrosseri guess you would be able to see by looking in the old ansible roles for this07:47
noonedeadpunklike if you have SR-IOV07:47
jrosserand i can't remember if we also used macvlan with it, which is also not the most striaghtforward07:47
noonedeadpunkbut to be fair - I guess there was just nobody interested enough to maintain/evolve it07:48
kleinioh, didn't have SR-IOV in my mind. that might be tricky. and macvlan is very tricky if host to container connectivity is necessary07:48
* noonedeadpunk uses sr-iov in some envs07:48
jrosserhuh so ansible 2.17 `<> ESTABLISH SSH CONNECTION FOR USER: None`07:49
jrosserthats not going to work07:49
opendevreviewChristian Berendt proposed openstack/ansible-hardening master: Rename internal parameter user_list to hardening_user_list
noonedeadpunkI think I have a bug report for this one actually08:18
noonedeadpunkI think that;s kinda related08:18
noonedeadpunkor may be not...08:20
jrosseri think this is a case for git bisect on ansible08:24
jrosserthey added type annotations recently, thats the only thing i can see obviously different in the ssh plugin08:24
jrosserthis commit breaks it
noonedeadpunkwe should switch default I assume08:45
noonedeadpunknone for us:
jrosserah good catch08:51
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: Update ssh_transfer_method parameter definition to match upstream
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Update ansible to 2.17
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Update ansible to 2.17
noonedeadpunkdamiandabrowski: if around - can you check if makes sense to you?10:25
noonedeadpunkwould be nice to backport that asap as well...10:25
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone stable/2024.1: Define oslo_messaging_rabbit section if either RPC or Notifications are enabled
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron master: Remove handler delegation for DB contract
noonedeadpunkcatched that during 20.04->22.04 upgrade11:50
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone master: Define oslo_messaging_rabbit section if either RPC or Notifications are enabled
jrossermaybe we need to copy the old ceph-nfs role into the plugins repo12:40
noonedeadpunkor whole ceph-ansible to ops...12:42
jrosseri was just testing out ceph-ansible 8.0 again12:42
jrosseras there is 2.17 invalid ansible syntax in stable-7.012:42
noonedeadpunkwell, what strikes me is that they intended to replace it with smth12:42
noonedeadpunkis 8 any better?12:42
noonedeadpunkexcept nfs part12:42
noonedeadpunkand absent clients12:42
noonedeadpunkand ... many more :D12:43
jrosserwell, all that is fixed, up to date linter seems to have been applied12:43
jrossertbh i was hoping to find out if it works by just trying it in AIO12:43
noonedeadpunkfeels worth having another slack round about intentions and where we can help with nfs12:43
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/ansible-role-python_venv_build master: Ignore repo container facts gathering errors
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_cinder master: Start iscsid on cinder-volume hosts using LVM backend
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible stable/2024.1: Grammar and OS corrections

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