Monday, 2024-06-24

door1121I am trying to deploy ovn network driver with flat and vlan configuration support. I have already running cluster with both running, but the current configuration is not clear from the doc, I can map to same device as I am getting 'vlan:br-vlan' not unique' error So How do i configure it . 05:49
door1121My old cluster is running linuxbridge05:50
noonedeadpunkyes, in OVN you can not re-use same bridge like you can in linuxbridge06:51
noonedeadpunkdoor1121: but eventually - do you *really* need to have flat network? as I guess in LXB then your "flat" network was just another vlan?06:53
door1121Well I use flat network for normal vms and vlan segments for kubernetes clusters running on vms, which I attach directly flat network using as floating ip06:56
door1121 this is the flat network definition , was working07:01
door1121linux bridge we used to attach dummy interface with veth peer which is not working with ovn unfortunately07:02
noonedeadpunkSo what we did - is just use VLANs, as flat network for us was just another tag 07:11
noonedeadpunkbut then you need to create a different bridge, say br-physnet or smth for flat network07:11
door1121Hmm thats what i am trying but then again I used to pass my traffic on same interface say bond0 and define routes in l3 switch can i map to same interface think thats not possile right07:21
noonedeadpunkno. not really... so you have flat network as untag on bond0?07:26
door1121noonedeadpunk: No the flat is created as trunk in switch and other vlan segments are allowed08:03
noonedeadpunkbut why you want to have it as flat then?08:15
noonedeadpunkexcept for historical purpuse08:15
noonedeadpunkas if it's a vlan on the same physical interface as vlan network08:15
noonedeadpunkas you don't have to have flat network in your neutron08:15
noonedeadpunkyou can just use a vlan one for public access08:16
noonedeadpunkfor neutron it doesn't matter what network you will mark as shared/external08:16
door1121Well then I have to change the architecture, in that case i believe i can create multiple external networks right?08:21
door1121with different tags08:21
noonedeadpunkyou can do that today anyway08:22
noonedeadpunkas external network is basically what you will set as "external" in Neutron RBAC08:23
noonedeadpunkthat works with LXB as well08:23
noonedeadpunkso any vlan tag can be used for external network connectivity regardless08:23
noonedeadpunk(if you have vlan enabled today, which sounds like you do)08:24
noonedeadpunkbut well, OVN will change architecture in a way regardless, won't it?08:24
door1121Ah yes I have run the playbooks again thats the only issue here will try thanks for the help08:25
door1121Ah yes I have to run the playbooks again thats the only issue here will try thanks for the help08:25
noonedeadpunkbut well, I think having another bridge for flat should work kinda... 08:25
noonedeadpunkhave you seen this doc?
noonedeadpunkbut yeah, it's also using 2 different physical interfaces underneath...08:27
noonedeadpunkbut if you're doing veth pairs, you can likely trick it....08:27
noonedeadpunkthough I still think it's complicated for no reason, if these are still are all tagged vlans...08:28
jrossergood morning08:30
door1121noonedeadpunk: hmm i saw the doc but as you said two different interface i dont have that at the current setup thats the issue08:31
door1121Anyway i will convert flat network to tagged as well i think its better for future. I can use different network segments too, thanks for the advice08:33
jrossernoonedeadpunk: if you or damiandabrowski have time to make a ansible 2.17.1 / ceph-ansible 8.0 AIO - i don't see really what is wrong there yet08:37
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Update pip/wheel/setuptools/uwsgi versions to latest
damiandabrowskijrosser: ok, I'll spin up AIO environment in a moment and try to find out what's going on09:05
jrosserdamiandabrowski: that would be great thanks09:06
jrosserlooks also like some large changes in mariadb 11.410:47
jrosserthe client binary is now `mariadb` rather than `mysql` and the tls setup is somehow different as well10:47
jrosser(on by default right form the start i think)10:47
noonedeadpunkwell `Got the following error when executing the 'mysql' command line client` looks like either bug, or there still should be `mysql` somewhere....10:49
damiandabrowskijrosser: I faced an issue during setup-hosts.yml, did you have it as well? I wonder if it's somehow related the ansible-core==2.17.1:
jrosserdamiandabrowski: do you have this?
jrosserthe dependancies are all here (some merged already i think)
noonedeadpunkwe need to switch to master this
noonedeadpunkalso - ceph-ansible backported and merge ceph-nfs role, so we can revert this:
noonedeadpunkor at least partially11:08
noonedeadpunksorry, this
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Switch to ceph-ansible stable-8.0
jrosserah we didnt merge anything yet there so can just restack the patches a bit11:09
damiandabrowskijrosser: ouh, i wasn't aware of this. It solved my issue, thanks!11:09
noonedeadpunkyeah, just realized that as well :)11:09
noonedeadpunkjrosser: there's a bug report for capi:
noonedeadpunkso if you could check on that - would be very nice13:50
jrosseroh well i have only ever tested this on ubuntu, so quite likley there is some brokenness13:52
damiandabrowskijrosser: I was able to reproduce the issue on my AIO. I didn't find the root cause yet but I'll continue investigation during the evening14:32
opendevreviewBjoern Teipel proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone stable/2023.2: Remove X-Forwarded-Proto header in apache
opendevreviewBjoern Teipel proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone stable/2023.1: Remove X-Forwarded-Proto header in apache
opendevreviewBjoern Teipel proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone unmaintained/zed: Remove X-Forwarded-Proto header in apache
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone stable/2024.1: Remove X-Forwarded-Proto header in apache
damiandabrowskijrosser: I got radosgw working on my AIO after renaming `[client.rgw.aio1.rgw0]` section to `[client.rgw.default.aio1.rgw0]`in ceph.conf22:08
damiandabrowskibut I'm not sure what is the proper name for this section and what exactly has changed in ceph, ceph-ansible or ansible-core22:08
jrosserdamiandabrowski: how did you find that :)22:09
damiandabrowskiI'm not 100% if it's the only change needed because I applied a lot of customizations in my AIO in a meanwhile22:09
damiandabrowskitomorrow I'll try to do the same on a fresh AIO and try to dig deeper22:09
jrosseri could see that they keystone auth config was there just like before but it did not seem to have any effect22:09
jrosserthere is a new thing in ceph-ansible that inserts config with the centralised config store, rather than exclusively the ceph.conf files22:10
jrosseri did wonder if the behaviour inside ceph changes once you start to use that method also22:11
damiandabrowskiI noticed entries for client.rgw.default.aio1.rgw0 there and I noticed that i don't have it in my ceph.conf so I decided to try what happens if I change that22:11
damiandabrowskiand somehow it started working :D 22:11
jrosserah yes i also say that22:11
jrosserbut good catch that it's not matching ceph.conf22:12
damiandabrowskiI'll try to provide more information tomorrow22:13
damiandabrowskinow it's time to get some sleep :D take care!22:13

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